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imported_infitech 04-16-2006 06:51 AM

I started a prifile of the moth kinda thing. Hopefully it inspires people to fill in thier profiles.

" April profile of the month

This month?s profile of the month winner goes to 1withanime!

Entertainment value:
  • I enjoyed the Final Fantasy video. I left a comment on it on the profile.
Write out:
  • The profile is filled out except for a couple fields such as ?Favorite Aspect of Web-Development? which is important to us.
  • The signature used looks like a custom one and is pretty well designed in it?s simplicity.
Member activity:
  • Iwithanime has 36 posts @ 2.00 posts per day which is the absolute minimum for a profile of the month winner.
  • More than a few profile fields left unfilled
  • Only one member gallery submission
View the profile @ http://www.infitechdesign.com/forums/1withanime

The thread is located here http://www.infitechdesign.com/forums...ead.php?p=2608

Stangsta 04-16-2006 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by imported_infitech

You need to be registered to view. :confused:

PennylessZ28 04-17-2006 12:07 AM

As dandy fine as this was, it never felt right for a car forum:

Version 1, about 15 mins worth of work tonight


criscokid 04-17-2006 04:39 PM

I really like CodeRed's layout as shown in post 524 - it's clean and logical and uses both the avatar and the photo. It unfortunately doesn't show a person's friends / buddies and vbJournal entries. imported_infitech's layout is also really cool!

How about starting off a new thread so that people can show off their implimentations of this mod and maybe even share their MEMBERINFO template edits with others.

Stangsta 04-17-2006 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by criscokid
How about starting off a new thread so that people can show off their implimentations of this mod and maybe even share their MEMBERINFO template edits with others.

They have been already doing that in this thread, that is what this is about!

criscokid 04-17-2006 05:06 PM

I'm trying to get my head around this (taken from the installation instructions):

Download the .htaccess file I have attached and place it in your forum's root folder. This will give you those wonderful links for the usernames. ex. www.yourdomain.com/forums/stangsta

First off I'm ussing IIS on Windows Server 2003 so there's no .htaccess file - I use ISAPI Rewrite.

What does the contents of the .htaccess file really do? I understand that it's supposed to be enable you to use nice URLS like www.yourdomain.com/forums/stangsta - but how does the webserver tie up member.php?u=1 to www.yourdomain.com/forums/stangsta? In other words how does it know that u=1 belongs to stangsta or vice versa?

criscokid 04-17-2006 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Stangsta
They have been already doing that in this thread, that is what this is about!

I was under the impression this was more of a support thread than a 'show off my site' thread. This thread's already 37 pages long - many people who are new to this thread are not likely to read all 37 pages (more in the future). In my opinion it would make better sense to have two different threads - one support one 'show off my site'.

Stangsta 04-17-2006 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by criscokid
I'm trying to get my head around this (taken from the installation instructions):

Download the .htaccess file I have attached and place it in your forum's root folder. This will give you those wonderful links for the usernames. ex. www.yourdomain.com/forums/stangsta

First off I'm ussing IIS on Windows Server 2003 so there's no .htaccess file - I use ISAPI Rewrite.

What does the contents of the .htaccess file really do? I understand that it's supposed to be enable you to use nice URLS like www.yourdomain.com/forums/stangsta - but how does the webserver tie up member.php?u=1 to www.yourdomain.com/forums/stangsta? In other words how does it know that u=1 belongs to stangsta or vice versa?

It wont work on Windows, sorry.

As far a s the logic behind the .htaccess file, the u=1 is tied to the username via the database. The same way a variable $username would know.

Stangsta 04-17-2006 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by criscokid
I was under the impression this was more of a support thread than a 'show off my site' thread. This thread's already 37 pages long - many people who are new to this thread are not likely to read all 37 pages (more in the future). In my opinion it would make better sense to have two different threads - one support one 'show off my site'.

If you dont want to read all 37 pages....use the "search this thread" button.

CodeRed 04-17-2006 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by imported_infitech
I just wanted you to know how ur looking on firefox Abel. I used your versions and tweaked it alitte to fit my site and i had to fix that.

ugh? thanks for the heads up? lemme know what u tweaked so that I can correct it on my end as well if you don?t mind?


Originally Posted by Stangsta
I havent had time to work on that...I have the same problem. If you don't parse the bbcode, it will show up just fine. If I come up with a fix, i'll let you know.

thanks a ton? I think I have it parsed but im not sure why its not picking it up. I?ll relook at it as well


Originally Posted by criscokid
I really like CodeRed's layout as shown in post 524 - it's clean and logical and uses both the avatar and the photo. It unfortunately doesn't show a person's friends / buddies and vbJournal entries.

thanks? my profile page is an accumulation of various bits and pieces from other members that posted their work in the original myspace profile thread? so I cant take credit for all of it?

Thanks again guys?

anyone know how to add a different Instant messaging system to VB? Im looking to add one called ?Hello? released by Picasa which is very helpful to use photographers since we can view the pics realtime and discuss them etc? I?d like to add it to our forum to make it work much like AOLIM and MSN Messenger etc works?

criscokid 04-17-2006 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Stangsta
It wont work on Windows, sorry.

It does work if you're running ISAPI Rewrite.


Originally Posted by Stangsta
If you dont want to read all 37 pages....use the "search this thread" button.

It's not a case of me using the "search this thread" button... you missed the point I was trying to make - you'll have more happy users of this mod if there was a sepearate thread for them to boast / show off their hard work. Just my 2p worth.

criscokid 04-17-2006 09:19 PM

When I created all the extra profile fields - for the ones that are drop down boxes I also included the option of choosing 'Rather not say'. What would be great is if the content for a field is 'Rather not say' then that entire line (including the subject title) is not displayed when viewing that person's profile.

criscokid 04-17-2006 10:39 PM

I'd really appreciate it if someone could give me some help... I want to put the section into two columns so that each user's personal information is nicely aligned.

I guess to do this I need to create a table - my problem is I 'm not hot on tables and can't get it right. Here's the code from my template that creates the "user's information" block:

<table width="100%" class="tborder" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="6">
<td class="thead"><b>$userinfo[username]'s information:</b></td>
<td class="alt1">
<div class="smallfont">
<b>Profession:</b> $userinfo[field4]<br />
<b>$vbphrase[age]:</b> $userinfo[age]<br />
<b>Sex:</b> $userinfo[field16]<br />
<b>Body type:</b> $userinfo[field20]<br />
<b>Ethnic origins:</b> $userinfo[field21]<br />

criscokid 04-18-2006 11:31 AM

I've created a field allowing my users to include URLs to all of their online profiles. The input field is a multi-line free text block. My users are entering each URL on a new line. When viewing this field on their profile it appears as one hyperlink which is made up of all the URLs strung together.

Is there any way to make this a different URL for each line?

criscokid 04-18-2006 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by CodeRed
The one thing that still doesnt work in the profile page is the Total User Images: portion. It's suppose to display the total number of images the user has in the PhotoPost Gallery. I have not been able to figure that one out yet so if anyone can find the fix I'd greatly appreciate it!

I'm no coder but I've been thinking about this... this value is held in the PhotoPost database isn't it? Have you 'told your code' that it needs to be looking in another database?

ReviewPost (made by the same people who make PhotoPost) has it's own showmember page at /reviews/member.php?uid=x which shows the following info:
Number of products uploaded
Number of reviews posted
Last product uploaded
Last review posted

I'd like to be able to also include this information in the 'forum information' block of a person's profile (at the moment it only shows links relating to the forum section of a site).

imported_infitech 04-18-2006 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by criscokid
I really like CodeRed's layout as shown in post 524 - it's clean and logical and uses both the avatar and the photo. It unfortunately doesn't show a person's friends / buddies and vbJournal entries. imported_infitech's layout is also really cool!

How about starting off a new thread so that people can show off their implimentations of this mod and maybe even share their MEMBERINFO template edits with others.

Thanks. Too bad it doesnt inspire people to join my forums and post something for a change. I've seen people run a forum for 2 months and get more members and posts than i've had in 3 years.

imported_infitech 04-18-2006 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by criscokid
I'd really appreciate it if someone could give me some help... I want to put the section into two columns so that each user's personal information is nicely aligned.

I guess to do this I need to create a table - my problem is I 'm not hot on tables and can't get it right. Here's the code from my template that creates the "user's information" block:

<table width="100%" class="tborder" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="6">
<td class="thead"><b>$userinfo[username]'s information:</b></td>
<td class="alt1">
<div class="smallfont">
<b>Profession:</b> $userinfo[field4]<br />
<b>$vbphrase[age]:</b> $userinfo[age]<br />
<b>Sex:</b> $userinfo[field16]<br />
<b>Body type:</b> $userinfo[field20]<br />
<b>Ethnic origins:</b> $userinfo[field21]<br />


<table width="100%" class="tborder" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="6">
<td class="thead"><b>$userinfo[username]'s information:</b></td>
<td class="alt1">
<div class="smallfont">
<b>Profession:</b> $userinfo[field4]<br />
<b>$vbphrase[age]:</b> $userinfo[age]<br />
<b>Sex:</b> $userinfo[field16]<br />
<b>Body type:</b> $userinfo[field20]<br />
<b>Ethnic origins:</b> $userinfo[field21]<br />

CodeRed 04-18-2006 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by imported_infitech
Thanks. Too bad it doesnt inspire people to join my forums and post something for a change. I've seen people run a forum for 2 months and get more members and posts than i've had in 3 years.

if it makes ya feel better... i just signed up... ill post a few things in the photog section... :D

one thing i noticed is that you member gallery links listed in the profile pagelead to:

should be something like...

i guess the "107" will be "?" or something like that... im no coder... i just plug n play until it works... hehe

criscokid 04-18-2006 08:26 PM

imported_infitech: Your post #557 in this thread... I had the </tr> at the end of the code - I probably didn't 'grab it' when I did a copy and paste of the code. It's kind of hard to describe what I'm trying to achieve so I'll do it this way... Imagine this is my text block in a browser:

(Column 1) (Column 2)
Profession: Techie
Age: 37
Sex: Male

(Except in my example above I can't get the '37' and 'Male' to line up underneath each other)

imported_infitech 04-18-2006 09:16 PM


    <td colspan="2"><strong>$userinfo[username]'s information:</strong></td>
    <td> Profession:</td>
    <td> Age:</td>
    <td> Sex:</td>

criscokid 04-19-2006 09:17 AM

It's the CSS table properties that I'm now having problems with.

If I don't include <td class="alt1"> then the background for that section is white instead of taking on the colour properties of the rest of my skin. The other problem I have is that there's now a full line break in between each of the table rows. Take a look at the attachment to see what I mean.

My 'alt1' has a border around it so I guess I need to define a new 'altX' which has no border. I've created 'alt9' by adding the following line to the 'additional CSS definitions section of my forum skin:
.alt9 { background-color: #F1F1F1; color: #000000; }

My 'alt1' has boders - I assume because of:
border-left: 1px solid #dddbdb;
border-top: 1px solid #dddbdb;

My 'alt9' seems to be producing a border - I'm not sure where it's getting this from.

The 'user's favourite things' section has had tables applied yet - you can see how each line runs on one from the other without any line breaks... that's how I'd like the first section (that I'm applying tables to) to look.

imported_infitech 04-19-2006 09:58 AM

The <table> that the <td>s are in has padding properties. It is not a line break. You have borders ther ebecause trhe <table> itself has borders.

criscokid 04-19-2006 12:26 PM

I'm getting somewhere but I still have the 1px white border around each occurence of <td> - see the attachment.

Here's my 'alt9' CSS settings:

.alt9 { background-color: #F1F1F1; color: #000000;
font-size: 10px;
padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px;
border-left: 0px
border-right: 0px
border-top: 0px
border-bottom: 0px

ronoxQ 04-19-2006 02:24 PM

Well, today I finished upgrading my site's engine, so I decided to start again on the CSS problems that I'd been having.

Would it change things if my CSS field hadn't been parsed? I'm thinking that that was my problem, the whole time.

RetroDreams 04-19-2006 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by criscokid
I'm getting somewhere but I still have the 1px white border around each occurence of <td> - see the attachment.

Here's my 'alt9' CSS settings:

.alt9 { background-color: #F1F1F1; color: #000000;
font-size: 10px;
padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px;
border-left: 0px
border-right: 0px
border-top: 0px
border-bottom: 0px

What are the cellpadding and cellspacing attributes for the table?

imported_infitech 04-19-2006 03:56 PM

Id bet it was cellspacing


Originally Posted by RetroDreams
What are the cellpadding and cellspacing attributes for the table?

RetroDreams 04-19-2006 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by imported_infitech
Id bet it was cellspacing

Yeah, 99% sure it was. Just trying to give him a gentle push in the right direction.

criscokid 04-19-2006 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by imported_infitech
Id bet it was cellspacing

I tired setting the 'cellspacing' to 0px but that didn't help - maybe I didn't format it correctly?

I might keep the lines... they're thin and some people may say that it helps them 'read along the line'.

imported_infitech 04-19-2006 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by criscokid
I tired setting the 'cellspacing' to 0px but that didn't help - maybe I didn't format it correctly?

I might keep the lines... they're thin and some people may say that it helps them 'read along the line'.

I would keep them. I like the spacing

MissKalunji 04-19-2006 11:19 PM

by the way guys becareful with your queries when you do this hack! cause this loadssssss up servers....mine was like 40 queries had to remove a bunch!

make sure you keep it simple not too many installed hack

RetroDreams 04-20-2006 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by criscokid
I tired setting the 'cellspacing' to 0px but that didn't help - maybe I didn't format it correctly?

I might keep the lines... they're thin and some people may say that it helps them 'read along the line'.

Definitely. It creates separation which makes it easier to read and I've always thought it looks more professional.

thorzzzten 04-21-2006 04:27 AM

hy there,

is it possible that each user can manage his own background?
or is the background pic set once for all users?


thorzzzten 04-21-2006 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by thorzzzten
hy there,

is it possible that each user can manage his own background?
or is the background pic set once for all users?


i found it, sorry :bunny:

pranism 04-21-2006 04:29 PM

I have the comment system installed with this and it does not work when I post a comment.

Stangsta 04-21-2006 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by pranism
I have the comment system installed with this and it does not work when I post a comment.

Did you set the usergroup permissions?

pranism 04-21-2006 04:51 PM

Yes I set them up, double checked them. It gives no errors or anything. It just goes back to the profile.

I just looked at the code and ran a test $vbulletin->GPC['do'] is comming in blank...

Edit: I just edited my memberstart part changed if ($vbulletin->GPC['do']== 'insertcomment') to if ($_REQUEST['do']== 'insertcomment') and it is working.

The Chief 04-23-2006 03:38 AM

Have anybody got the solution for the Member URL rewrite on a lighttpd working server?

inkpassion 04-23-2006 12:52 PM

Ive been toying with trying to make this work for my needs but after playing with some ajax I decided to go a diffrent route with this layout. Right now its ruff and all the functions need to be added but the concept is there.

Visit the meberlist and select a user. I am going to add this functionality to the PM feature as well so a user never has to leave the current page they are view to view a profile or send a pm.


Poethik 04-23-2006 11:24 PM

Geez, I love the idea. But thats going to take me forever to accomplish. By question... Is some one going to comeup with a similar Search/ Browse profiles to add to this?

Poethik 04-23-2006 11:27 PM

Oh don't underestimate me...I'm going to definitely give it my best shot.

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