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mokujin 04-07-2009 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by mokujin (Post 1783201)
Hello Greek,
I have this error when Importing

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.1:

Invalid SQL:
DELETE FROM automediaembed WHERE id in (2,3,4,6,7,10);

MySQL Error  : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number  : 2006
Request Date  : Friday, April 3rd 2009 @ 02:17:53 PM
Error Date    : Friday, April 3rd 2009 @ 02:19:02 PM
Script        : http://www.***/admincp/plugin.php?do=productimport
Referrer      : http://www.***/admincp/plugin.php?do=productadd
IP Address    : ***
Username      : ***
Classname    : vB_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version :

can you help me?


newsoftw 04-08-2009 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by newsoftw (Post 1784931)
I have this mod installed on my board and it's not working on 3.8.2 with me.....also i Import Definitions the DJ's Master XML (Delta).xml but still nothing working

i post the youtube video and also in installion every thing is done but not working and only show the video links and also not any options is available in forum.........

plz check the link

plz help

pzl any body help......i think Mr. The Geek goes to sleeping...

dtommy79 04-08-2009 08:40 PM


How can I use megaupload links with this mod?


fattony69 04-08-2009 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Megatr0n (Post 1785724)
I did. Know how to fix it?

I fixed this problem. Go to AME tools in your admincp and click the link that says install for blogs. All fixed.

The Geek 04-10-2009 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by mokujin (Post 1786083)

Got me. Looks like you have a problem with mysql as that is a pretty basic SQL statement.

The Geek 04-10-2009 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by newsoftw (Post 1786330)
pzl any body help......i think Mr. The Geek goes to sleeping...

Nope, wide awake here. Your link doesnt help as you have a mod to hide lins from unregistered visitors. However my best guess is that you are linking to a video that doesnt allow embedding. Instead of trying to embed a video that wont embed, AME leaves behind a working link. Click on the link, and see what the embed code is.

This has been discussed quite a bit in this thread and the readme.


The Geek 04-10-2009 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by Tom Kagan (Post 1782554)
There is a coding bug in ame_bbcode.php. This bug affects all remote web page extraction of information when the server where this plugin is running has the php parameter 'allow_url_fopen' set to false.

The function starts which starts with this:

PHP Code:

function ame_fetch_www_page($url)
    if (

needs to be changed to this:
PHP Code:

function ame_fetch_www_page($url)
    if (

THanks for the heads up. However both examples are the same :)

dtommy79 04-10-2009 10:01 AM

Please can someone help with megaupload links. I tried to import megvideo from the delta.xml but it's not working. I even added the stuff manually but no luck

newsoftw 04-10-2009 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1788066)
Nope, wide awake here. Your link doesnt help as you have a mod to hide lins from unregistered visitors. However my best guess is that you are linking to a video that doesnt allow embedding. Instead of trying to embed a video that wont embed, AME leaves behind a working link. Click on the link, and see what the embed code is.

This has been discussed quite a bit in this thread and the readme.


i checked with embed code of video but same error, only show embed code or video link and also check in my forum by test user.

user name : test1
password : test

and also not any option available in forum for user. plz let check it by test user.
thanks in ADVNS
Ayaz Ali
plz urgent help.

cad2go 04-10-2009 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by punchbowl (Post 1780348)
Is there a way to exclude it for certain styles e.g. show youtube links on a mobile style but full embedding in the default style?

I know I have a replacement variable for images in my mobile style. Is there something similar for ame tags?

Anyone managed to achieve anything like this?

The Geek 04-10-2009 11:14 AM

Its vbSEO, you have it set to track all outbound links which changes links so that AME cant match them. To use AME you will need to disable vbSEO's tracking of all outbound links.


The Geek 04-10-2009 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by cad2go (Post 1788132)
Anyone managed to achieve anything like this?

Sure, just edit the AME templates for that style so that it only includes the link

cad2go 04-10-2009 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1788141)
Sure, just edit the AME templates for that style so that it only includes the link

Wow! This mod just gets better and better:up:

So replace in ame_output template


<div style="display: none;" id="ame_noshow_$ameinfo[id_tag]">
        <a href="$ameinfo[url]" title="$ameinfo[title]" target="_blank">$ameinfo[title]</a>
<div style="display: inline;" id="ame_doshow_$ameinfo[id_tag]">

with something like

<a href="$ameinfo[url]" title="$ameinfo[title]" target="_blank">$ameinfo[title]</a>
Basically! I'll give it a go! Cheers:)


DontWannaName 04-12-2009 08:07 AM

When people paste filefront links to files, it thinks they are videos and just makes a huge empty space.

dtommy79 04-12-2009 01:03 PM

Does megavideo work for anyone?

chick 04-12-2009 01:28 PM

Currently if you BLOG THIS post with a video from a forum post... it goes over properly to vblog... BUT if you just 'create a blog' on your own and try to insert a video, it does not convert, just shows the link.... so

Will AME allow in to convert to an actual video when creating a vblog?

Multani 04-14-2009 10:17 AM

Can I align the video to the left of the post instead of center so it doesn't overlap with my ads?

- It's done.

KevinL 04-14-2009 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Multani (Post 1790923)
Can I align the video to the left of the post instead of center so it doesn't overlap with my ads?

- It's done.

How did you do it? I tried, and for some reason it didn't take...

Dollarsign 04-15-2009 01:47 AM

I have managed to get this working, however how do I get it to display widescreen youtube videos, high definition videos and hq videos?

I just see a 4:3 box with a shrunken widescreen video inside it, is there anyway to display the widescreen videos?

I tried adding &fmt=22 to the end of the URL but it didn't do anything, thanks for the mod and any help is appreciated! :D

ghostpt 04-15-2009 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Dollarsign (Post 1791459)
I have managed to get this working, however how do I get it to display widescreen youtube videos, high definition videos and hq videos?

I just see a 4:3 box with a shrunken widescreen video inside it, is there anyway to display the widescreen videos?

I tried adding &fmt=22 to the end of the URL but it didn't do anything, thanks for the mod and any help is appreciated! :D

You have to change the Default Width and Height on AdminCP > AME CP > Settings. I use 858x508, works fine for me.

I really can't remember if I change my Youtube definitions (Admin CP > AME CP > DisplayDefinitions > Youtube) so here it goes:


<object width="$ameinfo[width]" height="$ameinfo[height]">
<param name=''movie'' value="http://www.youtube.com/v/$p1&ap=%2526fmt%3D18&fs=1"></param>
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>
<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/$p1&ap=%2526fmt%3D18&fs=1&hl=pt-br&fs=1&color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="$ameinfo[width]" height="$ameinfo[height]" wmode="transparent"></embed></object>

I'm getting HQ Widescreen on all videos. Hope it helps.

marshal_ramdev 04-15-2009 10:36 AM

thanks .. :)

Frank Sinatra 04-15-2009 12:03 PM

thanks works perfect..

Tom Kagan 04-15-2009 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1788067)
THanks for the heads up. However both examples are the same :)

Uh ... no, they are not the same. Look again and you will see a difference in the name of the function being checked for existence.

ViViD 04-15-2009 06:59 PM

Hello ,
Is it possible to support blog blocks of vblog to detect links ?

Best Regards

team76 04-16-2009 05:03 PM

how to integrate videos www.wipido.com site?

thank you

BBR-APBT 04-16-2009 08:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Yahoo don't work for me.

Yahoo fixed update below!!! Had to update the player version number.

lottidah 04-19-2009 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Multani (Post 1790923)
Can I align the video to the left of the post instead of center so it doesn't overlap with my ads?

- It's done.


Originally Posted by KevinL (Post 1790964)
How did you do it? I tried, and for some reason it didn't take...

Can someone tell me how to fix this? How to align the videos to the left? Thanks

newsoftw 04-20-2009 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1788140)
Its vbSEO, you have it set to track all outbound links which changes links so that AME cant match them. To use AME you will need to disable vbSEO's tracking of all outbound links.


i disable the complete vbseo but same not working with my forum NSW

plz urgent help............

newsoftw 04-20-2009 04:47 PM

here all is sleeping and i delete it coz not working.....

lord_of_chaos 04-20-2009 07:06 PM

Great addon. Works really fine for me.

Just one thing. The version check url does not work for me. It prints:


<version productid="automediaembed25">2.5.4</version>

Where it should be "automediaembed", because that is the addons name. Could you please fix it?

mariocaz 04-22-2009 03:48 AM

Is this version compatible with 3.7.6 ???

mariocaz 04-22-2009 03:54 AM

And do u recommend me more this mod instead of the Passive Video Mod ?


Thank you guys!!

lord_of_chaos 04-22-2009 04:29 AM

Can't you just try it?

mariocaz 04-22-2009 04:32 AM

Yes of course I want ti, but also I need to uninstall the Passive Video Mod that is why I am asking. :)

mdawg 04-22-2009 04:53 AM

So, will this solve this that I want to do:

mariocaz 04-22-2009 03:03 PM

Awesome mod, I just installed and uninstalled the other one.

Thank you The Geek!!!

fallxzzr 04-22-2009 03:03 PM

Several posts in this thread people have had the problem "when clearing post cache embedded vids dissapear" the answer was always something like "you must have the remove AME codes turned off"

what was happening was this.

When they said post cache, you where thinking of the post rebuild option. In fact, they where talking about refreshing the actual post cache through update counters. Not rebuilding urls through the AME CP.

This is still a problem, when you refresh your post cache, embedded media dissapears unless you 'edit' the post, then it will reapper, as the URL is still there, albeit hidden. However, There is a simple workaround.

If you refresh your post cache through update counters, your embedded media will dissapear, but it is still there. All you need to do, is run the rebuild with the remove AME tags ON! so that it converts everything back to URLs, then run it again with the remove AME tag off so that it converts the URLs back to AME code, viola your videos show again.

I like to think of it as refreshing your AME media~

I hope this helps someone!

mariocaz 04-22-2009 03:14 PM

Hi fall,

also that is happening to me.

I have the passive video lite mod and I uninstalled and then install this great mod, but all the videos in my post are not showing it so I have to edit the post (only click in edit and immediately save) and the video show it again.

but maybe your solution help me a lot to don?t do all that work manually.

Could you explain me a little better ?? sorry if I am stupid my friend. :(

fallxzzr 04-22-2009 03:41 PM

This is what you do.

Go into your AME CP in admin CP.


AME CP => Tools => Rebuild => Posts

Then a new window will appear.

#1 option "remove AME codes" should be marked YES.

#2 option "ignore previous" marked NO

Other options set to your liking.

then press 'Save' button at the bottom.

Let the tool run its course. When it is finished go BACK to the same spot AME CP => Tools => Rebuild => Posts

This time, #1 option should be marked NO. Otherwise Leave your settings the same. Run the tool again. They should all show now.

As far as I can tell, you will have to do this any time you do 'refresh post cache' in update/counters

mobilewo 04-22-2009 03:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
some one help me i install all mod but not work properly

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