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NTLDR 09-16-2002 06:19 PM

Its because you have the shoutbox in a table within a table. You should have it in a <td> if I remember correctly.

kuska 09-16-2002 09:04 PM

Any ideas why im getting blank pages??? It happened after i installed vbindex. I installed on 2.2.7 , has anyone had similar problems ??? I changed my vbindex to index.php and my old index into index2.php .....
My forum is at http://www.NaKazdyTemat.com

Any guide lines greatly appreciated

NTLDR 09-16-2002 09:07 PM

Blank pages where exactly? Looks fine to me.

kuska 09-16-2002 09:09 PM

Since im a total n00b can someone tell me how to space the left n right tables ??? :(

kuska 09-16-2002 10:21 PM

The blank pages appear at random thats why i cant pin point the problem ... It happens on my vbindex and index page ... Whierd huh ???

kuska 09-17-2002 07:13 AM

Nevermind, its fixed ... One question, how many queries does a shout box add if i intergrate it with vbindex ?? :chinese:

NTLDR 09-18-2002 12:36 PM


Originally posted by kuska
Nevermind, its fixed ... One question, how many queries does a shout box add if i intergrate it with vbindex ?? :chinese:
One if I remember correctly, to get the shouts.

lemarsu 09-18-2002 12:57 PM

Re : post #456)


also .. is it possible to allow only about 200 characters to show up in the news bit ... and if people want to read the rest of the post they can click on the "read more" or "see whole post" which will bring them to the actually post in the News forum ...
That is what I am most interested in doing ? did anyone manage to do this ?


where exactly in the home_news template do I insert the break? sorry for being such a newbie ..
Looking at this i think the answer is to add :
<td bgcolor="{ pagebgcolor }"><br></td> takeing out the spaces before and after pagebgcolor
to the first line of home_newsbit template.
There must be a better way to do this but can't find out how for now.

NTLDR 09-18-2002 01:26 PM


Originally posted by lemarsu
Re : post #456)
That is what I am most interested in doing ? did anyone manage to do this ?

This has been compleated and will be a standard feature in v2.1.

lemarsu 09-18-2002 05:27 PM

I have my poll under a forum acting as a title and is private (only admins can see)
but at the portal all the users can see the poll, but can't vote. only admins can vote !

Can you please help ? how can I fix that !


This has been compleated and will be a standard feature in v2.1.
do you have a date for that ?

NTLDR 09-18-2002 05:39 PM


Originally posted by lemarsu
I have my poll under a forum acting as a title and is private (only admins can see)
but at the portal all the users can see the poll, but can't vote. only admins can vote !

Can you please help ? how can I fix that !

Thats standard vB permissions, you will need to make it so that the forum isn't private for users to vote. There are a few ways to hide the forum, set the is active option to no, so you don't see the forum by default, make it a sub forum, or install a hack by FireFly so it doesn't appear on the forumhome.

v2.1 should be out in the next few weeks. I still have some more to add to it and developing my own site has set development back a bit.

lemarsu 09-18-2002 06:03 PM


Thanks that worked a treat !


camikazi2k 09-19-2002 11:14 AM

ok here is a question dunna if its possible, that News forum is it possible to make the latest 10topic to be shown in the main page, in place of the news.

NTLDR 09-19-2002 12:31 PM

Yes this is posible you just need to modify the templates and where the variables for the news and thread go within the template.

camikazi2k 09-19-2002 04:14 PM

sorry i am just stupid in template can u do it for me please

NTLDR 09-19-2002 04:43 PM

I provide a default set of templates for users to use, if you wish to change the layout then its up to you to modify the templates ;)

camikazi2k 09-20-2002 04:13 AM

i dont know how
i will figure it out
thanks though for the best hack ever

glo 09-20-2002 12:58 PM

will this work on 2.2.7

NTLDR 09-20-2002 04:25 PM

Yes, this shoudl work will all of 2.2.x.

joeboo 09-20-2002 11:36 PM

is there ANY way to get this working if your board and site are on different servers?

TECK 09-20-2002 11:42 PM


glo 09-21-2002 02:39 AM

what is the difference between vBindex v2 and vBhome (lite) 3.0???

I am looking for the most suitable hack that will allow me to do the following:

1. place the login/password feature on the home (non vB) page.
2. place polls on non vB pages.
3. calculate the users online on the entire site, not just the vB forum pages.
4. have some member only pages (non vB), protected by the username and password access from vB!

I am using vB 2.2.7. (brand new forum!)

I guess this is directed to NTLDR & TECK but anyone can assist!

otacon 09-21-2002 04:01 AM

<a href="http://www.fusionart.org/forum/vbindex.php" target="_blank">www.fusionart.org/forum/vbindex.php</a>

is there a way i can make the font not so small in the news posts

TECK 09-21-2002 09:08 AM


Originally posted by glo
what is the difference between vBindex v2 and vBhome (lite) 3.0???

I am looking for the most suitable hack that will allow me to do the following:

1. place the login/password feature on the home (non vB) page.
2. place polls on non vB pages.
3. calculate the users online on the entire site, not just the vB forum pages.
4. have some member only pages (non vB), protected by the username and password access from vB!

I am using vB 2.2.7. (brand new forum!)

I guess this is directed to NTLDR & TECK but anyone can assist!

vbIndex was "inspired" from my original vbHome 1.0, when element ripped my code, wajones's poll and other's and stick it togheter...
then NTLDR released a different version and credited a part of the code element stolled from me as:
"code by nakkid" (my previous nick at vb.org)

the diff between vbIndex and vbHome (lite) is the number of queries and the code stability. the queries are in a loop. so vbIndex could easily "boost" your page at 150queries if you go at ease with the options. that equals death to the server.
even set at default, with minimum options, if i understood corectly from NTLDR, there are still 47queries loaded, wich is huge for a simple page... the server could easily crash on a busy site with this number of queries.

vbHome (lite) 3 performs only 13queries (14 as loggedin) and also is optimised for extremly fast page loads (average 0.09seconds).
this was tested on 2 servers.
NTLDR can give you more precise info about it's code performance, since he code it. i posted my specs here just to have a better idea.


MiF 09-21-2002 09:27 AM

Couple of problems I found:

1. I don't know if it's a problem with vbhacker generating the text file of changes or the hack is incorrect.


| In admin/template.php, replace this code:                                                      |
$only[\'showgroup\'] = \'Show Groups\';

| With this code:                                                                                |
$only[\'home\'] = \'vBindex\';

Shouldn't this line be inserted after the code found instead of replaced?


| In admin/usergroup.php, replace this code:                                                      |
makeyesnocode("Can view board","canview",1);

| With this code:                                                                                |
// vBindex Edit
makeyesnocode("Can view vBindex?","canviewvbindex,1");
// vBindex Edit

Same as above question plus the replacement text is bad. "canviewvbindex,1" should be "canviewvbindex",1

2. The poll query takes extreme amount of time to complete. I think it's not constructed properly but maybe it's a bug in my version of MySQL.

This code:


$pollinfo=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT *,thread.open FROM poll LEFT JOIN thread ON (thread.pollid = poll.pollid) WHERE thread.forumid='$pollsforum' ORDER BY poll.dateline DESC LIMIT 1");
Should be:


$pollinfo=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT poll.*,thread.open FROM thread LEFT JOIN poll ON (thread.pollid=poll.pollid) WHERE thread.forumid='$pollsforum' ORDER BY poll.dateline DESC LIMIT 1");
And of course code appropriately changed to reflect query change.

MiF 09-21-2002 10:02 AM

Found another problem. When installing the templates using vbitemplate_install or vbi_install, the PHP variables in some templates are replaced during the insertion. They are not escaped properly.

glo 09-21-2002 09:22 PM


Originally posted by glo
what is the difference between vBindex v2 and vBhome (lite) 3.0???

I am looking for the most suitable hack that will allow me to do the following:

1. place the login/password feature on the home (non vB) page.
2. place polls on non vB pages.
3. calculate the users online on the entire site, not just the vB forum pages.
4. have some member only pages (non vB), protected by the username and password access from vB!

I am using vB 2.2.7. (brand new forum!)

I guess this is directed to NTLDR & TECK but anyone can assist!

NTLDR, your thoughts please.

NTLDR 09-21-2002 10:06 PM


Originally posted by TECK
if i understood corectly from NTLDR, there are still 47queries loaded, wich is huge for a simple page... the server could easily crash on a busy site with this number of queries.
That number is about right if you have everything switched on and enabled, but of course varies on how many news/latest posts you have. I will be trying my own methods of getting the queries out of the loop for the next version ;) Lets hope I can do as good a job as TECK managed to do.

NTLDR 09-21-2002 10:09 PM


Originally posted by MiF
Found another problem. When installing the templates using vbitemplate_install or vbi_install, the PHP variables in some templates are replaced during the insertion. They are not escaped properly.
The installer has been re-done for the next version, thanks for pointing out what the problem is with it ;) You are correct with the problems with the vBhacker file, there seem to be problems with vBhacker now :ermm:

NTLDR 09-21-2002 10:18 PM


Originally posted by glo
1. place the login/password feature on the home (non vB) page.
Both vBindex and vBhome can do this, this is default with vBindex.

2. place polls on non vB pages.
Again avalible for both, as default for vBindex there is a tutorial for vBhome.

3. calculate the users online on the entire site, not just the vB forum pages.
vBindex displays the users online by default. Users on pages by both hacks will be counted as the number of members online.

4. have some member only pages (non vB), protected by the username and password access from vB!
By deault you have the option of choosing which user groups can access the vBindex page, its also easy with both hacks to restrict to specific groups/userids. vBindex also has a multi-page option by default.

I am using vB 2.2.7. (brand new forum!)
Both hacks should work fine with 2.2.7

To mention again what TECK said, the origional version of vBindex by el3m3nt was based on vBhome but was a more "compleate" option as it didn't require people to have to add code for other stuff into the page. vBhome was made in my understanding for users to modify more heavily to meet there specific needs, thats my understanding at least. After e3l3m3nt stoped providing major support to the hack I started to re-code parts of it and release a new version with his permission.

TECK 09-22-2002 06:42 AM

NTLDR, the login/logout is default also on vbHome (lite) 3. :)
and yes, you are correct. vbHL, is designed for the average coder who wants to create his own custom page that uses several functions in VB and also to be a news(information) page.

otacon 09-22-2002 05:02 PM

hay guys i rely need to make the font bigger it is way to small for my users alot of them want me to change it. if there is eny way to do this plz tell me

->vbindex page www.fusionart.org/forum/vbindex.php

NTLDR 09-22-2002 05:19 PM

You can replace the font tags within the home templates, eg change <smallfont> to <normalfont> or <font size="x"> for example.

Buddha 09-22-2002 09:44 PM

ntldr, how can i break up the news items?
i tried adding a <br> in the template in various places, but that just didn't work.

TECK 09-22-2002 10:21 PM

he probably uses a string replace, to kill all the <br>, just in case you use html. just comment that line.

Buddha 09-22-2002 10:54 PM

you talking about this one teck?

//$newstext=str_replace("<br />","",$newstext);
if so, it is commented.
any thoughts?

NTLDR 09-23-2002 11:40 AM

Try adding a blank cell at the end of the news item as its in a table:



Buddha 09-23-2002 12:00 PM


(btw, truly loving this hack... setting up other pages using it for the whole site. )

Neo 09-23-2002 12:08 PM

OMG!!!! Its BUDDHA!!!!

Buddha 09-23-2002 12:31 PM


do i know you?

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