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-   -   Forum Display Enhancements - Collapsable First Post using AJAX (or Last Post!) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=145187)

magnus 02-04-2008 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by baz_kingfish (Post 1436220)
That did it! :up: Not sure which one :D...but I ran all of the counter/rebuild updates for threads, forums, and posts. The only issue now is dealing with the members being disappointed about their Post Count being reduced. yeah, I know I can hard plug them in, but they'll just get wiped out the next time I have to rebuild!

Glad it turned out to be something simple! :)


Originally Posted by baz_kingfish (Post 1436220)
I know there have been alot of post regarding "First Post" vs "Last Post" which is why I am sure you put the option in the AdminCP, but I've got an idea about that. What if your hack provided for the + sign on the left to show the "First Post/First Unread", and then somehow get the little arrow icon in the "Last Post" field/box to the right side of the thread name to perform the EXACT same functionality, but show the "Last Post". This would allow the user to view BOTH before entering into the thread. vB is already showing the last post in that field, it just needs to somehow get thrown into your hack display table on click. Then you could simply provide a "GoTo" button if they wanted to go to the last post like is currently the case when you quick that little blue arrow.

That's not a bad idea, I'll look into that.

I appreciate the donation, thank you. ;)

baz_kingfish 02-04-2008 07:17 PM


It's a great function you created, and I know you have put alot of work into supporting it and making it even better. I'll donate again when you implement my suggestion! :D Please email me if you get it working and upload an update.

haris_led 02-06-2008 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by magnus (Post 1435448)
Now we're getting somewhere! :)

Anyone else with this problem using the above (or similar) modification? We may be able to track this down..

i have the same problem. when passivevid is enabled, i get

: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
/includes/class_postbit.php(296) : eval()'d code
on line


binevi 02-11-2008 10:52 PM

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /includes/class_postbit.php(296) : eval()'d code on line 209

unfortunately i got same problem too

im using vb. 3.7

falguni1 02-12-2008 05:36 AM

very nice mod.

falguni1 02-12-2008 05:37 AM

can you make for 3.7 beta3 and 4.

Kiint 02-12-2008 09:29 AM

Just installed this on version 3.6.8, love the search functionality that's a great idea and love how you can select which forums you want this to appear in.

*Clicked Installed*

I'm currently asking my users if they want to keep this functionality and to which view they would prefer (opened a poll) I'm sure they will want to keep it even if it's just for the search results.

Installation went like a dream, uploaded files, ran xml file, configured through options, worked first time....but with one little problem of the images not showing....had to copy the button images to my custom style folder (error on my part, but may want to clarify that for beginners).

Thanks for a great mod.

binevi 02-12-2008 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by falguni1 (Post 1441274)
can you make for 3.7 beta3 and 4.

i've installed that mods to my forum( im using 3.7.4). But as i said i hade an error only. but it works normally except that

magnus 02-12-2008 09:55 PM

The foreach() error experienced by a few seems to be related to various YouTube (and other video site) embedding hacks. I, personally, do not use any hacks with this functionality -- however, now that we've found a common link, I'll install one of the known offenders into my sandbox and see if I can replicate/fix the error.

magnus 02-14-2008 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by haris_led (Post 1437255)
i have the same problem. when passivevid is enabled, i get

: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
/includes/class_postbit.php(296) : eval()'d code
on line


Ok, here's a fix. This is for passiveVid - (YouTube, Myspace, Google...) Not BBCODE :D users ONLY.

In AdminCP > Plugins & Products > Plugin Manager, look for passiveVid - Showthread Replacement under Product : passiveVid and select [Edit].

PHP Code:

               foreach ($passiveVid as $k => $v) {
                   if ( 
$this->registry->options['passiveVid_sites'] & $v['id'] ) {
$this->post['message'] = preg_replace_callback($v['string'],create_function('$matches',$v['replacement']),$this->post['message']);

PHP Code:

               if ($passiveVid) {
                   foreach (
$passiveVid as $k => $v) {
                       if ( 
$this->registry->options['passiveVid_sites'] & $v['id'] ) {
$this->post['message'] = preg_replace_callback($v['string'],create_function('$matches',$v['replacement']),$this->post['message']);

Note that this was tested on my development board. I do not actively use passiveVid (or any video embedding tools) so I cannot be held responsible for any undesired effects that may occur as a result of making these changes.

That being said, the changes simply check for the existence of a variable. There are no destructive functions being added or implemented, however, I just like to cover my rear. :)

Bubble #5 02-14-2008 07:29 PM

Looking forward to a 3.7 compatible version :up:

magnus 02-14-2008 08:59 PM

Have you tested it with 3.7? I had reports of it working fine. I, personally, do not use 3.7 nor do I have a sandbox for it (yet). I generally wait for RC/Gold/Final versions before porting things over.

Mark.B 02-14-2008 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by magnus (Post 1443225)
Have you tested it with 3.7? I had reports of it working fine. I, personally, do not use 3.7 nor do I have a sandbox for it (yet). I generally wait for RC/Gold/Final versions before porting things over.

I have it on 3.7 Magnus, and it seems to be ok.

young coder 02-21-2008 08:30 AM


Thanks for this great product
I want to know how to make it expand by Default and click the collapse icon to collapse

I want to invert the usage simple i want the usage to be
click the collapse icon [-] to collapse , and the expand icon [+] in front of the thread title to expand

beduino 02-25-2008 12:41 PM

Fine support :)
joao barroca
aka beduino


Originally Posted by magnus (Post 1442948)
Ok, here's a fix. This is for passiveVid - (YouTube, Myspace, Google...) Not BBCODE :D users ONLY.

In AdminCP > Plugins & Products > Plugin Manager, look for passiveVid - Showthread Replacement under Product : passiveVid and select [Edit].

PHP Code:

               foreach ($passiveVid as $k => $v) {
                   if ( 
$this->registry->options['passiveVid_sites'] & $v['id'] ) {
$this->post['message'] = preg_replace_callback($v['string'],create_function('$matches',$v['replacement']),$this->post['message']);

PHP Code:

               if ($passiveVid) {
                   foreach (
$passiveVid as $k => $v) {
                       if ( 
$this->registry->options['passiveVid_sites'] & $v['id'] ) {
$this->post['message'] = preg_replace_callback($v['string'],create_function('$matches',$v['replacement']),$this->post['message']);

Note that this was tested on my development board. I do not actively use passiveVid (or any video embedding tools) so I cannot be held responsible for any undesired effects that may occur as a result of making these changes.

That being said, the changes simply check for the existence of a variable. There are no destructive functions being added or implemented, however, I just like to cover my rear. :)

inciarco 03-01-2008 08:30 PM


I have Installed this Mod in vB 3.6.7 PL1 and Works Ok and also don't Interfere with other Mods.

I've Found what seems to be a Bug of this Mod in vB 3.6.8 PL2:

When seeing the FORUMDISPLAY Template, this Mod Interferes with the AJAX Functionality of other Mods such as MGC ChatBox EVO, Mood Manager, and Even with the AJAX Functionality of vBulletin in the Matter of Editing the Titles of the Threads directly in the FORUMDISPLAY View (If You're Moderator or Administrator, if You Double Click on the Title of the Thread listed in this View, the Cell will Turn into a TextBox were You can Edit the Title and the Press Enter to Apply the Changes); all of this Mods and Other AJAX Functionalities different than this Mod ones, will Not Function and will Create an Error Page Message quietly Displayed in the Status Bar of the Internet Explorer Navigator!! :confused: :(

When Disabling this Mod all AJAX Functionalities of the Other Mods and of vBulletin in this Template View return to Normal, so the Code Error is in This Mod!! :rolleyes:

Once I Detected a Similar Error in other Mod, and was Because of the JavaScript File that Served the Purposes of that other Mod, so the JavaScript Files of this Mode are Perhaps the First Source the Coders Should Check to Correct this Bug!! :rolleyes:

Check that Solution in: "Ajax Fisheye Menu", perhaps it could Help.

Would be Nice that other Forumers that Use this Mod in vB 3.6.8 PL2, and of course the Author magnus, could Confirm if this Error is also Happening in their Boards; other possible source for the Error (perhaps in Addition with the Java Script Files), could be in the Plugins interfering with one or more of the other Mods affecting also the AJAX Functionality of vBulletin that I mentioned!! :rolleyes:

I Hope You Can Fix this Problem. I had to Disable this Mod in my vB 3.6.8 PL2 Board, because I had to Choose between the Great Features of it and the Other Mods and Even the AJAX Functionality of Editing the Titles of the Threads Fast!! :(

My Best Regards!! ;)


magnus 03-01-2008 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by inciarco (Post 1454696)

I have Installed this Mod in vB 3.6.7 PL1 and Works Ok and also don't Interfere with other Mods.

I've Found what seems to be a Bug of this Mod in vB 3.6.8 PL2:

When seeing the FORUMDISPLAY Template, this Mod Interferes with the AJAX Functionality of other Mods such as MGC ChatBox EVO, Mood Manager, and Even with the AJAX Functionality of vBulletin in the Matter of Editing the Titles of the Threads directly in the FORUMDISPLAY View (If You're Moderator or Administrator, if You Double Click on the Title of the Thread listed in this View, the Cell will Turn into a TextBox were You can Edit the Title and the Press Enter to Apply the Changes); all of this Mods and Other AJAX Functionalities different than this Mod ones, will Not Function and will Create an Error Page Message quietly Displayed in the Status Bar of the Internet Explorer Navigator!! :confused: :(

When Disabling this Mod all AJAX Functionalities of the Other Mods and of vBulletin in this Template View return to Normal, so the Code Error is in This Mod!! :rolleyes:

Once I Detected a Similar Error in other Mod, and was Because of the JavaScript File that Served the Purposes of that other Mod, so the JavaScript Files of this Mode are Perhaps the First Source the Coders Should Check to Correct this Bug!! :rolleyes:

Check that Solution in: "Ajax Fisheye Menu", perhaps it could Help.

Would be Nice that other Forumers that Use this Mod in vB 3.6.8 PL2, and of course the Author magnus, could Confirm if this Error is also Happening in their Boards; other possible source for the Error (perhaps in Addition with the Java Script Files), could be in the Plugins interfering with one or more of the other Mods affecting also the AJAX Functionality of vBulletin that I mentioned!! :rolleyes:

I Hope You Can Fix this Problem. I had to Disable this Mod in my vB 3.6.8 PL2 Board, because I had to Choose between the Great Features of it and the Other Mods and Even the AJAX Functionality of Editing the Titles of the Threads Fast!! :(

My Best Regards!! ;)


I'm sorry, but I cannot seem to replicate this action. I have absolutely no problems whatsoever with any default AJAX functionality while having this modification enabled.

All testing was done on vBulletin 3.6.8 PL2.

It's entirely possible that there's a conflict with another modification, but unfortunately, it's extremely difficult for me to track that down as it's a guarantee that we do not use the same modifications. The only modification used on my forum not coded by myself is vBSEO.

inciarco 03-01-2008 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by magnus (Post 1454749)
I'm sorry, but I cannot seem to replicate this action. I have absolutely no problems whatsoever with any default AJAX functionality while having this modification enabled.

All testing was done on vBulletin 3.6.8 PL2.

It's entirely possible that there's a conflict with another modification, but unfortunately, it's extremely difficult for me to track that down as it's a guarantee that we do not use the same modifications. The only modification used on my forum not coded by myself is vBSEO.

OK. I Appreciate Your Help. If I Get it to Work by Making Tests on Changing the Plugins, I'll Share the Answers With You!! ;)

What Really Worries and Confuses me, is that I Have Installed in my vb 3.6.8 PL2 Forum almost All the Mods I've Installed in my vB 3.6.7 PL1 Forum (were the Mod is Working without a Problem)!! :confused: :(

My Best Regards!! ;)


dethfire 03-03-2008 03:22 PM

Will there be any new developments?

magnus 03-03-2008 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by dethfire (Post 1456004)
Will there be any new developments?

.. as in? Everything works.

exportforce 03-06-2008 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by magnus (Post 1456051)
.. as in? Everything works.


Originally Posted by exportforce (Post 1435567)
Nope not all at a time, only post by post.
A button "Next post" and "previous post" so I can go through one by one :)

like that ? =)

magnus 03-06-2008 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by exportforce (Post 1458577)
like that ? =)

I'll be honest, I still haven't grasped exactly what you're asking for.

marquisite 03-07-2008 03:22 AM

Hello there, this mod is great! I have a request however...

Is it possible to specify a maximum line/character count for the thread preview? Some posts on a forum this modification was installed on are huge, and for preview purposes the first couple of lines, first paragraph, or first 100 or so characters would be more than sufficient.

Is this easily implementable into this modification? Thank you :D

magnus 03-07-2008 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by marquisite (Post 1459025)
Hello there, this mod is great! I have a request however...

Is it possible to specify a maximum line/character count for the thread preview? Some posts on a forum this modification was installed on are huge, and for preview purposes the first couple of lines, first paragraph, or first 100 or so characters would be more than sufficient.

Is this easily implementable into this modification? Thank you :D

While I can't see myself adding this as a standard option in future releases, you can achieve this yourself via a quick edit to /forum/vbpost_ajax.php.

PHP Code:


PHP Code:

$post['message'] = fetch_trimmed_title($post['message'], 100true); 

Obviously, change 100 to however many characters you would like displayed. Also, changing true to false will remove the trailing ellipses (...) if desired.

jedrus 03-07-2008 03:45 PM

i've got a problem with this modification. Everything looks ok but after I click the [+] icon it's loading and loading and loading.... ;) and nothing happens :(
you can see this situation here:

What can be a reason? I've edited templates manually...

Sayrex 03-07-2008 04:45 PM

me too ...

marquisite 03-07-2008 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by magnus (Post 1459258)
While I can't see myself adding this as a standard option in future releases, you can achieve this yourself via a quick edit to /forum/vbpost_ajax.php.

PHP Code:


PHP Code:

$post['message'] = fetch_trimmed_title($post['message'], 100true); 

Obviously, change 100 to however many characters you would like displayed. Also, changing true to false will remove the trailing ellipses (...) if desired.

Works great, now no longer are posts of up to 2000 or 3000 characters showing in full via this preview method. :)

ksitguy 03-07-2008 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by jedrus (Post 1459439)
i've got a problem with this modification. Everything looks ok but after I click the [+] icon it's loading and loading and loading.... ;) and nothing happens :(
you can see this situation here:

What can be a reason? I've edited templates manually...

I had the same problem and traced it to the mod "Chief First Post", if you have that installed that's probably the reason. Once I disabled it this mod worked fine.

jedrus 03-08-2008 10:20 AM

hmm.... i don't have mod "Chief First Post" installed... is there any other reason?

magnus 03-08-2008 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by jedrus (Post 1459439)
i've got a problem with this modification. Everything looks ok but after I click the [+] icon it's loading and loading and loading.... ;) and nothing happens :(
you can see this situation here:

What can be a reason? I've edited templates manually...

You've not placed vpost_ajax.php into your forum's root directory.

jedrus 03-08-2008 02:04 PM

heh, thanks... I don't know how it happens.... sorry!

exportforce 03-12-2008 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by magnus (Post 1458738)
I'll be honest, I still haven't grasped exactly what you're asking for.

Just 2 buttons that appears in the opened Place where I can read the First/last post with which I can swap to the next or previous post in the thread...
Am I really that hard to understand :confused::(

magnus 03-12-2008 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by exportforce (Post 1463151)
Just 2 buttons that appears in the opened Place where I can read the First/last post with which I can swap to the next or previous post in the thread...
Am I really that hard to understand :confused::(

So I was right previously when I concluded you wanted to browse a thread a post at a time without going into the thread.

This hack is not meant to be an alternate browsing method. The magic is its simplicity, to view either the first post, last post or first unread post. Not to peruse an entire thread. To browse an entire thread would be to perform an SQL query for each post on demand rather than a single query for multiple posts.

Basically, this request is beyond the scope of this modification. I understand what you want, it's just not something I see myself adding support for. I'm sorry.

DragonBlade 03-13-2008 07:01 AM

magnus: thanks for this awesome mod

I found 2-3 errors, one that is commonly found but has not been resolved.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: fetch_coventry() in /home/---.net/public_html/forums/usercp.php(503) : eval()'d code on line 16

That error is reproduced by having to subscribed to a thread and that thread has gotten a new post.

The other error is:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: fetch_coventry() in /home/---.net/public_html/forums/moderation.php(405) : eval()'d code on line 16

Reproduced by click on Moderated or deleted Threads in usercp

magnus 03-13-2008 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by DragonBlade (Post 1463603)
magnus: thanks for this awesome mod

I found 2-3 errors, one that is commonly found but has not been resolved.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: fetch_coventry() in /home/---.net/public_html/forums/usercp.php(503) : eval()'d code on line 16

That error is reproduced by having to subscribed to a thread and that thread has gotten a new post.

The other error is:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: fetch_coventry() in /home/---.net/public_html/forums/moderation.php(405) : eval()'d code on line 16

Reproduced by click on Moderated or deleted Threads in usercp

Man, this error pops up every so often and I've yet to be able to replicate it. I've performed the actions mentioned above and on both my test forum and live forum everything is fine. I'll do yet some more digging to see why the fetch_coventry function isn't being defined. It's a default vBulletin function, it doesn't make any sense..

DragonBlade 03-13-2008 10:47 AM

I am currently performing more tests as I do have many plugins installed

fetch_coventry() in /home/---.net/public_html/forums/usercp.php(503) : eval()'d code on line 16
this only occurs if you have 0 new PMs and have a new subscribed post.

I have disabled all my plugins/mods and the error still occurs

magnus 03-13-2008 11:40 AM

Ok, let's try something. Try installing/overwriting using the attached product. Let me know if it fixes it.

DragonBlade 03-13-2008 02:18 PM

It works! Thanks :)

magnus 03-13-2008 02:22 PM

Thank God, glad to be done with that stupid bug. :)

tobias_t 03-20-2008 08:11 AM

OK here are the two things that are missing to make this mod perfect IMO:

- expanding a thread should mark it read if it only consists of a single post

- clicking anywhere in the text area of the expanded post should take you directly into that thread

Magnus, I would love to hear what you think of these suggestions :)

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