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I.G.O.T.A. 01-15-2014 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by yjeanrenaud (Post 2474096)
Isn't it the same live.xbox.com as for 360?

It should be, but doesn't show the games I have played now.

KDawg08 01-18-2014 01:23 AM

For some reason, the images don't show up in my postbit on the left side under my usernames in the thread post and replies, but it showed up in my profiles perfectly.

It just shows a rectangle with a dead image icon, Any idea why that would be? I haven't modified any of the coding and followed the instructions to a Tee. I had this installed in my old website but this time it didn't like me lol.

CoZmicShReddeR 01-18-2014 02:36 AM

You have to install the gamericons folder in your style misc folder..

KDawg08 01-18-2014 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by CoZmicShReddeR (Post 2475051)
You have to install the gamericons folder in your style misc folder..

I just double checked, all those files are already uploaded in the misc area.

CoZmicShReddeR 01-18-2014 02:10 PM

They need to be uploaded to your custom theme not the default theme!

KDawg08 01-18-2014 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by CoZmicShReddeR (Post 2475168)
They need to be uploaded to your custom theme not the default theme!

Ah, Thank you, I'm a dumbass haha.

CoZmicShReddeR 01-18-2014 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by KDawg08 (Post 2475217)
Ah, Thank you, I'm a dumbass haha.

It's ok I did the same thing about 3 years ago! :p

OUTL4W 01-19-2014 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by IGOTASTi (Post 2474271)
It should be, but doesn't show the games I have played now.

Xbox.com has actually yet to be updated to reflect any Xbox One activity.

Natea 05-16-2014 04:41 PM

Steamcard don't work now :/

card image don't shown

CoZmicShReddeR 05-18-2014 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Natea (Post 2498046)
Steamcard don't work now :/

card image don't shown

Just so you know only works if you use all lowercase of a name you created for your steam account it does not work with steam ID or your steam id number and SteamCard is unreliable.

Bestrafung 06-06-2014 05:57 PM

I'm trying to add the Steam card (it's the only part of this mod we use on our site) to the free agent page in our tournaments. I have a working plugin that shows the currently logged in user's steam card instead of the user whose page you're on. If anyone could give me an idea on how to do this I'd greatly appreciate it. Here's what I have at the moment:
PHP Code:

$steamid_facard $vbulletin->userinfo[field11];
vB_Template::PreRegister('header',array('steamid_facard' => $steamid_facard)); 

Then I use something like:
HTML Code:

<a target="_blank" href="http://steamcommunity.com/id/{vb:raw steamid_mycard}"><img width="203" border="0" alt="" src="http://steamcard.com/do/original/{vb:raw steamid_mycard}.png"></a>
in the free agent template. What I need is a way to load the profile field by userid of the page you're on. I found somewhere that you can use
PHP Code:

$userinfo fetch_userinfo($userid); 

to find the profile field but before I can even try to dig into that I have to find a way to pass the userid value. Does anyone have any ideas?

CoZmicShReddeR 06-07-2014 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Bestrafung (Post 2500941)
I'm trying to add the Steam card (it's the only part of this mod we use on our site) to the free agent page in our tournaments. I have a working plugin that shows the currently logged in user's steam card instead of the user whose page you're on. If anyone could give me an idea on how to do this I'd greatly appreciate it. Here's what I have at the moment:
PHP Code:

$steamid_facard $vbulletin->userinfo[field11];
vB_Template::PreRegister('header',array('steamid_facard' => $steamid_facard)); 

Then I use something like:
HTML Code:

<a target="_blank" href="http://steamcommunity.com/id/{vb:raw steamid_mycard}"><img width="203" border="0" alt="" src="http://steamcard.com/do/original/{vb:raw steamid_mycard}.png"></a>
in the free agent template. What I need is a way to load the profile field by userid of the page you're on. I found somewhere that you can use
PHP Code:

$userinfo fetch_userinfo($userid); 

to find the profile field but before I can even try to dig into that I have to find a way to pass the userid value. Does anyone have any ideas?

First off Steam Card is horrible... I hate how it requires all lower case and names not numbers... Ideally we would want something where user adds their Steam account to the website and the website draws a custom card much like the mini card.

I was looking at your info was just wondering if the fictional name was supposed to be the same as the output name? Like vb:raw steamid_mycard was wondering why isn't the name reflective of the steamid_facard name??

Bestrafung 06-07-2014 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by CoZmicShReddeR (Post 2501040)
First off Steam Card is horrible... I hate how it requires all lower case and names not numbers... Ideally we would want something where user adds their Steam account to the website and the website draws a custom card much like the mini card.

I was looking at your info was just wondering if the fictional name was supposed to be the same as the output name? Like vb:raw steamid_mycard was wondering why isn't the name reflective of the steamid_facard name??

Yeah, I've heard a lot of bad things about Steam Card but I don't know enough about coding to put something custom together. Ideally we would just connect directly to Steam's API if possible and draw a custom card as you suggested. There is a mod that allows you to use the Steam OpenID or w/e it's called to login with your Steam account but I don't know how to work off of that.

Regarding the difference between facard and mycard it was just a copy/paste issue. When I first started a made a plugin that only loaded the currently logged in user, hence the mycard. Then I switched to facard for "free agent card". All of the code in the plugin itself is now facard.

All I need is to get the userid for the agent's page. With my limited experience the only way I know to proceed at the moment is to grab the agent number from the URL and try to use that to find the userid from the database but I'm sure there must be an easier way.

CoZmicShReddeR 06-08-2014 01:41 AM

Well I am sure we have decent coders who look through these pages but getting their attention could take eons or maybe if they consider Steam is one of the top most widely used gaming platforms in the world they might re-consider but I doubt it... ;(

Bestrafung 07-18-2014 08:47 PM

I'm still trying to get the gamercards to load in a location other than postbit or user profile. I'm not a VB coder and barely get by with PHP so if anyone can help I'd be immensely grateful. You would think it would be as simple as just copying the profile block to another page somehow. I had hoped the developer would be willing to help but it's not looking good at the moment.

EDIT: Just in case anyone else is after this I finally figured it out after taking a crash refresher course in working with databases in PHP and including PHP in vb templates.

Create a plugin at global_start, execution order 5, with the following code:
PHP Code:

$mycode ob_get_contents();
vB_Template::preRegister('tmnt_freeagent',array('mycode' => $mycode)); 

Then edit the tmnt_freeagent template and add {vb:raw mycode} wherever you want it to show up.

Then create and upload freeagent_steamcard.php to the same directory as your teams.php and other tournament files (usually the forum root) with the following code:
PHP Code:

$id $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('g''id'TYPE_UINT);
$rowcount 0;
$getuserid $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT userid FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "tmnt_members WHERE id = '$id'");
if (!
$getsteamid $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT ".$myfield." FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "userfield WHERE userid = ".$getuserid[userid]);}
$steamid $getsteamid[$myfield];
if (!
$steamid){echo 'This user has not specified a Steam ID yet.';}
'<a target="_blank" href="http://steamcommunity.com/id/'.$steamid.'"><img width="203" border="0" alt="" src="http://steamcard.com/do/original/'.$steamid.'.png"></a>';}

I'm not a good coder by any means but this gets the job done. If improvements can be made please let me know.

Gamelobby 09-05-2014 03:31 AM

So is it working for Xbox one.?

charlesr 09-05-2014 06:17 AM

Only 360 games are noticed. :(

maf1973 10-31-2014 03:52 PM

Any updates to show the xbox one games and avatar?

charlesr 11-11-2014 10:00 AM

The profile page gamercard now shows (a tiny bit of) the xbox homepage.

edit: ignore! seems ok now.

charlesr 11-13-2014 08:54 AM

I'm going to fiddle around with the raptr one to make it into a TrueAchievements feed - their gamercard shows both 360 and One results now and Raptr have stated they will not be supporting current gen any time soon. :(

There's still no movement from MS to support XboxOne in their own gamecard.

charlesr 03-18-2015 07:07 PM

Shame it looks so rubbish. The Playfire one looks better, but is split by Xbox and Sony.


Could put the playfire code into the respective xbox and psn fields I guess.

Nirjonadda 08-27-2015 12:53 PM

Does this mod work with vB 4.2.3 ?

CharlieDelta 09-07-2015 01:17 AM

Anyone else having issues with the sidebar? PSN links and images are broken. Steam link works but images are broken.

CAG CheechDogg 09-08-2015 04:04 AM

Sony did something that prevents gamercards from showing up .. I have the same problem my Man ... sucks

CharlieDelta 09-09-2015 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg (Post 2554527)
Sony did something that prevents gamercards from showing up .. I have the same problem my Man ... sucks

You must like someone else.....blah blah.

Thanks for replying. This does suck.
Is steam still working for you? It isn't for me.

Cody.9791 12-31-2015 07:40 AM

Any idea on how I can get the "Gamercards" to show on the "Members List" page instead of the standard text fields for them?

charlesr 02-01-2016 10:56 AM

Trueachievements card now looks pretty good and includes XboxOne.


charlesr 02-01-2016 11:19 AM

I've modified the postbit_gamercards_xboxlive template to show TA instead. e.g. http://www.bordersdown.net/threads/1...=1#post2197178 The user has to have a TA account for it to work. Not sure how to rename the profile field in the usercp though. Anyone?

zapiy 05-31-2016 03:39 PM

Just installed this but the links are dead so how can i change them.. Any help still?

charlesr 06-01-2016 07:46 PM

Search in templates for "gamercards" and then modify the relevant templates to show links that you are interested in.

Cody.9791 06-04-2016 02:21 PM

I'm trying to change the Xbox Live Gamercard to show from "https://www.mygamerprofile.net/gamercards.php" using the "Xbox One Small" Gamercard Style since the one used in this addon is for Xbox 360.

For some reason, the gamercard isn't changing when I tried updating it. I was editing the "memberinfo_block_gamercards" and "postbit_gamercards_xboxlive", but I must've done something wrong in the process. I reverted the templates back until I'm able to successfully make this change. Any guidance would be appreciated.

charlesr 06-05-2016 08:38 AM

In case it helps, here's what my postbit one looks like. http://pastebin.com/xRRqGqfH

Cody.9791 06-06-2016 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by charlesr (Post 2571661)
In case it helps, here's what my postbit one looks like. http://pastebin.com/xRRqGqfH

Did you do anything else? Like edit your "memberinfo_block_gamercards" template?

charlesr 06-07-2016 07:48 AM

I thinned down the member info block to remove gamercards and only leave the gamertag links. http://pastebin.com/R1bkh9Q4

Did you figure out how to integrate what you wanted into the postbit?

Cody.9791 06-13-2016 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by charlesr (Post 2571724)
I thinned down the member info block to remove gamercards and only leave the gamertag links. http://pastebin.com/R1bkh9Q4

Did you figure out how to integrate what you wanted into the postbit?

Unfortunately, no, I didn't yet.

charlesr 06-13-2016 08:20 AM

Assuming you've tried but failed, put a link to a pastebin of the contents of your xbox postbit template and I'll try and figure it out for you.

Cody.9791 06-18-2016 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by charlesr (Post 2572003)
Assuming you've tried but failed, put a link to a pastebin of the contents of your xbox postbit template and I'll try and figure it out for you.

Here is my current postbit_gamercards_xboxlive (http://pastebin.com/5xryBhh5)

I reverted it back to the default since what I had wasn't working correctly.

charlesr 06-22-2016 07:40 PM

Try this: http://pastebin.com/QneyBSsB

If it works, note that the site you want to use has various card styles, so you'll need to change the image url and iframe sizes according to the one you want.

Cody.9791 06-23-2016 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by charlesr (Post 2572398)
Try this: http://pastebin.com/QneyBSsB

If it works, note that the site you want to use has various card styles, so you'll need to change the image url and iframe sizes according to the one you want.

I copied and pasted everything identically and it still shows the original gamercard on user's profiles?

The one I want to use from there is the "xosmall" one. I've seen this on other vBulletin 4 sites.

I did also notice that the original gamercard uses "%20" for spaces and the new one I'm trying uses "+" for a space.

The old one ends in ".card" and the new one ends in ".png" too?

For example:



charlesr 06-25-2016 11:26 AM

That code was for the postbit only. What happens when you click on the xbox logo under people's names in a thread now?

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