rob_daemon |
05-20-2004 11:46 PM |
INSERT INTO `PREFIX_setting` (`varname`, `grouptitle`, `value`, `defaultvalue`, `optioncode`, `displayorder`, `advanced`, `volatile`) VALUES ('regpmfrom', 'register', '1', '1', '', 140, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO PREFIX_phrase (phraseid, languageid, varname, `text`, phrasetypeid) VALUES (NULL, '0', 'setting_regpmfrom_title', 'User Who Sends Automatic PM Upon Registration', '5000');
INSERT INTO PREFIX_phrase (phraseid, languageid, varname, `text`, phrasetypeid) VALUES (NULL, '0', 'setting_regpmfrom_desc', 'Enter the user ID of the person whose account you\'d like to be used when sending new users a welcome PM upon registering.', '5000');
INSERT INTO `PREFIX_setting` (`varname`, `grouptitle`, `value`, `defaultvalue`, `optioncode`, `displayorder`, `advanced`, `volatile`) VALUES ('regpmtext', 'register', 'Hi $username and welcome to $bbtitle!\r\n\r\nWe appreciate you taking the time to register on our site and we hope you enjoy your stay.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions, you can ask an administrator for assistance.\r\n\r\nWe hope to see you around.\r\n\r\nSincerely,\r\nThe $bbtitle staff', 'Hi $username and welcome to $bbtitle!\r\n\r\nWe appreciate you taking the time to register on our site and we hope you enjoy your stay.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions, you can ask an administrator for assistance.\r\n\r\nWe hope to see you around.\r\n\r\nSincerely,\r\nThe $bbtitle staff', 'textarea', 150, 0, 1);
INSERT INTO PREFIX_phrase (phraseid, languageid, varname, `text`, phrasetypeid) VALUES (NULL, '0', 'setting_regpmtext_title', 'Welcome PM Text', '5000');
INSERT INTO PREFIX_phrase (phraseid, languageid, varname, `text`, phrasetypeid) VALUES (NULL, '0', 'setting_regpmtext_desc', 'Set the text of the PM sent to all new users.<br />\r<br />\rNote: You can use the following variables to specify the <b>user\'s</b> information: $username, $userid, $email. And you can use the $bbtitle to specify the board\'s name.', '5000');
INSERT INTO `PREFIX_setting` (`varname`, `grouptitle`, `value`, `defaultvalue`, `optioncode`, `displayorder`, `advanced`, `volatile`) VALUES ('regpmtitle', 'register', 'Welcome to $bbtitle!', 'Welcome to $bbtitle!', '', 160, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO PREFIX_phrase (phraseid, languageid, varname, `text`, phrasetypeid) VALUES (NULL, '0', 'setting_regpmtitle_title', 'Title Of the PM That is Automatically Sent to New Users', '5000');
INSERT INTO PREFIX_phrase (phraseid, languageid, varname, `text`, phrasetypeid) VALUES (NULL, '0', 'setting_regpmtitle_desc', 'Set the title of the PM that is sent to all new users automatically. You can use the same variables as the ones that you can use for the PM text (see above).', '5000');
Just replace all instances of 'PREFIX' with your database prefix.