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Tigur 04-14-2007 12:17 PM

Well after playing around with the settings on this one i've decided to turn it off... especially since I just got a couple hundred angry messages from users saying they've been spammed multiple times.

C Braithwaite 04-14-2007 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Tigur (Post 1227422)
Well after playing around with the settings on this one i've decided to turn it off... especially since I just got a couple hundred angry messages from users saying they've been spammed multiple times.

the problem you will probably be having is the frequency. set the inactivity period to 30 days, and then once they have been inactive for 30 days then they will get 1 email. then if you set the frequency to 60 days, they will be sent the email every two months after that. or you could set it to 7 days to have them sent an email every week once they have become inactive.

djbaxter 04-14-2007 01:14 PM

Installed version 1.11.

I get the following error when I try to run it manually.


Inactive User Reminder Emails

Found 0 Inactive Users.

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /path/to/forum/includes/class_mail.php(261) : eval()'d code on line 12
Addendum: this is in version 3.65

Smoothie 04-14-2007 03:45 PM

version 1.0.9 seems to running dandy for me. I don't understand all the problems some users are having.

djbaxter 04-14-2007 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Smoothie (Post 1227539)
version 1.0.9 seems to running dandy for me. I don't understand all the problems some users are having.

Same here.

What seems to have caused the problems is the switch to the vBulletin mail queue system starting in version 1.10. I'm not sure it's worth it.

I've gone back to 1.09 myself.

itsblack 04-14-2007 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1227545)
Same here.

What seems to have caused the problems is the switch to the vBulletin mail queue system starting in version 1.10. I'm not sure it's worth it.

I've gone back to 1.09 myself.

But thanks v1.10, before v.1.09 there's always problem with email sending. After update to 1.10, everything goes well.

RDX1 04-14-2007 07:37 PM

Now it has stopped working since upgrading to 1.11, I'm going back to 1.09 as well.

C Braithwaite 04-14-2007 07:38 PM

hmm it looks like there are problems either way.

Im not sure how to fix this really, as i only have the one board to test it on - my own (which is 3.6.5)

djbaxter 04-14-2007 07:40 PM

Chris, why not revert to just sending out emails as you did prior to 1.10? There were other bug fixes in 1.10 and 1.11, I think but if you just change the "sendmail" parts that might solve it all.

If nothing else, it will eliminate one variable as the possible problem.

C Braithwaite 04-14-2007 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1227721)
Chris, why not revert to just sending out emails as you did prior to 1.10? There were other bug fixes in 1.10 and 1.11, I think but if you just change the "sendmail" parts thjat might solve it all.

yeah i think i will do.

ill have a look at it in the morning. will bring back HTML emails too.. ;-)

Mrdby 04-14-2007 08:35 PM

keep us posted!!!

Mrdby 04-15-2007 05:51 AM

this bounced my email and i had a hard time updating..my email works fine.

djbaxter 04-15-2007 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Mrdby (Post 1228080)
this bounced my email

What does that mean? Many of the emails my forum sent out to inactive users bounced. That's because those email addreses are no longer valid.


and i had a hard time updating..my email works fine.
What does this mean? Updating involves just two steps: Upload the PHP file and import the product as "overwrite".

Mrdby 04-15-2007 01:15 PM

So all the emails are invalid?

djbaxter 04-15-2007 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Mrdby (Post 1228293)
So all the emails are invalid?

I don't know. That's why I asked for more detailed information.

How many were sent out? How many bounced? How long has it been since those members signed in? Do you use email verification for registrations? What did the bounced emails say (what was the error)?

Unless you are specific in your questrions, you can't expect a helpful answer.

kokiri Kid 04-15-2007 01:23 PM

Thank you so much, installed!

Mrdby 04-15-2007 01:24 PM

thing is..when i installed it..i guess i got a daily email or something. I never sent off any emails.

This email shows that the product is installed and working as it should be.

Emails sent to:caramel andreadenise babygrrl477 Loved1 ms.monalisa LadyJ TragBoogie sexy lil mama MzNilla KILLJOY27 Awww Hell GLO Supaprodusa Ashanti#1fan Edify47 Dimples LalaExperience Nilla kilaloc fashion_75 dredai JazzyJas2005 SweetnLuscious Lilmama84 Adreamsmom FAITHFUL-TRUELOVER SincrOne GoodOne Im2fucCinFly nvisdngerus Much2Much41 Ajax6973 NYAmicas O GIRL JusKolMeAl rde2run Blackspeare treytreyy homeless CoverGurl MistahLong boobie000 silvercadi terxav Shiznit Webber ruchirbhatnagar Lovely_E4U hemicuda82 Bishop501 mrbee80 lethel bond666 wrightfellow tre2375 rudeboy11 aparker kingjordon kingjordon1 nina myrna2381 fleetwood73 SoCalmSoCool mybeautifule devante_cream pipo21 cats2003meow Trillseeker247 tightpussy lingnaldo calandra04 woodstick1 daddyfatsacks7 ovadose tlcfan pimpdown rod240866 theOne Slpingbuty Msnikki OmniSlash2o6 dZihan TNasty deonc1972 puddin_4_ya mrwrite88 xavier72984 Gorgeous1 eddie SirDukeOf++++ eltherio gialoukis WCCD . We tried to email the followin!
g users, but their email address was invalid:

i got this email...alot have been back recently and had no bounced emails.

djbaxter 04-15-2007 01:31 PM

Mrdby, that information tells me nothing.

Look at the information returned with the email. It will tell you WHY the email bounced.

For example, even with valid email addresses, emails do sometimes bounce because:
1. there is a problem with the ISP mail server - this seems to happen intermittently especially with AOL, Yahoo, and Hotmail

2. the mailbox is full

3. the mailbox is temporarily unreachable

4. you have hit a spam filter that is blocking your email

5. other reasons that will be specified in the returned email
A list of member names tells me nothing.


thing is..when i installed it..i guess i got a daily email or something. I never sent off any emails.
The emails are sent out automatically. That's what the add-on does. Check your options for the mod under vBulletin Options from the ACP.

Mrdby 04-15-2007 01:32 PM

Ok Thanks

obmob 04-15-2007 04:20 PM

Oo WOW, so many arguments in the past days, i think this mod whould revert to 1.0.9 and then use the new as a Beta release, so anyone upgrading be aware it's a beta and might not work properly.

Also, back to 1.09 ^^,

Mrdby 04-15-2007 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by obmob (Post 1228411)
Oo WOW, so many arguments in the past days, i think this mod whould revert to 1.0.9 and then use the new as a Beta release, so anyone upgrading be aware it's a beta and might not work properly.

Also, back to 1.09 ^^,

how can i get 1.09 back?

djbaxter 04-15-2007 04:34 PM

See post #442 by Smoothie in this thread. It contains version 1.09 as an attachment.

GreeceMonkey 04-15-2007 07:22 PM


How to I add a static BCC email address to this code


$headers .= "To: $username <$email>" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "From: " . $vbulletin->options['bbtitle'] . " Reminder Service <" . $vbulletin->options['webmasteremail'] . ">" . "\r\n";
I just want to to BCC me on all reminders - is it simple to do?. I just want it to BCC me at greecemonkey@gmail.com

I tryed the obvious, and it did not work :-):p :p


voteforbird 04-15-2007 08:32 PM

I reverted back to 1.09 and emails are still not sending.

voteforbird 04-15-2007 08:58 PM

NevermindÂ… apparently it works.

BACANERIA 04-16-2007 04:20 AM

Thsi is good but when having Cyb - Flash-Image Banner Rotator installed it doesnt let cyb banner rottator work properly in another words it just doesnt work for me wished it work.


MikeHolohan 04-16-2007 05:45 AM

Went back to 1.09, works very well... Mike.

Tigur 04-16-2007 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by C Braithwaite (Post 1227423)
the problem you will probably be having is the frequency. set the inactivity period to 30 days, and then once they have been inactive for 30 days then they will get 1 email. then if you set the frequency to 60 days, they will be sent the email every two months after that. or you could set it to 7 days to have them sent an email every week once they have become inactive.

I had it set to 180 days and i was getting reports of users getting emailed 5 times in a row - i have retry set to two

rapsearch 04-16-2007 07:00 PM


I want to disable this feature for inactive old members who request to be taken off the list BUT..i don't want to delete their old profile.. how can i prevend these members from getting these automated messages?? Can i set 'receive admin messages' in their profile to no?.. will that work?

C Braithwaite 04-16-2007 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1228421)
See post #442 by Smoothie in this thread. It contains version 1.09 as an attachment.

I have actually uploaded it on the main post with 1.11 while i fix all problems.


Originally Posted by rapsearch (Post 1229150)

I want to disable this feature for inactive old members who request to be taken off the list BUT..i don't want to delete their old profile.. how can i prevend these members from getting these automated messages?? Can i set 'receive admin messages' in their profile to no?.. will that work?

Inform your members that if they wish to stop being sent emails, that they must log into their account and set "recieve admin email?" to "no"

C Braithwaite 04-16-2007 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Tigur (Post 1229136)
I had it set to 180 days and i was getting reports of users getting emailed 5 times in a row - i have retry set to two

unless someone can point out a serious flaw in my code, members will never be sent the email 5 times in a row unless you have set the frequency to something low.

it's impossible.

deezelpope 04-16-2007 08:34 PM

Still working beautifully here...:)

Smoothie 04-16-2007 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by rapsearch (Post 1229150)

I want to disable this feature for inactive old members who request to be taken off the list BUT..i don't want to delete their old profile.. how can i prevend these members from getting these automated messages?? Can i set 'receive admin messages' in their profile to no?.. will that work?

Here's what you do. Those that request to be taken off the list, move their accounts from registered members to the awaiting email verification group. This way the emails will not be sent to them, their accounts remain active and they will need to verify their account before they can ever post or receive any communications from your site.

djbaxter 04-16-2007 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Tigur (Post 1229136)
I had it set to 180 days and i was getting reports of users getting emailed 5 times in a row - i have retry set to two

You haven't "set retry to 2". What you have done is set it so that inactive members are emailed every 2 days. Set that value to a minimum of 30 days.

nintendo 04-17-2007 10:23 AM

It sure would be nice if it still had an E-Mail Quantity option to only send say 1,000 E-mails a day!


Originally Posted by HOST-KSA.COM (Post 1180692)
If I have more than 20 thousands of members are inactive .. will this reminder affect my server ?

Plan on seeing your server be as slow as a slug for hours. I just ran it for the first time. It's been over two hours and the server is still as slow as a slug, on php pages. It's still sending E-mails out via sendmail. 10,261 members are geting E-mailed. load average is as high as around 10.98, 10.77, 10.04

djbaxter 04-17-2007 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by nintendo (Post 1229598)
It sure would be nice if it still had an E-Mail Quantity option to only send say 1,000 E-mails a day!

Plan on seeing your server be as slow as a slug for hours. I just ran it for the first time. It's been over two hours and the server is still as slow as a slug, on php pages. It's still sending E-mails out via sendmail. 10,261 members are geting E-mailed. load average is as high as around 10.98, 10.77, 10.04

Uh, there actually IS a setting to control this:


Email Quantity
How many emails to send each time cron runs (Lower means faster board, but longer to send all emails. Higher, vice versa.)
Set this to a low number. Mine is set to 3.

C Braithwaite 04-17-2007 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by nintendo (Post 1229598)
It sure would be nice if it still had an E-Mail Quantity option to only send say 1,000 E-mails a day!

Plan on seeing your server be as slow as a slug for hours. I just ran it for the first time. It's been over two hours and the server is still as slow as a slug, on php pages. It's still sending E-mails out via sendmail. 10,261 members are geting E-mailed. load average is as high as around 10.98, 10.77, 10.04


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1229666)
Uh, there actually IS a setting to control this:

Set this to a low number. Mine is set to 3.

I actually removed this, as the cron only runs once a day now, and adds all the mails to the mail queue, and if it is slow due to SENDING the emails, then this is down to vbulletin.

If this is becoming a problem, I suggest you revert to 1.09 untill i can come up with a better solution for all.

Mischievious 04-17-2007 03:37 PM

Have you considered adding an feature in the options, where you can push a button to send the emails right away. Instead of waiting for the cron to do it?

C Braithwaite 04-17-2007 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Mischievious (Post 1229776)
Have you considered adding an feature in the options, where you can push a button to send the emails right away. Instead of waiting for the cron to do it?

i could, but you can just go into the cron and run it manually. yes, im lazy.

nintendo 04-17-2007 06:05 PM

It worked great. Before the server was even done sending the E-mails all out, visitors were already coming back!! :eek:

Hopefully the server being slow will be just once a month, since it's set to them geting E-mailed once every 30 days, so the 10,261 people won't get them for another month!!! It took about four hours for them all to be sent out! And this is on a dedicated server!! :eek:

If I changed to the older version, would the people that just got E-mailed get the E-Mail again, next time it does it, or would it know they were just E-Mailed?

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