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calorie 12-22-2005 02:25 PM

When JPG thumbs are made, the PhotoPlog JPG Thumb Quality setting is used.

When images are then called for display in PhotoPlog's file.php file, the following is used to avoid double reduction:

However, if you want, in PhotoPlog's file.php file, you can change the above line to the following to use the setting:


Feckie (Roger) 12-22-2005 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by calorie
@Feckie (Roger): first call admincp/index.php?do=buildbitfields and then go to ACP -> PhotoPlog -> Usergroup Manager -> Click Go -> Scroll to Bottom -> Set PhotoPlog Permissions -> Click Save

Yep That Done It Thanks

wrang 12-22-2005 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by calorie
@wrang: the 'bad open' message happens when the PHP fopen() call fails. It's either a permission or ownership issue. Are you running PHP in safe mode by chance?


I dont know what im running how can i see this

allstar55 12-22-2005 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by calorie
When JPG thumbs are made, the PhotoPlog JPG Thumb Quality setting is used.

When images are then called for display in PhotoPlog's file.php file, the following is used to avoid double reduction:

However, if you want, in PhotoPlog's file.php file, you can change the above line to the following to use the setting:


Nice, it works perfect.. Please made it in next version same.

Mike_K 12-22-2005 06:41 PM

Thanks for this. Works fine! :)

Better to handle than PhotoPost!

Do you plan a prof. version? Will purchase it!

allstar55 12-22-2005 07:32 PM


Do you plan a prof. version? Will purchase it!
20 Dollars ok, me too :)
But, more updates.

We need File Toplist!!
Please make it.

calorie is the best coder for vb gallery!!! You make IT!!!

calorie 12-22-2005 07:43 PM

Thanks for the thanks everyone. :D

@wrang: save the following as phpinfo.php and call it from your browser. It'll print out a bunch of PHP related stuff, search for safe_mode on the page.




@Mike_K and @allstar55: decided to do lite and pro, was working on some pro stuff earlier today. ;)

lordnex 12-23-2005 04:18 AM


@Mike_K and @allstar55: decided to do lite and pro, was working on some pro stuff earlier today. ;)
That makes me a sad panda. :(
I don't have money to donate .. although this is a fantastic project and actually is one of the better projects VBorg has had come out lately. Keep the price low and I might scrape up some money to help out..

wrang 12-23-2005 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by calorie
@wrang: save the following as phpinfo.php and call it from your browser. It'll print out a bunch of PHP related stuff, search for safe_mode on the page.




I found this:
Local Value - OFF
Master Value - OFF

lordnex 12-23-2005 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by calorie
Oh oh oh, I see what you mean. Yeah, when you set categories, there aren't options for 'No one / Not available' so nothing is done for BBcode, but if you edit the functions.php file...


        $do_html = false;
        $do_smilies = false;
        $do_bbcode = false;
        $do_imgcode = false;
        $do_parseurl = false;
        $do_comments = false;
        $do_ratings = false;

You can set the defaults to whatever, true or false, for the 'No one / Not available' category.

Just out of curiousity, after looking over my functions.php file I don't really have an idea what to edit to set a default category. Help?

chrisisonfire 12-23-2005 10:28 AM

Sorry calorie, it didn't work. I checked my vb config.php for the forum path, which I retrieved; '/home/users/public_html/forums', however, even after using this as the value in my photoplog config file, the index page still doesn't appear--it's still blank!

Mike_K 12-23-2005 10:29 AM

Is there the possibillity that the uploader must insert "Title" and "Description" for the picture?

Also that he must choose a categorie?

calorie 12-23-2005 01:22 PM

@wrang: is the images directory set to drwxrwxrwx 777 permission?

@lordnex: it'd be better / easier to edit and select a real category.

@chrisisonfire: try going to your-domain.com/photoplog/index.php

@Mike_K: will add your suggestion to the think-about, might-do list.

FYI: tip, if you want to have a default category selected on upload:

In PhotoPlog's upload.php file, find $photoplog_file_catid = -1; and
change -1 to a catid number of a category set in the Category Manager

white_2kgt 12-23-2005 03:39 PM

All I can get is the following error message,


vBulletin datastore error caused by one or more of the following:

1. You may have uploaded vBulletin 3.5 files without also running the vBulletin 3.5 upgrade script. If you have not run the upgrade script, do so now.
2. The datastore cache may have been corrupted. Run Rebuild Bitfields from tools.php, which you can upload from the do_not_upload folder of the vBulletin package.

Fatal error: vBulletin datastore cache incomplete or corrupt in /includes/init.php on line 185

I did not have photoplog installed, so I upgraded to vB 3.5.2 from 3.5.1, then installed photoplog, all I can get is the following error. I tired running the command from tools.php but still get this error. I reverted all templates and still get this error. Help?


indie 12-23-2005 04:04 PM

Bug to report: When you edit a file by changing the image, the image size does not change. I uploaded a file, and then optimized the image, and re-uploaded, but it still said the old file size.

lordnex 12-23-2005 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by calorie
FYI: tip, if you want to have a default category selected on upload:

In PhotoPlog's upload.php file, find $photoplog_file_catid = -1; and
change -1 to a catid number of a category set in the Category Manager

Could that be coded in the admincp as an option? With rapid upgrades editing a file over and over becomes repetitive and will be forgotten :D (yeah.. i forget lots of things) LOL

indie 12-23-2005 04:42 PM

Also when I edit a file for mod reasons, it bumps it to being new. Edits should not bump in my opinion.

chrisisonfire 12-23-2005 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by calorie
@chrisisonfire: try going to your-domain.com/photoplog/index.php

Including the page name in the URL made no difference. It's still a blank page! It's possible that I put the files in the wrong directories. What would be correct? I followed the readme as best I could, but still, I might have made a mistake! :pirate:

allstar55 12-23-2005 08:18 PM

How can i Edit the PhotoPlog Title in Browser and Navigation?

When i change in Phrases: PhotoPlog to Showroom, this not work.

calorie 12-24-2005 02:11 AM

@white_2kgt: try FTPing all files again, in ASCII mode except images, and then call: admincp/index.php?do=buildbitfields

@indie: file size only changed when the file was bigger, but that has been fixed in v.1.0.6 so just upgrade for the size fix

@lordnex: understandable but v.1.0.6 is intended as the final release of the lite series, so rapid upgrades should be done

@chrisisonfire: /photoplog stuff should be in /public_html and /forum stuff should be in the equivalent forum directories

@allstar55: search in the vB global phrases for photoplog also, as there are a few of the photoplog phrases in there

FYI: v.1.0.6 has been released and is intended as the final release of the lite series

allstar55 12-24-2005 07:51 AM

Merry Christmas all :)

Nice Lite Version!

chrisisonfire 12-24-2005 09:55 AM

Ok, it's in the correct directory anyway, so that isn't the problem. Next?

Tefra 12-24-2005 03:58 PM

there is a bug with the avatar in comments , it actually doesn't show the avatar i have selected from the avatar gallery but a different one.

calorie 12-24-2005 05:47 PM

@chrisisonfire: not sure what else to offer, can you post some screens of the ACP settings and FTP client?

@Tefra: oops, used userid instead of avatarid, fixed in, easy upgrade in readme, just FTP two files.

Tefra 12-24-2005 06:20 PM

you are the best , thanks for the fast update .
problem solved !!!

chrisisonfire 12-24-2005 06:22 PM

My Photoplog ACP settings are default. Here's a screen of my FTP client anyway:

calorie 12-24-2005 08:24 PM

That looks fine. Stick the following in a file called test.php and FTP test.php into the /photoplog directory. After calling test.php via your browser, what do you see onscreen? You can PM it to me if you'd prefer.

echo getcwd();

wrang 12-25-2005 06:38 AM

anouter error not in the Post3 contains onscreen errors.

I haved upgrade to the and get som outer error. What does this mean

Sorry, wrang: Bad Save


Best regards

Tefra 12-25-2005 09:02 AM

you need to chmod 777 the folder images where the pictures are stored

wrang 12-25-2005 11:05 AM

Realy strange but now it work fine.

Some outer qustion:
Where can i find the picture "rating_.gif"

is it possble to upload some picture as admin and later edit the picture ho was upload the picture from the first time
So admin uplad a picture and change the upload name to wrang and wrang get this picture in his gallery

as i can do in photopost

Is it possible to transfer all my pictures from Photopost in to PhotoPlog

chrisisonfire 12-26-2005 12:36 AM

Thanks calorie! I got this working earlier today, and I'm really impressed! I tweaked some of the templates so it looks more how I like - I'm really not a fan of fieldsets!
Well, I was wondering if I can allow other usergroups to create subcategories? What I would like is for my members to upload their own photosets in a new subcategory which they name. OR would have I have to make the subcategory for them, and they can upload their photos into that? The less moderation I have to do with this, the better!

calorie 12-26-2005 02:32 AM

@wrang: in /stars are rating_[0-5].gif but there is no rating_.gif image. If you have say phpMyAdmin, you can change the userid and username in the photoplog_fileuploads table and then via FTP move the files from your directory to inside the matching userid directory after upload, but the lite version doesn't have a move file to new user option or importer.

@chrisisonfire: glad it's now working. Only the admin can create categories in the lite version, but if you are looking to have user galleries, it's inherent in that going to your-domain.com/photoplog/index.php?u=X (X is same userid as in vB forum) will list that user's files. Post2 shows how to add a link to a user's PhotoPlog gallery in a postbit template.

sesmatik 12-26-2005 10:18 AM

Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/bauforum/public_html/forum/photoplog/settings.php on line 84

what is that ?

Warning: main(./global.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/bauforum/public_html/forum/photoplog/settings.php on line 85

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/bauforum/public_html/forum/photoplog/settings.php on line 85

chrisisonfire 12-26-2005 11:19 AM

Ok. :)

Also, a couple of things I'd like to achieve...

Firstly, one of my galleries lends itself to the default format of your gallery, with a thumb on the left and it's info next to it. However, with the rest of my galleries, I would really like to be able to inherit a layout the same as the 'Random Thumbs' category, with perhaps a 5x5 cell table with a thumb in each cell. Perhaps being able to select the gallery format using radio buttons and conditions via the Category Manager upon creation could achieve this? IMO, it'd be a valuable feature.

Also, I'd like to change the format of the comment box, so that the message isn't in a fieldset and the text format of the userid is exactly the same as it would appear in a forum post... but I couldn't find the code in the templates, the phrases or the comments.php file! How can I do this?

Thanks for being so devoted with your support. ;)

mvigod 12-26-2005 01:33 PM

Suggestion. After file is uploaded kill the original filesize if larger than X KB's. The resized images should be sufficient in a gallery application for most people. Perhaps make it an option. Otherwise if you allow 512k or 1MB uploads and a user uploads 100 images that could be 100MB of files for one user. If you delete the original file and keep only small/med/large thumbs then you are likely to end up with just 50k to 75k for all 3 sizes of images.

Without this the use of disk space will grow way to fast for boards of any reasonable size where the users are active photo posters.

Aside from that. Great job. <Clicks Install>

calorie 12-26-2005 04:12 PM

@sesmatik: see post3, use the following in PhotoPlog's config file:

@chrisisonfire: check out the file_bit, file_list, rate_bit, rate_list templates. While there isn't a layout format option in the lite version, you might find the following bit of code useful. If you move the <tr> </tr> from file_bit to file_list, and use the following after the fetch_template('photoplog_file_bit') line in PhotoPlog's index file, with some editing, you should be able to get a box of thumbs instead of a list.

if ($photoplog_cnt_bits % 5 == 0)
        $photoplog_file_bits .= "</tr><tr>";

@mvigod: thanks for the suggestion.

chrisisonfire 12-26-2005 05:30 PM

Well I'm rather interested in the Pro version, but it's still in beta and the price is unreleased. Some of the features that I read are quite appealing though, like batch upload and url upload, which I was thinking would be a great function to have earlier today. Will there be a format option in the Pro version? And when is it expected to be released?

calorie 12-26-2005 11:59 PM

While I did decide to produce a pro version, I'd rather not talk about pro details in this lite support thread. I'd like to keep this thread focused on lite support and not break a vBorg rule by crossing the line between pro discussion and self-promotion, but I'd be glad to answer pro questions elsewhere.

chrisisonfire 12-27-2005 12:04 AM

Fair enough. :)

You could make a new thread about Pro, or PM me. I'd join the Photoplog forums, but I don't like joining a forum if I know I'm not going to be particularly active, which I won't be.

So what have the future updates got in stall for PP Lite?

calorie 12-27-2005 06:11 PM

v.1.0.6 is intended as the final release of the lite series, save any bug fixes, but there is now a vertical thumbs vBa CMPS add-on at https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=103839

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