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AndrewD 06-04-2004 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by DeMiNe0
ermmm, the download is currupted. Can somone pleae upload a new one? Or send me a good one at demine0@digitaltoxicity.net?

The zip file d/l's and opens ok for me... What is happening to yours?

13th_Disciple 06-07-2004 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
The zip file d/l's and opens ok for me... What is happening to yours?

When you get a no permission to access link error, there is no navbar or register button in the error box.. what template should I edit to at least have the navbar show? Also, what template for the error permission denied on accessing a link?

AndrewD 06-07-2004 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by 13th_Disciple
When you get a no permission to access link error, there is no navbar or register button in the error box.. what template should I edit to at least have the navbar show? Also, what template for the error permission denied on accessing a link?

Unfortunately, these messages are all generated using print_standard_error, which uses the standard_error template. I don't think you will be able to change this to include a navbar - not least because there is not necessarily a navbar available at the point at which print_standard_error is called.

AndrewD 06-07-2004 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by joeychgo
Well -- I come across site who "offer' to do a link trade-and ask me to link first. Ok, so I provide them with a link and send my info to them..... However they dont always provide that link back - so its important to verify that they actually linked you back.

Since its reasonable to expect a few days for the link to appear, it is easy to forget to check after a few days and veryify that link. So it would be nice to simply have a check box to let me know if I have already verified they linked me back.

How about using the moderation facility to achieve this? Enter your cross-links using an account that is required to have new entries moderated, then accept them once you've checked the status.

13th_Disciple 06-07-2004 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Unfortunately, these messages are all generated using print_standard_error, which uses the standard_error template. I don't think you will be able to change this to include a navbar - not least because there is not necessarily a navbar available at the point at which print_standard_error is called.

oh ok.. but i could go to the phrase and do a $vboptions[bburl]/register.php link in there somewhere, i guess..

would that be the correct assumption?

AndrewD 06-08-2004 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by 13th_Disciple
oh ok.. but i could go to the phrase and do a $vboptions[bburl]/register.php link in there somewhere, i guess..

would that be the correct assumption?

Having had a couple of decent night's sleep, I realise what you're asking :tired:

We need to change one or two of the calls to print_standard_error to print_no_permission. I'll try it this evening. Sorry for the delay.

13th_Disciple 06-08-2004 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Having had a couple of decent night's sleep, I realise what you're asking :tired:

We need to change one or two of the calls to print_standard_error to print_no_permission. I'll try it this evening. Sorry for the delay.

Quite alright Andrew.. i appreciate your answers and your work on this..

The only other thing for this my members have requested is instead of all of the links appearing on one page, have it so when you click on one from the full list, it opens in it's own page.. I have thought about trying to mess with that a bit, but have had zero to no time myself..

again, thanks Andrew for this hack.. the only thing i would ever want to see added, would be an upload function.. :p

Ian Montgomerie 06-12-2004 09:10 PM

I found a bug, but I'm not sure how to fix it or even if it's fixable. If a user has an apostrophe in their user name, SQL gives an error when they try to insert into the database. Example:


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.1:

Invalid SQL:

                INSERT INTO local_linksdownloads (linkid, linkurl, username, userid,
userip, userbrowser, usertime)

                VALUES (



                'Strategos' Risk',



                'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; AT&T CSM6.0)',



AndrewD 06-13-2004 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by Ian Montgomerie
I found a bug, but I'm not sure how to fix it or even if it's fixable. If a user has an apostrophe in their user name, SQL gives an error when they try to insert into the database.

Indeed, it's fixable. Sorry about that. I'll correct it in the next upload, which is currently being tested.

In the meantime, if you want a fix:
- Edit local_links.php.
- Find function record_hit($id, $url, $status), which in version 1.22 is at line 1827

PHP Code:

        INSERT INTO "
.THIS_TABLE."linksdownloads (linkid, linkurl, username, userid, userip, userbrowser, usertime) 
        VALUES ( 


PHP Code:

        INSERT INTO "
.THIS_TABLE."linksdownloads (linkid, linkurl, username, userid, userip, userbrowser, usertime) 
        VALUES ( 

13th_Disciple 06-14-2004 10:41 AM

Andrew, will the error page be changed to the no permission page in this next version?

AndrewD 06-14-2004 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by 13th_Disciple
Andrew, will the error page be changed to the no permission page in this next version?

Yes, but I meant to contact you for clarification. Can you indicate the situations in which you want to see this change made - there are many potential routes to "no access" errors. I hope you're not referring to the use of the VBindex/VBAdvanced portal interfaces, as these are not under my control.

13th_Disciple 06-14-2004 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Yes, but I meant to contact you for clarification. Can you indicate the situations in which you want to see this change made - there are many potential routes to "no access" errors. I hope you're not referring to the use of the VBindex/VBAdvanced portal interfaces, as these are not under my control.

Ok, if there is a direct link to the file, not thru the portal or anything, but just a direct link to the file thru the links deal, like so:


you will get the print_standard_error.. but if you go to the actual catagory:


you will get the print_no_permission

So I would like to see either the print_no_permission error there, or at least have the navbar displayed to allow someone to register rather quickly.. does that explain it a little better or do you need a bit better clarification? and thank you Andrew for taking the time to look in to this.. greatly appreciated!!

AndrewD 06-14-2004 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by 13th_Disciple
Ok, if there is a direct link to the file, not thru the portal or anything, but just a direct link to the file thru the links deal, like so:


you will get the print_standard_error.. but if you go to the actual catagory:


you will get the print_no_permission

So I would like to see either the print_no_permission error there, or at least have the navbar displayed to allow someone to register rather quickly.. does that explain it a little better or do you need a bit better clarification? and thank you Andrew for taking the time to look in to this.. greatly appreciated!!

Got it - will make this consistent in the next release due out this week, assuming all goes well.

13th_Disciple 06-14-2004 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Got it - will make this consistent in the next release due out this week, assuming all goes well.

Excellent.. thank you very much, Andrew.. :)

Onkel_Tom 06-19-2004 12:39 PM

Works fine, thank you !
Onkel_Tom clicks install ;)

AndrewD 06-20-2004 09:26 AM

Beta release 1.25 uploaded in first post to this thread. Please test and report.

New features:
a) Boolean fulltext searches and highlighted keywords
b) Ability to sort links display on name, date, hits
c) Facility to link to local downloads outside the web directory tree

a) Bug fix for quotes in usernames
b) More consistent error templates

Onkel_Tom 06-20-2004 08:05 PM

thanks AdrewD, beta 1.25 works fine for me !

Ranma2k 06-23-2004 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Beta release 1.25 uploaded in first post to this thread. Please test and report.

New features:
a) Boolean fulltext searches and highlighted keywords
b) Ability to sort links display on name, date, hits
c) Facility to link to local downloads outside the web directory tree

a) Bug fix for quotes in usernames
b) More consistent error templates

There is a bug if you did a search
it will give the error


Invalid SQL:
                SELECT link.linkid AS linkid, link.linkname AS linkname, link.linkuserid AS linkuserid,
                        link.linkusername AS linkusername, link.linkurl AS linkurl, link.linkdesc AS linkdesc,
                        link.linkhits AS linkhits, link.linkstatus AS linkstatus, link.linkdate AS linkdate,
                        ltoc.catid AS linkcatid
                FROM local_linkslink AS link
                LEFT JOIN local_linksltoc AS ltoc
                ON link.linkid = ltoc.linkid
                        link.linkforum NOT IN (0)
                        AND (link.linkmoderate = 0 OR link.linkuserid =1 )
                        AND  MATCH (link.linkname, link.linkdesc) AGAINST ('Naruto2' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
                        ORDER BY linkcatid, linkname
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'BOOLEAN MODE) )
                        ORDER BY linkcatid, linkname

how can i fix this ?!

AndrewD 06-24-2004 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by Ranam2k
There is a bug if you did a search
it will give the error

how can i fix this ?!

I have two questions/suggestions:

a) did you install version 1.25 fresh or upgrade from an earlier version? If you upgraded, did you remember to run the local_links_install script?

b) which version of MySQL are you using? If it is earlier than 3.23.23 (I think), this version will not work. Most people are using version 4.0.something.

ImportPassion 06-26-2004 02:48 AM

I just installed 1.25, first time.

Wondering why link count doesn't show up for local files?

AndrewD 06-26-2004 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by 7thgenCivic.Com
I just installed 1.25, first time.

Wondering why link count doesn't show up for local files?

Do you mean the count of links within a given category? By default, the count only includes links one level down. If you want to show the number of links in all child categories, you (currently) need to edit one of the templates.

Edit link_catbit and change the variables $catsub and $catentry to be $catchildsub and $catchildentry.

If I've misunderstood, let me know.

ImportPassion 06-27-2004 12:58 AM

ya, that explains it.

On the main page it doesn't show cause I have...
Downloads > Manuals (no links) > all links
Downloads > blah (no links) > all links

also, when someone rates a local file, the rating replaces the file size.

AndrewD 06-27-2004 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by 7thgenCivic.Com
ya, that explains it.

On the main page it doesn't show cause I have...
Downloads > Manuals (no links) > all links
Downloads > blah (no links) > all links

also, when someone rates a local file, the rating replaces the file size.

Have you modified the links_linkbit template? I think I see the problem you mention (Trunks), but looking at the html for that page, it doesn't match the code I released. On my site, the release code shows up both size and rating.

Ranma2k 06-27-2004 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
I have two questions/suggestions:

a) did you install version 1.25 fresh or upgrade from an earlier version? If you upgraded, did you remember to run the local_links_install script?

b) which version of MySQL are you using? If it is earlier than 3.23.23 (I think), this version will not work. Most people are using version 4.0.something.

sorry for the later reply

what i did is upgrade from ver 1.22

as for mysql
the isp said it's 3.23.23 stable ver

AndrewD 06-27-2004 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Ranam2k
sorry for the later reply

what i did is upgrade from ver 1.22

as for mysql
the isp said it's 3.23.23 stable ver

Looking at the MySQL documentation, FULLTEXT searching IN BOOLEAN MODE (which is what version 1.25 uses) only works with MySQL verion 4.0.1 and higher. I'm sorry. I think you'll have to stick with version 1.22.

I will correct this in version 1.30 for those using MySQL 3.23.23 or higher.

ImportPassion 06-28-2004 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Have you modified the links_linkbit template? I think I see the problem you mention (Trunks), but looking at the html for that page, it doesn't match the code I released. On my site, the release code shows up both size and rating.

I did, but only to add a br tag

PHP Code:

<span class="smallfont">
a href="local_links.php?action=jump&amp;id=$linkidtarget="_blank">$linkname</a>
br />[size$linkstatus kb]
br />[[status unknown]

also, is this a typo? <br />[[status unknown]

ImportPassion 06-28-2004 01:06 AM

ok, i went back and looked at the link and did an edit and just submitted, and both showed up. maybe it couldn't get the filesize at the time?

works now.

hitmanuk2k 06-29-2004 02:37 PM

what is the causing this problem? go to http://forum.pesinsight.com/local_li...=links&catid=7 and click on any link.

AndrewD 06-29-2004 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by hitmanuk2k
what is the causing this problem? go to http://forum.pesinsight.com/local_li...=links&catid=7 and click on any link.

No idea! - what's the history? Did you have this hack installed and working, what version are you using, etc.

It's usually a good idea with these non-specific database problems first to check your database, for example go to the normal VBulletin admincp, Import and Maintenance, Repair/Optimise Tables.

Feel free to send me a PM with more details.

chrisvonc 06-29-2004 02:43 PM

I would say post the error message that is getting mailed to you for better trouble shooting suggestions. :)

hitmanuk2k 06-29-2004 03:24 PM

hi, for your informations i repaired the tables several times today but the problem keeps reoccuring. The hack had been working fine for around 2 months then suddenly these errors pop up. vb version 3.0.0

the error message is the same as on the site:


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.0:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO local_linksdownloads (linkid, linkurl, username, userid, userip, userbrowser, usertime)
'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; DT)',

mysql error: Duplicate entry '32767' for key 1

mysql error number: 1062

Date: Tuesday 29th of June 2004 11:55:55 AM
Script: http://forum.pesinsight.com/local_li...ion=jump&id=41
Referer: http://www.google.de/search?q=rebuil...-8&hl=de&meta=
Username: Unregistered
IP Address: XXXX

AndrewD 06-29-2004 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by hitmanuk2k
hi, for your informations i repaired the tables several times today but the problem keeps reoccuring. The hack had been working fine for around 2 months then suddenly these errors pop up. vb version 3.0.0

the error message is the same as on the site:

I think your problem is that Google and other search engines are coming along and accessing all your files. Every time this happens, the downloads table logs it. You've had more than 32K hits since you reset the downloads table.

Immediate suggestions:
- If you're not too concerned about tracking who is downloading what, empty the local_linksdownloads table.
- You can do this in a couple of ways. If you go to the links admin page, there's an option in the statistics section to view/clear the dowloads. Or use phpmyadmin and empty this table.
- You might ask yourself if you really want Google stealing all your band width. Are all your links set to be available without being logged on? You might change this/

I will modify the table definition with the next release so that we don't hit this problem so soon, but it will still be there. I might put some code in to stop bots downloading links.


hitmanuk2k 06-29-2004 08:27 PM

thanks for the information. i will just empty the table.

Natch 06-30-2004 09:08 AM

Run this query:[SQL]ALTER TABLE `local_linksdownloads` CHANGE `dlid` `dlid` MEDIUMINT( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT [/SQL]Should solve the problem :) (11 digits for a smallint ? even overkill for a mediumint ... but hey ;))

krohnathlonman 07-03-2004 05:24 PM

OUCH! I just tried using this for a couple of files I posted (DX9.0c). It was linked as a normal file and then when I switched to a link using this system the loads jumped from .3 to over 2.0! that's from 1.25 beta....

I really haven't checked into it very much yet to help determine the cause of this within your sytem. I will be doing so as soon as I can right now I'm tweaking some of my own systems to run even better ;) google has started placing me alot better recently in some important key words so I've been getting alot more traffic lately.

krohnathlonman 07-04-2004 02:12 AM

OK, basically don't use fopen on any large files since it loads that file into the RAM and it can't exit until the file download is completed. Basically just using the normal redirect is the only thing to do for larger files. You'll want to search google for bandwidth theft to learn some .htaccess methods of blocking refs not from your domain.

JirQUEST 07-06-2004 02:29 PM

does this work on 3.0.2??

EnriqueHavoc 07-08-2004 01:52 AM

Hi Andrew thanks for this awesome script.

*note- Im using 1.22 because my php/mysql is not up to date so i apologize if this has been address in 1.25

Question: How can I alternate the linkbit TD colors for each link and category displayed?

Ive tried editing the linkbit using if conditions with $linkid and it works but when the links are sorted, it throws off the alternating sequence. How can I edit the templates so that the links/categories will always alternate color regardless of how they are sorted?

JirQUEST 07-08-2004 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by JirQUEST
does this work on 3.0.2??

ok never mind. it works on 3.0.3 :D

vonedaddy 07-10-2004 04:33 AM

I installed an it works great. Thanks... ONE QUICK QUESTION... Where in the templates is the forum jump?? I would like to remove the forums jump drop down menu.

See it here : http://hereyah.com/forums/local_links.php?action=links

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