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skol 10-08-2009 08:20 PM


? Flood Protection Activated
SESSION has been terminated.
You have reached the maximum penalty times therefore this session is blocked from access.

Edit.Sorry sorted now..

silveryhat 10-11-2009 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by skol (Post 1896796)

Edit.Sorry sorted now..

;) the smart flood protection in configurations.

logoz2008 10-11-2009 08:47 AM


few things maybe you can suggest how to fix or include them in the next upload:

When you turn off ajax you can't vote, or report broken links, or add to playlists. I think that's easy to figure why (javascript + ajax off). I edited musicajax.php to include ads below player they wont load unless ajax is turned off. Right now the only option is to add them in music.php above the player window but cuz of ajax ads dont rotate if you are switching artist or going to a different media. Is there a way to place ads (adsense) in player window using musicajax.php? or is there a way to turn off ajax but still be able to vote, report broken links and add to playists?

thanks for all the support!

silveryhat 10-11-2009 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by logoz2008 (Post 1897942)

few things maybe you can suggest how to fix or include them in the next upload:

When you turn off ajax you can't vote, or report broken links, or add to playlists. I think that's easy to figure why (javascript + ajax off). I edited musicajax.php to include ads below player they wont load unless ajax is turned off. Right now the only option is to add them in music.php above the player window but cuz of ajax ads dont rotate if you are switching artist or going to a different media. Is there a way to place ads (adsense) in player window using musicajax.php? or is there a way to turn off ajax but still be able to vote, report broken links and add to playists?

thanks for all the support!

As far as I have learnt, AJAX + Ad cannot be a happy family. Especially adsense. Google do not let their ads re-initialize from an element of a webpage therefore there are very few things you could do. I would say placing ad to the header, in next version the side ad is also fixed to display ad properly. Or you can add ad in flv player if your server supports but I'm unable to provide any help. You need to seek support from JM player ad solutions at http://www.longtailvideo.com/adsolution

logoz2008 10-11-2009 08:57 PM

^Decided not to use ads at all this is too great of a mod to pass on.

I hope you can work something out in the new version.


silveryhat 10-12-2009 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by logoz2008 (Post 1898279)
^Decided not to use ads at all this is too great of a mod to pass on.

I hope you can work something out in the new version.


I plan to have the album and artist views recorded :) , it might become handy for display order later

emtee 10-15-2009 03:39 AM

It seems that I can't play the playlist at all (my own or shared playlist). There is no buttons to click to "Play the playlist" at all. Did I overlook anywhere? Isn't the playlist supposed to be played continuously in its order?

One more thing, I want to use JW Flash Media Player 4.6 (JW FMP) to handle music for better compatibility with Mac and Linux users. I only use .mp3 so no problems with .wma or SilverLight issue here. JW FMP also handles custom playlist via Javascript so it's easy to implement. Do you have it planned in 1.08 or I have to hack it myself? Thanks.

Sador 10-15-2009 08:26 AM

Some things I'm wondering. Would it be possible to ajax refresh the add new artist when adding new media? It's kinda annoying that you need to refresh, and it's nearly at the bottom as well, so it's easy to fill out everything, then add an artist, then need to refresh and do it all over again.

Currently, when you have the 'automatically play media' on, it doesn't automatically start things like youtube videos. Although I really doubt if it's even possible to play them automatically, could that be fixed?

Could 'add category' be added to the quick menu where configurations and broken links are also located?

And now I might ask something really hard, but with youtube when you insert a name, you get suggestions based on which names are already in the database. Is it somehow possible to do the same while adding or searching music?

Anyway, it's still a great addon, I like it a lot. Thanks for any replies. :)

princeedward 10-19-2009 07:04 PM


silveryhat 10-26-2009 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Sador (Post 1900201)
Some things I'm wondering. Would it be possible to ajax refresh the add new artist when adding new media? It's kinda annoying that you need to refresh, and it's nearly at the bottom as well, so it's easy to fill out everything, then add an artist, then need to refresh and do it all over again.

Currently, when you have the 'automatically play media' on, it doesn't automatically start things like youtube videos. Although I really doubt if it's even possible to play them automatically, could that be fixed?

Could 'add category' be added to the quick menu where configurations and broken links are also located?

And now I might ask something really hard, but with youtube when you insert a name, you get suggestions based on which names are already in the database. Is it somehow possible to do the same while adding or searching music?

Anyway, it's still a great addon, I like it a lot. Thanks for any replies. :)

I would try to include quick category maker in next version. About the automatic feature that retrieve information from youtube link, it has to be considered because if it adds more works to both admin (editing if title is incorrect) and members (confirmation page whether title is acceptable or not) then it might not reach the wall.


Originally Posted by emtee (Post 1900138)
It seems that I can't play the playlist at all (my own or shared playlist). There is no buttons to click to "Play the playlist" at all. Did I overlook anywhere? Isn't the playlist supposed to be played continuously in its order?

Currently I have disabled the auto play all media for playlist due to some incompability with flash files. Flash clips cannot be automatically played therefore in next version I would only allow audio or video to be played in queue.


One more thing, I want to use JW Flash Media Player 4.6 (JW FMP) to handle music for better compatibility with Mac and Linux users. I only use .mp3 so no problems with .wma or SilverLight issue here. JW FMP also handles custom playlist via Javascript so it's easy to implement. Do you have it planned in 1.08 or I have to hack it myself? Thanks.
It is possible to have JW handles audio files but JW custom playlist is not available yet. You may hack the JW to plays audio file, and you can request for a tut if you don't know how at English Helpdesk

frightie 11-03-2009 10:48 PM

I'm sorry if this has been asked before or if this is already available (and I'm just unaware), but will there ever be an option for users to have their Playlists shown on their profiles?

silveryhat 11-04-2009 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by frightie (Post 1909987)
I'm sorry if this has been asked before or if this is already available (and I'm just unaware), but will there ever be an option for users to have their Playlists shown on their profiles?

;) I'm having this plugin on my hand now and what it does is exactly like what you want. It displays user playlist on member profile. Media on their playlist can be played directly on their profile using AJAX. I still need to test out some bugs so hang on for now.

frightie 11-04-2009 08:05 AM

Awesome, thanks!

silveryhat 11-23-2009 04:06 AM

College sure keeps me busy but the upcoming holidays may give me much more time for the musicbox development :)

logoz2008 11-24-2009 12:58 PM

^Dont forget to do something about google ads in the player window :- )

The Smoking Gun 11-26-2009 02:26 AM

First and foremost, Thank you for this wonderful mod, AND the little help I needed and got from the DnP network site, all is well and playing fine.

As much as I like the ideas of the many requests for member uploads, I agree with your intention of keeping it in the admin /mod family for the huge security risk that goes with any opportunity members or anyone has, when allowed to upload to your server.

Marked installed, voted, tagged and nominated!!!!

Great job! :up::up::up::up::up: Screw the two thumbs up, we're virtual now and can put up as many thumbs we feel is suitable! :D


S7rik3R 11-26-2009 04:59 AM

I cant install it because I have "vbadvanced" installed to my forum. Any solution ?

S7rik3R 11-26-2009 06:32 AM

Wow this is the Best Mod ... Thanks Pal ~

compact123 11-26-2009 10:36 AM

Hi there :)

I'm sure that along with many other fans of this modification, I was wondering if you would be updating this plugin for the new version 4 of vBulletin? It would be great to have such a nice mod continue. thanks sir :O

S7rik3R 11-26-2009 11:35 AM

Sorry but I needs some help here ... how do I resolve the missing logo ?? After installation this logo seems to be missing but I cant figure out where to change the redirection to.


Thanks Man ...

Phornixx 11-26-2009 02:03 PM

Uninstalled, would be great to have:

1. Usergroups with the ability to edit the Artists, Genders, Videos, etc, this is a key option for me to install this because is a lot of work to be adding Artists and editing the video Names and so on...
2. A better foolproof script to add the videos (Eg. Adding youtube like the standard youtube links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yakC-BjBJpI also with the other video hosts).
3. Fix this odd address:

Just some feedback!


silveryhat 11-28-2009 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by S7rik3R (Post 1921133)
Sorry but I needs some help here ... how do I resolve the missing logo ?? After installation this logo seems to be missing but I cant figure out where to change the redirection to.

Thanks Man ...

Be sure to change the baselink setting in the Configurations page :)


Originally Posted by Phornixx (Post 1921212)
Uninstalled, would be great to have:

1. Usergroups with the ability to edit the Artists, Genders, Videos, etc, this is a key option for me to install this because is a lot of work to be adding Artists and editing the video Names and so on...
2. A better foolproof script to add the videos (Eg. Adding youtube like the standard youtube links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yakC-BjBJpI also with the other video hosts).
3. Fix this odd address:

Just some feedback!


Thanks for the feedback ;) , some of the ideas you mention have already been there under the Configurations page.

1. You can define the group via admin_groupid_allowed
2. Standard youtube link as you show will leads user to the video page on youtube but not the embedded player therefore it has to be the clip ID only. However, I guess future version will simplify the process.
3. It's the default setting for local homepage (called baselink in Configurations). It should be changed accordingly to the forum environment.



Originally Posted by compact123 (Post 1921115)
Hi there :)

I'm sure that along with many other fans of this modification, I was wondering if you would be updating this plugin for the new version 4 of vBulletin? It would be great to have such a nice mod continue. thanks sir :O

I would try to do so, only that I haven't got my hands on the new version yet :(

Veer 11-28-2009 11:10 PM

Good luck :)

Phornixx 11-29-2009 06:11 PM

I'm giving it another try!


ViciousCode 12-04-2009 11:17 PM

how do i uninstall this?

silveryhat 12-05-2009 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by ViciousCode (Post 1925501)
how do i uninstall this?


Originally Posted by silveryhat

Read F.A.Q - Section 6

GMislandguy 12-12-2009 03:06 PM

I have tried to install this 2 times and am on my 3rd attempt.

Unfortunately I'm in the 70% category of those who don't know what they're doing. Add in the 20% because it probably is user error and I'm at 90% against getting it installed.

I get the same thing every time.

I download and install all files>remove install file>> go admin cp and create category>> create subcategory>>create artist>>add media.

Now everything shows up on the page like it should, including the title, description, artist name, etc. Everything except the video. All I get is a blank/white page where the media player should be. I can view your demo site and 1 other site that I know has this mod but not on my site.

What am I not doing right or doing wrong?? I have Ajax enabled on my server and in my CP. So what else should I check??

Thanks to anyone who replys. :o

BTW: I fully uninstalled all files before reinstalling the files again.

silveryhat 12-12-2009 04:28 PM

It's pretty much about the Direct Link that you have posted. Let me take a look at your musicbox and I'll tell you what the issue is :)

GMislandguy 12-12-2009 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by silveryhat (Post 1929383)
It's pretty much about the Direct Link that you have posted. Let me take a look at your musicbox and I'll tell you what the issue is :)

Thank you for your very fast reply.

I'm very sorry but I had to send you a PM. I explained why in the PM.

Thank you for time. ;)

silveryhat 12-14-2009 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by GMislandguy (Post 1929398)
Thank you for your very fast reply.

I'm very sorry but I had to send you a PM. I explained why in the PM.

Thank you for time. ;)

;) Cool.

Zi55 12-17-2009 02:09 AM

Dear Silveryhat ,
Could you please tell us when the phrases support version will be available ?

silveryhat 12-19-2009 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by Zi55 (Post 1932021)
Dear Silveryhat ,
Could you please tell us when the phrases support version will be available ?

I'm pretty busy for this semester , as the result I will not be able to release any version anytime soon. Though the development is still moving but slowly.


Dec 19 - 2009
New Plugin Release :
DnP Instant! Musicbox's AJAX New Thread on Forum Home Index

Zi55 12-19-2009 11:51 PM

Hope you to success .

silveryhat 12-21-2009 10:45 PM

Thanks ;) . I hope I would be able to sport a version to vB4 as well.

Veer 12-21-2009 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by silveryhat (Post 1934963)
Thanks ;) . I hope I would be able to sport a version to vB4 as well.

thanks man.
Will wait.. and good luck.

itswiz 12-27-2009 08:30 PM

100% one of the best add ons yet!!! Many thanks goes to all the time involved in creating it. Did anyone figure out how to link yahoo sports videos yet?

silveryhat 12-28-2009 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by Veer (Post 1935007)
thanks man.
Will wait.. and good luck.

:) Thanks !


Originally Posted by itswiz (Post 1939723)
100% one of the best add ons yet!!! Many thanks goes to all the time involved in creating it. Did anyone figure out how to link yahoo sports videos yet?

Glad you like it! :rolleyes:

To add yahoo sport videos is just as simple. This is the embed code :


http://d.yimg.com/m/up/ypp/sports/player.swf?vid=Video ID
Where Video ID is the ID shown in the address bar of a video.
Ex: http://d.yimg.com/m/up/ypp/sports/player.swf?vid=17330458

WoGuziczek 12-28-2009 07:52 PM

Excelent mod ;)

But ajax charset for special chars doesn't work good. I have: Ĺ›?‡?™rĹ‚a :(

christicehurst 01-04-2010 06:36 AM

Could a basic version of this can made - minus the artists, albums etc.

silveryhat 01-13-2010 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by WoGuziczek (Post 1940780)
Excelent mod ;)

But ajax charset for special chars doesn't work good. I have: Ĺ?ćęrĹ?a :(

It requires a proper setup of unicode for both page encoding and database charset. I'll try to improve it in later version


Originally Posted by christicehurst (Post 1946674)
Could a basic version of this can made - minus the artists, albums etc.

Not for the current version. However, you need not to use those features if you don't want to.

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