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ruger 05-03-2007 08:31 AM

I use both and no biggy for my registrations.

mrgrimes 05-03-2007 03:40 PM

I'm having huge problems with this. For some reason, with NoSpam installed, there was no verification option at all showing in the registration form, and users couldn't send the form because they got an error telling them that they hadn't completed the image verification [sic].

I made sure all references to image verification were turned off. No result. I switched image verification back on and disabled NoSpam. Still nothing. In desparation I uninstalled NoSpam, but still there is no verification showing in the registration form.

I've tried reading through the forum, as well as the docs, but nothing seems to match the problems I'm facing (the instructions in troubleshooting.txt, for example, seem to bear no resemblance to the contents of my register.php - or is this not the right file?)

Sorry if I'm being incredibly dumb but I'm absolutely desperate, as noone can register and we have a big project just starting that requires use of a forum.

Many many thanks,


Phillip Chapman 05-04-2007 04:53 AM

We've been running this hack on our 3.6.1 board for the past six weeks and love it. It's taken care of 95% of our Spam problems and has been fantastic. However, this week we needed to begin moderating new user posts. We changed the permissions in vBulletin and set up a "promotion" system.

We thought everything was working properly. However, it turns out that new threads by new members are going to the "moderate posts" queue but replies from new members on existing posts are not going to the moderation queue. After the process of elimination, the problem appears to be with this hack. When we disable this hack, both new member threads and replies are going properly to the moderation queue.

Does anyone know a way around this issue or anything we can do to fix this? We love "No Spam" and hate to give it up. Others have possibly run into this same problem and can maybe suggest ways we can make it work.

jimlay 05-06-2007 02:18 PM

What a great tool and easy to use. I was really getting frustrated by some of the new tactics to get by what I had put in place to stop SPAM registrations and contact emails. (hundreds per day). This mod completely (and I mean completely) eliminated that problem.

Thanks for sharing such a great tool!


Zachery 05-06-2007 07:01 PM

Proper ImageVerification is still 99% effective without this modification, but I'm glad to see its getting use :)

Stifmeister2 05-06-2007 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery (Post 1242608)
Proper ImageVerification is still 99% effective without this modification, but I'm glad to see its getting use :)

When we upgraded to 3.6.4 months ago we were getting many bots before we installed this mod...

sola 05-08-2007 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by Zachery (Post 1242608)
Proper ImageVerification is still 99% effective without this modification, but I'm glad to see its getting use :)

Beg to strongly disagree with you. I know what my 3.6.5 Spam situation was before I installed this.

phill2003 05-08-2007 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by Zachery (Post 1242608)
Proper ImageVerification is still 99% effective without this modification, but I'm glad to see its getting use :)

LOL, Why do I smell the company line with that statement :) nothing wrong with that but I will be surprised if the company are not actively looking at this mod for inclusion into the core code.

Lissa 05-08-2007 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Zachery (Post 1242608)
Proper ImageVerification is still 99% effective without this modification, but I'm glad to see its getting use :)

Before I installed this hack I was getting bombarded by bots.

sola 05-08-2007 11:57 AM

It is a brilliant addition. Just brilliant. The fact that you can personalise it to your peculiar target audience makes it impossible for bots to crack it, unless it is coded for your board specifically...And that makes no sense of course. I own 4 VB licenses and this thing is saving me hours fighting spam daily. They'd better consider buying it and adding it to the core code.

Great work buddy.

DementedMindz 05-08-2007 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery (Post 1242608)
Proper ImageVerification is still 99% effective without this modification, but I'm glad to see its getting use :)

this is alot easier then Image Verification... sometimes its hard to read the letters on Image Verification thats why I chose this over Image Verification.

Stifmeister2 05-08-2007 07:10 PM

My Nospam! has been workng fine until today.. :S But somehow as of today, neither the Nospam! question nor the space to answer appear on the registration site... But when you try to register it displays error that you have answered the question wrong.

I have no idea what caused this, I haven't installed any new stuff lately...

Tried unistalling & reinstalling but it didn't help...

scott_see 05-09-2007 03:19 AM

I am amazed how easy this was to install and configure.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Scott See

tiredoff 05-09-2007 04:00 AM

What Nospam you are using?: antialiasis Nospam :)
thank you .

mrgrimes 05-09-2007 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Stifmeister2 (Post 1243889)
My Nospam! has been workng fine until today.. :S But somehow as of today, neither the Nospam! question nor the space to answer appear on the registration site... But when you try to register it displays error that you have answered the question wrong.

I have no idea what caused this, I haven't installed any new stuff lately...

Tried unistalling & reinstalling but it didn't help...

I have exactly the same problem, but now image verification won't work either.

GoNz00 05-09-2007 12:46 PM

thanks installed :D

Stifmeister2 05-09-2007 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by mrgrimes (Post 1244199)
I have exactly the same problem, but now image verification won't work either.

My image verification works but now that I had to disable NoSpam yesterday night we already have 5 registered bots... I need to fix this asap!

Stifmeister2 05-09-2007 08:46 PM

Here's a screenshot... I even tried to edit those templates like it says in the troubleshooting but Nospam still won't appear...:o I'm clueless..:confused:

jimlay 05-09-2007 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery (Post 1242608)
Proper ImageVerification is still 99% effective without this modification, but I'm glad to see its getting use :)


I have been using the image verification and it had worked for some time (1 year), but within the last 2-3 months, some hack figured out a way to get around that and I was getting a large number of contact us emails and registrations even with the image verification turned on. I'm not sure how they were doing it but the registration bot appears to be attempting to fill out all of the board-specific fields.

I just added questions that are specific tech knowledge to site users and it completely eliminated the issue.

I was receiving several hundred SPAM type contact us and registration attempts even while using the image verification. Maybe I was doing something else wrong, but this seems to have completely corrected the problem.


Crazy Serb 05-10-2007 04:21 AM

just a note...


This mod doesn't work well with vbEvent Forums... it actually messes up that mod like there's no tomorrow - it starts overwriting the old calendar events when you try to submit a new one... it's just ridiculous.

g00gl3r 05-18-2007 07:12 PM

I've installed this and although I've enabled it and have added a few questions/answers it doesn't seem to be active on the registration page. I checked the troubleshooting doc and it said to add the $code to the register template and still it doesn't seem to be working.

I do have the toptions in the admin panel but it's not showing on the registrations page.

Can you help?

g00gl3r 05-18-2007 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Stifmeister2 (Post 1244570)
Here's a screenshot... I even tried to edit those templates like it says in the troubleshooting but Nospam still won't appear...:o I'm clueless..:confused:

I too have nothng showing. I'm on 3.6.1

g00gl3r 05-18-2007 07:26 PM

OK sorted.

If you are logged in and have the otpion to have multiple accounts then click register to check if it's working. It doesn't show. But if you log out and then re-open your forums then click register it's there!

Sorted :)

antiekeradio 05-18-2007 08:43 PM

is there still development going on with this plugin??

i would really like to have a version in which you can set question/answer sets per installed language....

Stifmeister2 05-19-2007 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by g00gl3r (Post 1250400)
OK sorted.

If you are logged in and have the otpion to have multiple accounts then click register to check if it's working. It doesn't show. But if you log out and then re-open your forums then click register it's there!

Sorted :)

Oh yeah works for me too.

Still if antialiasis could make it work without logging out and re-opening forums it would be even better. :)

killa101 05-22-2007 12:03 AM

Hey all. I have had this mod installed for a few months now and as I just came across this thread again I thought I would stop in to say that this is by far the best anti-spam system ever. NoSpam! pretty much makes captcha obsolete. My boards used to have major spam problems until I installed this and it solved my problems completely.

Cheers to antialiasis for an excellent mod. Keep up the good work man.

slinky 05-22-2007 03:00 PM

Unfortunately this doesn't work so well for me unless I get rid of almost the entire spam list and just include [url in it. Even if I set it for 1 post or 3 posts it still snags users with 100 posts. If I have a lot of terms in the catch it will snag dozens of posts and make the board come to a standstill. Anyone else have this challenge?

ajenterp 05-23-2007 07:29 PM

Hi Guys...

Where do I put the file to import? I have it sitting on my desktop right now... do I have to place it in a certain folder before I import it through the Admin CP?

valdet 05-24-2007 12:54 PM

This is a great add-on to confront the bots.

Can you put in an extra feature just like in phpBB, where you can insert a picture in the question field..?
Look at these two screenshots.




Mythor 05-24-2007 03:37 PM

To make the registration page not require the nospam question be answered if a user is already registered, you can alter the following line via the Manage Products section.
Edit the "register_addmember_process" script, the following line:

if ($vbulletin->options['nospam_onoff'] AND $vbulletin->options['nospam_use_reg'])
Change to:

if ($vbulletin->options['nospam_onoff'] AND $vbulletin->options['nospam_use_reg'] AND !$vbulletin->userinfo['userid'])
And registered members should no longer have to enter an answer to the NoSpam question (they won't see the box either).

Note: I make no promises as to how effective/safe/workable this alteration is, do it at your own risk, etc. It seems to be the way the Contact Us script is set up so it should be okay, but I am by no means an expert. :)

Hopefully antialiasis will come back with a better solution.

gobbly2100 05-24-2007 05:18 PM

Oh WoW! This is amazing, I have not received even one little bit of spam on my fairly busy forum, great work! :up:

Stifmeister2 05-24-2007 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by ajenterp (Post 1253404)
Hi Guys...

Where do I put the file to import? I have it sitting on my desktop right now... do I have to place it in a certain folder before I import it through the Admin CP?

No you can just import it from your own desktop. ;)

axi 05-26-2007 07:17 PM

Very very good hack, installed!

love the question scheme... :D

What colour is a pig?:Pink:black
What does water taste like:nothing
Are you a bot?:no


antiekeradio 05-29-2007 06:22 AM

make up your own questions...

if everyone starts copying questions from each other they get easier to guess.

derfelix 05-30-2007 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by antiekeradio (Post 1256681)
make up your own questions...

if everyone starts copying questions from each other they get easier to guess.

I thought the point was a bot cannot guess questions!!!

Lets make a competition... set up a testboard.. with really difficult questions.. the first one to be able to login wins :D

But more seriously...
I thought of another additional way to confuse bots...

I assume bots do not read css..
So this is what i plan:

somewhere on the page.. i add a captcha image and an input field..
all packed in a div.. with style: visibility:hidden
if anybody writes anything in this field .. he is automatically banned..

to register the "NoSpam" field is the only required..

is that a good or a bad idea?


Cedric_FP 06-01-2007 02:52 AM

Great hack. Installed. I've been having a huge problem with spammers recently.

gopherhockey 06-01-2007 11:40 AM

I apologize as I am sure this has already been asked and answered, but I couldn't find it...

Does this hack remove the emails that we would get as a spammer is attempting to register?

We get the new user emails regardless of whether the new user has completed the email verification. This means the spammers aren't getting in, but we do get spammed by their registrations.

We have a few custom fields that we have people fill out - they seem to be filled out in the same pattern by these spammers, so I can only assume this is a bot. (like the question Biography: always has the answer "Man")

I want to have something that will stop even the emails from attempted registrations.

Jill 06-01-2007 09:36 PM

I installed the No Spam program 3 days ago and since installing it "which was very very easy" I am delighted to say that I have had not 1 spammer. Before installing it I was losing control. No matter what I did I was getting 8-10 spam post per day.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank You!


Rumplestiltskin 06-02-2007 05:30 AM

I've had this installed for a wee while now, and the last 4 days or so have started getting spammers signing up again. Any ideas?

DementedMindz 06-02-2007 08:55 PM

yeah same here so I just blocked proxies from my site with a mod on here. think they found a way around it pretty fast

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