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-   -   Paypal Donations for vBulletin 3.0.7 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=82978)

Hades-1 08-06-2005 09:52 PM

i dont even know if this works on my site yet, i didnt get that far, my problem is that when i add the module to a page it makes the rest of the modules appear after the footer of the page.....?

thugginRipsta 08-07-2005 06:09 AM

umm u cant add the module "to a page"....only to cmps..or nothing! try reverting the cmps templates and redo the template installs

twitch 08-07-2005 08:55 PM

what would be a good reason as to why the donators don't show up in the list of donators? The donations go through and the goal is updated along with the graph but no username in the donate list on the donators page...
They show up in the admin area :/

twitch 08-08-2005 09:10 PM

Alright, I did the Uninstall portion but I still have the links in the admin area that I would like to get rid of but I forgot what edits were made to what files and I don't have the files backed up from before editing...

Can anyone help me out?

twitch 08-09-2005 04:36 AM

nevermind, got it

DigitalDevil 08-10-2005 12:59 PM

Sorry I've not read the full thread but having to scroll past the same top part every time was doing my head in.

I currently run a gaming clan website (www.digitaldevilclan.com) and would like to be able to receive donations from my members to help keep the website afloat.
This looks like it could be the solution to my problem but! Do I have to be PayPal verified in order for this to work? I cant become verified because I'm not a company and cant fill in the company details section that it asks you to fill (and for some reason paypal refuse to send my gaming clan email address an email, the email acts as a forwarder so not sure if paypal allow this).

Lastly, how hard is this to install? I've tried installing mods in the past on phpBB forums and every single time I've had problems, I really dont want to encounter problems here if possible (especially since money could be involved)

Digi Dev

Prodimysterio 08-10-2005 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by DigitalDevil
Sorry I've not read the full thread but having to scroll past the same top part every time was doing my head in.

I currently run a gaming clan website (www.digitaldevilclan.com) and would like to be able to receive donations from my members to help keep the website afloat.
This looks like it could be the solution to my problem but! Do I have to be PayPal verified in order for this to work? I cant become verified because I'm not a company and cant fill in the company details section that it asks you to fill (and for some reason paypal refuse to send my gaming clan email address an email, the email acts as a forwarder so not sure if paypal allow this).

Lastly, how hard is this to install? I've tried installing mods in the past on phpBB forums and every single time I've had problems, I really dont want to encounter problems here if possible (especially since money could be involved)

Digi Dev

Hey Digi,

As far as I know, you must be PayPal verified in order to get this to work. I installed it on my website about a week ago and everything went just fine with the exception of some broken links that I cannot seem to fix. Just a fair warning, support for this is most likely going to be minimal. I have sent an e-mail to the creator of this great modification, but have not received a response. I also made a post here about the trouble that I was having, but I never received any feedback on that either. I would say that if you already have multiple modifications in place on your site, you would be more likely to run into trouble versus a basic, non-modified vbulletin forum. Of course, it really depends from site to site, as it installed on my site just fine and I already had several modifications in place.

Now, if only I could get rid of the nagging broken links problem...

DigitalDevil 08-10-2005 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Prodimysterio
Hey Digi,

As far as I know, you must be PayPal verified in order to get this to work. I installed it on my website about a week ago and everything went just fine with the exception of some broken links that I cannot seem to fix. Just a fair warning, support for this is most likely going to be minimal. I have sent an e-mail to the creator of this great modification, but have not received a response. I also made a post here about the trouble that I was having, but I never received any feedback on that either. I would say that if you already have multiple modifications in place on your site, you would be more likely to run into trouble versus a basic, non-modified vbulletin forum. Of course, it really depends from site to site, as it installed on my site just fine and I already had several modifications in place.

Now, if only I could get rid of the nagging broken links problem...

Thanks for the reply, I only have a portal hack on my forums (dont even have a new skin on them yet).
Just wondering but how did you get verified? Or are you your own company?

Prodimysterio 08-10-2005 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by DigitalDevil
Thanks for the reply, I only have a portal hack on my forums (dont even have a new skin on them yet).
Just wondering but how did you get verified? Or are you your own company?

When you login to your PayPal account, you will have the option to go through the verification process for it. To get this modification to function properly, I simply upgraded from a personal account to a business account. Again, this can be done from within your PayPal account interface.

DigitalDevil 08-10-2005 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Prodimysterio
When you login to your PayPal account, you will have the option to go through the verification process for it. To get this modification to function properly, I simply upgraded from a personal account to a business account. Again, this can be done from within your PayPal account interface.

When people make donations does it show your email address or your websites name?
Just my paypal accounts registered under my personal email address and wouldnt want people to see it.
Also while validating, they want to know the be all and end all of everything, they wnat my credit card, bank details, home phone number, address, want me to check on three payments they make, want to send me a letter and give me a phone call, I need my banks address :ermm: theirs so much information required its unreal. I mean I want to set up this in the near furute not have to wait till my next bank statment in November just to see three small payments of under ?1 then I've got to wait 7 days for a letter to validate my address. ANd this is just for a personal paypal account, ffs I can only use it to make payments, god knows what they will want if I upgrade to a premium account (which last time I check required all sorts of details about your comapny....) :cry:

Prodimysterio 08-10-2005 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by DigitalDevil
When people make donations does it show your email address or your websites name?
Just my paypal accounts registered under my personal email address and wouldnt want people to see it.

That's the entire point of upgrading to a business account. You maintain your personal information, but you are allowed to operate under a company name, which in your case could be "Digital Devil Clan.com"

Prodimysterio 08-10-2005 06:24 PM

/bump for me...

Can someone, anyone, please tell me what to do with the following error I am receiving:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreate() in /home/gamingch/public_html/forums/includes/pp_image.php on line 38
Questions I have:

1. Where is the function "imagecreate()" called from?

2. Is this a problem that stems from an uploaded PHP file, or a template edit?

Thus far, I have combed over every single PHP file I know of that could possibly be associated with this in addition to completely uninstalling and reinstalling this modification from scratch.

I'm lost...

Prodimysterio 08-10-2005 09:35 PM


For those that are having trouble with the goals bar appearing as a broken link, please, please, please ensure that you have GD 2+ installed on the server that your vBulletin forums are hosted on. In addition to this, please ensure that you have GD activated from the administrator control panel in your vBulletin installation. After I installed GD on my server and activated it in my Admin CP, the goals bar FINALLY showed up.

I hope this helps someone else out there that is having the same issues!!!

paul41598 08-11-2005 01:45 PM

I dont get this. Ive done the instructions like 3 times. Everytime I donate and get taken back to my page, it says Ive donated 0.00 and I dont get added to the goal, nor the donater top 5 list. Plus it doesnt show nothing but 0's in my admin cp, for valid, invalid transactoins.


MillerLight 08-11-2005 05:54 PM


This has been installed and tested on my server using VB Ver 3.0.8, and it runs flawless so far. Excellent module and I appreciate your efforts and sharing your work!

Can this be set to wipe out all donations on a set date, or be done manually? We run our donations on a yearly schedule, then when the year is up, we wipe the slate clean.

loftyasianz 08-11-2005 09:14 PM

concerning post https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=479 and reply to this post in https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=480, i was wondering whether or not it would be possible to make it so that it will only move someone into a certrain usergroup IF they have donated a cummulative total of XX dollars.

thanks in advance,

xfaethorx 08-14-2005 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by paul41598
I dont get this. Ive done the instructions like 3 times. Everytime I donate and get taken back to my page, it says Ive donated 0.00 and I dont get added to the goal, nor the donater top 5 list. Plus it doesnt show nothing but 0's in my admin cp, for valid, invalid transactoins.


I have the EXACT same problem , I've even tried un-installing it and re-installing it and it still has the same problem! I posted my fault in here ages ago and I'm yet to find any support on it.

MillerLight 08-14-2005 09:43 PM


I have been using your hack module for a few days, and must say, this is a time saver god-send!

One question?

Is there a way to only show the X Top donors, and the link to show all donors is not visible?

What I am trying to achieve is to show only the X highest donors, and not the entire donor list.


shadowknight 08-16-2005 11:31 AM

hmm do i have to have the vbadvanced installed for this to work?

George Gerez 08-17-2005 02:12 PM

I am installing the "Paypal donation for Vbulletin" I did all the mods needed. but when I got to the Go to Paypal and add the following line to my IPN (In paypal.com) I already have a script in this box!?

Install says "Go to your Paypal account's profile and click the Instant Payment Notification link there. You will find a check box on the page in the upper left, you must select that for this to work. Secondly, place the FULL URL to your ppverify.php file there (i.e. http://www.yourdomain.com/forum/ppverify.php) and save your preferences."

But I already have the following:

What do I do now?

Devil Woman 08-21-2005 07:10 AM

Can any one help me fix this please.

Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO donation_paypalipn (
`txn_id`, `userid`, `test_ipn`, `notify_version`, `verify_sign`,
`first_name`, `last_name`, `payer_business_name`, `address_name`,
`address_street`, `address_city`, `address_state`, `address_zip`,
`address_country`, `address_status`, `payer_email`, `payer_id`,
`payer_status`, `business`, `receiver_email`, `receiver_id`,
`item_name`, `ip_address`, `quantity`, `invoice`,
`memo`, `tax`, `option_name1`, `option_selection1`, `option_name2`,
`option_selection2`, `payment_date`, `parent_txn_id`, `txn_type`,
`payment_type`, `payment_status`, `pending_reason`, `reason_code`,
`mc_gross`, `mc_fee`, `mc_currency`, `mc_handling`, `mc_shipping`,
`settle_amount`, `settle_currency`, `exchange_rate`, `case_id`,
`case_type`, `case_creation_date`, `valid`
'', '0', '0', '0', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '0', '',
'', '0', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'0', '0', '', '0', '0',
'0', '', '0', '',
'', '', '0'
mysql error: Duplicate entry '' for key 1

mysql error number: 1062


mholtum 08-25-2005 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by Devil Woman
Can any one help me fix this please.

Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO donation_paypalipn (
`txn_id`, `userid`, `test_ipn`, `notify_version`, `verify_sign`,
`first_name`, `last_name`, `payer_business_name`, `address_name`,
`address_street`, `address_city`, `address_state`, `address_zip`,
`address_country`, `address_status`, `payer_email`, `payer_id`,
`payer_status`, `business`, `receiver_email`, `receiver_id`,
`item_name`, `ip_address`, `quantity`, `invoice`,
`memo`, `tax`, `option_name1`, `option_selection1`, `option_name2`,
`option_selection2`, `payment_date`, `parent_txn_id`, `txn_type`,
`payment_type`, `payment_status`, `pending_reason`, `reason_code`,
`mc_gross`, `mc_fee`, `mc_currency`, `mc_handling`, `mc_shipping`,
`settle_amount`, `settle_currency`, `exchange_rate`, `case_id`,
`case_type`, `case_creation_date`, `valid`
'', '0', '0', '0', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '0', '',
'', '0', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'0', '0', '', '0', '0',
'0', '', '0', '',
'', '', '0'
mysql error: Duplicate entry '' for key 1

mysql error number: 1062


I have this setup and running with one exception, this exact same error when I go to http://www.yourdomain.com/forum/ppverify.php is there are fix?

xfaethorx 08-25-2005 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by paul41598
I dont get this. Ive done the instructions like 3 times. Everytime I donate and get taken back to my page, it says Ive donated 0.00 and I dont get added to the goal, nor the donater top 5 list. Plus it doesnt show nothing but 0's in my admin cp, for valid, invalid transactoins.


I'm quoting this as its the EXACT same problem I've been having I've tried uninstalling and re-installing it from scratch over and over. Bottoms line is it doesn't work even if I add it by hand. Has anyone else had this problem? did you fix it? if not how many people have it ? I had this hack working once

CHIngs 08-25-2005 04:27 PM

I make new goals every month.

I have one question. If someone donates, why isint the goal updating itself? Everytime someone donates, I have to manually update the goal.

Now it seems ok because there arent so many donators, but if alot of people start donating, there is no way to keep track of ALL of them.

Is there a solution for this?

mholtum 08-25-2005 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Devil Woman
Can any one help me fix this please.

Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO donation_paypalipn (
`txn_id`, `userid`, `test_ipn`, `notify_version`, `verify_sign`,
`first_name`, `last_name`, `payer_business_name`, `address_name`,
`address_street`, `address_city`, `address_state`, `address_zip`,
`address_country`, `address_status`, `payer_email`, `payer_id`,
`payer_status`, `business`, `receiver_email`, `receiver_id`,
`item_name`, `ip_address`, `quantity`, `invoice`,
`memo`, `tax`, `option_name1`, `option_selection1`, `option_name2`,
`option_selection2`, `payment_date`, `parent_txn_id`, `txn_type`,
`payment_type`, `payment_status`, `pending_reason`, `reason_code`,
`mc_gross`, `mc_fee`, `mc_currency`, `mc_handling`, `mc_shipping`,
`settle_amount`, `settle_currency`, `exchange_rate`, `case_id`,
`case_type`, `case_creation_date`, `valid`
'', '0', '0', '0', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '0', '',
'', '0', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'0', '0', '', '0', '0',
'0', '', '0', '',
'', '', '0'
mysql error: Duplicate entry '' for key 1

mysql error number: 1062



LEAD_WEIGHT 08-25-2005 07:18 PM

mysql error number: 1062
I thought it was white space error.
I almost always think that number is white space.

paul41598 08-29-2005 10:14 PM

my module doesnt work. I have it set to show the latest 5 donors, and its only showing 3. Another person just donated, so thats 4 people total, however it only shows 3 on the homepage????

mholtum 08-30-2005 12:46 AM


alyster4k 08-31-2005 02:23 PM

Thanks for the add-on.

I use vBadvanced CMPS 2.0 and the Donations block is full text size. Can anyone be so kind to point me in the direction where to change a particular template to include the "smallfont" tag? Thank you!

paul41598 08-31-2005 08:37 PM

wish there was a way where if someone donated, it would auto PM the administrator or something! :(

alyster4k 09-01-2005 02:28 AM

Mine does this anyway by way of a Paypal email notifying me someone sent cash.

jr1001 09-01-2005 02:11 PM

I've skimmed over the 35 pages of this thread (35!!) ;) and tried to see if this was brought up before... if I overlooked it - my apologies in advance..

First off - EXCELLENT HACK!! Thanks for the dev effort - this is definitely a huge step up from the home grown solution I was using before.

One question though is that I noticed that in the postbit, donors are identified with the donate_donor.gif - which I really like. But - on my site, it is only showing the image for the last (or highest - not sure which) donor.

I would prefer to have it show for ALL donors. Did I do something wrong during the install? Or is this working as intended?

Everything else seems to be working absolutely fine.

Thanks again.

alyster4k 09-01-2005 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by CHIngs
I make new goals every month.

I have one question. If someone donates, why isint the goal updating itself? Everytime someone donates, I have to manually update the goal.

Now it seems ok because there arent so many donators, but if alot of people start donating, there is no way to keep track of ALL of them.

Is there a solution for this?

Same problem here too. Hmmm..

msimonds 09-02-2005 01:15 PM

This is a great hack and got it installed without a problem, OUTSTANDING Cloudrunner

One question though, I am paypal verified and when i click on the verified link, it takes me to paypal but wants me to sign in before i can view that I am verified. I thought that anyone was allowed to click on this and see that the owner of the site is verified

Am i doing something wrong


msimonds 09-02-2005 06:01 PM

The only thing that I can see wrong with it is that the donations still show the highest members who donated even when the donations have been switched in the admincp to the latest donors

tuanluu 09-03-2005 08:41 AM

what about vb 3.0.8????

msimonds 09-04-2005 03:08 AM

once again it seems that support for this hack is dead

its too bad, has some small bugs, wouuld be great to pickup and get it working properly

xug 09-05-2005 03:21 AM

Will this be ported to vB 3.5.0?

Reef 09-06-2005 01:10 AM

How can I get IPN working on a private board?

This is an excellent Mod however, I'm having problems with paypals IPN being able to access ppverify.php and updating the data since it is private..

My question is, How can I open permissions to ppverify.php so it can be accessed by IPN? I have tried various things within global.php but nothing has worked so far.

When not logged into the board and accessing that script manually, I keep getting the dreaded "You are not logged in or you do not have permission to access this page" so this tells me that IPN is having the same issues and is why my data never gets updated.

This may be the problem some others are having as well so, does anyone know how to allow access to this script without changing global permissions?


mholtum 09-06-2005 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by paul41598
wish there was a way where if someone donated, it would auto PM the administrator or something! :(

You should get an email from paypal. I do

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