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nhawk 08-06-2013 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Muhammad Rahman (Post 2437440)
i mean like this ,,

default choice, user only have one choice application.

I want to be able to be like this, have two choice and more ..

how to setting it .. :)

Create another application postion and assign it to the application type. Be sure to give permission to view the postion to the usergroup you want to be able to fill it out.

Muhammad Rahman 08-06-2013 10:15 AM

work fine. .. thanks ..... :up:

CoZmicShReddeR 08-08-2013 11:20 AM

Great Job Snog keep up your amazing work!!!

sutto 08-14-2013 05:25 AM

Hey nhawk,

Love the mod, thanks.

Is it possible to request a feature that includes the ability to approve/decline applications.

So once applications are processed, admins can review and set the status of the application to approve or decline. Depending on which is selected a private message is automatically sent to the users (msg defined in admincp).

What would also be cool is having a particular type of application which uses pre-exisitng usergroups. I.e. users are able to apply for particular roles on the forum. So as an administrator I would create a form which allows users to apply for roles. These roles would be linked to usergroups. So once approved it would automatically grant the user relevant privileges as defined in admincp. If the user selects multiple roles, admin should be able to deselect roles that they don't want to approve etc.

Would pay for features like this.


nhawk 08-14-2013 09:48 AM

The closest thing to what you want to do that's available right now is the Poll & Promote add-on for the AAF system.

I'll put your request on the wish list for this mod.

Robru 09-07-2013 02:12 PM

vB 4.2 Community Menu Update setting to 'Yes' don't worked, jumping back to 'No' after saving ;)

nhawk 09-07-2013 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Robru (Post 2443941)
vB 4.2 Community Menu Update setting to 'Yes' don't worked, jumping back to 'No' after saving ;)

It is working properly.

Once the update is done, it automatically resets the setting to no.

Light Peak 09-23-2013 03:51 AM

Would love to have a password field though.

It'd be great if it's WYSIWYG editor.

ForceHSS 09-23-2013 05:12 AM

What add-ons on your site go with this mod

nhawk 09-23-2013 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Light Peak (Post 2447396)
Would love to have a password field though.

It'd be great if it's WYSIWYG editor.

A password field wouldn't be very useful since the password would be displayed in plain text in the thread created by the application system.

nhawk 09-23-2013 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by ForceHSS (Post 2447399)
What add-ons on your site go with this mod

From the main post..


* Add-ons for this mod that are Available from My Site *
Poll & Promote - Adds a poll to a new thread and automatically promotes applicant by poll results.
Instant Promote - Instantly promotes a member after they submit an application.

ForceHSS 09-23-2013 09:20 AM

Does the mod not add a poll to a section anyway without adding a extra plugin on top of this one.
Do you not have a lite version of this

nhawk 09-23-2013 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by ForceHSS (Post 2447421)
Does the mod not add a poll to a section anyway without adding a extra plugin on top of this one.
Do you not have a lite version of this

No. The Advanced Application Forms system does not add a poll without the add-on.

There is no lite version of Poll & Promote.

ForceHSS 09-23-2013 10:50 AM

Am sure it can be added like this one
Not much point in getting it if it does not make a poll. I know everyone needs to make cash but there needs to be a lite version put out

nhawk 09-23-2013 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by ForceHSS (Post 2447431)
Am sure it can be added like this one
Not much point in getting it if it does not make a poll. I know everyone needs to make cash but there needs to be a lite version put out

That is entirely your opinion. The Poll and Promote add-on to this mod was released a long time after creation of Advanced Application Forms. Advanced Application Forms was released in May of 2011. The Poll & Promote add-on for Advanced Application Forms was released in December 2011.

ForceHSS 09-23-2013 11:01 AM

Is there any way you can make a lite version of the poll mod or if not is it ok if i recode this mod myself and add that option in. I will not share with anyone

nhawk 09-23-2013 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by ForceHSS (Post 2447442)
Is there any way you can make a lite version of the poll mod or if not is it ok if i recode this mod myself and add that option in. I will not share with anyone

Poll & Promote is a premium add-on for Advanced Application Forms. There will be no lite version of that add-on. Advanced Applications Forms IS the lite version, and Poll & Promote adds functionality to Advanced Application Forms.

I have no control over what someone does with a mod once they have it. So long as there is no distribution of modified code, and they only use it on their site they can change whatever they like in the system.

ForceHSS 09-23-2013 11:06 AM

Thx will work on it later for now need bed

nhawk 09-23-2013 11:17 AM

FYI, Advanced Application Forms DOES make a post. It does not create a Poll. Creating a poll is the function of the Poll & Promote add-on.

ForceHSS 09-23-2013 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by nhawk (Post 2447447)
FYI, Advanced Application Forms DOES make a post. It does not create a Poll. Creating a poll is the function of the Poll & Promote add-on.

Thats ok i can code it so it does a poll as well

CAG CheechDogg 10-17-2013 02:11 AM

Wow....lol....Are there any issues when upgrading from 1.2.5 to the current version? I never marked this as installed so I never got updates about updates to this mod...SOB! lesson learned you guys, always mark it installed ! lol..

Really sorry to bug you with this question nhawk...just a heads up, I do have your Advanced Applications Instant Promote so I just want to make sure there is no issues when upgrading...

Thanks in advance ....

nhawk 10-17-2013 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg (Post 2454055)
Wow....lol....Are there any issues when upgrading from 1.2.5 to the current version? I never marked this as installed so I never got updates about updates to this mod...SOB! lesson learned you guys, always mark it installed ! lol..

Really sorry to bug you with this question nhawk...just a heads up, I do have your Advanced Applications Instant Promote so I just want to make sure there is no issues when upgrading...

Thanks in advance ....

There shouldn't be any issues, but I would suggest backing up your system before doing it.

I've never made the jump from 1.2.5 to 1.4.4 so that's the best advice I can give.

CAG CheechDogg 10-18-2013 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by nhawk (Post 2454111)
There shouldn't be any issues, but I would suggest backing up your system before doing it.

I've never made the jump from 1.2.5 to 1.4.4 so that's the best advice I can give.

Ok nhawk thanks for the reply my Man !

Sios 10-20-2013 05:53 AM

Just recently installed this add-on. Few problems.

First I'm sure it resetted my navbar so what was once domain.com/forums/index.php - it reverted to domain.com/forums/forum.php (The latter of which doesn't exist).

Two - When I try to click on the Application Forms as an Administrator, nothing happens. It links off to: javascript:// and that's it. Also, trying to access the application through: domain.com/forums/application-forms.php doesn't work as well.

nhawk 10-21-2013 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Sios (Post 2454795)
Just recently installed this add-on. Few problems.

First I'm sure it resetted my navbar so what was once domain.com/forums/index.php - it reverted to domain.com/forums/forum.php (The latter of which doesn't exist).

Two - When I try to click on the Application Forms as an Administrator, nothing happens. It links off to: javascript:// and that's it. Also, trying to access the application through: domain.com/forums/application-forms.php doesn't work as well.

What version of vB are you running?

The application forms system doesn't touch the navbar, except to add it's own tab.

If all you have is the javascript link, then you don't have any applications available to the admin usergroup. A dropdown of the available application types should come up when you click the link. Go to ACP->Application Forms and check BOTH the application types and application positions to be sure the admin usergroup has access to them.

bennzy 10-31-2013 11:17 AM

Ok so i have installed this mod but just having one little issue i am running vb 4.2.2 and i set the auto update for the navbar which i see the app mod put up the link in the nav bar but when i click it it does nothing.

also is it possible to change the name of the form in the navbar link or once ive sorted the navbar link button out ill be able to change the name?

nhawk 10-31-2013 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by bennzy (Post 2457433)
Ok so i have installed this mod but just having one little issue i am running vb 4.2.2 and i set the auto update for the navbar which i see the app mod put up the link in the nav bar but when i click it it does nothing.

also is it possible to change the name of the form in the navbar link or once ive sorted the navbar link button out ill be able to change the name?

The 'Application Form' navtab shows a dropdown of the available Application Types. If you don't see anything when you click on the tab, that means your usergroup doesn't have permission to view the types or any positions in the types.

The same applies to the community menu dropdown.

Give your usergroup 'Allowed Usergroups' permissions in the Application Type and Application Position.

eazygreek 11-10-2013 06:52 PM

for vb 4.2.1 nothing yet?

McGyver 11-10-2013 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by eazygreek (Post 2459778)
for vb 4.2.1 nothing yet?

It works for vB 4.2.1...

nhawk 11-10-2013 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by eazygreek (Post 2459778)
for vb 4.2.1 nothing yet?

It works with 4.2.2 too. ;)

eazygreek 11-10-2013 07:58 PM

does not work in my forum


also navbar not working the button

eazygreek 11-10-2013 08:05 PM

finally found it.

bzcomputers 11-26-2013 11:34 AM

I need to upgrade but I see the latest (1.4.5) hasn't been uploaded. Are you going to post it here?

nhawk 11-26-2013 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by bzcomputers (Post 2463829)
I need to upgrade but I see the latest (1.4.5) hasn't been uploaded. Are you going to post it here?

1.4.5 isn't anything that affects people not registered on my site. The update has to do with Thread Status Pro and you need to be a member of my site to have that. So, no I wasn't going to upload it here.


1.4.5 (October 11,2013)
- Fix No thread status showing in new threads when Thread Status Pro version 1.0.3 is installed.

bzcomputers 11-26-2013 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by nhawk (Post 2463834)
1.4.5 isn't anything that affects people not registered on my site. The update has to do with Thread Status Pro and you need to be a member of my site to have that. So, no I wasn't going to upload it here.

Got it. Was just wondering because those of us running a mod that alerts if there is an update to an installed mod continue to get alerted on version 1.4.5 being out.

nhawk 11-26-2013 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by bzcomputers (Post 2463850)
Got it. Was just wondering because those of us running a mod that alerts if there is an update to an installed mod continue to get alerted on version 1.4.5 being out.

My site is the one being checked for updates to my mods. Not vB.org. ;)

Kirinovich-Sv 01-01-2014 08:58 PM

Please help me solve the problem. I use the Russian language.
When I add answers in Multiple Choice, and click 'Save', Cyrillic text is not recognized correctly. Example:


after saving:


Try it yourself. Add the following answers in Russian in Multiple Choice (Checkbox): Ответ 1, Ответ 2, Ответ 3

Thank you.

nhawk 01-02-2014 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Kirinovich-Sv (Post 2471752)
Please help me solve the problem. I use the Russian language.
When I add answers in Multiple Choice, and click 'Save', Cyrillic text is not recognized correctly. Example:


after saving:


Try it yourself. Add the following answers in Russian in Multiple Choice (Checkbox): Ответ 1, Ответ 2, Ответ 3

Thank you.

Unfortunately I can't duplicate your problem.

Do the answers appear properly in the form itself?

McGyver 01-02-2014 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Kirinovich-Sv (Post 2471752)
Please help me solve the problem. I use the Russian language.
When I add answers in Multiple Choice, and click 'Save', Cyrillic text is not recognized correctly. Example:


after saving:


Try it yourself. Add the following answers in Russian in Multiple Choice (Checkbox): Ответ 1, Ответ 2, Ответ 3

Thank you.

Try the following:

Replace "htmlentities" with "htmlspecialchars" in "admincp/advappadmin.php" and "application-edit.php".

It appears once in each file, so replace:
PHP Code:

$expected htmlentities($expectedENT_QUOTES); 

PHP Code:

$expected htmlspecialchars($expectedENT_QUOTES); 

I had a similar problem with Greek characters and that's the only I way I could get around it. I guess it has something to do with my CentOS configuration, but I didn't get any deeper.

Kirinovich-Sv 01-02-2014 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by McGyver (Post 2471851)
Try the following:
Replace "htmlentities" with "htmlspecialchars" in "admincp/advappadmin.php" and "application-edit.php".

Thank you very much! :)
You helped a lot. Everything is wonderful happened!

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