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Mapo 03-08-2011 07:13 AM

I am trying to register in your site to purchase vBET, but the image verification is not working.

kamilkurczak 03-17-2011 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by BOSS 302 (Post 2170160)
So if I install this will it automatically translate my forum for users/guests from other countries like france? Or do they have to select the option some where first? If so where?

User can change a translation. Already free version on vBET support 52 languages.
vBET translate all languages to all languages.

kamilkurczak 03-17-2011 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Mapo (Post 2170829)
I am trying to register in your site to purchase vBET, but the image verification is not working.

tested. image verification is working good.

kamilkurczak 05-01-2011 07:32 AM


I would like to invite you to join to vBET main forum to make posts in subforum for vBET free version.
url: http://www.vbenterprisetranslator.com/forum/free-version-vbet2-3-x/


NLP-er 06-16-2011 04:18 PM

Hello :)

Great news: vBET Pro supports other translations API! You do not have to worry anymore that Google will close it's API or make it paid.

For all details please see here:

Manoel J?nior 06-16-2011 11:24 PM

No more updates for version 3.8?

NLP-er 06-17-2011 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid (Post 2134248)
Ive run this mod since it started, yes it does bring traffic but it kills servers and has many other bugs, deformed pages, broken links to name a few. Just look at Google and Bing caches of your pages and in webmaster tools, many, many errors.

Until you sort the code out and the vbseo integration the rest of the vB community will continue to laugh at you. Seriously, im not being a +++++, i really like this product but you do not beta testing, have no bug testing, release bad code and it is slow as hell. Also making VBET users edit VBSEO files is a joke, and very unprofessional. VBSEO is an excellent product and you are undermining them.

Here is my server load after uninstalling VBET, the changes are dramatic. The server is a 32 core AMD with 8gigabytes of RAM and 4 SCSI 15k drives in RAID 10, a real powerhouse.

The only thing I have done is uninstall VBET completely, not just disable in vB admincp, as this still leaves the product installed due to all the custom file edits.


And here is Google webmaster tools reports for user page speed (data is delayed, still dropping) and crawler page speed, the results are dramatic. We're talking a up to a 10th of what it was, so 10 seconds load times down to 2! 700ms page crawl times down to 75ms.



So all you people like me whom like extra traffic, make sure you getting that and not trading foreign language traffic and upsetting off all your native speakers in the process with bad load times and deformed pages, broken links and also annoying Google and getting less native traffic than before installing. Seriously, I cannot emphasize how much this mod hurts your site.

Take note VBET, sort you code out you are doing nothing but harming vBulletin users and making money from it!

And now answer from vBET owner: The guy which made this thread - Dave Hybrid is lying. He refused vBET support. He claims that he got 10 seconds page loading, but when we him asked to give at least one link to such page he refused.

The guy - Dave Hybrid - is cheater ant thief (it is true - I have proofs for that - see below). He was making other translation mod and I (Michał Podbielski) was cooperating with him. For this cooperation all donations which came to the mod suppose to be mine. After he closed the mod it appears that he was stealing because he didn't gave me any donation which he got for the mod. He is angry, because I made my own mod and after this he tried to reopen his own, what was total failure for him. That is how I became competition for him and why he is angry and writes lies. He was also cheating people on vbulletin.org that he was author of the mod, but he wasn't - he has no idea about programming.

What he is doing now is simply hate campaign - just Google some of his text from this thread and you will see that he spammed this post everywhere he could. Hate campaign made by thief, cheater and layer, and as we see also spammer. Hate campaign made because he failed with his own translation mod. See here for proofs:
- Translation mod which Dave was making with me - you can see there that I?m writing true
- Translation mod which he started after I created my own mod - his total failure, but check what he wrote there about translation mod. I will quote it here in case he remove it immediately from vbulletin.org:

Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid
Below is a graph showing visits from search engines to new generated translated pages ONLY over a 4 month period straight after MOD install.

Yes, that's right, 9000 EXTRA visits per day, and growing. Nearly 3/4 of a MILLION uniques EXTRA in total.


That is what he was writing about his crappy translation mod which is much worst than vBET. And this is the true about what vBSEO team wrote on their forum: seeing is believing - now you see that he is able to create any graph he wants and write anything just to get his goal. On my free version plugin page he even wrote that he would write anything just to get one more mod download (moderators of vbulletin.ogr forum removed this post). And now this layer is doing the same - just for other reason: he is writhing anything just to make vBET loose at least one customer.
For those who are seeking the truth - this is his original image he put for his mod. You can see filter hl= what was language parameter in his mod.

His words and graphs are worth nothing. By the way - in my mod thread he was writing that he was laying before also to scare my users. He wrote first that it is not true that translation are good, and when we quoted him, then he wrote that he was lying on his mod page - really great way - Dave just wrote that he was layer before, to make people believe him now?

vBSEO team on their forum gladly puts link to this thread copy everywhere they can (as I wrote Dave spammed everywhere ? on vBSEO forum also) without care is it true or not and easily they forget that they argue with Dave about his translation mod (please see here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=686 and here: http://www.vbseo.com/f4/support-mult...nguages-35168/)... Why?... Because it is convenient to vBSEO that someone is against vBET, even when they can check themselves that the author is not reliable they thanks him for this note ("Thanks again for taking the time of posting this, we really appreciate it.").
This is vBSEO copy of this thread: http://www.vbseo.com/f2/take-note-al...ate-mod-47071/ Honestly I doubt is it really free thread and my opinion from the other side will stay there. Hope this is real discussion on vBSEO forum and I have right to defend against obvious scam. Great that Dave spammed this thread in many places - I will have the chance to defend even if vBSEO removes this post. So I?m doing it also here. If anyone is curious does my answer (same as here) was removed by vBSEO team, he can check himself ? here is link to my answer on vBSEO forum: http://www.vbseo.com/f2/take-note-al...tml#post313234

And here some additional opinions from vBSEO forum:

Originally Posted by gotlinks (Post 303478)
I have yet to even get it to work to even make that decision. People sometimes post out of anger, or whatever is on their mind at the time. I have read the link that you have
posted, and since I do not know the full background or story, then I can not say for sure,
his post was back in 2010, was he using the free version or the paid version? Did he
discuss his problems with vbet to resolve his issue, or did he just post his issue to make
them look bad? or maybe vbet did fix this issue, and he posted this anyway... as if he had
went to vbet with this, then they could have fixed any issues, it does not sound like vbet
from what I have been reading to ignore their problems. It so happens at this point that
I have read more good then bad...I do not think their free version is all that great, but it
does sound like their paid version is has really been improved since last year. VBSEO is no
different i guess, you will find 20 people that will say it is great, then you will run across 2
that say it sucks...but since I have not gotten it to work yet, then I can not
really make that determination for myself...

I also find this funny. I used a backlink service a few days ago...well after I got my report,
well, they sucked, and I told them this, they gave me a refund, and even after they gave
me a refund, I still made a post on how bad their service was, so even though they
may improve their service at this point, it will not really matter if someone sees my comments.

Do we really know the entire story or is this just another one sided story?
we always here the one sided story, what is vBets response on this? or
does anyone care, and we take the word of the poster as gold?

http://www.vbseo.com/f2/huge-increas...t-vbseo-43343/ (he wrote good things about vBET, so vBSEO team closed this thread to cut discussion...):

Huge increase in traffic from vBet (with vbSEO)
I'll admit I was skeptical at first a couple months of the vBet plugin. I kind of just held back and waited for awhile to see & hear results from other legitimate members on their forums and even vbulletin.org.

Also, i'm not one of those guys that just jump into things out of excitement either... I analyzed the plugin and waited for months to hear other peoples stories / opinions. And see their results as well.

I finally went for it about a week ago. (paid version) And already , just under a week i'm already getting a ton of traffic from the /de/ , /fr/ , /ru/ , languages...and it seems to be increasing by the day into more languages.

I'm not going to post the link here as i'm not sure of vbSEO's stance on the plugin, but you can google vBet to see what I mean.

The 'good stories' section of their forums keeps showing more and more good stories by the day it seems. He's even hiring more people now because of the popularity of the plugin.

I think it would be great if vbSEO & vBet work together because the results are definitely there.

And i'm a paid & proud member of both plugins / services.

I've got no connection to either companies. Just think its a great plugin along with vbSEO. Infact, I think people would be dumb to not have vbSEO installed as well.

Originally Posted by tavenger5 (Post 298733)
I ran some numbers for last year and because of VBET non-english speaking traffic was up 67% from last year, while overall hits were up 19%.

Is the extra server load worth it to me? yes. Did I expect server load to go up when duplicating my content 12 times? (I didn't enable all 52 languages) yes. Was there a negative impact on traffic to regular pages? No, it's gone up as well.

So to each their own. The mod has proven to be useful for me.

And much more here:

NLP-er 06-17-2011 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by Manoel J?nior (Post 2208751)
No more updates for version 3.8?

There will be :) We will wait little to check does any issues appears with changed functionality and then add it into 3.x version :)

NLP-er 06-17-2011 12:01 PM

For all our users. Please to not believe vBSEO team. They are hypocrites and working against vBET just for rule. They use their forum for campaign against vBET with lies. To those who didn’t read – you can check first this post: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....postcount=1347

The same scam Dave Hybrid wrote on vBSEO forum (http://www.vbseo.com/f2/take-note-al...ate-mod-47071/) on 15th December 2010 year. And vBSEO team use those lies as their propaganda against vBET - in every post they wrote to people to not use vBET they put link to this fake thread. And when I replied today (same reply as I gave you here in first link - you can check does it still exist on vBSEO forum: http://www.vbseo.com/f2/take-note-al...tml#post313234). So when I replied today they immediately closed thread responding:

Originally Posted by Brian Cummiskey
Please take up any issues elsewhere as this is not the place for it. vbseo.com is for discussing vbseo ONLY. This is directed for all involved. Any issues with other mods should be addressed at the mod's site.

Thank you.

This is who are you dealing on vBSEO forum. This is their truth about vBET. For half year they used lies against vBET. They send thanks to Dave for this post:

Originally Posted by Andr?s Dur?n Hewitt
Thanks again for taking the time of posting this, we really appreciate it.

They send thanks him for his lies, they promote this thread in many other threads and the very moment when I as owner defend myself they closed thread telling that vbseo.com is for discussing vbseo ONLY
Don’t you wonder why this thread was open for half year if vbseo.com is for discussing vbseo ONLY?...
So that how it is - vBET is great for your SEO and your traffic and gives lot of advantages to your forum. vBSEO has no arguments against vBET, so first they use others lies and suddenly they remember that this is forum only about vBSEO. Great LOL. Also when someone is asking vBSEO team why they to not advise vBET they always repeat that it was already discussed and going do discussion from years.

The truth is: vBET is completely different product now with lot of new features. Especially in PRO version which even translates links. YEARS AGO we used all vBSEO team arguments to improve vBET and now it is great for your forum and your SEO :)

adwade 07-15-2011 02:26 PM

Above (free version) states:
Detailed features:
- Translation to 52 languages (53 in PRO version)
- Supported different translation providers: Google Translation API, Microsoft Translation API and easy to add more - PRO version only (here only Google supported)
Does that mean as of 1st December 2011 this (free) mod will cease to function any longer?

Also, in this post you state:
List of PRO features:
* Translates forum to 53 languages + ready for 5 more (free version only supports 52 languages)
* Supported different translation providers: Google Translation API, Microsoft Translation API and easy to add more (vBET4.x only - 3.x supports Google now - more will be in next (PRO) release)
What is the target date for the next vB 3x PRO release that will incorporate other API's besides just Google?

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