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Xyphen 01-06-2003 07:28 PM

PSI|Dr-X, and ULTIMATESSJ will you realse the DBZ rpg system for public? -_-, please I want it, also sorry for double posting, forgot to ask and I hate editing posts..

P.S, Bitsys I closed my Battle system until you help me out with the problem so please hurry -_-

Bitsys 01-06-2003 07:41 PM


Originally posted by AViO 07
Bitsys, I got probs, -_-.. I was battling with a friend, cuz he was having probs, so i went to edit Item types, I changed them all to Generic, and i tried to change them back, but it doesn't work.. and everything says

Your Item is for a different class. Please sell it.

except for fists and ++++, please help, what do I do?

Which part of it is not working? When you go to the Edit Item Type menu, and you click the checkbox next to a class type other than Generic, what happens?

The reason you are getting the message "Your Item is for a different class. Please sell it." is that if you have a weapon that is type-specific and it is not valid with your class, then you should not be able to use it in battle. However, if an item is generic, then you should always be able to use it in battle, regardless of your class type.

What problems was your friend having before all of this started?

PSI|Dr-X 01-06-2003 09:11 PM

Avio 07:

Maybe i do Maybe not because im gonna work on it when the full versions come cuz i have all the dbz items i need smilies chara images everything

And i the last step is to edit the files with the class hack
To dbz attacks and that stuff and i will make a little system in it

When someone has goku and he has 100 posts will turn in ssj
200 ssj2 300 mystic 400 ssj3 500 ssj4 1000 golden oozaru

Like that

It is gonna take me a lot of time but i think im able to do that

ill think of it is an public release with ultimate ssj if he wanna help

Xyphen 01-07-2003 06:30 PM

ok Bitsys, the prob is fixed thnx to you! I can't wait till the next version comes out ^_-

PSI|Dr-X 01-07-2003 07:31 PM

Me either but where do you are disappeard dont see you anymore

Bitsys 01-07-2003 08:02 PM


Originally posted by PSI|Dr-X
Me either but where do you are disappeard dont see you anymore
I am still here. It is just taking longer than I had hoped to get the install file working. Here are some new features for the next version:
  • mr e was kind enough to make an element strength/weakness add-on. It allows you to specify a strength and a weakness element for each element. For example, you can say that Fire's weakness is Water, and that Water's weakness is Earth. In battle, if your Element is your opponent's weakness, then you will do 1.5 times the amount of damage normally done. However, if your Element is your opponent's strength, then you will only do .5 times the amount of damage normally done. Strengths and weaknesses can be set in the admin control panel.
  • VeoMorphine was kind enough to make a bank/points moderator add-on. It allows moderators the ability to give money to users via their bank or their cash (money in pocket). Moderators can also take away money.
  • The battle formulas are getting some tweaking in order to make the battles a little more interesting.
  • The whole level/experience system has been re-done and now has some nice features.

Plus, a lot of bugs were fixed and small requests were added.

VeoMorphine 01-07-2003 08:12 PM

yippy skippy :P

mr e 01-07-2003 09:01 PM

ooooh sounds fun :D

geniuscrew 01-07-2003 11:39 PM

Sounds great Bitsys - I hope you get hack of the month once it's out of beta. You're dedication and support has been truly amazing :D

Gohan 01-08-2003 12:27 AM

hmm.. i've try install into my localhost server and doesn't working :(

topics (showthread.php) are blank (well show but not posts!)

what's happens?

Bitsys 01-08-2003 12:32 AM


Originally posted by Gohan
hmm.. i've try install into my localhost server and doesn't working :(

topics (showthread.php) are blank (well show but not posts!)

what's happens?

Did you get any errors during the installation? In particular, did the vbhacker script say that any of the code insertions failed?

Gohan 01-08-2003 12:38 AM

maybe could we talking via MSN?


p.s. i'm not n00b of PHP or MySQL script..

*) Itemshop = ok
*) Battle = unknown
*) topic (post or replie) = error

if you make contact to me, i could gift my localhost address to you

Mrpolish 01-08-2003 01:23 AM

Maybe you dont have the proper version of php or mysql ?

Gohan 01-08-2003 03:17 AM


PHP = 4.2.3
MySQL = 3.23.53

that's ok?

Mrpolish 01-08-2003 03:30 AM

Yea that should be fine.
I suggest reading this if you are running your vb on your computer: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...etin+localhost

PSI|Dr-X 01-08-2003 02:29 PM

Hey saxxon

Probeer dit ga naar admin > edit options doe battle hack dan aan

dan moetie wel werken en over dat het pagina niet komt weet ik ook niet misshien ligt het aan vb

maar ik weet het zeker dat hij met 2.2.6 en 2.2.7 heel goed lukt

Probeer dat eens te doen als je het gedaan hebt en lukt niet

vraag bytsis maar want die weet het wel beter :)


Gohan 01-08-2003 04:21 PM


Originally posted by PSI|Dr-X
Hey saxxon

Probeer dit ga naar admin > edit options doe battle hack dan aan

dan moetie wel werken en over dat het pagina niet komt weet ik ook niet misshien ligt het aan vb

maar ik weet het zeker dat hij met 2.2.6 en 2.2.7 heel goed lukt

Probeer dat eens te doen als je het gedaan hebt en lukt niet

vraag bytsis maar want die weet het wel beter :)


Hey Dr-X

Bedankt voor uitleggen.

Ja, Bytsis helpt net aan mij.. hij vond 1 probleem in showthread.php.. oorzaak door vbhacker programma

PSI|Dr-X 01-08-2003 05:11 PM

Oow ok


Hey bytsis any idea for the updated version :D

Bitsys 01-09-2003 01:43 AM

Version 0.59 is done. The original post has the updated .zip file. An upgrade file and script is included in the "upgrade" folder. Please follow the instructions carefully, they have changed from last time.

New features:
  • mr e was kind enough to make an element strength/weakness add-on. It allows you to specify a strength and a weakness element for each element. For example, you can say that Fire's weakness is Water, and that Water's weakness is Earth. In battle, if your Element is your opponent's weakness, then you will do 1.5 times the amount of damage normally done. However, if your Element is your opponent's strength, then you will only do .5 times the amount of damage normally done. Strengths and weaknesses can be set in the admin control panel.
  • VeoMorphine was kind enough to make a bank/points moderator add-on. It allows moderators the ability to give money to users via their bank or their cash (money in pocket). Moderators can also take away money.
  • VeoMorphine also made a mass points script that allows you to give numerous users different amounts of money using an input box in the admin cp.
  • The battle formulas have been tweaked to reflect the new experience system.
  • The whole level/experience system has been re-done and now has some nice features.
  • In the admin control panel, you have the following options, related to the new experience system (found through the "Mass Experience" link in the admin cp):
  • You can give all users the exact same amount of experience. The amount you specify will be added to the user's current experience.
  • You can set all users' experience to the same amount. This can be used for resetting expereience or putting everyone ont he same level.
  • You can reset all users' experience based on their post count. For example, if you want to set a user's experience to 10 times their number of posts, then use this script.
  • You can do the same thing as above, except this script won't give a user experience if they have more experience than 10 times their number of posts. For example, let's say John has 300 experience and 40 posts. Then, if you choose to give 10 experience per post, then John will have 400 experience after this script is run. However, let's say Dave has 500 experience and 30 posts. If you decide to give 10 experience per post, then Dave's experience won't change, since 10 * 30 = 300 and is less than Dave's current experience of 500.
  • User levels are now calculated in a single function located in admin/functions.php. You can adjust the formula there and it will be applied everywhere that the user level is calculated. The function name is "getlevel".
  • When clicking on the link in the postbit that says "Not in battle.", you will be taken to the create new battle screen and the username of the poster in which the link was located will be automatically filled into the Opponent name field. There is no link if the poster is yourself, or if you are in battle.
  • For those of you who want more information about how battles are processed, there is now a variable at the top of battle.php called "$battledebug". Setting this variable to 1 makes the battle print messages of variable values as they occur throughout the battle. Most of the variables have to do with one or two-handed weapons, since these are the most popular.
  • The two opponents should now face each other while in battle.

Bug fixes:
  • You can no longer buy items while in battle.
  • Online.php should now display the correct locations. Not fully tested.
  • Some other minor bugs.

As always, let me know if you have any problems or find any bugs/errors. Enjoy :)

Mijae 01-09-2003 02:57 AM

I set all users to level 1 and all of them have stats 0 now :P

mr e 01-09-2003 02:59 AM

hmmm...same here with the stats being 0

also bitsys

should this code have {} in it?
PHP Code:

        if ($user[element] == $opponentstats[eleweakness])
$uelemod 1.5;
        elseif (
$user[element] == $opponentstats[elestrength])
$uelemod 0.5;
$uelemod 1

i just thought it should but maybe not

Mijae 01-09-2003 03:03 AM

nevermind, stats at 0 only show up in the rpg.php popup, stats show up ok in battle.

Mrpolish 01-09-2003 03:04 AM

Yeah it has to be opened and closed
PHP Code:

if ($user[element] == $opponentstats[eleweakness])
$uelemod 1.5;
        elseif (
$user[element] == $opponentstats[elestrength])
$uelemod 0.5;
$uelemod 1;

mr e 01-09-2003 03:06 AM

Stuff to fix

in admin/functions.php find (remove the #)

PHP Code:

 $rpggenderimage '<img src="{#imagesfolder}/gender/female.gif" alt="female.gif" border="0">';
} elseif(
$post[rpggender] == "2") {
$rpggendername "Male";
$rpggenderimage '<img src="{#imagesfolder}/gender/male.gif" alt="female.gif" border="0">'

and change it to

PHP Code:

 $rpggenderimage '<img src="{#imagesfolder}/gender/female.gif" alt="Female" border="0">';
} elseif(
$post[rpggender] == "2") {
$rpggendername "Male";
$rpggenderimage '<img src="{#imagesfolder}/gender/male.gif" alt="Male" border="0">'


in battleupdate.php find

PHP Code:

// This element strength/weakness code is by mr e
if ($user[element] == $opponentstats[eleweakness])
$uelemod 1.5;
elseif (
$user[element] == $opponentstats[elestrength])
$uelemod 0.5;
$uelemod 1;
// End mr e's code 

and replace it with

PHP Code:

// This element strength/weakness code is by mr e
if ($user[element] == $opponentstats[eleweakness]) {
$uelemod 1.5;
} elseif (
$user[element] == $opponentstats[elestrength]) {
$uelemod 0.5;
} else {
$uelemod 1;
// End mr e's code 


in rpg.php find

PHP Code:

$regatt $showlevel $userclass[regatt];
$magicatt $showlevel $userclass[magicatt];
$magicdef $showlevel $userclass[magicdef];
$regdef $showlevel $userclass[regdef];
$speed $showlevel $userclass[speed];
$evade $showlevel $userclass[evade]; 

and replace it with

PHP Code:

$regatt $level $userclass[regatt];
$magicatt $level $userclass[magicatt];
$magicdef $level $userclass[magicdef];
$regdef $level $userclass[regdef];
$speed $level $userclass[speed];
$evade $level $userclass[evade]; 

I'll post any new changes if i find em

Travis641 01-09-2003 03:26 AM

I can't get this to work no matter what. =\ I used to have v.56 and this same problem existed - now I've installed your v.59 and the problem STILL exists for me. I'm checked the update stats box numerous times - it just doesnt seem to be helping.

Anyways, I can't get any - or very few - stats to show up.

I can get my level, max hp, max ma, and max pp, to show, (but without my actual hp showing - just the max), I can also get my gender, whether I'm dead or alive, and whether I'm in battle. Nothing else works. Check Stats says all my stats are 0. However, my alignment, race, and Class DO show up there.

What am I doing wrong? I've attached a picture to help.

Edit: If a user does NOT select a class, the nonef(or m) image DOES work. Also - I've made sure all my profile fields are right.

mr e 01-09-2003 03:33 AM

do you have the 2 really big file edits in showthread.php?

Travis641 01-09-2003 03:34 AM

Edit: yes I do, but still nothing. However, the stats DID show up fine in a battle as well.

mr e 01-09-2003 03:42 AM

also bitsys

i can't post replys, the error is


Warning: Failed opening '/lotsofstuff/newreply.php' for inclusion (include_path='') in Unknown on line 0
im completely lost on this one

mr e 01-09-2003 03:43 AM

then it's gotta be in the showthread.php or at least i think it does, try going back and manually editing that file and make sure the code is right


Originally posted by Travis641
Edit: yes I do, but still nothing. However, the stats DID show up fine in a battle as well.

Travis641 01-09-2003 03:54 AM

I checked again - even reinstalled it on a brand new showthread.php - nothing =\

Travis641 01-09-2003 04:00 AM

Also, the battle's aren't detecting weapons, armor, or potions I believe. Any fix?

Bitsys 01-09-2003 12:24 PM

Heh, I forgot to tell you guys some important info about the new version.

The user profile fields "Experience" and "Level" are no longer used. Also, post count is no longer used to determine a user's level. Instead, there is a new field in the user table called "xp". This is the user's experience. From this number, the user's level is calculated on the fly. You can determine how much experience it takes to get to the next level by adjusting the "Power level modifier" field in the Battle Options menu.

The reason why all stats went back to 0 is that everyone starts with 0 experience. If you want people to get experience for posts they previously made, then go to the "Mass Experience" Menu in the admin cp.

You can let users gain experience for posts, battle turns, and battle wins, all configurable in the Battle Options menu.

mr e:
Thanks for finding those, the new files will bit uploaded in a little bit.

It sounds like your database did not have all of the queries run successfully. Did you get any errors when you installed it with vbhacker?

Try running the attached file, and let me know what it says. Make sure you upload it into your admin directory.

To fix the weapons, armor, and potions not showing up, read https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...575#post329575 . Make sure you have done that.

mr e (re: newreply.php):
Are you sure that newreply.php is in the correct directory? That doesn't seem like an error the hack would cause, since in newreply.php it only adds some database queries.

vdinh 01-09-2003 04:00 PM

Hi Bitsys,
I have a suggestion: Since we already have GenSec's Pickpocket hack. Is there a way that you can allow users to steal weapons from others ? That would be fun :D

Travis641 01-09-2003 08:38 PM


Originally posted by Bitsys
It sounds like your database did not have all of the queries run successfully. Did you get any errors when you installed it with vbhacker?

Try running the attached file, and let me know what it says. Make sure you upload it into your admin directory.

To fix the weapons, armor, and potions not showing up, read https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...575#post329575 . Make sure you have done that.

I get this, when I run the file:

Populating items_user database
No IDs were inserted.
Done with the items_user database.
Populating battle_stats database
No IDs were inserted.
Done with the battle_stats database.
Fix done.

But still nothing in showthread =\

Also weapons are working now! =)

Bitsys 01-09-2003 10:42 PM


Originally posted by Travis641

I get this, when I run the file:

Populating items_user database
No IDs were inserted.
Done with the items_user database.
Populating battle_stats database
No IDs were inserted.
Done with the battle_stats database.
Fix done.

But still nothing in showthread =\

Also weapons are working now! =)

Make sure that the install file made changes to the second HUGE database query in showthread.php. There are two queries that are very similar. After the hack, they should be nearly identical. The queries begin with




Each of these queries should be similar, and they should also be a lot longer than the default queries. Make sure that this is the case. To find out what code needs to be inserted, have vbhacker generate a text file of the hack, and manually make sure that the changes were applied to both queries, even when there is only one file edit.

Travis641 01-10-2003 12:21 AM

I've checked and reinstalled the showthread.php making PERFECTLY sure that it was right - but it's still not working. =\

Travis641 01-10-2003 12:44 AM

Doh! Apparently something DID go wrong during installation. I replaced all the files with clean files, and reinstalled just the file edits and now it works perfectly (well the check stats still says my attack and all that is 0, but I can live with that!). Sorry for all the trouble! =)

mr e 01-10-2003 01:49 AM

what do u mean the stats are 0? if you fixed the showthread they should all be fixed

Travis641 01-10-2003 01:55 AM

I mean when I click "Check Stats" on the posts, it says:
Attack: 0
Magic Attack: 0
Speed: 0
Defense: 0
Magic Defense: 0
Evade: 0

But when in battles its all fine.

Davey 01-10-2003 02:09 AM

I tried installing this again (I'm not sure what version of the battle system, it was a while back) and followed the guide as best I could (choosing not to edit showthread.php) and whereever I went I seemed to get database errors. Itemshop.php, etc.


PS: Yes I'd followed all the steps correctly.

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