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-   -   vRewrite - SEOed URLs for vBulletin (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=104484)

Hanif 02-22-2006 10:04 PM

GO Immortal GO !!!

Will donate once I have a few pennies in the bank account. Look forward to the revised and complete version.

Kind regards,


Bhuwan 02-23-2006 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by MortysTW
Immortal is already aware of this and is currently trying to sort it out. I have the same thing occur on my TEST vb installation and have given Immortal an account on this test vb and he's troubleshooting it.

Maybe even as you are reading this. :nervous:

Thanks for the update! I just wanted to b e sure he had all the information :)

redlabour 02-23-2006 06:54 AM

After i installed this Hack every Link gets me to a wrong thread - anyone else have this Problem ? I use 3.5.4 .

Update :

Well i see - is there a chance to fix this ?

Bhuwan 02-23-2006 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by redlabour
After i installed this Hack every Link gets me to a wrong thread - anyone else have this Problem ? I use 3.5.4 .

Update :

Well i see - is there a chance to fix this ?

I am sure Immortal is working on this - we just have to be patient :)

Immortal 02-23-2006 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by trilljester
Whoa dude, take a chill pill, I was just making a joke. Didn't realize you took your "charity" work so personal.

Yes. When you get less then 4 hours of sleep a day, work over 3 jobs just to support yourself, and do this on the side, you don't have much "free" time. I take what I do seriously, as I do with everything.


Originally Posted by Unexplained
Your comments were un-called for, Immortal and very un-professional. It was easy to see that the other member was merely Joking, take a chill pill.

No it was not easy. He did not use any signs of showing a joke, such as a smilie. Or even an attempt at one. All it was, was text. It was very hard, if it was, to tell it was a joke. For the people who know me, I'm not the joking type person.

If you're mean to me, I'll be mean back. If you be sarcastic, I'll be one right back at ya. I don't have time for people who waste my time. I do not represent any company here, so I honestly do not care what you think of me. You are entitled to your own opinion, I just don't care what your opinion is.


Originally Posted by MortysTW
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help Immortal with this issue. I'm not very good with code but alright with the templates. Let me know if you need anything on my test server. I believe I gave you plenty of admin options.

I thank you for the kind offer. :)

I am currently working on the issue. As far as "Mark Read" is concerned, that is only for IE it seems. Fx is just doing it fine for me, however, I'll try and work on a fix for it.

Bhuwan 02-24-2006 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Immortal

Is this plugin compatible with "vBSEO Google/Yahoo Sitemap Generator for vBulletin 3.5.x & vBulletin 3.0.x"??

Not currently, sorry.

Do you think this will be compatible in the future? :))

Immortal 02-24-2006 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by bchawla
Do you think this will be compatible in the future? :))

Someone converted their sitemap generator to be compatible with vRewrite, no idea when/if he'll release it.

But with the latest release, it redirects all the old URLs, so you should be fine.

Bhuwan 02-24-2006 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by Immortal
Someone converted their sitemap generator to be compatible with vRewrite, no idea when/if he'll release it.

But with the latest release, it redirects all the old URLs, so you should be fine.

Sweet, thanks a lot man!
I hope this person releases the generator compatible with vRewrite :)

redlabour 02-24-2006 05:10 AM

Are both ways working then ?

Bhuwan 02-24-2006 05:02 PM

:o :o :o Is this hack safe to install?? :o :o

Bhuwan 02-24-2006 06:42 PM


I think you've already addresses this known issue, but i'll give some additional details in case you don't have this already:

if your using INTERNET EXPLORER and you directly click on a THREAD from index.php (forum home), you are led to the wrong thread.

What is more awkward about this behaviour is that it happens only in IE -- if I use firefox or Nutscrape, it works just fine.

I've repreoduced this on your site as well.


Immortal 02-24-2006 06:47 PM

It only happens a few times with Firefox.

As I've said, I've been using it for weeks on my site. It's just a minor nuisance to me, so I do believe it is safe to install, but it's up to you.

Bhuwan 02-24-2006 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Immortal
It only happens a few times with Firefox.

As I've said, I've been using it for weeks on my site. It's just a minor nuisance to me, so I do believe it is safe to install, but it's up to you.

I've taken the plunge

I noticed in the htaccess file you dont have the "&vrewrite=yes" in the "-newpost.html" -> showthread. portion. Could this be a possible cause? I've added this to my site and now the only problem I have is if the thread is closed to the public - other threads go to the correct topic.

Bhuwan 02-24-2006 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by bchawla
I've taken the plunge

I noticed in the htaccess file you dont have the "&vrewrite=yes" in the "-newpost.html" -> showthread. portion. Could this be a possible cause? I've added this to my site and now the only problem I have is if the thread is closed to the public - other threads go to the correct topic.


RewriteRule ^(.*)-(.*)-newpost.html showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=$2 [L]
you dont have the &is_rewrite=yes

Could this be causing the prob?

Immortal 02-24-2006 07:00 PM

Shouldn't be since newpost is only a redirect of showthread.php?p=...

Bhuwan 02-24-2006 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Immortal
Shouldn't be since newpost is only a redirect of showthread.php?p=...

Sorry to be a pain in the butt, but...

For some odd reason, all of my mods are showing links to me
its doing

instead of

I wonder y:(

Immortal 02-24-2006 07:11 PM

Hm, that was fixed in 1.0. I wonder why it's doing it for you...

Bhuwan 02-24-2006 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Immortal
Hm, that was fixed in 1.0. I wonder why it's doing it for you...

Not sure... Want me to give you alink?
If I am logged in as a regular user, the link is okay
if I am logged in as an admin, it shows a link to my own profile.hmm.

Bhuwan 02-24-2006 07:18 PM

Another possible bug I think:

Let's use vBulletin.org as an example
when you click on a FORUM, in the nav area, you see something like
vBulletin.org Forum > vB3.5 Mods

Normally, if you click on "vBulletin.org Forum", it will take you back to the forum index. (vBulletin.org/forum/index.php).

HOWEVER, if you have the hack enabled, for some odd reason it takes me back to vBulletin.org

Bhuwan 02-24-2006 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by bchawla
Another possible bug I think:

Let's use vBulletin.org as an example
when you click on a FORUM, in the nav area, you see something like
vBulletin.org Forum > vB3.5 Mods

Normally, if you click on "vBulletin.org Forum", it will take you back to the forum index. (vBulletin.org/forum/index.php).

HOWEVER, if you have the hack enabled, for some odd reason it takes me back to vBulletin.org

this might be the problem
PHP Code:

$output str_replace('<a href=&quot;index.php&quot;''<a href=&quot;../&quot;'$output); 

Bhuwan 02-24-2006 08:55 PM

A little update...
I've been playing around with the code..it seems the issue of random threads being loaded has to dowith the hook named "vRewrite Redirects" in global_start.
I disabled it and it works like a champ
I'm off to 2nd job and will play around with the code to see if I can help witha solution :)

I am still having problems witht he username -- go back a few posts for more details:)

sysop2 02-25-2006 02:23 PM

Thank you bchawla for looking into the issues, i really want to install this, but i always read of and get errors with this extension. Hey Immortal, hope can get the last few things fixed :) This would be REAL GREAT :D

Greetz - ~sysop2~

Bhuwan 02-25-2006 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by sysop2
Thank you bchawla for looking into the issues, i really want to install this, but i always read of and get errors with this extension. Hey Immortal, hope can get the last few things fixed :) This would be REAL GREAT :D

Greetz - ~sysop2~

What type of errors?

Bhuwan 02-25-2006 04:01 PM

A moderator brought to my attention that there is sitill a merge bug.
If you use inline merging it works great, however, if you try and merge to a thread (by entering the URL) it gives an error.
I've been trying to find a hook to take care of the 'conversion' but have been unlucky.

Outstanding bugs I can think of:
1) Merge issue (inline works okay)
2) FIXED - Incorrect member.php linking
3) Markforums - still produces an error (I think I know of a fix)
4) FIXED - Directly clicking on a THREAD from index.php produces incorrect thread linking (traced to URL rewriting).
5) TEMP FIXED those running vbGallery (and possibily other scripts which use /dir within forums dir) will have problems - cause of this is headinclude's baseurl
I'll try and see what I can do (though I doubt it will be much!)
thanks! :)

EDIT: #5 added, fixed #2

Immortal 02-25-2006 05:01 PM

Hm, darn thought I fixed that :(

Thanks for the list :)

Bhuwan 02-25-2006 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Immortal
Hm, darn thought I fixed that :(

Thanks for the list :)

Hey Immortal

I was thinking about about a work around for the IE bug (attachment timeouts). Why are making newthread.php & newpost.php SEO friendly? Spider bots cant access these parts of the site anyways, so it seems logical to exclude them. By not including this, I think you should automatically resolve the issue.
What do you think?

Immortal 02-25-2006 09:21 PM

They can't actually post, but they still can see the URL. So I thought it would make sense just to rewrite them. But, that's not the attachment problems with the IE. It's just because it's in a different directory, and IE doesn't recognize base href for that section of vB.

Bhuwan 02-26-2006 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by Immortal
They can't actually post, but they still can see the URL. So I thought it would make sense just to rewrite them. But, that's not the attachment problems with the IE. It's just because it's in a different directory, and IE doesn't recognize base href for that section of vB.

That's wha tI mean - if you were to remove the newpost.php redirection, it would be in the standard directory and thus no problems :)

Immortal 02-26-2006 02:41 PM

I can try, didn't even think about that. I'll test on it shortly :) (after Lunch)

Bhuwan 02-26-2006 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Immortal
I can try, didn't even think about that. I'll test on it shortly :) (after Lunch)

Are you talking to me? I did that for my forums and it works great :) (No stupid IE buds :))

@ everyone @
I found the fix for the incorrect user linking (links to incorrect user), I will PM immortal the details and have him verify :)

yayvb 02-26-2006 06:13 PM

Hmm, I never had an incorrect user problem. The links always brought me to the right place I think. Or, maybe not?? I can't remember.

YAHOOOOOO!!! This sounds like it will also fix the problem with the links on the front FORUMHOME not working (since those are NEWPOST links) right?

I really hope this works!! :) I was just thinking how my site is growing, but only a couple of members each day. I'm nowhere in the search results and the forums I've visited tell me exactly why. I don't know how they can tell, but I've asked and some people tell me which listings of mine are in the search engines and which listings google is having trouble with, etc. (ie. I was told it doesn't like my link www.420boards.com/420kid for my profile). This should fix everything right up guys!!

Thanks so much everyone (in advance) haha.

yayvb 02-26-2006 06:22 PM

Once this problem is fixed, I guess the next few steps will be to add some features to the product. :) For instance I think everyone is always saying that you know which commercial seo product doesn't just rewrite URLs, it also does this and that and that and this, etc.

Because this is a free product and not commercial, is there any problem with us finding out which great features they use and implementing our own version of some of the features? I would imagine that's ok, because how can they say that no one else can do something like this, when they won't even let sites like mine buy their product.

I'll see if I can find any ideas.

Bhuwan 02-26-2006 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by yayvb
Hmm, I never had an incorrect user problem. The links always brought me to the right place I think. Or, maybe not?? I can't remember.

YAHOOOOOO!!! This sounds like it will also fix the problem with the links on the front FORUMHOME not working (since those are NEWPOST links) right?

I really hope this works!! :) I was just thinking how my site is growing, but only a couple of members each day. I'm nowhere in the search results and the forums I've visited tell me exactly why. I don't know how they can tell, but I've asked and some people tell me which listings of mine are in the search engines and which listings google is having trouble with, etc. (ie. I was told it doesn't like my link www.420boards.com/420kid for my profile). This should fix everything right up guys!!

Thanks so much everyone (in advance) haha.

The links on the front page don't work at all for you or they are directed towards the wrong thread?

I think I have a fix for the thredds being redirected to the wrong thread (Once again PM'im immortal)

John Diver 02-26-2006 10:54 PM

Any bugs with this now?

Really looking forward to giving it a go on one of my sites :)

Bhuwan 02-26-2006 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by John Diver
Any bugs with this now?

Really looking forward to giving it a go on one of my sites :)

I can't speak for Immortal (remember this is HIS hack), but I PERSONALLY think that 1.0 is stable enough to run. It has a few annoyances, which hopefully will be fixed soon enough.

Bhuwan 02-27-2006 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by bchawla
A moderator brought to my attention that there is sitill a merge bug.
If you use inline merging it works great, however, if you try and merge to a thread (by entering the URL) it gives an error.
I've been trying to find a hook to take care of the 'conversion' but have been unlucky.

Outstanding bugs I can think of:
1) Merge issue (inline works okay)
2) FIXED - Incorrect member.php linking
3) Markforums - still produces an error (I think I know of a fix)
4) FIXED - Directly clicking on a THREAD from index.php produces incorrect thread linking (traced to URL rewriting).
5) TEMP FIXED those running vbGallery (and possibily other scripts which use /dir within forums dir) will have problems - cause of this is headinclude's baseurl
I'll try and see what I can do (though I doubt it will be much!)
thanks! :)

EDIT: #5 added, fixed #2

just an update to make sure everything is covered

6) BEING FIXED - showthread.php <-- error page
7)BEING FIXED - showthread.php?t=<--needs to fixed
8)BEING FIXED - showthread.php?p= <--needs to fixed
9) if youedit or delete a post, your taken to the top post (needs to be fixed to be same as stock vBulletin

Is there anything elsE?

yayvb 02-27-2006 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by bchawla
just an update to make sure everything is covered

6) BEING FIXED - showthread.php <-- error page
7)BEING FIXED - showthread.php?t=<--needs to fixed
8)BEING FIXED - showthread.php?p= <--needs to fixed
9) if youedit or delete a post, your taken to the top post (needs to be fixed to be same as stock vBulletin

Is there anything elsE?

I don't think I was having all of those problems, I think the problem that I saw was with the NEWPOST links on the front bringing everyone to the wrong place. So I can't wait to see what you did.

*EDIT* Oh, I haven't noticed #9 above, maybe that was a problem I was having without knowing.

Immortal 02-27-2006 01:03 AM

I would like to thank bchawla, for all the hard work he's putting in.

John, I've been running it on my board for quite awhile now. But, a new version is about to be release, bchawla is a machine! :D

Bhuwan 02-27-2006 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by Immortal
I would like to thank bchawla, for all the hard work he's putting in.

John, I've been running it on my board for quite awhile now. But, a new version is about to be release, bchawla is a machine! :D

hah! thanks! call me bhuwan :)

Bhuwan 02-27-2006 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by yayvb
I don't think I was having all of those problems, I think the problem that I saw was with the NEWPOST links on the front bringing everyone to the wrong place. So I can't wait to see what you did.

*EDIT* Oh, I haven't noticed #9 above, maybe that was a problem I was having without knowing.

Some of these you ma ynot notice -- I have very picky members and moderators. In fact I want everything to be perfect myself lol.
But 6, 7,8 are definately bugs, take a look
Showthread.php Bug #6
showthread.php?t= bug #7
showthread.php?p= bug #8

P.S. the newpost from the front page is RESOLVED - unless Immortal tells me otherwise! :)

EDIT: I'm talking about being redirected to the wrong thread from FORUMHOME. Basically what your talking about LOL! I have a tendency to conufse people! :banana:

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