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Dave Hybrid 07-20-2009 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1851684)

The point is this MOD is complex silkroad, optimizing it further is a very specialized job that many have failed on. No one said you shouldn't test before making code changes, it's just i believe you will find it hard to make these changes afterwards. I work with many coders and they believe they have taken this as far as it can go speed wise. Like I said, i would love to hear actual solutions when you have done your research.

Dave Hybrid 07-20-2009 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1852409)
Hey Guys!

(No stats, I promise!)

Hope all is well.

Question: Does your mod parse the "notranslate" tag and pass it to Google when it does the translation?


<span class="notranslate">Code not to translate</span>
Google says to use this tag when you don't want something translated.

I wrapped it around $code in the bbcode_code template, but it did not seem to work.


No it doesn't seem to work when i tested. Sorry.

imported_silkroad 07-20-2009 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid (Post 1852412)
No it doesn't seem to work when i tested. Sorry.

Hi Dave!

Thanks. I searched the mod code after posting and did not find any reference to "notranslate". I agree, it is not supported. Maybe in a future release?

imported_silkroad 07-20-2009 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid (Post 1852410)
The point is this MOD is complex silkroad, optimizing it further is a very specialized job that many have failed on. No one said you shouldn't test before making code changes, it's just i believe you will find it hard to make these changes afterwards. I work with many coders and they believe they have taken this as far as it can go speed wise. Like I said, i would love to hear actual solutions when you have done your research.

I agree. The code is complex with all the parsing etc.

Also, thanks for letting me know you feel the code cannot be further optimized. That is very helpful to know!

Again, thanks for this mod. Much appreciated! We are tracking the indexing process closely and look forward to results!

Dave Hybrid 07-20-2009 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1852424)
Hi Dave!

Thanks. I searched the mod code after posting and did not find any reference to "notranslate". I agree, it is not supported. Maybe in a future release?

I believe someone posted a way to exclude text somewhere in this thread, we may include it in the main release on the next update.

Bounce 07-20-2009 08:46 PM


Where have I went wrong, just upgraded to v2.4

When I click on a flag it just loads the page in english :confused:

I've commented out "en" and even ran the queries here...

Dave Hybrid 07-20-2009 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1852427)
I agree. The code is complex with all the parsing etc.

Also, thanks for letting me know you feel the code cannot be further optimized. That is very helpful to know!

Again, thanks for this mod. Much appreciated! We are tracking the indexing process closely and look forward to results!

Cool, thank you.

Dave Hybrid 07-20-2009 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by hIBEES (Post 1852441)

Where have I went wrong, just upgraded to v2.4

When I click on a flag it just loads the page in english :confused:

I've commented out "en" and even ran the queries here...

I guess you did something wrong or didn't wait for a step to finish.

Did you backup before?

Might be easiest to start with a fresh DB using the install instructions tbh.

Bounce 07-20-2009 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid (Post 1852444)
I guess you did something wrong or didn't wait for a step to finish.

Did you backup before?

Might be easiest to start with a fresh DB using the install instructions tbh.

yea, prob did, daft Q, is the instructions still the same as per post 1 ?

Where do the cleaner and saver get installed if theres no code in post 1 to run a query for them ?

I shall start over and report back sir, thanks :up:

EDIT: ++++in ++++ I am, I saved the first plugin as global_start not global_complete LOL.. DOH!!!!!!!!!

Dave Hybrid 07-20-2009 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by hIBEES (Post 1852448)
yea, prob did, daft Q, is the instructions still the same as per post 1 ?

Where do the cleaner and saver get installed if theres no code in post 1 to run a query for them ?

I shall start over and report back sir, thanks :up:

EDIT: ++++in ++++ I am, I saved the first plugin as global_start not global_complete LOL.. DOH!!!!!!!!!


tpearl5 07-20-2009 11:05 PM

I'm curious if anyone has seen google index all their new pages. If so have you started to see hits from this?

Dave Hybrid 07-20-2009 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by tpearl5 (Post 1852512)
I'm curious if anyone has seen google index all their new pages. If so have you started to see hits from this?

I have around 40k of them indexed and around 2k more daily uniques on a forum i installed this on a month ago.

NLP-er 07-21-2009 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1851606)
It would be great to hear from others running this mod for many months to post how many posts and threads they have in vB, the number of translated links indexed by Google, and the size of their translated dB. Please post, thanks!

I wrote my own spider and translated all my pages in 40 languages. According to vbSEO sitemap generator - somesthing between 50-60K pages (don't remember exactlly) including oryginal not translated pages. DB stats:
wt_cache 168 930 166,0 MB
wt_cache_medium 490 901 144,7 MB
wt_cache_short 812 496 66,0 MB

LI_Pets 07-21-2009 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1851617)
Hi Dave,

I don't understand you and why you get defensive.

I suggest you reword you mod description to say something like:

Or better yet (more accurate, IMHO):

Also, what is the point of trying to help (and improve the mod) you if you are going to be defensive about things which do not matter to you, but might be important to others? I like this mod and just happen to think performance details are important to people with large boards.

Advice: Don't beat up on your friends!

Very true, Dave your people skills and communication need some optimization:D


Dave Hybrid 07-21-2009 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by LI_Pets (Post 1852768)
Very true, Dave your people skills and communication need some optimization:D


As do your SEO skills. :D

Xencored 07-21-2009 12:51 PM

Installed Works great mate cheers :up:

tpearl5 07-21-2009 04:40 PM

I finally installed this!

One little problem I'm having... Most pages are taking greater than 2 min to translate. My wait_timeout is set to 2 min. For some reason though, it's failing on the "UPDATE session SET lastactivity" query to the main database. Anyone know why?

Dave Hybrid 07-21-2009 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by tpearl5 (Post 1853005)
I finally installed this!

One little problem I'm having... Most pages are taking greater than 2 min to translate. My wait_timeout is set to 2 min. For some reason though, it's failing on the "UPDATE session SET lastactivity" query to the main database. Anyone know why?

No support for credit link removers, sorry. :down:

tpearl5 07-21-2009 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid (Post 1853006)
No support for credit link removers, sorry. :down:

My next question was where can I donate?

Dave Hybrid 07-21-2009 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by tpearl5 (Post 1853015)
My next question was where can I donate?


I would like to give special thanks to NLP-er for his help and support taking this MOD a step closer to its goal, the new database coding credits all go to him. If you want to show your appreciation contact him for all donations including donations for credit removal.
As per the install instructions please forward donations to > https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/member.php?u=267979

He'll let me know when you have done so, thanks.

45wheelgun 07-21-2009 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1852638)
I wrote my own spider and translated all my pages in 40 languages. According to vbSEO sitemap generator - somesthing between 50-60K pages (don't remember exactlly) including oryginal not translated pages. DB stats:
wt_cache 168 930 166,0 MB
wt_cache_medium 490 901 144,7 MB
wt_cache_short 812 496 66,0 MB

Would you care to share that spider? I would be interested in using it. My server has the horsepower and bandwidth and with 320,000 posts, I would like to get a leg up! Feel free to PM me.

On a related note, can you give me a short explanation of the three databases? How do they correlate with the 50-60k that the sitemap reports?

Great Mod guys, as I said before I am loving it.

Dave Hybrid 07-21-2009 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by 45wheelgun (Post 1853019)
Would you care to share that spider? I would be interested in using it. My server has the horsepower and bandwidth and with 320,000 posts, I would like to get a leg up! Feel free to PM me.

On a related note, can you give me a short explanation of the three databases? How do they correlate with the 50-60k that the sitemap reports?

Great Mod guys, as I said before I am loving it.

You can just turn the crawl rate up in Google Webmaster Tools, that works.

pharmacist 07-21-2009 05:50 PM

Fantastic Mod
always wait for it

NLP-er 07-21-2009 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by 45wheelgun (Post 1853019)
Would you care to share that spider? I would be interested in using it. My server has the horsepower and bandwidth and with 320,000 posts, I would like to get a leg up! Feel free to PM me.

On a related note, can you give me a short explanation of the three databases? How do they correlate with the 50-60k that the sitemap reports?

Great Mod guys, as I said before I am loving it.

Some people was already asking me - it is written in Java and uses its testing engine - without IDE you will not be able to even run it. If someone feel good in Java, is able to run tests and edit code to change some hardcoded things, then PM me :)

About cache tables - those split short, medium and long translations. Thanks that it works much faster, because short and medium data have full indexes and unique constraints which preserves data duplication. How those tables correlates with 50-60k of pages in sitemap - they have something about 50k translated pages from my forum :)

Manoel J?nior 07-21-2009 11:23 PM

I did the whole procedure, but does not appear in my navbar

Dave Hybrid 07-22-2009 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Manoel J?nior (Post 1853218)
I did the whole procedure, but does not appear in my navbar

Then you did something wrong, i suggest you double check everything. :up:

1Unreal 07-22-2009 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1853131)
Some people was already asking me - it is written in Java and uses its testing engine - without IDE you will not be able to even run it. If someone feel good in Java, is able to run tests and edit code to change some hardcoded things, then PM me :)

About cache tables - those split short, medium and long translations. Thanks that it works much faster, because short and medium data have full indexes and unique constraints which preserves data duplication. How those tables correlates with 50-60k of pages in sitemap - they have something about 50k translated pages from my forum :)

I made a really basic spider in PHP. Heres an element of it. If you build on it you could make it work nicely :)

PHP Code:

$html file_get_contents('http://www.example.com');

$dom = new DOMDocument();

// grab all the on the page
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$hrefs $xpath->evaluate("/html/body//a");

for (
$i 0$i $hrefs->length$i++) {
$href $hrefs->item($i);
$url $href->getAttribute('href');
$url.'<br />';

silentcontrol 07-22-2009 01:37 PM


Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in /home/climarso/public_html/forum/translate.php on line 41
Could not connect: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

why? :(

tpearl5 07-22-2009 02:06 PM

Sounds like you didn't put in the correct database name / username / password in translate.php

turbosatan 07-22-2009 03:17 PM

i havnt asked for a while now so thought i would ask again.

Can you make this work with zoints SEO please.

Some of us dont want to spend $150 on VBSEO when there are equivalents available for free.

I would love to use this mod for several of my forums but they all run zoints for SEO urls.

I will happily make a donation if it means this gets looked t.


Triky 07-22-2009 04:31 PM

I have installed it, configured, I have cURL installed, plugins activated, file mods finished, uploaded correcly, edited the navbar template.. but nothing is showing under my navbar. What can I try to do?

Dave Hybrid 07-22-2009 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Triky (Post 1853635)
I have installed it, configured, I have cURL installed, plugins activated, file mods finished, uploaded correcly, edited the navbar template.. but nothing is showing under my navbar. What can I try to do?

If you send me url and login i will have a look.

Dave Hybrid 07-22-2009 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Manoel J?nior (Post 1853218)
I did the whole procedure, but does not appear in my navbar

If you pm me a url and login i will check it all.

smnoel 07-23-2009 12:18 AM

Small critique. I would put relative paths in the flag php file for the images. Makes your code more portable. ;)

instead of

Dave Hybrid 07-23-2009 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by smnoel (Post 1853864)
Small critique. I would put relative paths in the flag php file for the images. Makes your code more portable. ;)

instead of

More portable? :confused:

smnoel 07-23-2009 12:56 AM

My forum is not in my root www it is in a sub directory and so is this mod.
When you put the slash in front of the image tag it creates a link to:
somesiite.com/flags but it should put a link to where i'm uploading the files.

Hence..you lose some flexibility you either move the files to the webroot flag directory....or you change the tag to point relatively to where the flags are.

If some folks are not seeing the flags...that might be the issue.

P.S. I'm using a unix system. Looks like you might have a windows server.

Manoel J?nior 07-23-2009 09:51 PM


You are showing the following error when I ask to do the translation:

Attachment 102411


Database error in vBulletin 3.8.3:

Invalid SQL:

                                        UPDATE session
                                        SET lastactivity = 1248389420, location = '/forum/?hl=ro', inforum = 0, inthread = 0, incalendar = 0, badlocation = 0, useragent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; pt-BR; rv: Gecko/20090715 Firefox/3.5.1 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)'
                                        WHERE sessionhash = '07ce83e8f3b7a0e3189f05ebad6d95e7';

MySQL Error  : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number  : 2006
Request Date  : Thursday, July 23rd 2009 @ 05:50:20 PM
Error Date    : Thursday, July 23rd 2009 @ 05:51:10 PM
Script        : http://www.myforum.com/forum/?hl=ro
Referrer      : http://www.myforum.com/forum/private.php
IP Address    :
Username      : myusername
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version :

cyc 07-23-2009 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Manoel J?nior (Post 1854368)

You are showing the following error when I ask to do the translation:

Attachment 102411


Database error in vBulletin 3.8.3:

Invalid SQL:

                                        UPDATE session
                                        SET lastactivity = 1248389420, location = '/forum/?hl=ro', inforum = 0, inthread = 0, incalendar = 0, badlocation = 0, useragent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; pt-BR; rv: Gecko/20090715 Firefox/3.5.1 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)'
                                        WHERE sessionhash = '07ce83e8f3b7a0e3189f05ebad6d95e7';

MySQL Error  : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number  : 2006
Request Date  : Thursday, July 23rd 2009 @ 05:50:20 PM
Error Date    : Thursday, July 23rd 2009 @ 05:51:10 PM
Script        : http://www.myforum.com/forum/?hl=ro
Referrer      : http://www.myforum.com/forum/private.php
IP Address    :
Username      : myusername
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version :


you might have the wait_timeout variable set to low. Check your mysql config ( /etc/my.cnf ) and increase the value.


pharmacist 07-24-2009 04:34 PM

Please , any configuration to inhibit some categories from translation !
waiting your reply

Dave Hybrid 07-24-2009 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by pharmacist (Post 1854729)
Please , any configuration to inhibit some categories from translation !
waiting your reply

Just show the flags on pages you want to translate using if conditions.

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