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-   -   Show Thread Enhancements - AME - Auto Media Embedding (youtube, Amazon, google, myspace, etc...) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=150863)

iogames 07-30-2007 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1301492)
Okay guys, small problem ... I was using RegExBuddy Trial Version to add support for AME, but well the trial version ended today. So I wont be able to add anymore RegEx/Support for AME unless someone is willing to buy the license for it, which is $39.95 USD (www.regexbuddy.com) ... I quite frankly am not gonna spend any money on buying it, so sorry guys ... I was working on a MP3, WAV, SWF, FLV RegEx, but I cannot finish it without this software ...

I will buy it if you marry my sister in law... :D

Dannyloski 07-30-2007 11:48 PM

iogames, lmao - that's alright I think I'll pass, unless she's really hot hahaha ... Anyways, regarding adding the AOL Videos from the link you provided I think it can be done - to make sure I would have to check if the link that a user posts to a certain video contains the "{param}" that you see in each of those Embed Codes. If it does, then I can add support for it - If I had RegExBuddy. Now, if the links do not contain the "{param}" portion, support can still be added, but that wont be until The Geek explains the use of the Extracting RegEx feature on AME.

topten 07-31-2007 02:20 AM

very nice! thanks!

Carlos2 07-31-2007 10:21 AM

Yes, will be great AOL video auto embed.

rickyreter 07-31-2007 03:47 PM

Can you embed your own .flv


Dannyloski 07-31-2007 03:58 PM

Carlos2, Yeah AOL Videos would be a nice addition, but no one wants to buy RegExBuddy for me to add support for this, so its most likely not gonna happen.

rickyreter, Hey its Danny from talkJDM ... As of now, you cannot Embed your own .flv Files, but it can easily be added. I however cannot add support for it (take a look at Post #459 for an answer).

iogames 08-01-2007 04:50 AM

Time to vote!


redlabour 08-01-2007 07:37 AM

Can anyone make a AddOn for GodTube.com please ?

Dannyloski 08-01-2007 03:38 PM

redlabour, everyone wants AddOns, but they dont want to buy a RegExBuddy License so that I can do them ... So no, no support for GodTube.com

rickyreter, to change it so that the Video's Title does not show up on the Post do this:

AdminCP > AME CP > Display > Uncheck the "Extract Info" Box for those you do not want to display Titles for.

Please keep in mind that as of NOW Yahoo Videos & DailyMotion Videos MUST have the "Extract Info" Box Checked, or they will not work.

rickyreter 08-01-2007 03:44 PM

Thanks Danny,How would i put this on a vbadvanced page at the top.. say 1 vid ..some text and a transparent border just like you have on your site.
Sorry mate not really a coder... some things can be difficult but easy for others;)

Dannyloski 08-01-2007 03:55 PM

rickyreter, Ohhh I dont think there's support for vBadvanced just yet, you will have to wait for The Geek (author of the Hack) to get back from his vacation and see if he adds support for vBadvanced pages.

The Video that I have in my vBadvanced is not from this Hack ... Its a regular Flash Video that I uploaded and use the Embed Code to post it up.

chriszep 08-01-2007 07:05 PM

hello i have this error when uploading the product


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE language SET title = title, phrasegroup_GARS_2_phrases = 'a:71:{s:30:\"GARS_add_a_poll_to_this_thread\";s:2 7:\"Add a Poll to this Tutorial\";s:30:\"GARS_already_rated_this_thread\" ;s:36:\"You have already rated this tutorial\";s:18:\"GARS_approve_posts\";s:13:\"Appr ove Posts\";s:20:\"GARS_approve_threads\";s:17:\"Appro ve Tutorials\";s:22:\"GARS_clear_thread_list\";s:22:\ "Deselect All Tutorials\";s:22:\"GARS_close_this_thread\";s:49:\ "Close this tutorial after you submit your message\";s:17:\"GARS_close_thread\";s:14:\"Close Tutorial\";s:18:\"GARS_close_threads\";s:11:\"Clos e Posts\";s:18:\"GARS_closed_thread\";s:15:\"Closed Tutorial\";s:17:\"GARS_delete_posts\";s:12:\"Delet e Posts\";s:18:\"GARS_delete_thread\";s:15:\"Delete Tutorial\";s:19:\"GARS_delete_threads\";s:16:\"Del ete Tutorials\";s:14:\"GARS_edit_post\";s:9:\"Edit Post\";s:16:\"GARS_edit_thread\";s:13:\"Edit Try.\";s:22:\"GARS_number_of_replies\";s:18:\"Numb er of Comments\";s:16:\"GARS_open_thread\";s:11:\"Open Review\";s:17:\"GARS_open_threads\";s:12:\"Open Reviews\";s:20:\"GARS_post_new_thread\";s:15:\"Pos t New Review\";s:16:\"GARS_prev_thread\";s:15:\"Previous Review\";s:16:\"GARS_rate_thread\";s:11:\"Rate Review\";s:23:\"GARS_reopen_this_thread\";s:49:\"R e-open this review after you submit your message\";s:12:\"GARS_replies\";s:8:\"Comments\";s :10:\"GARS_reply\";s:7:\"Comment\";s:22:\"GARS_sea rch_this_forum\";s:20:\"Search this Category\";s:23:\"GARS_search_this_thread\";s:18:\ "Search this Review\";s:17:\"GARS_show_threads\";s:12:\"Show Reviews\";s:32:\"GARS_showing_threads_x_to_y_of_z\ ";s:36:\"Showing reviews %1$s to %2$s of %3$s\";s:22:\"GARS_stick_this_thread\";s:47:\"Stic k this review after you submit your message\";s:17:\"GARS_stick_thread\";s:12:\"Stick Review\";s:18:\"GARS_stick_threads\";s:13:\"Stick Reviews\";s:14:\"GARS_subforums\";s:13:\"Sub-Categorys\";s:22:\"GARS_submit_new_thread\";s:17:\ "Submit
etc .... etc....

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'phrasegroup_automediaembed_admin' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Wednesday, August 1st 2007 @ 10:02:28 PM
Script : /QUOTE]

Dannyloski 08-01-2007 07:15 PM

chriszep, it seems like this Hack is conflicting with the GARS Hack you have installed. That's kinda funny because The Geek (author of GARS is also the author for this Hack). You'll just have to wait until The Geek gets back from Vacation and fixes it. Shouldn't be a problem since they are both his Hacks and he coded them.

Carlos2 08-01-2007 08:41 PM

Pornotube is autoembed?

Jammydodger 08-01-2007 10:06 PM

Hi guys, im having trouble with the daily Motion video's, the container comes up ok but the vid screen is just white, I have Extract destination data setting on globally and on in each section.
I have the 1.2 version

any idea's?

Dannyloski 08-01-2007 10:49 PM

Carlos2, no PornoTube is not supported ...

Jammydodger, what link to the DailyMotion Video are you using and can I see a Link to the Thread where you posted it? Thanks ...

tormodg 08-02-2007 11:20 AM

AME works fine for us, but when using Quick Reply nothing is parsed. Is there a way to set quick reply to also parse the links?

leeman 08-02-2007 11:46 AM

Hmm will there be a possibillity to post flurl ...?

Jammydodger 08-02-2007 03:45 PM


Jammydodger, what link to the DailyMotion Video are you using and can I see a Link to the Thread where you posted it? Thanks ...

Sure here's a link I am using - http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2iqbk_haze-e3-07-trailer

and here's my forum (its the 4th post down) - LINK

ericho 08-03-2007 12:11 AM

Well this is fabulous - easy to install - works perfectly on 3.6.8. Thank you very much!
You have added value to our website.

Dannyloski 08-03-2007 02:57 AM

tormodg, I really dont know what to say ... It works perfectly for me ... Make sure that you did all the instructions ...

leeman, to add support for flurl it would require the use of the Extract RegEx feature, which I still do not know how it works ... The Geek can assist you once he gets back

Jammydodger I tried that DailyMotion Video Link on my site and its working perfectly ... Can you post the content of the 4th Post in your site? Also, if possible Export your Daily Motion .XML fiel and upload it so I can take a look at it ...

sportsoutlaw 08-03-2007 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1300218)

I agree that this is an awesome hack ... If you get me some Vid Links and an Embed Code for RedLasso I'll see if I can get it to work ... I see that its in Beta right now and you can only access the site via Invitation ...

Ok, I got the embed code


<OBJECT ID="mediaPlayer" name="mediaPlayer" CLASSID="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" VIEWASTEXT style="height:266px;width:309px" codebase="http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/mplayer/en/nsmp2inf.cab#Version=5,1,52,701" standby="Loading Microsoft Windows? Media Player components..." type="application/x-oleobject"><PARAM name="URL" value="http://beta.redlasso.com/User/UCViewer.ashx?rid=cb2b3132-d4e5-4a8e-840a-967c0a4badeb"/><PARAM name="AutoStart" value="false"/><PARAM name="balance" value="0"/><PARAM name="enabled" value="True"/><PARAM name="fullScreen" value="False"/><PARAM name="playCount" value="1"/><PARAM name="volume" value="100"/><PARAM name="rate" value="1"/><PARAM name="StretchToFit" value="false"/><PARAM name="enabledContextMenu" value="-1"/><PARAM name="uiMode" value="full"/><embed type="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/" src="http://beta.redlasso.com/User/UCViewer.ashx?rid=cb2b3132-d4e5-4a8e-840a-967c0a4badeb" autostart="0" showcontrols="1" volume="-20" uiMode="full" style="height:266px;width:309px"></embed></OBJECT>

Dannyloski 08-03-2007 10:58 PM

^ I would need the URL Link to the video for that specific Embed Code, what is it?

I would also need RegExBuddy, which I do not have any more (Trial Ended). Without that program I cant do it. So if you want support you'd have to buy the license for it. Read more here.

dilbert 08-04-2007 02:58 AM

Thank you Sam for your efforts for this great tool. It installed and worked perfectly with no effort.
It was a sad event that I tested it out with my first post on my site - http://www.bloodbanktalk.com/forum/s...ead.php?p=6571

iogames 08-04-2007 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1309290)
^ I would need the URL Link to the video for that specific Embed Code, what is it?

I would also need RegExBuddy, which I do not have any more (Trial Ended). Without that program I cant do it. So if you want support you'd have to buy the license for it. Read more here.

Well this require a new MINI MOD for Coders to expand the features by request and through QUICK DONATION... Other way? where do I send my donation towards RegExBuddy???

WEBclay 08-05-2007 10:32 AM

First to say, this is a great and very useful mod. It perfectly matches the need of showing videotutorials in my community. Might there be any chance to integrate www.sclipo.com?

I would love to display those videos like this one in my forums as well.

iogames 08-05-2007 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by WEBclay (Post 1310252)
First to say, this is a great and very useful mod. It perfectly matches the need of showing videotutorials in my community. Might there be any chance to integrate www.sclipo.com?

I would love to display those videos like this one in my forums as well.

Well, you have to create the video on your computer, upload it to the service of your preferences, then retrieve the embed code to your Forum...
There's a FREE tool in www.download.com to 'Record' your screen meanwhile your doing your DEMO/Tut...

I'm Photoshoper :D

WEBclay 08-05-2007 03:40 PM

I am not speaking about the recording iogames. I wanted to know if its possible to embeed the media from sclipo.com :)

DieselMinded 08-05-2007 04:19 PM

<a href="http://www.ebaumsworld.com" target="_blank">www.ebaumsworld.com</a>

iogames 08-06-2007 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by WEBclay (Post 1310445)
I am not speaking about the recording iogames. I wanted to know if its possible to embeed the media from sclipo.com :)

And what's special about sclipo.com? if installing www.phpmotion.com or www.vidiac.com you can obtain better results :confused:

cynthetiq 08-06-2007 03:46 PM

I installed it and it works wonderfully.... except when posting code/quotes:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_BAD_CHARACTER, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/.ember/rocesfam/belowdelancey.com/forum/includes/ame_bbcode.php(192) : regexp code on line 14

Fatal error: preg_replace() [<a href='function.preg-replace'>function.preg-replace</a>]: Failed evaluating code: ame_substitute(1, &quot;&quot;, &quot; Admin Log In As User version 2.1 FOR UPGRADE AND FRESH INSTALLATIONS! 1) Import product-abe1_admin_log_as_user.xml into PRODUCTS. Allow Overwrite \&quot;YES\&quot; (admincp -&gt; Plugin System -&gt; Manage Products -&gt; [Add/Import Product]) 2) Do the template edits in header: find: -------------------------------------------------------------------- &lt;!-- logo --&gt; -------------------------------------------------------------------- BEFORE place this: -------------------------------------------------------------------- &lt;!-- Start Admin Log In As User --&gt; &lt;if condition=\&quot;$_REQUEST[\'admin_log_in_as_user\'] OR $_COOKIE[COOKIE_PREFIX . \'admin_log_in_as_user\']\&quot;&gt; &lt;div align=\&quot;center\&quot; style=\&quot;color: red; background-color: white; border: 1px solid black; padding:2px\&quot;&gt;&lt;a href=\&quot;$vboptions[forumhome].php?$session[ in /home/.ember/rocesfam/belowdelancey.com/forum/includes/ame_bbcode.php on line 192
what I was trying to post was the instructions.txt of Admin login as user. I don't anticipate this being problematic for most things, since the community shouldn't be posting code, but I figured I'd alreat you to it.


Admin Log In As User version 2.1


1) Import product-abe1_admin_log_as_user.xml into PRODUCTS. Allow Overwrite "YES" (admincp -> Plugin System -> Manage Products -> [Add/Import Product])

2) Do the template edits

in header:

<!-- logo -->

BEFORE place this:
<!-- Start Admin Log In As User -->
<if condition="$_REQUEST['admin_log_in_as_user'] OR $_COOKIE[COOKIE_PREFIX . 'admin_log_in_as_user']">
<div align="center" style="color: red; background-color: white; border: 1px solid black; padding:2px"><a href="$vboptions[forumhome].php?$session[sessionurl]&amp;log_out_admin_log_in_as_user=true">$vbphra se[admin_log_out_as_user]</a></div>
<!-- End Admin Log In As User -->


<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="infraction.php?$session[sessionurl]do=report&amp;u=$userinfo[userid]">$vbphrase[give_infraction]</a></td>

AFTER place this:
<!-- Start Admin Log In As User -->
<if condition="$show_admin_log_as_user_link">
<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="$vboptions[forumhome].php?$session[sessionurl]u=$userinfo[userid]&amp;admin_log_in_as_user=$userinfo[userid]">$vbphrase[log_in_as_user]</a></td>
<!-- End Admin Log In As User -->


Click 'install' in the thread you downloaded this from.


harley_m 08-07-2007 08:57 AM

Sorry I have tried to find this by searching / in the help but cannot seem to work it out.

My members love this, but they want to know how they can link to those pages without it auto converting them. I tried to argue it posts a link with the video anyway, but they claim that not every time they want to show someone a video is an embedded video desirable.

Is there some way they can post a link, without it auto embedding if they choose?

Many Thanks so anyone who knows!


Dannyloski 08-07-2007 01:50 PM

iogames, yeah I guess vB.org could do that, but I doubt they will. Anyways, as far as where you send the donation to buy RegExBuddy - I really rather not get anything into my PayPal Account. Reason being I dont know how many people are willing to donate towards the fund for it. Everyone wants support for a specific site, but none of them want to chip in any money. If you gave me some money for it, then who knows how long it'll be before someone else gives money for it ... What if I never get the complete $39.95, I'd have to refund all the money back and it'll be too much of a hassle. I personally am not buying it or spending money out of my pocket because 1) I dont have the extra cash 2) I dont need AME to support any other site and 3) I am gonna be doing the RegExs for you guys for free, and I shouldn't have to spend money on getting the program.

WEBclay, yeah support for that can be added, if someone buys RegExBuddy and after The Geek explains the use of the new "Extracting RegEx" feature in AME

DiesellMinded, I've said it like a million times already ... buy a RegExBuddy License ...

harley_m, tell your users to uncheck the "Automatically embed media (requires automatic parsing of links in text to be on)." Checkbox that's under "Additional Options" when they hit "Post Reply" ... By default the box is automatically checked, they need to uncheck it if they dont the video links to be changed into the actual videos.

cynthetiq, wierd ... I get the same error when posting the following into a Post ... I guess the error has to do with posting a Quote that contains a [CODE ] inside of it ... Here's what I posted to get the error, maybe The Geek could use this for troubleshooting of this bug/error:

Code Used:
HTML Code:

[QUOTE]Admin Log In As User version 2.1


1) Import product-abe1_admin_log_as_user.xml into PRODUCTS. Allow Overwrite "YES" (admincp -> Plugin System -> Manage Products -> [Add/Import Product])

2) Do the template edits

in header:

[CODE]<!-- logo -->[/CODE]

BEFORE place this:
[CODE]<!-- Start Admin Log In As User -->
<if condition="$_REQUEST['admin_log_in_as_user'] OR $_COOKIE[COOKIE_PREFIX . 'admin_log_in_as_user']">
<div align="center" style="color: red; background-color: white; border: 1px solid black; padding:2px"><a href="$vboptions[forumhome].php?$session[sessionurl]&amp;log_out_admin_log_in_as_user=true">$vbphrase[admin_log_out_as_user]</a></div>
<!-- End Admin Log In As User -->[/CODE]


[CODE]<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="infraction.php?$session[sessionurl]do=report&amp;u=$userinfo[userid]">$vbphrase[give_infraction]</a></td>[/CODE]

AFTER place this:
[CODE]<!-- Start Admin Log In As User -->
<if condition="$show_admin_log_as_user_link">
<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="$vboptions[forumhome].php?$session[sessionurl]u=$userinfo[userid]&amp;admin_log_in_as_user=$userinfo[userid]">$vbphrase[log_in_as_user]</a></td>
<!-- End Admin Log In As User -->[/CODE]


Click 'install' in the thread you downloaded this from.


Should Display like this, but gives error instead:

Admin Log In As User version 2.1


1) Import product-abe1_admin_log_as_user.xml into PRODUCTS. Allow Overwrite "YES" (admincp -> Plugin System -> Manage Products -> [Add/Import Product])

2) Do the template edits

in header:


<!-- logo -->

BEFORE place this:

<!-- Start Admin Log In As User -->
<if condition="$_REQUEST['admin_log_in_as_user'] OR $_COOKIE[COOKIE_PREFIX . 'admin_log_in_as_user']">
<div align="center" style="color: red; background-color: white; border: 1px solid black; padding:2px"><a href="$vboptions[forumhome].php?$session[sessionurl]&amp;log_out_admin_log_in_as_user=true">$vbphrase[admin_log_out_as_user]</a></div>
<!-- End Admin Log In As User -->




<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="infraction.php?$session[sessionurl]do=report&amp;u=$userinfo[userid]">$vbphrase[give_infraction]</a></td>

AFTER place this:

<!-- Start Admin Log In As User -->
<if condition="$show_admin_log_as_user_link">
<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="$vboptions[forumhome].php?$session[sessionurl]u=$userinfo[userid]&amp;admin_log_in_as_user=$userinfo[userid]">$vbphrase[log_in_as_user]</a></td>
<!-- End Admin Log In As User -->



Click 'install' in the thread you downloaded this from.


MPDev 08-07-2007 04:48 PM


        //$this->_mediaInfo['htitle'] = $this->hTittle();
When including a video file directly; I got a blank page on this line. Not sure if it's an issue on my server or not; but the problem appears to be in trying to open a 30mb .mpg file to see if there is a <title> tag in there.

Dannyloski 08-07-2007 08:30 PM

^ It would help if you posted the video link and from which Video Site are you posting ...

MPDev 08-08-2007 12:40 AM

My bad, I meant to post this in the AnyMedia topic.

z0diac 08-08-2007 04:54 AM

Just installed it - working GREAT with my YouTube tests. The best thing about this script: EASY to install, no config to get confused about, CLEAN layout in your msgs.

tobias_t 08-08-2007 08:59 AM

Has anybody tried this under 3.6.5?

G3mInI 08-09-2007 12:32 PM

Can someone help me add the code necessary to get AOL Video to work with this mod?

I have this snippet from a posted AOL Video.


<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0"  width="264" height="267"  id="dl_flvwidget" align="middle"><param name="movie" value="http://cdn.channel.aol.com/aolexd_widgets/aolwidget_9.swf" /><param name="FlashVars" value="settings=133329&pmms=1953601&previewImage=http://www.aolcdn.com/ch_newgd/videoplayertest.jpg&skin=139422&size=manual&autoPlay=0" /><embed src="http://cdn.channel.aol.com/aolexd_widgets/aolwidget_9.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="264" height="267" name="dl_flvwidget" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" FlashVars="settings=133329&pmms=1953601&previewImage=http://www.aolcdn.com/ch_newgd/videoplayertest.jpg&skin=139422&size=manual&autoPlay=0" ></embed></object>
Given all that information can someone help with figuring out how I would add this type of video to the AME mod?

Or is it not possible?

cheekymonk3y 08-09-2007 12:33 PM

i've been looking for this..................installed and thx

i'll be adding more videos to the mod for my site, have you made a post saying how, or should i just go digging through the code?

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