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El Burro 04-22-2008 05:49 PM

Hi Nix,

Bit of a weird one ...

I get a blank page when I post a reply or New Thread. I hit refresh and I'm taken to the post.

I've uploaded all VB files again 3.6.9 - no change

I disable plugins/hooks in config.php - I still get te blank page.

I switch plugins hooks back on and disable all plugins individually - still get blank page.

Here's the weird bit ...

Every time I embed a video I don't get the blank page.

As I said I'm using vb3.6.9 & Goldbrick 1.5

nix 04-23-2008 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by El Burro (Post 1496717)
Hi Nix,

Bit of a weird one ...

I get a blank page when I post a reply or New Thread. I hit refresh and I'm taken to the post.

I've uploaded all VB files again 3.6.9 - no change

I disable plugins/hooks in config.php - I still get te blank page.

I switch plugins hooks back on and disable all plugins individually - still get blank page.

Here's the weird bit ...

Every time I embed a video I don't get the blank page.

As I said I'm using vb3.6.9 & Goldbrick 1.5

You probably have display errors in PHP turned off. So I assume you don't have php 5?

GrendelKhan{TSU 04-23-2008 04:57 AM

any progress on a youtube like interface page? I still think that would put this into killer mod category. :)

El Burro 04-23-2008 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by nix (Post 1496983)
You probably have display errors in PHP turned off. So I assume you don't have php 5?

No I have PHP5

Errors On - logged not displayed

elmati 04-23-2008 04:15 PM

As i know every board it's a commercial web site, tell me who dont use google ads o some ads from any website...

I believe that few of us can use this script for free... :( :(

TasariMerkezi 04-23-2008 06:45 PM

profile video problem




what is this problem ?

rapidphim 04-24-2008 01:32 AM

will this work on RC4?

testebr 04-24-2008 11:29 AM

work in any version of 3.7, but still with some small bugs like quick edit lost video, etc..

CADguru 04-25-2008 08:01 AM

Just added into a brand new fresh test install of vBulletin 3.7.0 Release Candidate 4

(We are using PHP Version 5.2.5)

All options are setup but still the links just sit as regular hyperlinks with no recognition by Goldbrick :(


Am i missing something obvious here?


unitedpunjab 04-25-2008 11:23 AM

I am getting 'security token' warnings when adding profile videos.

rapidphim 04-25-2008 03:29 PM

I'm still holding off on installing this hack on 3.7.x :-(

CADguru 04-25-2008 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by rapidphim (Post 1499107)
I'm still holding off on installing this hack on 3.7.x :-(

Hmm i think you are right :(

Shame because it looked like this may have replaced two or more other mods to reduce image sizes and embed video.

I want to use it, but cant get any joy on my test setup :confused:


rapidphim 04-25-2008 03:43 PM

I think this mod will create a confliction with the image tag highslide resize

CADguru 04-25-2008 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by rapidphim (Post 1499131)
I think this mod will create a confliction with the image tag highslide resize

Yes i agree, but i installed on a totally new 3.7 test server and this is the only product and still no joy. Doesnt give me too much confidence to add it to my live site with other mods to increase the likelyhood of other conflicts :eek:

unitedpunjab 04-25-2008 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by rapidphim (Post 1499131)
I think this mod will create a confliction with the image tag highslide resize

if you already have goldbrick Installed then don't upload 'highslide image resize' product.just do the file edit.

rapidphim 04-25-2008 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by unitedpunjab (Post 1499156)
if you already have goldbrick Installed then don't upload 'highslide image resize' product.just do the file edit.

:-) I have the other way around. This mean, I will have to uninstall the highslide image resize and install Goldbrick, then do the php files edit for the image resize..... Can they just not be conflicted with each other?

Nix, any idea/suggestion/upgrade/update?

unitedpunjab 04-25-2008 04:47 PM

No need to do the php file edits, just unistall highslide image resize and install goldbrick.

rapidphim 04-25-2008 06:49 PM

but I do like the highslide bbcode image resize. is there a way around to have both install?

unitedpunjab 04-25-2008 07:02 PM

If you install Goldbrick and then edit class_bbcode.php as stated here https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=172024 both the hacks will work.

ex. http://www.unp.co.in/f96/beautiful-compass-26756/

rapidphim 04-25-2008 07:17 PM

on that example, you or someone did remove the highslide of the image resize hack right? There is no highslide for the image.

I did edited the class_bbcode.php even though I have not yet installed the Goldbrick

unitedpunjab 04-25-2008 07:22 PM

umm,, what do you mean no highslide ?

rapidphim 04-25-2008 09:01 PM

I do not see the highslide on the image.

mdvaldosta 04-26-2008 01:19 AM

Any chance on updating this one to work properly? I'm referring to the quick edit bug.

rapidphim 04-26-2008 06:24 PM

the weird thing is that after installed the goldbrick, the Next, Previous, Move, Closed button from Image highslide resize disappeared.

Any ideas on how to bring those back?

nix 04-26-2008 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by rapidphim (Post 1499180)
:-) I have the other way around. This mean, I will have to uninstall the highslide image resize and install Goldbrick, then do the php files edit for the image resize..... Can they just not be conflicted with each other?

Nix, any idea/suggestion/upgrade/update?

Not sure why you would need another mod to resize images. This one does it also with no file edits.


Originally Posted by rapidphim (Post 1499265)
but I do like the highslide bbcode image resize. is there a way around to have both install?

see response above

Originally Posted by mdvaldosta (Post 1499422)
Any chance on updating this one to work properly? I'm referring to the quick edit bug.

I've been doing a lot of paid work to feed the family. Currently I'm doing the freelance gig full time now. I've already fixed the bugs that I'm aware of but I was waiting for 3.7 gold to see what happens. Looks like I've have to update this to work with the new security fix that came out. Looks like I'll have some time today to work on this.


Originally Posted by rapidphim (Post 1500005)
the weird thing is that after installed the goldbrick, the Next, Previous, Move, Closed button from Image highslide resize disappeared.

Any ideas on how to bring those back?

That's just a setting in the highslide.js file. I'll turn it on by default if tha'ts what people want.

I'm also thinking of moving away from highslide and moving to something similar. The same for the flash player. Looking to keep this simple for all you users out there. Looking for some thoughts on this.

Someone posted about google adds and commercial use. You'll have to read the terms for highslide and the flash player but I doubt that google adds make your site commercial.

For those of you getting pissy about this FREE mod, I'm not really sure what to say. It really makes it hard to keep doing this sort of thing. I assume that the people who are pissy also work for free?

For the stand alone version I'm kind of torn on that now. To much work to do for free.

rapidphim 04-26-2008 07:11 PM

I do agree with Nix on this. Nix.. about the image resize, I need for the image bbcode tag. I do not think vb does have that feature as default. It's only resize the attachment.

If you do code stand alone product, just show us the link and demo. I'm for sure I'll be one of them to purchase.

nix 04-26-2008 07:24 PM

Goldbrick will convert img tags to highslide. Or was it just links posted. I can't remember. But its not hard to do both. There is no need for file edits.

rapidphim 04-26-2008 07:29 PM

are you sure? if that's true, I'll the remove the image resize.

Edit: Just tested and yes, I still have the image resize with highslide effect even I disabled then removed the image resize.

thanks Nix.

Now, I just need to test your product with Daily Motion and Veoh.

Nix. I kept on getting the same error blank screen when playing dailymotion (even on 3.6.x)
You can test out this link and let me know

Also, can you please show me a quick one on how to remove the long title that appears next to the goldbrickplay.gif? I remembered you once shown us to move the info in gbs_player template but just coudn't remember what information to remove.

MissKalunji 04-26-2008 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by nix (Post 1500030)
Not sure why you would need another mod to resize images. This one does it also with no file edits.

see response above

I've been doing a lot of paid work to feed the family. Currently I'm doing the freelance gig full time now. I've already fixed the bugs that I'm aware of but I was waiting for 3.7 gold to see what happens. Looks like I've have to update this to work with the new security fix that came out. Looks like I'll have some time today to work on this.

That's just a setting in the highslide.js file. I'll turn it on by default if tha'ts what people want.

I'm also thinking of moving away from highslide and moving to something similar. The same for the flash player. Looking to keep this simple for all you users out there. Looking for some thoughts on this.

Someone posted about google adds and commercial use. You'll have to read the terms for highslide and the flash player but I doubt that google adds make your site commercial.

For those of you getting pissy about this FREE mod, I'm not really sure what to say. It really makes it hard to keep doing this sort of thing. I assume that the people who are pissy also work for free?

For the stand alone version I'm kind of torn on that now. To much work to do for free.

Then do what you think will be best :)

Alfa1 04-26-2008 10:07 PM

Currently I have a youtube video block on my profiles through another hack.
I would like to change the youtube video block, so that it is played with JW FLV Media Player.
I would also like to add a music block with JW FLV Media Player which can handle playlists.

Is this possible with Goldbrick?

I have been trying to find vb 3.7 profile examples with Goldbrick, but that is really hard to find.
Is Goldbrick a media gallery as well? Does it index attachments in any way?

Currently I use Links and Download Manager, which uses JW FLV Media Player as well. Is there any integration with Links and Download Manager or are you planning to add this? It would be nice to be able to pull files from Links and Download Manager.

sweeps78 04-27-2008 05:02 PM


Don't need to use BBCODE
How does this work? I didn't see this feature anywhere in the options. All I found was that I had the "media" BBCode tag and had the ability to change it to whatever I wanted....

A couple of other questions.

Can I remove some of the video options? If so, how? I don't want any porn videos showing up on my site.

If I have a member that hosts some of her own videos on her server and would like to use them on my forums, how would I go about doing this?

thanks in advance:D

YLP1 04-27-2008 08:11 PM

If I want to buy a commerical license, are there any changes that need to be added to your mod?

Edited to add:

I am running 3.7. RC4 with PHP 525 and when I turn on GoldBrick --- any topic with related media will not open --- it times out.

This occurs on images, .wmv, .swf etc.

The only way to get the topic to open is to disable Goldbrick.

Any ideas on what is causing this?

Thanks in advance.

elmati 04-27-2008 09:32 PM


What is a commercial website?
A commercial website is a website which purpose is generating revenue or cash flow of any type, and that isn't under a non-profit organization. So if you're selling a product, selling advertisement, selling a service or just marketing a commercial business, your site is commercial. A company website is also commercial even if it doesn't sell anything, as it's purpose is to front a commercial company.
I really love hightslide but i think that every board is violating the copyrights.
I'm want to use but i dont know if it's right...

CADguru 04-28-2008 03:23 PM

Anyone any ideas why a fresh RC4 install on a PHP5 setup with this product installed as the only mod would just give text links and no recognition?

sweeps78 04-28-2008 03:49 PM

I'm having a problem with one of the thumbnail images not showing up. The video uses the DivX player.

matDDH 04-28-2008 04:27 PM

Great mod thank you!

I have a few sites i would like to see added to this.


K4GAP 04-29-2008 11:17 PM

Real dumb question.....

Where do I upload the upload folder too? root?

rapidphim 04-30-2008 01:53 PM

When I post a media link in the user profile, I received this error msg

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing or mismatched.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

Can this be fixed?

sweeps78 04-30-2008 02:10 PM


Where do I upload the upload folder too?
You need to look inside the upload folder and upload those folders to your root.


Do you have the latest goldbrick audio/video media system installed? It sounds like you do not, because vBulletin 3.7 beta 4 and higher added a new security token to their system. The newest goldbrick has this fix to include the security token.

rapidphim 04-30-2008 02:11 PM

where did you get the newest/latest goldbrick product? I downloaded the file in the very first thread.

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