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Alfa1 06-20-2009 01:54 PM

It works on 3.8.3

Please add a function to search for denied registrations. I frequently get help requests from people who want to register, but are denied because they are in the SFS listing. I need to find out why they where blocked and explain this to them. i.e. Is the IP or email is listed as spammer in the SFS database? I have 63k entries in the database, so scrolling is not very effective.

Better yet, would be if blocked member would get a more thorough explanation of why they where blocked.

Please add a whitelist.

Why does the log display each registrant multiple times?

Is there a maximum size to the log, when the size becomes a problem?

EDIT: it seems that almost all complaints are caused by AOL IPs.

Makc666 06-20-2009 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by JohnAnderson (Post 1833271)
quick question does this work with 3.8.x or is it only for 3.6.x

There is a RED NOTE in first post...


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1833309)
Please add a function to search for denied registrations. I frequently get help requests from people who want to register, but are denied because they are in the SFS listing. I need to find out why they where blocked and explain this to them. i.e. Is the IP or email is listed as spammer in the SFS database? I have 63k entries in the database, so scrolling is not very effective.

Make a good proposal here https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=1826723.


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1833309)
Better yet, would be if blocked member would get a more thorough explanation of why they where blocked.

May be an option. I really don't want bot-users to know why there were not allowed to register.


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1833309)
Please add a whitelist.

And how it will be filled?
What whitelist it must be - IP? Email? User name?


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1833309)
Why does the log display each registrant multiple times?

Because the bots tries to register several times and can't brake the captcha picture.

There is no logs for them in stopforumspam.com so the pass the mod but can't pass the captcha.


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1833309)
Is there a maximum size to the log, when the size becomes a problem?

As it is placed in database the maximum size is you hosting size space limited for you database.

Found a BUG in phrases
In MOD's ACP options second and third name of options "IP Check URL" must be "Email Check URL" and "Username Check URL". The options' descriptions are correct.

pedigree 06-22-2009 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1833309)
It works on 3.8.3

Please add a function to search for denied registrations. I frequently get help requests from people who want to register, but are denied because they are in the SFS listing. I need to find out why they where blocked and explain this to them. i.e. Is the IP or email is listed as spammer in the SFS database? I have 63k entries in the database, so scrolling is not very effective.

Better yet, would be if blocked member would get a more thorough explanation of why they where blocked.

Please add a whitelist.

Why does the log display each registrant multiple times?

Is there a maximum size to the log, when the size becomes a problem?

EDIT: it seems that almost all complaints are caused by AOL IPs.

Ilput my hand up here, Ive been slacking on the code on 0.7. I had another baby and I now spend 6 hours a day travelling to and from work. Leaving home at 6am and arriving back at 8pm is kind of tiring.

Whitelist - already in 0.7

It displays multiple times as the person have posted their registration form multiple times.

More detailed errors / messages about rejection - The code is there is 0.7 but not added to the templates yet.

AOL - couldnt care less about AOL. They file almost all traffic down a very small number of proxy servers. If people dont like "being tarred with the sme brush" tell them to get another ISP that doesnt transparently proxy. There really isnt any way around this other than to whitelist all the AOL proxy servers.

Search the logs. The code is there but I need to add the search forms to the admin interface. If you type 192, it will show the records for any email/username/ip address that contains 192. I could add a referral number so that it gives the user a number that correspondes to a log entry. Would that work?

@Marc666- ohhh, ill fix those.

The log size, unless you run a tiny board, will never be as large as the other tables in the database.

pedigree 06-22-2009 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Makc666 (Post 1826749)
Proposal: It will be nice if in next version (hope 0.7*) there will be a way to report such user directly from log with one click!!!

Already done :) Well mostly. the code is there and its working for the User Options advanced display screen but I just need to code the form into the logs code so that it posts the submit data. It allows you to tick boxes or select all / invert and then posts all that data to the remote database

wo0kie 06-22-2009 08:28 PM

Excellent mod and as others have said, could use a bit more features.

Despite that, I'm loving it and will be tracking its progress in the coming weeks.

Thank you very much for this. :)

+installed / nominated.

dodgechargerfan 06-24-2009 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by pedigree (Post 1834620)
Already done :) Well mostly. the code is there and its working for the User Options advanced display screen but I just need to code the form into the logs code so that it posts the submit data. It allows you to tick boxes or select all / invert and then posts all that data to the remote database

Excellent! This is good news because for those log entries, there is no user (they were stopped by Captcha) and therefore no user options to view.

BTW, I'm loving this mod. Thanks very much!

skippybosco 06-24-2009 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by pedigree (Post 1834618)
I had another baby and I now spend 6 hours a day traveling to and from work. Leaving home at 6am and arriving back at 8pm is kind of tiring.

I can relate.. wife is 9 months pregnant with our first... free time the last few months has been non existent.. don't see that changing soon.

That being said, that is the beauty of this mod of yours... set it and forget it :-)

Thanks Pedigree!

VampireG 06-26-2009 04:09 PM

Top Mod nice one. It also seems to work on 3.8.3.

MyCTaK 07-07-2009 09:02 AM

Hello, i have problem. If "Query Connection Errors" is set to "block" noone can register, so i change it to "allow".

RealbestOlssen 2009-07-07 12:59:44 bestkoncha@hotmail.ru Result on field username - RealbestOlssen [REMOTEERR] Unverfied but allowed by policy
RealbestOlssen 2009-07-07 12:59:44 bestkoncha@hotmail.ru Result on field ip - [REMOTEERR] Unverfied but allowed by policy
RealbestOlssen 2009-07-07 12:59:44 bestkoncha@hotmail.ru Result on field email - bestkoncha@hotmail.ru [REMOTEERR] Unverfied but allowed by policy
RealbestOlssen 2009-07-07 12:59:44 bestkoncha@hotmail.ru Allowed registration
Which php extensions are required from your mod to work?

I try with my url for IP test and i didn't recieve any request on it :/

I test with CURL option and without it.

EDIT: I found that i didn't have CURL extension and that was the problem! After instaling it everything is OK!

egexperiment626 07-07-2009 10:51 PM

I installed this mod over the weekend and so far I haven't had one spam registration or post. Worked perfectly from the moment it was installed on 3.8.3!

Thank you!!

IngoT 07-08-2009 12:04 AM

Very nice! Thank you very much indeed!

jmpsmash 07-08-2009 02:19 AM

excellent mod.

my forum went from having around 10 spammer to zero per day. it is also interesting to get all the logs to see how much spam registration activities there are. it is astounding.

pedigree 07-08-2009 09:04 AM

holiday in a week, I get to spend a week at home coding :)

mike2902 07-08-2009 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by pedigree (Post 1845019)
holiday in a week, I get to spend a week at home coding :)

Any timetable on the .07 release

pedigree 07-09-2009 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by mike2902 (Post 1845170)
Any timetable on the .07 release

Not really Im afraid, I poke at it when I get the time to but these days, thats very little time indeed

Alfa1 07-14-2009 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by pedigree (Post 1834618)
AOL - couldnt care less about AOL. They file almost all traffic down a very small number of proxy servers. If people dont like "being tarred with the sme brush" tell them to get another ISP that doesnt transparently proxy. There really isnt any way around this other than to whitelist all the AOL proxy servers.

I hear ya. I have considered banning all AOL IPs, because of they way the handle IPs and bounced email.

This is why there should be some message informing registrants to contact their ISP, because their IP has been blacklisted by SFS.

I'll keep checking for version 0.7 then.

Have you posted a functionality request at vb.com? I think this should be standard vb functionality.

leodestroy 07-16-2009 03:09 AM

Hi! When we can use new update? Some like version 0.7 ;)

terminator2k2 07-16-2009 12:56 PM

is there any chance to integrate optioin to search within the already registered users so they can be deleted?

burlesque 07-17-2009 09:31 AM


I just installed it, made myself a cup of coffee and when I'd returned to the computer, it had caught its first attempted spam registration!

Arsh 07-20-2009 10:56 PM

thanks. installed. works fine on 3.8.3

imported_dfmafia 07-21-2009 11:24 AM

im getting invalid specified file when trying to import the .xml


unit727 07-21-2009 04:54 PM

I uploaded the contents of the upload folder but I can't view the logs on vb 3.8.3 .

Knightmane 07-23-2009 08:58 AM

Um, I am getting an odd report from the Check Version after installing. The product inside the zip seems to be version 0.6, but when you select check version it says you have 0.6 installed, but the latest version is 0.61. Then there is a link directing you back to this page. Is that a mistake or what?

smirkley 07-25-2009 01:23 PM

Premium !!

Thank You !!


pedigree 07-27-2009 06:55 PM

0.61 and 0.60 are the same thing, the only difference being a change if you had 0.60 installed. I really must update that but if you installed from 0.61, you run the latest version.

@term - Im working on it but I just got out of hospital, priorities a little mixed at the moment

pedigree 07-27-2009 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by imported_df+++++ (Post 1852792)
im getting invalid specified file when trying to import the .xml


That doesnt really tell me too much Im afraid

Cereskun 07-31-2009 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by pedigree (Post 1856717)
That doesnt really tell me too much Im afraid

I am getting the same thing when I try to import the product. It doesn't seem to like cpnav_vbstopformspam.xml very much. I am using vBulletin 3.8.3. Has anyone else gotten the import to work with 3.8.3? If not, then it would imply there is a change in what vBulletin deems proper format for these files.

Mike-D 07-31-2009 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Cereskun (Post 1858917)
I am getting the same thing when I try to import the product. It doesn't seem to like cpnav_vbstopformspam.xml very much. I am using vBulletin 3.8.3. Has anyone else gotten the import to work with 3.8.3? If not, then it would imply there is a change in what vBulletin deems proper format for these files.

Are you absolutely sure that you imported this Addon under Plugins & Product => Import Product ??? I guess not because this Addon works great without any known problems by using vB 3.83 ;)

Cereskun 07-31-2009 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Mike-D (Post 1859049)
Are you absolutely sure that you imported this Addon under Plugins & Product => Import Product ??? I guess not because this Addon works great without any known problems by using vB 3.83 ;)

Yea I'm sure I did that. I tried that and importing from Download/Upload plugins. I also tried importing the product by browsing the file from my computer and also importing from the server.

I don't suppose you can paste you copy of the XML file here can you? It is a really strange problem I agree. The error message isn't that helpful either.

pedigree 08-02-2009 11:01 PM

Come on ppl

"It doesnt work"

gives me nothing to work with

pedigree 08-02-2009 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Cereskun (Post 1858917)
I am getting the same thing when I try to import the product. It doesn't seem to like cpnav_vbstopformspam.xml very much. I am using vBulletin 3.8.3. Has anyone else gotten the import to work with 3.8.3? If not, then it would imply there is a change in what vBulletin deems proper format for these files.

Its a standard XML file with a different name.

As Im not licensed for 3.8.3, I have to wait for my friend to pay to upgrade his forum so that I have a test bed.

Nicke71 08-03-2009 09:03 PM

Hi Pedigree,

Please support this one. I tried the other one because it was less modifications and just a XML to install, but found out it was not working despite the spammer being in the database for months.

Once I know for sure this works with 3.8.3 I will install it, and I guess lots of people would be very happy with a mod that works with stopforumspam database.

Itchy Nips 08-04-2009 05:52 PM

great mod! installed.

Cereskun 08-04-2009 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by pedigree (Post 1860395)
Its a standard XML file with a different name.

As Im not licensed for 3.8.3, I have to wait for my friend to pay to upgrade his forum so that I have a test bed.

Fair enough. I am pretty sure that these files are in the proper place on my server:


is there anything missing from this list?


pedigree 08-05-2009 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Nicke71 (Post 1860884)
Hi Pedigree,

Please support this one. I tried the other one because it was less modifications and just a XML to install, but found out it was not working despite the spammer being in the database for months.

Once I know for sure this works with 3.8.3 I will install it, and I guess lots of people would be very happy with a mod that works with stopforumspam database.

I suggest you reread the mod title

vbStopForumSpam - known spammer lookup for new registrations

There is no support in 0.61 for scanning your current user base, as mentioned several times in the thread. I will try to get something like this built into 0.7 or as a seperate app. It really shouldnt be too hard to add, just finding time is the nightmare problem these days.

This mod does work with the stopforumspam database and I doubt youll find many people in this thread unhappy with the support that I try to offer when I have the time.

pedigree 08-05-2009 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Cereskun (Post 1861395)
Fair enough. I am pretty sure that these files are in the proper place on my server:


is there anything missing from this list?


Nope, thats all the files that you need to upload, other than the XML file at install time of course.

Install the mod and go to register.php - does it error or present you with a normal page?

Do you have cURL installed on your server? If not, try to enable it

Cereskun 08-05-2009 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by pedigree (Post 1861924)
Nope, thats all the files that you need to upload, other than the XML file at install time of course.

Install the mod and go to register.php - does it error or present you with a normal page?

Do you have cURL installed on your server? If not, try to enable it

I can't get the mod to install in the first place so going to register.php works fine (presents a normal page).

I installed cURL on my server and it doesn't seem to be making a difference.

Could it have something to do with the browser/os i am using to upload the XML file? I am on a Mac + Firefox 3.5.1. I've successfully installed plugins before, but maybe something has changed?

Cereskun 08-05-2009 08:42 PM

I just tried the same thing on Windows XP with Firefox/IE and that didn't work either. I guess we can rule that out.

pedigree 08-05-2009 11:04 PM

Your server is running unix or windows? Do you have any other mods installed?

Cereskun 08-06-2009 01:00 AM

Server is Linux and the only mod I have installed is the Post Thank You Hack.

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