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Benj 11-03-2005 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
I'm not sure that I really like the look yet, but perhaps you can try this variant on the link_listbit template and let me know if that's what you are wanting to achieve. Bear in mind that with the links collapsed by default, you are relying on your users enabling javascript.

i like this template its cool :D

Lovin this product man......

any idea about puttin so called template conditionals in this template to show if any paticualar download has moved up or down the chart. sorry im kinda drunk.

the idea i have is to show like an upward (or downwards) image showin if the paticualar download has moved up or down the hits list regarding its previous position.

for example if download a had 19 hits and b had 17 on day 1
and then
on day to a had 19 and b had 21 then b would have an upward image next to it showing it had gained a place in the hits list

hopes this is reomotly clear as i said im kinda drunk

if its not possible or requires lots more "hard" sql then dw just a drunken idea



AndrewD 11-03-2005 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by robihot
Hmmm... My location is Switzerland. But can it be that within VB (as Thumbs if attched to a post) it's working but not in DLM?

I assume, VB is also using GD2 to create the Thumbnail. And the GIF is realy a normal GIF.

VB uses the same library but not the same function. As a first guess, lets assume the problem is inside LDM. As I suggested, email me one of your gifs and I'll try to track down the problem.

EasyTarget 11-03-2005 05:46 AM

how do I use/integrate that xml you made? (sorry I'm a noob)

AndrewD 11-03-2005 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by EasyTarget
how do I use/integrate that xml you made? (sorry I'm a noob)

The xml is a single template, a replacement for the link_listbit template. Just use VB admincp to update the template with these new contents. You can always 'revert' it again later

robihot 11-03-2005 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
VB uses the same library but not the same function. As a first guess, lets assume the problem is inside LDM. As I suggested, email me one of your gifs and I'll try to track down the problem.

Hello Edward,
I emailed you an example of the GIF I tried to resize.
PS: The URL is fine, I can see it in the HTML page (of course, otherwise the PNG/JPG would be displayed :nervous: )

Thanks and regards, Robi

NuclioN 11-03-2005 10:13 AM

Great hack but i'm confused with the upload permissions. When my upload dir is forum/uploads how must i specify the *local_file_root* and
*local_file_root_prefix* and further in the settings: upload_dir ?

Also i wonder how you can add an image beside the added link. Tnx in advance.

AndrewD 11-03-2005 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by NuclioN
Great hack but i'm confused with the upload permissions. When my upload dir is forum/uploads how must i specify the *local_file_root* and
*local_file_root_prefix* and further in the settings: upload_dir ?

local_file_root: indicates whether files are located in terms of their position on your web site ('web space') or the raw server ('server space')
local_file_root_prefix: force files to be in a particular part of 'web space' or 'server space'
upload_dir: the specific directory in which the uploads are stored, relative to the constraints imposed by the above

Example 1: your upload directory, uploads, is a top-level directory in http://yoursite, ie all uploads will be stored inside http://yoursite/uploads -> set local_file_root to 0, leave local_file_root_prefix blank and set upload_dir to /uploads

Example 2: your upload directory, uploads, is to be kept outside your website so that curious users can't get at it. You want it to be a subdirectory of /data on the the computer which is acting as server. All local documents that you will 'serve' to your user community will also be held in subdirectories of /data: set local_file_root to 1, set local_file_root_profix to /data and set upload_dir to /uploads


Originally Posted by NuclioN
Also i wonder how you can add an image beside the added link. Tnx in advance.

Two ways: Either use standard BBcodes [img] within the descriptions or title. Or set link_image_size to a non-zero value, in which case the link entry form will extend to include an additional item, which is the image to accompany the entry. In the second case, your web server must have the GD2 library available.

NuclioN 11-03-2005 12:17 PM

Followed your suggestions but i can't upload anything. Also i can't upload a link icon, not by direct upload and not with an url to an image. :(

AndrewD 11-03-2005 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by NuclioN
Followed your suggestions but i can't upload anything. Also i can't upload a link icon, not by direct upload and not with an url to an image. :(

Is your web site available to the public - if so, the easiest way to help is if you send me a PM with an admin userid and password and the site's url, so that I can take a look

NuclioN 11-03-2005 12:39 PM

That's ok, check PM. I also see database errors linked to 'image.pm' but this maybe something else

Benj 11-03-2005 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by benj
i like this template its cool :D

Lovin this product man......

any idea about puttin so called template conditionals in this template to show if any paticualar download has moved up or down the chart. sorry im kinda drunk.

the idea i have is to show like an upward (or downwards) image showin if the paticualar download has moved up or down the hits list regarding its previous position.

for example if download a had 19 hits and b had 17 on day 1
and then
on day to a had 19 and b had 21 then b would have an upward image next to it showing it had gained a place in the hits list

hopes this is reomotly clear as i said im kinda drunk

if its not possible or requires lots more "hard" sql then dw just a drunken idea



any thoughts on my drunked thoughts andrew :P

cheers :P

AndrewD 11-03-2005 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by benj
any thoughts on my drunked thoughts andrew :P

cheers :P

Yeah, Benj, I've got a full time job of work to do - hang in there man...

Benj 11-03-2005 02:15 PM

hahaha ok sorry im an student with to much time on my hands :P all good dw thought you missed it thats all

AndrewD 11-03-2005 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by NuclioN
That's ok, check PM. I also see database errors linked to 'image.pm' but this maybe something else

OK, take a look at your World of Art. I've added images to all your links - three as image urls, one as an upload. I've also uploaded a pdf document.

In order to make things work like this, I had to make two changes to your configuration:

a) change the linkbit - that table linkbit does not show images
b) change your VB attachment size limit for pdfs - it was limited to 20K bytes

I hope everything is self-explanatory


NuclioN 11-03-2005 02:26 PM

Woow big tnx AndrewD :) Great job.

EasyTarget 11-03-2005 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
The xml is a single template, a replacement for the link_listbit template. Just use VB admincp to update the template with these new contents. You can always 'revert' it again later

thanks, tested it out and that's pretty cool, I wish that ability to hide and show was in a lot of other places in the forum :p

but what I'm actually trying to explain is that when someone is on the link_listbit page when they click on what is now the download/follow link part of it that instead of going to the site or downloading the file it would go to another page in the the LDM which has more information about the file, possibly more pictures, instructions, etc. And on that page is where they can follow a link to download the file/visit the site.

Basically for links I like the way it is now. I can show a small thumbnail and short description then they can click on the link to visit the site and find out more. But for files I'd like it so that when they click on the link they go to a page where I can explain more about the file and offer any support there. This would keep the link_listbit page nice and organized/uncluttered and still allow me to go into more detail about the file.

sorry if I don't make any sense.. I have a hard time explaining what's in my head sometimes :p

AndrewD 11-03-2005 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by EasyTarget
thanks, tested it out and that's pretty cool, I wish that ability to hide and show was in a lot of other places in the forum :p

but what I'm actually trying to explain is that when someone is on the link_listbit page when they click on what is now the download/follow link part of it that instead of going to the site or downloading the file it would go to another page in the the LDM which has more information about the file, possibly more pictures, instructions, etc. And on that page is where they can follow a link to download the file/visit the site.

Basically for links I like the way it is now. I can show a small thumbnail and short description then they can click on the link to visit the site and find out more. But for files I'd like it so that when they click on the link they go to a page where I can explain more about the file and offer any support there. This would keep the link_listbit page nice and organized/uncluttered and still allow me to go into more detail about the file.

sorry if I don't make any sense.. I have a hard time explaining what's in my head sometimes :p

I think I understand. You're really looking for being able to attach a whole load more 'meta' information about the file. I did this a simple way with categories - you can have the brief and the extended link. I'd prefer not to add an 'ad hoc' solution to this - let me think about the problem for a while, because there's something general to sort out - for example, if the file was an mp3, then you'd like it to read the ID3 tags, if its a picture, maybe the EXIF data, if its a Word document or a pdf, then the document properties, and so on.

EasyTarget 11-03-2005 04:20 PM

I'm just looking to be able to choose whether they can download the file or visit the link straight from the link_listbit template or whether the entries on the link_listbit would link the user to another page in the LDM with more information about the file.

-->live link + brief description/thumbnail
-->live link + brief description/thumbnail
-->live link + brief description/thumbnail
-->brief description/thumbnail
--->extensive description/thumbnails + live download link
-->brief description/thumbnail
--->extensive description/thumbnails + live download link

AndrewD 11-03-2005 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by EasyTarget
I'm just looking to be able to choose whether they can download the file or visit the link straight from the link_listbit template or whether the entries on the link_listbit would link the user to another page in the LDM with more information about the file.

Yes, I understand that - but can you already enter the 'more information' that will appear on another page, or is it something more extended? In other words, are you happy with a main display which does not give all the text, image, etc, that is currently entered - just the title? I'm sorry if I'm missing the point.

EasyTarget 11-03-2005 04:33 PM

ok, sorry, edited my post above.

yes, I can enter all the information I want into the link_listbit setup now, but then the page looks really unorganized because there's no consistency (some have brief descriptions and some have long ones).

here's an example of what I mean using another downloads script (it doesn't have the other features, but is just an example of a template list that links to a file description/download link instead of right to the file).

that's like the link_listbit template but if you click on a file name it doesn't start the download, it goes to a page with more info about the file.

DJ XtAzY 11-03-2005 09:36 PM

hey how do i allow someone to submits a link without extension, like url's rapidshare downloads... i have limited space on my server and have all my users to use rapidshare to store like psd or huge graphic files. I want to allow those type of links but the extension is only limited to the one configured in the admin area.

AndrewD 11-04-2005 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by XtAzY
hey how do i allow someone to submits a link without extension, like url's rapidshare downloads... i have limited space on my server and have all my users to use rapidshare to store like psd or huge graphic files. I want to allow those type of links but the extension is only limited to the one configured in the admin area.

Currently, this is not handled in LDM. It requires another setting on the admin page. I will add this to the list of things to do.

hugo 11-05-2005 10:11 PM

Excelent extension, this is exactly what i was looking for.

Just one request:

Has anyone translate this excelent extension into spansih language?

Thank you in advanced for your help.

Greeting from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

*Clicks Install

TundraSoul 11-06-2005 02:37 AM

Looks good, no problems here.

Here's a suggestion. Can you change the When submitted date format to read mm/dd/yyyy instead of dd/mm/yyyy or just use whatever date format vB is using so everyone will be happy.


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Here is the second beta for 2.0.7. It fixes/adds the main points discussed in the last two days.

I hope there are no serious bugs - I'm going away this weekend and will be pretty busy for three weeks.

DJ XtAzY 11-06-2005 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Currently, this is not handled in LDM. It requires another setting on the admin page. I will add this to the list of things to do.

woot thanks XD

AndrewD 11-06-2005 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by hugo
Has anyone translate this excelent extension into spansih language?

Not as far as I know! - Would you like to volunteer? :tired:


Originally Posted by hugo
Greeting from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

And from Paris, France

AndrewD 11-06-2005 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by TundraSoul
Can you change the When submitted date format to read mm/dd/yyyy instead of dd/mm/yyyy or just use whatever date format vB is using so everyone will be happy.

Everyone will never be happy! You foreigners - you keep wanting to change the world... Months before days, next thing, tea will be made from little paper bags.

*Edited* - I assume that you want the entry box for 'When Submitted' to follow the site's settings - the dates listed in the linkbits already do.

hugo 11-06-2005 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Not as far as I know! - Would you like to volunteer? :tired:

I will try to do it, but i?m newbie with vB, and a little slow... :ermm:

I don?t promess anything.. :nervous:

AndrewD 11-06-2005 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by hugo
I will try to do it, but i?m newbie with vB, and a little slow... :ermm:

I don?t promess anything.. :nervous:

A start is always helpful - perhaps there are others around who can assist? - here is the English phrase set for the *final* 2.0.7 release (not yet loaded).

AndrewD 11-06-2005 05:23 AM

The entry post in this thread now contains the release candidate version of LDM 2.0.7.

Main changes since the second beta:

+ Category selector included within main displays
+ Searches default to looking for the string as entered (rather than the individual keywords)
+ Admin can restrict upload filetypes beyond the list given in the VB attachment table
+ New linkbit template included, enabling two-stage viewing of links
= bugs fixed
> Import uses current datestamp (rather than 1/1/1970!)
> Linkbits have anchors so that link edits/inserts return user to the right place on the screen
> Various security checks added for uploaded images
> Data entry for 'When Submitted' reflects site's date/time settings

When I return from a rather long business trip, 2.0.7 will become the official release, provided no serious bugs have been found. *No further changes in functionality will be made in 2.0.7* - anything else will now wait until the next revision. Reports welcome, as always. Thanks for all the feedback.

AndrewD 11-06-2005 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by XtAzY
woot thanks XD

Included in 2.0.7RC

AndrewD 11-06-2005 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by TundraSoul
Looks good, no problems here.

Here's a suggestion. Can you change the When submitted date format to read mm/dd/yyyy instead of dd/mm/yyyy or just use whatever date format vB is using so everyone will be happy.

Included in 2.0.7RC

AndrewD 11-06-2005 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by EasyTarget
I'm just looking to be able to choose whether they can download the file or visit the link straight from the link_listbit template or whether the entries on the link_listbit would link the user to another page in the LDM with more information about the file.

-->live link + brief description/thumbnail
-->live link + brief description/thumbnail
-->live link + brief description/thumbnail
-->brief description/thumbnail
--->extensive description/thumbnails + live download link
-->brief description/thumbnail
--->extensive description/thumbnails + live download link

Included in 2.0.7RC - use the link_linkbit_short template option on the admin page

COBRAws 11-06-2005 11:24 AM

Im moved from ecDownloads to LDM, seems better and you give support.

In exchange I could also help with spanish translation for 2.0.7. Ill start ASAP.


EasyTarget 11-06-2005 02:29 PM

Thanks Andrew and good luck on the trip.

Originally Posted by COBRAws
Im moved from ecDownloads to LDM, seems better and you give support.

same here. This hack is awesome and so is the person that's making it.

EasyTarget 11-06-2005 03:40 PM

after upgrading it no longer shows the thumbnails, it says "Can't load" and the image location. I used both jpg and gif images and they were working in the old version. If I embed it as a [ img] in the description I can get it there, but not in the thumbnail section. This is for remote images from another site. If I copy the image to my site then link from there it works fine. this is all using cURL as allow_url_fopen is off.

also on the edit/add link page (local_links.php?action=editlink&linkid=11&catid=5 &page=1) I get this message

Warning: implode(): Bad arguments. in /includes/local_links_include.php on line 867
also using the linkbit short template with the thumbnail problem I lose the ability to edit the link and for entries with thumbnails, if you click on the thumbnail it goes right to the download instead of the extended description.

(sorry I was in a hurry and didn't have time to test everything, but when I get back I go through it some more)

Benj 11-06-2005 09:23 PM

hey andrew just wondering is there a way in the links_linkbit template to show which place a download/link appears on a list? so when looking at say hits in 24 hours the top downloaded link (at top of list) has 1 next to it followed underneath by 2 3 4 etc

TundraSoul 11-06-2005 10:20 PM

Thanks Andrew!


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Included in 2.0.7RC

AndrewD 11-06-2005 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by EasyTarget
after upgrading it no longer shows the thumbnails, it says "Can't load" and the image location. I used both jpg and gif images and they were working in the old version. If I embed it as a [ img] in the description I can get it there, but not in the thumbnail section. This is for remote images from another site. If I copy the image to my site then link from there it works fine. this is all using cURL as allow_url_fopen is off.

also on the edit/add link page (local_links.php?action=editlink&linkid=11&catid=5 &page=1) I get this message

also using the linkbit short template with the thumbnail problem I lose the ability to edit the link and for entries with thumbnails, if you click on the thumbnail it goes right to the download instead of the extended description.

(sorry I was in a hurry and didn't have time to test everything, but when I get back I go through it some more)

I should know better than to change things that were working!

These are straightforward mistakes, introduced when I tried to do something else. I'm too tired to think straight at the moment, but after a night's sleep, I'll test and upload the fixes.

AndrewD 11-07-2005 08:42 AM

I've re-uploaded 2.0.7RC to fix some problems reported by EasyRider. If you've upgraded to the first 2.0.7RC, please re-install with the new code.

Bugs fixed are concerned with thumbnail images, links from the new short template and validation of uploads.

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