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-   -   Major Additions - Zoints LOCAL. Social networking, enhanced profiles, blogs and MUCH more (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=130946)

Zoints 12-11-2006 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by bo0oost (Post 1135541)
Over on the Zoints forum, I was told this is not working because I am using ISAPI, and not FastCGI.

What difference does this make, if any? Why would I need to switch to FastCGI to make this work... anyone else have this problem?

We've had a few reports of issues with ISAPI. At present, we're moving it to an unsupported platform. Sorry for the trouble, but we don't have an IIS server to test things on right now to figure out where the issue is arising. As soon as we do figure out a resolution, we'll let you know.

SkyCatcher 12-11-2006 09:10 PM

Love it, but what happened to the german language supposed to be in 1.01?

Zoints 12-12-2006 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by SkyCatcher (Post 1136601)
Love it, but what happened to the german language supposed to be in 1.01?

Language support will be in 1.1.0 :)

SkyCatcher 12-12-2006 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1136747)
Language support will be in 1.1.0 :)

Thanks for keeping up the hard work. I personally love it but my users are screaming bloody murder... "We don't need that!" etc etc. I think I'm going to hit them in their eye... one at a time.

Rahzel_hx 12-12-2006 05:44 AM

I have a question under the profile for links drop down menu none of my links work they take me to the home page of the fourm any thoughts?

Zoints 12-12-2006 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Rahzel_hx (Post 1136872)
I have a question under the profile for links drop down menu none of my links work they take me to the home page of the fourm any thoughts?

Doing the following will usually fix that:

1. Go to vbulletin admincp > Zoints Profile options

2. In Zoints Local URL enter the path to the /z/ directory such as http://www.yourdomain.com/z/ or yourdomain.com/forums/z/

Most people don't need to do this, but every now and then what you're experiencing crops up.

Rahzel_hx 12-12-2006 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1136895)
Doing the following will usually fix that:

1. Go to vbulletin admincp > Zoints Profile options

2. In Zoints Local URL enter the path to the /z/ directory such as http://www.yourdomain.com/z/ or yourdomain.com/forums/z/

Most people don't need to do this, but every now and then what you're experiencing crops up.

actully it was my fault i think now that i added zointsprofile_popup_navbar to the cmps it works 0.o another question off subject when i use a mydomain.com/fourm/admincp/ i can login to my admincp but when i use fourm.mydomian i can't login >_< it just takes me back into the admin login ***FIXED*** also when i login through fourm.mydomain when i goto my zoints profile says i don't have permissions to view this page i know this is alot of questions but i also don't have Go to vbulletin admincp > Zoints Profile options... wow i feel new to this all over again***FIXED*** i found it....

Bruwat 12-13-2006 05:41 PM

Just a quicky-if I install it can it be made so that it doesn't link to the whole zoints network across at other forums? So it is purely based, and remains only in/with no external link to anywhere else on my own forums?

wjkids 12-13-2006 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Bruwat (Post 1137927)
Just a quicky-if I install it can it be made so that it doesn't link to the whole zoints network across at other forums? So it is purely based, and remains only in/with no external link to anywhere else on my own forums?

You can do that but there is a one time charge I beleive.

DannyITR 12-13-2006 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1133599)
Hi Danny,

Though we never intended to upset anyone, I do apologize for not communicating our initial intentions better.

Thanks for the reply. I've been reading this thread for a while and I notice that consistently, users are asking for a way to make it so this hack does not communicate with zoints in any way. I share that concern and this should be a hint that perhaps forum owners don't want to have anything to do with a larger network and you would probably get more business if you offered a standalone version that could be bought.

I noticed you cannot remove or change the zoint navbar. That needs to be changed. I find it unhelpful that zoints seems to think they know whats best for other people's forums. The decision to even have that navbar should be up to the forum owner. Your interstate and roadsign analagy makes sense yes but ignores the fact that poeple might not want to have that interstate rolling through their community out of their control. I see alot of improvement from the original zoints central and I just may give it a try but I still dont get a warm feeling that gives me confidence in zoints' full intentions.

Some Questions:

Can my user's profile pages be username.domain.com like when you sign up at zoints.com? I find that /z/ utterly ridiculous to have in the address.

Is the default search option still to search all communities?

When will we see VB header and footer integration like Photopost and VBA?

When will we see Photopost block integration?

When will there be different language support? (I need french).

Can a user delete their zoints profile?


nanaimobar 12-13-2006 11:28 PM

How do I restrict access to the profile link in navbar to registered members only?

I looked in this forum and Zoints forums but must have missed the solution.

Update. Found out it's not possible at this time without some coding.

Invalid ID 12-14-2006 01:00 AM

During the installing, I got the "page not found" error on http://www.apni-mehfil.com/forum/z/Admin/

Zoints 12-14-2006 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by ABeautifulBrown (Post 1135112)
This is at the top when I go to edit the privacy settings...

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /z/privacy.php on line 36

Hi there, here is the fix (which will also be in Zoints Local 1.0.2)

Edit file: /z/privacy.php


                foreach ($this->tabs as $tabid => $tab)
                        foreach ($tab['disallowed'] as $gid)
                                $this->_template->checked($tabid, $gid, true);

Replace with:

                foreach ($this->tabs as $tabid => $tab)
                        if (is_array($tab['disallowed']))
                                foreach ($tab['disallowed'] as $gid)
                                        $this->_template->checked($tabid, $gid, true);

vprp 12-14-2006 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by DannyITR (Post 1138061)
Thanks for the reply. I've been reading this thread for a while and I notice that consistently, users are asking for a way to make it so this hack does not communicate with zoints in any way. I share that concern and this should be a hint that perhaps forum owners don't want to have anything to do with a larger network and you would probably get more business if you offered a standalone version that could be bought.

I noticed you cannot remove or change the zoint navbar. That needs to be changed. I find it unhelpful that zoints seems to think they know whats best for other people's forums. The decision to even have that navbar should be up to the forum owner. Your interstate and roadsign analagy makes sense yes but ignores the fact that poeple might not want to have that interstate rolling through their community out of their control. I see alot of improvement from the original zoints central and I just may give it a try but I still dont get a warm feeling that gives me confidence in zoints' full intentions.

Totally agree. At least Zoints is making progress moving from the centralized version to offering a local version and then an autonomous version. I also feel like I know what is best for my forum and I know many other admins, especially those with larger boards, feel the same way.

Zoints 12-14-2006 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by DannyITR (Post 1138061)
Thanks for the reply. I've been reading this thread for a while and I notice that consistently, users are asking for a way to make it so this hack does not communicate with zoints in any way. I share that concern and this should be a hint that perhaps forum owners don't want to have anything to do with a larger network and you would probably get more business if you offered a standalone version that could be bought.

We're finding that about 85% like or don't mind the interconnecting and about 15% prefer autonomy. We do sell an autonomous license that does everything you want for $120.00

Some Questions:


Originally Posted by DannyITR (Post 1138061)
When will we see VB header and footer integration like Photopost and VBA?

The newest versions of Zoints Local all automatically pull the entire header and footer.


Originally Posted by DannyITR (Post 1138061)
When will we see Photopost block integration?


If anyone has a photopost license one of our developers could play with, we'd be happy to make it happen. We've requested a developers license but nothing ever materialized. There's already a photoplog block and many other blocks that have been made.


Originally Posted by DannyITR (Post 1138061)
When will there be different language support? (I need french).



Originally Posted by DannyITR (Post 1138061)
Can a user delete their zoints profile?

No, but you can close it for them. Or they can just turn it off to all usergroups.

Zoints 12-14-2006 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by Invalid ID (Post 1138175)
Clicking the links "My Blog" and "Profiles" in the Navbar gives "Page not found error"

What url does it take you to? Do your profiles work when manually typed in? If so, what url are those at?

Zoints 12-14-2006 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by vprp (Post 1138210)
Totally agree. At least Zoints is making progress moving from the centralized version to offering a local version and then an autonomous version. I also feel like I know what is best for my forum and I know many other admins, especially those with larger boards, feel the same way.

I concur you know what is best for your forum too. This modification is setting the foundation for interconnecting forums. Anyone can create a decent profile system. If that's what we were trying to do, we would have integrated with vBulletin 100%. Our vision is to allow people to hop from community to community to community like driving along a virtual freeway. Is it what everyone wants? No, and we respect that. But I prefer to innovate. And any time you innovate, you're going to polarize groups of people. It's not that we have done anything WRONG (though we obviously have many areas to improve) it's that we've done things different. Different doesn't mean bad :)

In the end, together we are strong. And the self-marketing campaign that will be included in Zoints Local 1.0.2 is going to prove that. A single forum marketing themselves will have a hard time being noticed. But hundreds of forums all utilizing the same means of marketing gets people to take notice.

Stay tuned...

uptil7000 12-14-2006 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by taurus999s (Post 1129342)
I am looking to see if Zoints could do most of the listed stuff i.e. perhaps a moderator controlled 'list of communities' which would be equivalent to 'guilds' and/or 'games'. So people could sign up for each community (guild or games). Then I could appoint leaders of sort who could create a specific page for the community (guild) posting relevant info such as their own home page etc.

Is this requirement too far removed from Zoints? What I am trying to do is build a community by exposing folks to more than just their own little community but perhaps they may wish to take part in more than one community i.e. multiple games.

I am trying to understand it at the conceptual level. I will give it a test drive this weekend.

Thank you.

What if you created a user for each guild? Maybe the Guild Master could control that user. Then your other users could add the guild to their network.

cfspinner 12-14-2006 11:15 AM

I installed zoints, but can't seem to find how to get to it, and now, when i click on my name to get to my profile, i get file not found!


pokerie 12-14-2006 12:48 PM

DChapman, I think we all respect what you are doing with Zoints:) I do anyway:) But when you compare it to the likes of a Virtual Highway with interconnecting routes, everyone knows that the towns people like to see business coming into their community, but not going out of it. For you, the government (lol) you want to give your people the freedom and become economically sound, but as with real life, the oul corner shop just wont be able to compete with the big Supermarket that has just opened 500 metres down the road.

The customers start to go to the bigger shops where they can get everything that was in the smaller, specialist shops but it's more convenient because it's all under the same roof.

This relates to traffic being taken away from the smaller sites with zoints and probably ending up at a bigger site with a broader range of forums where people can get responses to their questions quicker and everything else that a bigger site has over the smaller guys, by just using the one account to log in to.

We're not putting the time, effort and money into our sites just to end up sending everyone off to the big sites, even though it could benefit the internet population as a whole, even still, there's just no point in it for us.

If you want to look at it in extremities, Zoints could also one day be void because it's job has been done, it's brought everyone together, all the smaller sites are no more and the bigger sites can now advertise and there will be no need for Zoints or for smaller, specialist sites. This is of course an extreme but could eventually happen if things went absolutely to plan.

So I don't think this would be good for any of us.

Just one thing, when you told DannyITR that Zoints Autonomous provides everything he asked for, does this include getting rid of /z/ that he mentioned too? I thought this wasn't possible?

DannyITR 12-14-2006 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by pokerie (Post 1138428)
Just one thing, when you told DannyITR that Zoints Autonomous provides everything he asked for, does this include getting rid of /z/ that he mentioned too? I thought this wasn't possible?

I wasn't aware of the autonomous system and I'll definitely look into it. Yes getting rid of the /z/ is paramount or at least using wildcard domains so I can have username.domain.com. When I registered at zoints.com the first thing it said was that my profile is now dannyitr.zoints.com so obviously its possible. It wouldn't make sense for zoints to use that system and not offer it to its users. I'm sure DChapman just forgot to mention how we can do it.

Zoints 12-14-2006 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by cfspinner (Post 1138399)
I installed zoints, but can't seem to find how to get to it, and now, when i click on my name to get to my profile, i get file not found!


It sounds like you turned on the mod_rewrite option and didn't upload the .htaccess

In the zip file we provided, there is a folder call "rewrite". Upload the .htaccess file in there to /z/

Zoints 12-14-2006 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by pokerie (Post 1138428)
DChapman, I think we all respect what you are doing with Zoints:) I do anyway:) But when you compare it to the likes of a Virtual Highway with interconnecting routes, everyone knows that the towns people like to see business coming into their community, but not going out of it. For you, the government (lol) you want to give your people the freedom and become economically sound, but as with real life, the oul corner shop just wont be able to compete with the big Supermarket that has just opened 500 metres down the road.

The big supermarket in this case is MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, etc. How do you compete with huge entities like Wal Mart, Home Depot, and those enormous supermarket chains you're referring to? You band together in a loose affiliation. For instance, there is a carpet and tile store down the street from me. There's no way they could compete with Homedepot on price if they went at it alone. But because they have joined into an organization of like small tile/carpet stores across the country (I think it's called Carpet One or something like that) they get the buying power of the huge affiliation and can compete on price.


Originally Posted by pokerie (Post 1138428)
The customers start to go to the bigger shops where they can get everything that was in the smaller, specialist shops but it's more convenient because it's all under the same roof.

Sometimes, yes. That's why MySpace now has over 120 million members and most forums are seeing flat activity rates despite increasing numbers of registrations.


Originally Posted by pokerie (Post 1138428)
This relates to traffic being taken away from the smaller sites with zoints and probably ending up at a bigger site with a broader range of forums where people can get responses to their questions quicker and everything else that a bigger site has over the smaller guys, by just using the one account to log in to.

It's about carving out your niche and differentiating yourself. If you start a forum that is exactly like 35 other (and larger) general discussion forums on the net, then you're likely going to fail with or without Zoints. But if you create a general discussion community that is somehow different and offers what others do not, then you have a chance to succeed. Zoints isn't going to make or break anyone. In the end, that rests with you and you have nobody to blame but yourself if you fail and nobody to congratulate but yourself if you succeed. We're simply trying to increase your chance of success by providing solutions that are designed to solve the three problems you WILL face: member acquisiton, member retention, and profitability. Anyone can write a hack, but nobody else has identified the exact issues forum owners face and is actively working to resolve them.


Originally Posted by pokerie (Post 1138428)
We're not putting the time, effort and money into our sites just to end up sending everyone off to the big sites, even though it could benefit the internet population as a whole, even still, there's just no point in it for us.

Why doesn't everyone live in the big cities of the USA? Why aren't all 300 million of us in New York, Los Angeles, etc? Because not everyone likes that life. For my "home community" I personally prefer a smaller forum where everyone knows me and vice versa. And then I head off to a dozen other sites each day that cover other niches I am interested in.


Originally Posted by pokerie (Post 1138428)
If you want to look at it in extremities, Zoints could also one day be void because it's job has been done, it's brought everyone together, all the smaller sites are no more and the bigger sites can now advertise and there will be no need for Zoints or for smaller, specialist sites. This is of course an extreme but could eventually happen if things went absolutely to plan.

So I don't think this would be good for any of us.

It's pretty simple. Hundreds of communities are utilizing the free autonomous system with quite a few more joining per day. I am deluged by requests from phpbb, invision, smf, and other communities running various software requesting to utilize this system. Many people love and share our vision. Everyone has their own preference and should do what they feel is best for their community. Zoints is innovating. We're not interested in sticking with the status quo. Here is a good read by a VC / startup expert who I respect a great deal. How many of those can Zoints check off? ;)


Originally Posted by pokerie (Post 1138428)
Just one thing, when you told DannyITR that Zoints Autonomous provides everything he asked for, does this include getting rid of /z/ that he mentioned too? I thought this wasn't possible?

With the autonomous license, you can rename /z/ to whatever you want without trouble. You just can't have domain.com/username otherwise the system will break. username.domain.com is theoretically possible with a load of modifications to server settings and .htaccess, but we don't support it or guarantee it will work.

Chadi 12-14-2006 07:46 PM

I did not see these info in the original post:

Administrative Options:

Can I have any member side changes put in moderation queue first?
Can we enable per usergroup(s) of choice instead of globally?

cfspinner 12-14-2006 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1138568)
It sounds like you turned on the mod_rewrite option and didn't upload the .htaccess

In the zip file we provided, there is a folder call "rewrite". Upload the .htaccess file in there to /z/

No luck. Uploaded the .htaccess as instructed and it still gives me file not found errors when trying to get to any user profile.

DannyITR 12-14-2006 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1138602)
With the autonomous license, you can rename /z/ to whatever you want without trouble. You just can't have domain.com/username otherwise the system will break. username.domain.com is theoretically possible with a load of modifications to server settings and .htaccess, but we don't support it or guarantee it will work.

Huh? What about when I joined zoints.com.


Why can you do it but leave other sites to fend for themselves with no help? BTW I currently have usernmae.domain.com working for my VB right now. I wonder if installing zoints will affect it or not. Anyways mabye I'll give it a shot.

pokerie 12-14-2006 10:25 PM

Hi again DC,
You provided valid points in all your replies. It's obvious we both want what's best, both for ourselves and for everyone. And yes, about the "niche" community, I fully understand, we are a poker site, I'd say almost every one our members knows of twoplustwo.com, the biggest poker forum on the net, but I'd say a lot of them post on poker.ie more, it's Irish and it's a small community, which as you know, some people prefer. There is also the extra hustle and bustle of city life on the larger forums, you can't keep up with topics because there are so many replies etc.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds it a task some times to catch up on a topic when you log back in and see it has loads of replies.

I'm just expressing my fears of losing the small community that I have.

I'm just not sure if connecting with others would give me more "buying power" in the same sense as the tile shop. I wouldn't consider my site in any way in competition with myspace/youtube etc, they are just completely different. Are you saying you want to band all forums together so Zoints will be up there amongst the likes of myspace and youtube? I respect your ideas and goals, but again, I'm worried about the small guys.

Regarding the /z/, would it not just be a case of excluding the likes of sitename.com/contactus from the list? Talking to SirAdrian from vblogetin.com, he is making it possible to have blog URLs at www.sitename.com/username or www.sitename.com/blogtitle by making exceptions for all content currently at a .com/content address. Would it be possible to make an addition to the software to allow sitename.com/username or username.sitename.com so there would be no need for additional hacks etc?

Zoints 12-14-2006 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by chadi (Post 1138689)
I did not see these info in the original post:

Administrative Options:

Can I have any member side changes put in moderation queue first?
Can we enable per usergroup(s) of choice instead of globally?

Neither of those are features at this time, sorry.

Zoints 12-14-2006 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by cfspinner (Post 1138722)
No luck. Uploaded the .htaccess as instructed and it still gives me file not found errors when trying to get to any user profile.

Go to /z/zadmin.php > edit install settings > uncheck the mod_rewrite box and save. See if you're able to access profiles at that point.

Zoints 12-14-2006 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by DannyITR (Post 1138757)
Huh? What about when I joined zoints.com.


Why can you do it but leave other sites to fend for themselves with no help?

The code on Zoints.com isn't the same as Zoints Local. We haven't tested username.domain.com because that isn't how Zoints Local is designed and even if it does work, the process of setting up those subdomains is not easy for most people (and most shared hosts wouldn't even allow it). It would turn into a support nightmare. If we had infinite resources and time, sure, we'd love to help with it. Nobody likes telling other people no.

uptil7000 12-15-2006 07:36 AM

Being part of Zoints is a plus for my users.

I have many intrests not just what my forums are about. The same goes for our members.

It's all about community and user experience. I like to ski but I also play poker I visit forums for both. It's your job to make your visitors experience better than anything else out there. If they really want to find another site Google is only one click away. If your doing a good job they will stick if not it's nobodys fault but your own.

I am in a highly competitive niche and my users stay. Mostly because of the interaction and willingness to try something new (like Zoints). They love the new features. With using Zoints it gives them more a sense of the site being theirs and they contribute more not less. Even if they find new sites our site is always home.

nanaimobar 12-15-2006 08:41 PM

When a visitor is at my zoints Search Profile page and clicks on the forum link I get a white page error as the forum button does not include the extension "index.php"

The forum button should return my forum page but does not.

I changed the Profile name to "Puzzle People" on menu bar and you can see the problem in action, or inaction, here.

If this problem of mine has already been discussed then please forgive me as I have spent much time searching various forums for a solution and must have missed it. If a simple, easy, solution is available please repost it here. If no easy solution available please post anyway as I need the help.

Bruwat 12-16-2006 07:09 PM

OK, sorry if I'm continuing a subject which has probably been spoken about a lot....

So let me get this straight...$120, I pay that and my forum will be TOTALLY independent of the larger Zoints network? There will be no external links that members will be taken to and everything will stay local?...

Thanks :)

DaiTengu 12-16-2006 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Bruwat (Post 1139885)
OK, sorry if I'm continuing a subject which has probably been spoken about a lot....

So let me get this straight...$120, I pay that and my forum will be TOTALLY independent of the larger Zoints network? There will be no external links that members will be taken to and everything will stay local?...

Thanks :)

David said he's no longer answering these questions here, ask over at http://network.zoints.com

DannyITR 12-19-2006 08:25 PM

This is how it shoudl work: If a member chooses to link their profile to the zoints network then other zoints links appear like search and communites etc. Otherwise the name zoints should never appear at all anywhere on the forum except as a brand on the bottom. I believe there are "Zoints Messages" if you upload a pic that was too big. That is not cool at all.

influence 12-20-2006 11:41 PM

when is 1.0.2 coming out? soon as you release it then i will be getting the paid version. I hate doing upgrades so I will do a fresh install as soon as the 1.0.2 version is released. still waiting for that photo album and other features installed instead of just bug fixes.

bolly.beats 12-21-2006 01:09 AM

This is Greatttttttttttttttt

Zoints 12-21-2006 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by influence (Post 1142539)
when is 1.0.2 coming out? soon as you release it then i will be getting the paid version. I hate doing upgrades so I will do a fresh install as soon as the 1.0.2 version is released. still waiting for that photo album and other features installed instead of just bug fixes.

Hopefully very soon :) Although 1.0.2 will not have a photo album integration.

dbdbdbdb 12-21-2006 07:58 PM

When will there be multi-language support - and a german version?

Salvar 12-21-2006 10:08 PM

Is this also for adult sites?

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