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xug 09-20-2004 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by spence2
I think your criticism is fair ... but, perhaps the most annoying thing is that John did take the time to post that he had updated the hack ... stated he would post his update here ... and then did not follow through.

John rather trashes other peoples work, even when it's their first attempt.

Way to go John.

hockyfan 09-21-2004 09:21 PM

Is there any way to take current threads and make them into articles?


MissKalunji 09-21-2004 09:28 PM


:( i've been waiting for ever for this hack guess ill go back to cute news plus i didnt find ne one to write the script for me

[high]* MissKalunji clicks uninstall *

Thx ya'll for your help :nervous:

VB-Fanatiker 09-21-2004 10:58 PM

Somebody with vB.3.0.0 and this hack works? I think no...

cclaerhout 09-22-2004 05:14 PM

Once upon a time there was a great hack,
Which we used to pray for having it.
Remember how we waited it for weeks,
And dreamed of all the great things we could do.
Those were the days my friend,
We'd thought they'd never end,
We'd cry and hope for-ever and a day,
We'd live the life he choose,
We'd fight and always lose,
For we were young and sure to have to wait.
Lalala lah lala, lalala lah lala
Those were the days, oh yes, those were the days.

sorry i'm becoming mad :-D

j_86 09-22-2004 05:23 PM

:( Our entire organisation was put on hold for the release.

alzibub 09-22-2004 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by JimpsEd
:( Our entire organisation was put on hold for the release.

You guys are a joke !

At what point did you pay for this software - pay for the support you expect ?
I am thinking never !

People like you all moaning on puts coders like John off coding stuff - because he doesn't need the grief from ingrates...

Three options

1, Uninstall
2, Create one yourself that is better then offer it for free, support the whole lot then judge
3, Keep your mouths shut and be thankful for people less selfish than yourself !

You pay for it - you can complain - till then suck it up and move on..

Sorry that was off topic - but it really grates on me seeing people like that

welo 09-22-2004 07:50 PM

I was just about to say pretty much the same thing (maybe a little bit more eloquently, but still pretty much the same thing). I'd like to see this thing come along a bit quicker too, but damn.

spence2 09-22-2004 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by alzibub
You guys are a joke !

At what point did you pay for this software - pay for the support you expect ?
I am thinking never !

People like you all moaning on puts coders like John off coding stuff - because he doesn't need the grief from ingrates...

Three options

1, Uninstall
2, Create one yourself that is better then offer it for free, support the whole lot then judge
3, Keep your mouths shut and be thankful for people less selfish than yourself !

You pay for it - you can complain - till then suck it up and move on..

Sorry that was off topic - but it really grates on me seeing people like that

When someone states: "I Agree to Support This Hack"
When someone states: "I have created an update & will post it."

Then, I'm sorry, but there is a credibility gap when they do not!

Why is it "demanding" to expect someone to keep their word? If there is a delay or a change of plans, couldn't John simply post that new information?

Three More Options:
1. Mind your own business.
2. Repeat step 1.
3. Repeat step 2.

MissKalunji 09-22-2004 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by spence2
When someone states: "I Agree to Support This Hack"
When someone states: "I have created an update & will post it."

Then, I'm sorry, but there is a credibility gap when they do not!

Why is it "demanding" to expect someone to keep their word? If there is a delay or a change of plans, couldn't John simply post that new information?

Three More Options:
1. Mind your own business.
2. Repeat step 1.
3. Repeat step 2.

lolllllllll jeez ppl take it easy not worth it to argue and curse each other :nervous:

John 09-22-2004 08:40 PM

I have to say, some of the abusive emails I've been getting really make me sick of some of the people in this community.

Please appreciate that as a freelancer I have to work to make a living, and at the moment I don't have *any* spare time - period. My financial situation is dire to say the least, and as such supporting free hacks on vB.org is the last of my priorities.

The main reason for the delay is because the new system uses a different database structure to the old, which means I'll have write an import script - because anything less than that and I'll have a bunch of ingrates emailing me with complaints. Furthermore, I'm sure there are going to be a lot of people who actually prefer the old system to the new one - visually, it's completely different. When I can afford to, I'll get the update packaged up and the import script written.

John 09-22-2004 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by spence2
When someone states: "I Agree to Support This Hack"
When someone states: "I have created an update & will post it."

Then, I'm sorry, but there is a credibility gap when they do not!

Wow, I guess I really owe you. There, I've changed the status of the hack to suit.

Lionel 09-22-2004 08:54 PM

You did not have to reply to that John. I am sure there are plenty of us that are grateful for what is still a great hack. For my part, I will say thank you again.

trackpads 09-22-2004 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Lionel
You did not have to reply to that John. I am sure there are plenty of us that are grateful for what is still a great hack. For my part, I will say thank you again.


Ghostsuit 09-22-2004 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by John
I have to say, some of the abusive emails I've been getting really make me sick of some of the people in this community.

I have to say it annoys me too the way people get irate about things like this. Still I can understand to a degree the frustration, however it should never come to abusive emails. I know ever time I PM'd you I got an answer which was polite and clear.


Originally Posted by John
The main reason for the delay is because the new system uses a different database structure to the old, which means I'll have write an import script - because anything less than that and I'll have a bunch of ingrates emailing me with complaints. Furthermore, I'm sure there are going to be a lot of people who actually prefer the old system to the new one - visually, it's completely different. When I can afford to, I'll get the update packaged up and the import script written.

Cheers for the honesty, least we have an idea it's going to be a while before it probably get's done.

Now here's a tip for everyone thats used this or is using the v3arcade...why not go donate a coin or two if you can spare it (if you havn't already) to help John out after all the arcade hacks damn fine and worth a few quid as a donation never mind this hack.

John 09-22-2004 09:03 PM

I know, thanks - but there are some people who are just beyond belief, where if it's a matter of trying to work to pay the bills or to do free support, they seem to think I should do the latter.

Anyway, not to go on about it - I'm sure many of you are going to be surprised when you see what's coming next. (All my free time has gone into it - that's why it's been so difficult to get anything else done, apart from the fact that I don't have much spare time in the first place.)

John 09-22-2004 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Ghostsuit
Now here's a tip for everyone thats used this or is using the v3arcade...why not go donate a coin or two if you can spare it (if you havn't already) to help John out after all the arcade hacks damn fine and worth a few quid as a donation never mind this hack.

Donations are the only reason I can afford to keep the v3 site running - thanks to everyone who's given something towards it. But don't think because I'm harping on about finance that I'm after donations, they're very much appreciated - but I don't expect anything back.

Ghostsuit 09-22-2004 09:09 PM

You might not expect them but you do deserve a few :)

hockyfan 09-22-2004 09:21 PM

Not to repeat myself, but with all of the complaints I think my question on the previous page was overlooked, and I wanted to know if there was an answer to it. I had asked

Originally Posted by hockyfan
Is there any way to take current threads and make them into articles?

If anyone can let me know I'd really appreciate it, thanks. :)


John 09-22-2004 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by hockyfan
Not to repeat myself, but with all of the complaints I think my question on the previous page was overlooked, and I wanted to know if there was an answer to it. I had asked
If anyone can let me know I'd really appreciate it, thanks. :)


Old system: It's a lot of hard work.
New system: Yes.

spence2 09-22-2004 09:31 PM


I think all of us are grateful for your work. And any nasty emails are totally inappropriate, and I'm sorry that you have had to put up with that kind of crap!

However, for some, the question of support is not a frivilous one. If it is clearly stated that you will not support a hack, then it gives everyone fair warning that they are on their own.

Also, knowing that an upgrade is not coming in the short term helps all of us know how to further design our own forums.

Again, we are grateful for your work. That was not the issue. So, thank you for the update.

btw (not addressed to you, John) ... those who tell others to "shut up" should expect a little sarcasm back at 'em.

Ghostsuit 09-22-2004 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by John
Old system: It's a lot of hard work.
New system: Yes.

Oh :surprised:


alzibub 09-22-2004 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by spence2
btw (not addressed to you, John) ... those who tell others to "shut up" should expect a little sarcasm back at 'em.

..and those who cant be patient should also consider themselves lucky they get these scripts for free....
I will not enter into a word of words with you - because like John, I have a life and to dignify you more than I have is a waste of my efforts :)

Thanks for the update John, sorry some people have to be moron's about it all - I would just ask you keep going for the people that really appreciate all you do in your free time - and for the rewards you were seeing earlier..

hockyfan 09-22-2004 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by John
Old system: It's a lot of hard work.
New system: Yes.

What exactly is the "new system"? And how can I be notified when it's available?


MissKalunji 09-22-2004 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by hockyfan
What exactly is the "new system"? And how can I be notified when it's available?


Click on install and you will be notified by e-mail

cclaerhout 09-23-2004 05:43 PM

I think people (like me) just needed to have some news. We can understand that developping a new system takes a lot of time, a time very hard to find with a professional activity beside. But it's with saying it, that people can realize ; not with letting them talking without knowing.

Thank you :)

P.S : the song before was a parody of "Mary Hopkins" : "those were the days".

blueuniverse 09-23-2004 08:01 PM

I don't feel you "owe" us anything, its a free hack, and as the saying goes, you get what you pay for, so its a bit much to expect everything to work like clockwork.

I have read the whole thread, but over a long period of time. I may have missed this, but I'm presuming there will be an easy upgrade path when the new version comes out.

JustAskJulie 09-23-2004 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Lionel
You did not have to reply to that John. I am sure there are plenty of us that are grateful for what is still a great hack. For my part, I will say thank you again.


One thing that has always amazed me in running what are basically free sites is that the more you give people for free the more they will find to complain about.

John, this is a great hack and as much as I would love to see the upgrade, I would be willing to pay for a full working version of this and I'm sure there are others who would as well. It might be something to consider.

Ghostsuit 09-24-2004 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by JustAskJulie

One thing that has always amazed me in running what are basically free sites is that the more you give people for free the more they will find to complain about.

God don't get me started, if I see one more thread +++++ing about advertising and why do you have banners on the site...groan...because I don't have ?400 every month to pay for the server and since you guys want it for free DEAL WITH IT!

Sorry just had to rant ;)

Host Directory 09-24-2004 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by John
I know, thanks - but there are some people who are just beyond belief, where if it's a matter of trying to work to pay the bills or to do free support, they seem to think I should do the latter.

Anyway, not to go on about it - I'm sure many of you are going to be surprised when you see what's coming next. (All my free time has gone into it - that's why it's been so difficult to get anything else done, apart from the fact that I don't have much spare time in the first place.)

John i had some really good ideas that you might want to use when making the next version.

How about these two for example...

1) The ability to save articles in a special favourates folder - pretty useful.
2) The ability to archive articles on a none forum page - so you can degenerate the artcle subjects into a menu and show the articles - you could have a seperate template in the admincp to add a top and bottom template and options to show - just the articles or the ratings also or links to the forum articles, etc.

That would make this hack extremely cool.

Good suggestions?

hockyfan 09-24-2004 12:49 PM

Is it worth my while to try and convert the threads into articles (and how would I do this)? Or should I just wait for the new version?


TruckMuddr 09-25-2004 07:29 AM


Workes great.

lanc3lot 09-27-2004 09:29 PM

Problem..any with php knowledge..plz help:

Help, i followed the instructions of txt...and when i going to run the install.php, the followin error occur...Any help?


" Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_FOREACH, expecting ')' in c:\web\gamers.gr\board\includes\init.php on line 760 "

I dont have idea with php

Thnx a lot in advance

SamirDarji 09-27-2004 09:56 PM

Double check the changes you made. Look for little things like missing braces or semi-colons.

lanc3lot 09-27-2004 10:09 PM


Samir thanks for the post, u make me check everything for another last time and yes i found it

thanks a lot bro

SamirDarji 09-27-2004 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by lanc3lot

Samir thanks for the post, u make me check everything for another last time and yes i found it

thanks a lot bro

Glad I could help. I've been there, so I thought I'd save someone else the grief. Banging your head on something for a few hours isn't healthy, lol.

lanc3lot 09-27-2004 10:19 PM

Something last:

It says in the txt:

3. v3 Articles runs in forumroot/article.php. You need to link to this somewhere, most people will use the navbar to create an "Articles" link.

To do this, open the navbar template and find:
<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="calendar.php?$session[sessionurl]">$vbphrase[calendar]</a></td>

Above this, add:
<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="article.php?$session[sessionurl]">Articles</a></td>

Where can i find this navbar template?(where do i have to go)

Thanks a lot again

lanc3lot 09-27-2004 10:29 PM

Found it after searching some posts...

Here the answer, for anyone has the same problem:

Admin CP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> ? ? -> Navigation / Breadcrumb Templates -> navbar

Thanks a lot again:)

SamirDarji 09-27-2004 10:31 PM

Some pretty newb questions, but I was scratching my head a few weeks back on the same exact stuff, lol.

Anytime someone refers to a "template", it can be found under the "Style Manager" under "Styles and Templates". A template is simply a bit of html code which is called by the php part of the program to help render the page.

So to get to the navbar template on a specific style, you have to get to the Style Manager and then you will see all of your styles listed. Hit the expanded << >> button to the far right. It will open up a list of templates as well as a "Controls" box to the right of the list. Click on the other << >> button there and it will expand out all the templates for the style. They're in alphabetical order so it should be easy to find. Once you find it, click on it and then click on "Edit" in the Controls box. It should be self-explanitory from there.

SamirDarji 09-27-2004 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by lanc3lot
Admin CP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> ? ? -> Navigation / Breadcrumb Templates -> navbar

Now, why didn't I say it that simply? :D

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