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-   -   psiStats 2006 (The New vBStats for vBulletin 3.5.x - 3.8.x) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=104213)

firstrebel 08-05-2006 10:28 AM

Has anyone got this working on vB3.6 gold as the headinclude template has changed a lot. This code is not there any more..

<if condition="$vboptions['externalrss']"><link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="$vboptions[bbtitle] RSS Feed" href="external.php?type=RSS" /></if>

akanevsky 08-05-2006 01:02 PM

Just put the INSERT code anywhere between <head></head> tags...

firstrebel 08-05-2006 02:20 PM

Thanks. I added the code to the end of headinclude. All seems OK on my 3.6 dev site with this.


ubblite 08-18-2006 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by firstrebel
Thanks. I added the code to the end of headinclude. All seems OK on my 3.6 dev site with this.


Not here. The hack was working fine with vb3.5.4 but with 3.6 the only links that show anything are 'general', 'style usage' & 'top threads & forums', everything else is blank.

akanevsky 08-19-2006 12:29 AM

Revert everything that was created by the hack and see if that helps. It works correctly on my vB 3.6 installation.

ubblite 08-19-2006 01:03 AM

Unfortunately, that didn't work. Reverted & re-installed but have the same problem with vb3.6.

ubblite 08-19-2006 03:51 AM

I just finished installing & testing this hack on a test board running off a different database with 3.6 and got the same results as well.

edit: This hack might work if you already have it installed on a previous VB version such as 3.5.4, but it will not work as a fresh install.

Psionic, are you planning on releasing a 3.6 version?

hypnoticpimp 08-22-2006 09:22 PM

Hey, for some reason, i just got this error


Database error in vBulletin 3.5.4:
Invalid SQL:
REPLACE INTO `hypnoticpimp_psistats_cache` (`cdata`, `ctype`, `csid`)

MySQL Error : Can't find file: 'hypnoticpimp_psistats_cache.MYI' (errno: 2)
Error Number : 1017

I had this mod working for like 1 month, and all of a sudden i get this error
I trued adding the Disable Hooks, on my config, so i can uninstall it and res install it, but when i did, nothing happens, i still get that message

I read on other posts, that can fix i, by reparing tables! my question is on phpadmin there is no Fix table option, and i dont know which table i should fix, or how i fix it, Please help

I even uploaded tools.php to my admin, and i got that page working, and i tried the repair tables tool in there. and i checke don all tables, after it was done, i tried refreshing on forum and still got that error

akanevsky 08-22-2006 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by hypnoticpimp
Hey, for some reason, i just got this error

I had this mod working for like 1 month, and all of a sudden i get this error
I trued adding the Disable Hooks, on my config, so i can uninstall it and res install it, but when i did, nothing happens, i still get that message

I read on other posts, that can fix i, by reparing tables! my question is on phpadmin there is no Fix table option, and i dont know which table i should fix, or how i fix it, Please help

I even uploaded tools.php to my admin, and i got that page working, and i tried the repair tables tool in there. and i checke don all tables, after it was done, i tried refreshing on forum and still got that error

You need to repair your database.

hypnoticpimp 08-22-2006 10:11 PM

Hey vision thanks for trying to help, but i just said, How do i repair my tables, and what tables>

akanevsky 08-22-2006 10:16 PM

AdminCP -> Maintenance -> Repair / Optimize Tables / -> Select All -> Choose both repare and optimize -> Run

hypnoticpimp 08-23-2006 02:30 PM

Hey you see thats the problem, I cant login to my admin cp. even if i use that disable hooks, on the config.pgp . I still get that error, and i even tried refreshing, the page a couple of times.

The only thing i can do is use tools.php, but all that has is a repair all tables tools. DOesnt have that optimize tool. But i used the repair all tables on tools.php and still nothing

could you step me through to fixing and optmizing on phpadmin, please

nitro 08-30-2006 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by ubblite
Not here. The hack was working fine with vb3.5.4 but with 3.6 the only links that show anything are 'general', 'style usage' & 'top threads & forums', everything else is blank.

Same for me on 3.6. I thought I would give this one a go a few days after the upgrade, hope theres a 3.6 fix soon. :)

Rickie3 08-30-2006 10:19 AM

I have only tried this on a test board 3.6 and seems to work ok on that for me,havent tried on a live board as i'm still running 3.5. ive also edited the product so it installs on 3.6 'PLEASE USE AT OWN RISK' as i stated ive only tried it on a test board and wont be held responsible for any error it may cause.If you already have this installed you dont need to upload any folders to your server,unless you are doing a fresh install.
In template "HEADINCLUDE" find

<if condition="$vboptions['externalrss']">
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="$vboptions[bbtitle] RSS Feed" href="external.php?type=RSS2" />


<script type="text/javascript">
document.cookie = "psistats_screenwidth = " + self.screen.width;
document.cookie = "psistats_screenheight = " + self.screen.height;
document.cookie = "psistats_screendepth = " + self.screen.colorDepth;

2. Import the product below,if you already have it installed select overwrite to yes.

now when i did fresh install on 3.6 it did NOT install the cron in sheduled tasks so you might have to add it manually
go to sheduled Tasks
add new sheduled task

Title=psiStats 2006 Hourly update
Description=update psiStats
Day of the Week (Note: this overrides the 'day of the month' option) = *
Day of the Month=*
log enteries=yes
Product=psiStats 2006
click save,then run the cron manually for the first time.

akanevsky 08-30-2006 12:02 PM

What exactly did you change in the XML file?
The reason cron did not get installed is because 3.6 has a different format for the cron table.

nitro 08-30-2006 04:41 PM

I just added the cron manually (Thanx for that info, I did wonder if there was suposed to be a cron entry, wonder why I didnt mention there wasnt one incase this was it) and now after running that manually a couple of times all but screen res has data, perhaps a bit more patience now and that one will start to fill aswell. :)

Rickie3 08-30-2006 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
What exactly did you change in the XML file?

I simply added this under this code highlighted in green

<product productid="psistats" active="1">
        <title>psiStats 2006</title>
        <description>Sophisticated forum statistics for your vBulletin board.</description>

                <code version="1.3.2">

then found all instances of

<plugin active="1">
and changed to

<plugin active="1" executionorder="5">
then i added this



akanevsky 08-30-2006 11:25 PM

Empty entries are not required though :) The only problem with running this script on 3.6 is the cron and the modified template with javascript...

Rickie3 08-31-2006 12:11 AM

oh well i was only trying:)

nitro 09-01-2006 10:47 PM

With the cron added and the headinclude edit changed I'm still getting nothing in "Display Colors & Resolutions" but everythiung else appears to be filling up fine on 3.6.0 gold.

Also small tip, the navigation maybe better at both the top and bottom of the pages as some of them can get a bit bigger, ye lazy I know but its nice to have it at both ends and not hard to acheive. ;)

akanevsky 09-02-2006 02:11 AM

The pages are too small to duplicate the navigation.

lucky64 09-02-2006 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Rickie3
I have only tried this on a test board 3.6 and seems to work ok on that for me,havent tried on a live board as i'm still running 3.5. ive also edited the product so it installs on 3.6 'PLEASE USE AT OWN RISK' as i stated ive only tried it on a test board and wont be held responsible for any error it may cause.If you already have this installed you dont need to upload any folders to your server,unless you are doing a fresh install.
In template "HEADINCLUDE" find

<if condition="$vboptions['externalrss']">
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="$vboptions[bbtitle] RSS Feed" href="external.php?type=RSS2" />


<script type="text/javascript">
document.cookie = "psistats_screenwidth = " + self.screen.width;
document.cookie = "psistats_screenheight = " + self.screen.height;
document.cookie = "psistats_screendepth = " + self.screen.colorDepth;

2. Import the product below,if you already have it installed select overwrite to yes.

now when i did fresh install on 3.6 it did NOT install the cron in sheduled tasks so you might have to add it manually
go to sheduled Tasks
add new sheduled task

Title=psiStats 2006 Hourly update
Description=update psiStats
Day of the Week (Note: this overrides the 'day of the month' option) = *
Day of the Month=*
log enteries=yes
Product=psiStats 2006
click save,then run the cron manually for the first time.

Thanks, all I did was add the cron and it works, no new product update needed.

nitro 09-03-2006 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
The pages are too small to duplicate the navigation.

Well it would be better to just have the navigation at the top then as any amount of scrolling to get to navigation is bad in the eyes of professional web design and I have to scroll as I am almost allways in 1280 res, which isnt far out of average most likely. Simple enough to do either just top or both navigation anyway, apart from that its a nice hack and it works fine except the screen res in 3.6, look forward to an update sometime for that but its good enough without screen info till then. :)

akanevsky 09-03-2006 11:18 PM

Feel free to customize templates to fit your needs.

lucky64 09-04-2006 04:10 PM

Still loving this, I am however still hoping some tweaks come :)

It isn't very accurate as far as browser versions. It doesn't detect FF 2.0 it seems.


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
I could remove version detection, but I think that it would remove an important bit of information.

I just mean a option to turn it off, or to enable a seperate section just showing the browser types not the versions, like Opera, IE and Firefox etc, not FF 1.5.whatever, if that makes any sense.

And I seem to have a large number of 'unknown' os's, which maybe is it not detecting versions again?

Great job though :D

Phooey 09-06-2006 12:40 PM

Any chance of there being a 3.6 release of this soon? :D

akanevsky 09-06-2006 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Phooey
Any chance of there being a 3.6 release of this soon? :D

Read my signature. The answer is no, but if I have time - yes... I don't expect to have a great lot of time this year.

nerofix 09-06-2006 08:30 PM

Hi Anthony, great idea and work .. just .. i also got a blank page after installing the mod step by step, admin menus etc are okay, just when calling the psistats.php there is nothing shown as just a white page..

Any Ideas?

akanevsky 09-06-2006 11:46 PM

Thanks for the feedback..

Are you running vBulletin 3.5 or 3.6?
In either case, can you look in error.log right after you see blank page to find out what the error is? Thanks.

nerofix 09-07-2006 11:50 AM

Thx for your answer Anthony.

We are running a vBulletin 3.5.4 board.

By the way, the error.log i should take a look, where is it located? .. in the admin cp logs there is nothing about psistats (except of the psistats updated message every hour).

The referrals sites statistik in admin cp works.. just the psistats.php which should be pubic to everyone at the moment shows a blank page.

Wanna take a look?

I really have no clue about yet, would be sad if i can't get it working because i like the idea x)

akanevsky 09-07-2006 08:47 PM


By the way, the error.log i should take a look, where is it located? .. in the admin cp logs there is nothing about psistats (except of the psistats updated message every hour).
Login to your site via ftp, it should be in your vbulletin folder.

Phooey 09-14-2006 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
Read my signature. The answer is no, but if I have time - yes... I don't expect to have a great lot of time this year.

No sweat. It's still a great hack for 3.5.X. If you get the time to port it to 3.6.X that'd be awesome, but in the mean time beggars can't be choosers. ;)

akanevsky 10-01-2006 02:43 PM

:banana: UPDATE 1.4.0 :banana:

To upgrade, simply overwrite the files from under upload directory and then reload product xml. It's as simple as that.

If you want to reset your browser stats (the system now tracks no more than the major and minor version, and X.Y.Z.W is limited to X.Y), run this query:

[SQL]DELETE FROM `psistats_data` WHERE `ctype` = 'browser'[/SQL]

interfx 10-01-2006 02:54 PM

Installed on VB 3.6.1.... Works great!!!!

akanevsky 10-01-2006 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by interfx
Installed on VB 3.6.1.... Works great!!!!

You should click install the in the 3.6.1 thread of this hack. :)

Olly_K 10-03-2006 11:17 AM

do the stats include things like hits, etc ?

akanevsky 10-03-2006 07:31 PM

The stats included by the hack are listed in the first post.

Olly_K 10-04-2006 12:28 PM

that'll be a no then, shame, unless I'd defiantely use this.
Looks like a great deal of work has gone into this !

PoetJA-1975 10-05-2006 11:21 PM

Hey PSIONIC - AWESOME hack - I'm very excited about this one! Thanx for making it available for us!

I do have a concern though - I do believe I followed the install directions to the letter. With my vB 3.5.4 Display Colors & Resolutions, Countries & Regions, Browsers & Operating Systems AND Referring Sites is turning up no results at all.

One thing is that with the navbar template edit .... I have a custom header on my forums - so I applied that edit to header template instead... Since it's just the link to the PsiStats - it doesn't seem like that would make any difference though.

At anyrate - I have PsiStats available for only ADMIN & Mods - Is there something that I'm missing? HELP!

Thanx in advance - And again = excellent work on this hack - especially considering you're like 16 - right?!? Very impressive!


akanevsky 10-05-2006 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by PoetJA-1975
Hey PSIONIC - AWESOME hack - I'm very excited about this one! Thanx for making it available for us!

I do have a concern though - I do believe I followed the install directions to the letter. With my vB 3.5.4 Display Colors & Resolutions, Countries & Regions, Browsers & Operating Systems AND Referring Sites is turning up no results at all.

One thing is that with the navbar template edit .... I have a custom header on my forums - so I applied that edit to header template instead... Since it's just the link to the PsiStats - it doesn't seem like that would make any difference though.

At anyrate - I have PsiStats available for only ADMIN & Mods - Is there something that I'm missing? HELP!

Thanx in advance - And again = excellent work on this hack - especially considering you're like 16 - right?!? Very impressive!


vBulletin Options -> psiStats 2006 -> Usergroups Allowed To View Statistics :)

As for empty sections, please allow 15 minutes for the cron to run and actually update them (it does say that the statistics are only updated once in 15 minutes in the description). :)

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