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powerbook 09-21-2006 08:21 AM

Yeah, I also bought the Pro version of Classifieds (and liked it) and so much for support now that he's gone underground. What makes me kinda makes upset is the statement below in his code BUT he's allowed to sell us something and guarantee support and all of a sudden close his page and that's that. All of this isn't fair...


bada_bing 09-21-2006 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by powerbook
Yeah, I also bought the Pro version of Classifieds (and liked it) and so much for support now that he's gone underground. What makes me kinda makes upset is the statement below in his code BUT he's allowed to sell us something and guarantee support and all of a sudden close his page and that's that. All of this isn't fair...


I say screw it and remove it anyways! Not like he is around anyways.

Slave 09-24-2006 03:29 PM

It's times like these that I wish Jelsoft would do their own mods. Same sort of thing happened with vBMS (Mail System) .. you pay your money and get no support.

sigh ...

simalert 10-04-2006 02:33 PM

I'm in the UK so some action is harder for me to achieve, but for those of you in the US, why not try legal action against him? Especially as this affects many people, you could file for action as a collective, that should get more of a response.

I would also suggest writing as many reviews as possible on this person and his site. Stick to the truth and there's nothing wrong in doing that, places like ciao are a good place for this. This will make sure nobody else is suckered by this conman.

As for his legal statements about distributing code etc. while I myself don't consider breaking the law, is someone this dishonest going to persue you through court himself? Maybe some people would want to distribute the code or do pretty much whatever with it. He's shafted you...........

As for his reputation, how can he save that? He's a known cheat and he's conned us out of money. If anyone has a home address for this person, please feel free to post it or PM it to me.


simalert 10-04-2006 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by phifou
Gio's website turned off and showing only this disclaimer :

"What i am about to announce i believe is both expected and already fore-casted by various people. For a 15 year old, it is obvious that managing a business with hundreds of customers, paid customers for large projects, school, and a normal life can be overwhelming at the least. This has led to various complications, including hospitalization and such. It has been time for me to do this for a while now. I will be "retiring" and taking down my business for a while. If and when i do come back, things will be done differently (hopefully for the better).

When it was good, it was great. I'm sure plenty of you can agree with that. However, I'd rather take a rest now and come back even better, than continue things the way they are and jeopardize my reputation forever.

Also, to answer some questions:
1) Can i take a script and have someone improve it? Sure, you just cannot resell any of the scripts.

2) Can i improve the script myself? Resort to answer number 1.

3) What if i am interested in a script still, would it be possible for me to purchase one even though the business is down? You may email me at gio@dopegfx.com"

The website is back up! In fact he's back in business!!


He appears to have changed his business, but he's still working obviously. This is a complete con!

He's ripped us all off and now moved to a new line of business with the same web address.

I think it's time I made his customers aware of what they are dealing with.

Trana 10-05-2006 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by simalert
The website is back up! In fact he's back in business!!

He appears to have changed his business, but he's still working obviously. This is a complete con!

This kid has some nerve.

Quarterbore 10-05-2006 02:25 AM

That site had always been up... The one he shut down is here:


For those that are interested, I started a rather poor forum (Man I hate phpBB after using vB) at http://www.eazyforums.com and I have shared some of my fixes there, I have also posted the complete list of the bugs and fixes for the classifieds in the form of a PDF of his archives.

I am about ready to just recode this fng script and we we can start fresh as this is just a frustrating mess... The classifieds are working on my site but my code is realy heavily modified...


Note the lightbox for the images... Pretty cool huh?

toolblast 10-14-2006 05:56 AM

Alright guys

For the many people in this thread wanting a vb CMPS module for the classifieds script... and couldn't get one because Gio is "too busy"...

well... here ya go! I just made one myself seeing as nothing gets done around here ;)



Dennis B 10-15-2006 02:42 PM


Sent you a PM on your forums. ;)

daystorm 10-16-2006 11:36 AM

After upgrading to 3.6, I am now receiving this error...

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.0:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT IF(ratings.rating > 0 AND ratings.raterid, ratings.raterid, null)) AS pospoints FROM vb_sr_classifieds_ratings AS ratings WHERE ratings.ratedid =;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Date : Monday, October 16th 2006 @ 08:30:08 AM
Script : http://www.bostonerotic.net/board/sr...php?do=ad&id=5
Referrer : http://www.bostonerotic.net/board/sr_classifieds.php
IP Address :
Username : xxxxxxxx
Classname : vb_database

Please Help...

Thank you,

JimmyN 10-28-2006 10:01 PM

can we please add a post reply to the bottom of the ad section?
Also need to customise the style and layout more

UncoderMom 11-07-2006 04:02 PM

Is this supported now? I see someone running it on 3.6.0, anyone on 3.6.2?

Quarterbore 11-07-2006 04:37 PM

I have purchased the rights to this script as well as the premium version. At the moment I am busy updating the premium version but when I have that reworked I will redo the lite version to mirror the other version and it will work with with 3.6.x.

I've only owned this for a few days and there was a lot to do.

Tralala 11-14-2006 12:47 PM

Woohoo, thanks Quarterbore, looking forward to it. I came to this thread today, interested in installing something like this for my forum, but my enthusiasm waned as I read each page...

This new turn of events makes me happy and I am excited to install your updated version.

simalert 11-14-2006 12:53 PM

Will this be a 3.6 only release or will it work on 3.5 as well?

And when you purchased the script, did you also inherrit all the already paid up customers database or is this starting from scratch?

Thanks :)

Quarterbore 11-14-2006 01:27 PM

Right now I am coding in 3.6.x but the code should be compliant with 3.5.x as well and I will test it when it is done. I am supposed to be getting a customer list from Gio and when I get that there will be an upgrade option BUT it will still be a fresh product as the database structure, adtype structure, and many other aspects have changed too much to really make it possible for me to commit to create an update script that will transfer the data over.

Instead, you will be able to leave Sr_Classifieds running on your site alongside the new script until your members can move their ads into the new structure.

This is taking a lot longer then I hoped but I have only owned this script for just under two weeks and there was a lot that really needed to be reworked. When I get the structure working for the advanced version I will me making a lite version which should address the issues in here but I need to do it right the first time. Progress is posted at vbclassified.com but there in no version available quite yet.

simalert 11-14-2006 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Quarterbore (Post 1117078)
Right now I am coding in 3.6.x but the code should be compliant with 3.5.x as well and I will test it when it is done. I am supposed to be getting a customer list from Gio and when I get that there will be an upgrade option BUT it will still be a fresh product as the database structure, adtype structure, and many other aspects have changed too much to really make it possible for me to commit to create an update script that will transfer the data over.

Instead, you will be able to leave Sr_Classifieds running on your site alongside the new script until your members can move their ads into the new structure.

I disabled SR_Classifieds as it was too buggy for me, I was wondering about us existing customers with Gio, do we then purchase the script from yourself when complete? I don't want to discredit your work and obviously if you are charging for it that's fair enough, but in that case I still want to persue a refund with Geo as he won't own the script any longer and sold something to me that didn't work and wasn't as advertised.

I would be installing the new script as a new product quite happily and if you are charging for that fair enough, but wanted to know if I should continue to chase Neo or not.


Originally Posted by Quarterbore (Post 1117078)
This is taking a lot longer then I hoped but I have only owned this script for just under two weeks and there was a lot that really needed to be reworked. When I get the structure working for the advanced version I will me making a lite version which should address the issues in here but I need to do it right the first time. Progress is posted at vbclassified.com but there in no version available quite yet.

The one thing missing from Geo's version was a trim option, it would be nice if expired auctions were removed from the database and forum after x amount of days to save on space and make things neater.

Good luck with it :)

Quarterbore 11-14-2006 01:46 PM

There will be a discount for Gio's former customers as part of the terms of the sale. The only way to really fix the issues with the Sr_Classifieds was a major recode.

I have addressed the expired ad issues already in the new version.

Please, if you have questions about the new script or suggestions, post at vBClassified.com!

amnesia623 11-17-2006 02:46 AM

I have tried to contact GIO because I need to get my customer number to reinstall, but no answer.

Also, will you honor previous arrangements with GIO's customers for updates for a year? I bought SR Classifieds in August, now that he has closed shop and your taking the lead will I have to pay for the upgrade before August 07?


amnesia623 11-17-2006 02:46 AM

I have tried to contact GIO because I need to get my customer number to reinstall, but no answer.

Also, will you honor previous arrangements with GIO's customers for updates for a year? I bought SR Classifieds in August, now that he has closed shop and your taking the lead will I have to pay for the upgrade before August 07?


simalert 11-17-2006 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by amnesia623 (Post 1119118)
I have tried to contact GIO because I need to get my customer number to reinstall, but no answer.

Also, will you honor previous arrangements with GIO's customers for updates for a year? I bought SR Classifieds in August, now that he has closed shop and your taking the lead will I have to pay for the upgrade before August 07?


I think that's already been covered

There will be a discount for Gio's former customers as part of the terms of the sale. In essence, exisiting Sr_classified owners (premium version) will only be paying for a years download access).
unless I am reading this wrong I suspect that those of us that have already bought Gio's script will get a reduced price on this new version, it won't be free. This is understandable as Quarterbore is putting in a lot of work here.

Really Gio should be refunding those of us he conned, but I bet he doesn't. He's not much more than a common thief.

My thanks to Quarterbore though, taking on the mess that Gio created and making something of it.

paypal 11-17-2006 02:42 PM

This is a great feature to have,,, Adding Digital Downloads To SR Classifieds

Hope i can see this feature the ADD on is awesome .. Thank you :cool:

ShannonRawls 11-22-2006 01:55 AM

Just installed this on 3.6.3. Nice script. One issue.....

When a new AD is placed and an image is uploaded with it, the image is properly uploaded to the "uploaded" folder and the thumbnail is properly uploaded to the "uploaded/thumbnails" folder. The thumbnail permissions is correctly set to 644, but THE PROBLEM IS the main image in the "uploaded" folder gets incorrectly set to 600. So when people wish to see the ad, the image is not avaiulable.

How can I fix this so that the image permissions are correctly set to 644 after they are uploaded to the uploaded folder?

oberheimhaven 01-07-2007 10:18 PM

I have loaded up loadeed 3 times ands till get this
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.0:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT IF(ratings.rating > 0 AND ratings.raterid, ratings.raterid, null)) AS pospoints FROM sr_classifieds_ratings AS ratings WHERE ratings.ratedid =;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Date : Sunday, January 7th 2007 @ 04:18:10 PM
Script : http://www.musiciansquarters.com/for...php?do=ad&id=9
Referrer : http://www.musiciansquarters.com/for...y&categoryid=6
IP Address :
Username : RisingForce
Classname : vb_database

Quarterbore 01-07-2007 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by amnesia623 (Post 1119118)
I have tried to contact GIO because I need to get my customer number to reinstall, but no answer.

Also, will you honor previous arrangements with GIO's customers for updates for a year? I bought SR Classifieds in August, now that he has closed shop and your taking the lead will I have to pay for the upgrade before August 07?


I am offering a $20 discount to Sr_Classifieds Premium owners off the purchase of vBClassified. The offer is good for SIX MONTHS to expire June 31st 2007. The Promo code is your licence number but if you don't have that info I may well be able to figure it out based on the website you had registered as well as the PayPal payment date and time.

See: http://www.vbclassified.com

As for the errors, I am taking a little time off after spending months getting vBClassified done and vBClassified is a major rework of sr_Classifieds to the point that it is not the same product. I own the rights to this script however and I will try to spend some time and fix some of the issues and re-release this as Gio is no longer associated with this script in any way or form.

If you want to discuss Sr_Classifieds in more detail I will add a SrClassifieds forum to support the free version on my website. This will make it easier for me to support this product going forward for those that do not wish to upgrade,


Quarterbore 01-07-2007 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by ShannonRawls (Post 1122680)
Just installed this on 3.6.3. Nice script. One issue.....

When a new AD is placed and an image is uploaded with it, the image is properly uploaded to the "uploaded" folder and the thumbnail is properly uploaded to the "uploaded/thumbnails" folder. The thumbnail permissions is correctly set to 644, but THE PROBLEM IS the main image in the "uploaded" folder gets incorrectly set to 600. So when people wish to see the ad, the image is not avaiulable.

How can I fix this so that the image permissions are correctly set to 644 after they are uploaded to the uploaded folder?

Try changing your folder pemissions to 777 ;)

Quarterbore 01-08-2007 03:58 PM

I have started a new thread for this hack so that I can upload updates and maintain this product going forward. I have asked this thread to be CLOSED and/or DELETED as I can not maintain this thread.

Please see the new thread here:


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