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Razz 02-27-2005 04:01 AM

You're welcome :)

hitmanuk2k 03-05-2005 08:18 PM

Where does one define the start off amount each user gets? I want 100 not 500.

lefthome 03-09-2005 11:06 AM

I would like to install this hack. Currently I am using vb 3.06 and will upgrade to vb3.07 this weekend. Does this hack work in vb3.07?

RMS-Chef 03-09-2005 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by lefthome
I would like to install this hack. Currently I am using vb 3.06 and will upgrade to vb3.07 this weekend. Does this hack work in vb3.07?

Yes it will.
In the file edits the "Find This" will be a bit different for almost every occasion but it's doable.

mykes 03-10-2005 02:45 AM

I'm using this wonderful hack to run a uCash sportsbook on my site. Problem is, with uCash thief enabled, people steal from users who get paid and aren't online.


(It'd be nice to have an option to just pay into the bank account, which I think I'm going to hack myself)

A suggestion for the next version, while I'm here:

Point spreads. The lines move, and if you edit the bet, you lose the information of who bet at the previous lines.

Lionel 03-10-2005 06:38 AM

Easily installed on 3.07 without any problems. However, the vbadvanced module is causing the home page to be blank....

I found out that the problem was being caused by $getbgrow = getrowcolor();

I commented it out and removed it at the last line, then was fine.

Just noticed another problem, the dollar image does not show up. Instead it is the poll image that displays on forumdisplay

sully02 03-12-2005 07:10 PM

I searched the thread for these but did not find anything concrete, so I'll ask it here. If I inadvertently missed them, my apologies. A couple of ideas for additions:

1] Pool bet: This is most commonly seen in the NCAA Tournament Brackets. Users can pay x amount of vCash/uCash/whatever to get in, and that amount is stored in a "pot" or "pool". At the end of the event, you can choose 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners and those guys get a certain percentage of the pot.

2] Push option: I saw this brought up, but did not see anything about having it implemented. Any progress?

Lionel 03-14-2005 08:21 PM

Can someone please give me a pointer on where to look? The vbookie main page is displaying all, but first event, twice. They are only in database once. Obviously I must have some double code somewhere, but where?

Mystery solved! Although I emptied database after tests, I did not delete those posts. So vbookie was pulling same double old and new

EA Junkie 03-15-2005 06:05 AM

vBookie was running perfect until I updated vBulletin from version 3.03 to 3.05??? I updated my vbArcade and its working fine, but vBookie doesn't work. I've tried reinstalling from scratch and get a white screen after 2 hours of work tried multiple times. I want my betting back. Any ideas or help is appreciated...

BigIke 03-16-2005 02:15 AM

I'm not sure where I messed up installing the hack, but whenever I try to post a newthread, the WYSIWYG editor is totally messed up. I looked for a couple of hours and couldn't find any problems in the code. Anyone have any suggestions?
Here is the link to a new thread post: http://s87297490.onlinehome.us/maxru...newthread&f=11

Thanks for any help

BigIke 03-16-2005 02:57 AM

wow... i fixed it. It was a problem with my image paths. I feel like an idiot.

iamboard 03-16-2005 09:02 PM

I'm sorry to ask a stupid question but vBookie isn't played for real cash is it?

Razz 03-16-2005 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by iamboard
I'm sorry to ask a stupid question but vBookie isn't played for real cash is it?

No :)

It uses virtual points, either its own built in system or it can use the points from the ushop hack.

grains 03-17-2005 04:37 PM

okay...call me retarded, but......how do you add events?? i went to vbookie, but i dont see "add events anywhere"....

grains 03-17-2005 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by RMS-Chef
Events are created by creating a new thread in an enabled forum.
When creating a new thread, there will be a tick box to make the thread a vBookie Event. If you check that box and submit, it will bring you to the event setup.

Good luck!

there we goo.......thank you! i didnt know what the hell..

Zeke 03-23-2005 11:55 AM

Hey guys.

I am having trouble getting this hack running on my system.

I am running the latest version 1.0.4. It says that for this error ensure I am running version 1.0.3 or higher... which I am.

It all seems to work and it allows me to get to the page I need to to enter the bookie event, then when I click ok it comes up with the error below. If I click refresh it actually works and adds the event to my vBookie screen but it doesnt add the event for members to bet on.

Also, when I click on the vBookie screen I see the 5 vBookie events there and shows me that noone has better on them, of course they cant as they dont show up at the top of threads. Also when I scroll over 'Thread' in the vBookie screen it comes up with 'http://www.myafl.com/forum/showthread.php?t=' and as you can see it has no thread number it refers to.... so definitely an issue there somewhere.

REALLY desperate to get this working as the Football season starts tomorrow and I need it running for that.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE SET =25 WHERE <25
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'SET =25 WHERE <25' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Wednesday 23rd of March 2005 07:33:43 AM
Script: http://www.myafl.com/forum/vbookie.php
Referer: http://www.myafl.com/forum/vbookie.p...=0&do=newevent
Username: Ari

Caveman2k2 03-25-2005 06:22 AM

Installed and working! Thanks for a great hack.

kobescoresagain 03-25-2005 12:04 PM

Tell me if I am right, This doesn't support betting between members. Just betting against the "Ucash" system? If I am correct do you have any future plans on making it where members could play against each other. For instance I run a sports card trading site (www.sccollectors.com/forums ) (shameless plug) and I have a forum set up so they can bet ucash. The problem that I see arising in the future is people not paying up so I will have to take the cash out myself. It would be great to somewhat automate this for users. Something like you make a title you place the odds and the maxium in bets you could receive. Then you let event occur. After event occurs you go to the post click some type of button that picks the winner. The other party envolved gets a pm sent to them to confirm it by going to same link. If both confirm bet is finalized and sent to winner. If one of two denys then a pm is sent to admin and he can make the decision himself. I would find something like this extremely useful. I think many other board owners would also.

Caveman2k2 03-26-2005 05:12 AM

Hi guys,
Looking for some help on getting the post icon for a vbookie event listed on the forum index to show up the same as it does when viewing the forum it's posted in. On the index page, it shows up as a poll icon, while on the forum it's posted in, it is the "$" sign. I've looked through all the templates, but didn't have much luck. I'm also a php ID-10-T :) so if you can point me in the correct direction, I'd very much appreciate it.

bobbaf3nn 03-29-2005 02:51 PM

I have a problem with vBookie v1.0.4.

From the AdminCP i can't cahnge the General vBookie Settings. I set the five options to what i want, press update and let it go. I then get the message "vBookie Settings Saved Successfully." The window then refreses and goes back to the general settings page. This is where the rpoblem occurs. All the options have gone back to the default and are all set to no. When i check the forum none of the changes have taken place. So i can't open the vBookie to anyone. Not even those with permission.

Thanks for your time, its very much appreciated. Hope to hear from you soon with a solution. BTW the mod looks great on forums that it works on.

Zeke 03-30-2005 04:23 AM

I have installed vBookie and have been using it.

Fantastic hack, probably the best hack actually! In fact, vBulletin should pay to license it for their next release.

My question.

I have been using it, but now it seems that in USERGROUPS the THREE options to enable vBookie voting etc for each group is not showing up. It shows up in MOST of my USERGROUPS radio button options/selections but does not in others. I have it selected correctly under the vBookie Area in my AdminCP so I have vBookie switched on, but cant see to see an area in the Registered Users group to make it active.

As I said, there was an area a week ago, now there is not... Any ideas? Would be very much appreciated. Alternatively, where in the dbase can I switch on vBookie betting for usergroup #2?


Zeke 03-30-2005 11:55 AM

can anyone tell me how i can manually change a usergroups axs to vbookie from the mysql db? thnx

I have the vbookie panel in the CUSTOM USERGROUPS so I can edit to make people able to create/bet on events, but it doesnt show the panel in the DEFAULT USERGROUPS. So ive no way at all to make my default users have access to bet. At present, only the mods can bet and that looks bad.

So any idea why it's doing that? :(

Lizard King 04-02-2005 12:52 PM

I have a question about uninstallation process. I uninstalled this modifications by applying all template and file edits to backwards. Now is it save to drop vbookie tables from database ? I have some closed bets.

Kru 04-03-2005 06:15 AM

I am getting the following error message: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /includes/functions.php on line 3036

Any idea what I made wrong?

Ock 04-05-2005 08:25 PM

I've discovered a huge flaw in the way vBookie events work that allow someone to vote on any events at odds of his own choosing.

The way to do this, which i discovered by chance, is trivial: make a copy of the form - and edit it to change the odds, which are written in the webpage and not checked after submission.

I thought you should know, because someone wanting to exploit it could do so incredibly easily.

Is there any thoughts as to how to fix this??? Much thanks.

WhiteOx2 04-05-2005 08:34 PM

That's why I only let Mods add betting events. ;)

Ock 04-06-2005 12:53 PM

Yeah, me too.

But any USER do this, as long they can bet on the event...

djwins 04-07-2005 02:51 PM

How will this hack affect forum performance?

cashpath 04-07-2005 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by nighteyes
Just so you know there's a HUGE FLAW in this hack. A user can just save a copy of the vbookie thread to their computer, point the form to the http:// address of the website and bet at whatever odds they choose.

The solution is not setting odds based on the hidden form variables:
<input type="hidden" name="odds2[1]" value="10">
<input type="hidden" name="odds2[1]" value="1">

But by taking the item id:
<input type="hidden" name="item_id" value="1680" />

And grabbing the current odds from the database itself.

Yes this flaw has already been pointed out the fix for it has already been pointed out also

The Realist 04-10-2005 03:50 PM

First time install and Im getting this database error with version 3.0.7 on install:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL:
CREATE TABLE vbookie_groups (
group_title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL

mysql error: Invalid default value for 'group_id'

mysql error number: 1067

Date: Sunday 10th of April 2005 12:48:51 PM
Script: http://www.xxxxxxxx.com/forums/admin...ie_install.php
Referer: http://www.xxxxxxxx.com/forums/admin...ie_install.php
IP Address:


Marco van Herwaarden 04-10-2005 05:51 PM

Just remove the "DEFAULT '1'". An Auto Increment column can not have a default value.

The Realist 04-10-2005 10:52 PM

You lost me now M8, explain a bit more please?

Marco van Herwaarden 04-11-2005 03:52 AM

in your vbookie_install.php script, find:
PHP Code:


and replace by:
PHP Code:


The Realist 04-11-2005 06:13 AM

Thanks M8, did the below but I received this error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL:
CREATE TABLE vbookie_items (
threadid INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0',
item_title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
item_timezoneoffset VARCHAR(6) DEFAULT '0',
item_created INT(13) NOT NULL,
item_open_until INT(13) NOT NULL,
item_pay_after INT(13) NOT NULL,
item_allow_multiple_bets ENUM('Y', 'N') DEFAULT 'Y',
item_n_bets_placed MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0',
item_amount_staked BIGINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0',
item_amount_won BIGINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0'

mysql error: Invalid default value for 'item_id'

mysql error number: 1067


Originally Posted by MarcoH64
in your vbookie_install.php script, find:
PHP Code:


and replace by:
PHP Code:


Marco van Herwaarden 04-11-2005 07:11 AM

Search the install file for all instances of:
PHP Code:


and replace them with:
PHP Code:


The Realist 04-11-2005 09:09 AM

Thanks M8 that worked a treat :)

Continuing with the install.



Originally Posted by MarcoH64
Search the install file for all instances of:
PHP Code:


and replace them with:
PHP Code:


The Realist 04-11-2005 10:33 AM

Installed and working fine :)

The Realist 04-11-2005 05:00 PM

Just found I have an error on the CMPS front page:

Fatal error: Unknown function: getrowcolor() in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/forums/modules/vbookie_vbadvanced.php on line 35

Anyone have any clues?

djwins 04-11-2005 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Ock
I've discovered a huge flaw in the way vBookie events work that allow someone to vote on any events at odds of his own choosing.

The way to do this, which i discovered by chance, is trivial: make a copy of the form - and edit it to change the odds, which are written in the webpage and not checked after submission.

I thought you should know, because someone wanting to exploit it could do so incredibly easily.

Is there any thoughts as to how to fix this??? Much thanks.


Originally Posted by cashpath
Yes this flaw has already been pointed out the fix for it has already been pointed out also

Where is the fix?

mclark2112 04-12-2005 12:31 PM

Yea, where is the fix?

And, has anyone modified gimme.php to work with vBookie, or does it need to be modified.

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