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-   -   Shoutbox Hack 1.04b (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=68861)

Link14716 09-12-2004 06:23 PM


STOP posting these errors like "Warning: halt(): Unable to access ./includes/functions_log_error.php in /home/www/nc0801/html/vbulletin/includes/db_mysql.php on line 389". I do not care about that, it just means there is a MySQL error below. If you want support, I NEED to know the MySQL error. Period.

Second, to everyone getting those errors starting with "Warning: readdir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /htdocs/www/forum/install/hack_install.php on line 22". I need more information. Web server (probably apache) and version and PHP version. Otherwise it'll be hard for me to fix this since I cannot reproduce this error, and the functions used dates back to PHP3.

Everyone requesting features: I'll get to you when I have time.

alzibub 09-12-2004 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by alzibub

I originally had some question on Phrases not appearing - but for some strange reason they just appeared - 3 hours after I posted this - dont ask !

I do have one issue - I noticed new shouts arent appearing on the forum homepage - but they show under shout.php..

Relatively clean vb3.0.3 install.
Full install rather than Upgrade

As far as install - got as far as installing templates click done and then got SQL error for the final step - someone mentioned this wasn't too important as it was just the final success page.

Thanks for a great hack !


Just wanted to add some more details for you.
The issue is with the iframe version of the shoutbox - because if you switch off the iframe you can see the posts.

The last time I had this issue was after upgrading to 1.02 of the hack - Link14716 fixed the issue then released 1.03 - his post on VB was as follows..


Not sure what was meant or if it is any help in this case or not.

Thanks in advance

TruthElixirX 09-13-2004 01:27 AM

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE vb3_user SET uttpoints=uttpoints+.25 WHERE userid='1'
mysql error: Unknown column 'uttpoints' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Umm....*Confused* My shoutbox doesn't appear on forum home. I can type in forums/shoutbox.php and it'll take me to it. Once I'm there I can type in a shout but it gives me that error up there.

I tried re-installing and got this on the final install page:

// Settings

$settinggroup['shoutbox']['phrase'] = 'Shoutbox Settings';
$settinggroup['shoutbox']['displayorder'] = '560';

$setting['shoutbox_shoutonforumhome']['titlephrase'] = 'Show an Input Box/Textarea on Forumhome?';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutonforumhome']['descphrase'] = 'With this option, you can show a textarea or an input box on forumhome allowing users to shout without going to into the shoutbox first.';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutonforumhome']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutonforumhome']['value'] = 'input';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutonforumhome']['defaultvalue'] = 'Input';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutonforumhome']['optioncode'] = '<span class=\"smallfont\" style=\"white-space:nowrap\">
<label for=\"sofh1\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"setting[$settingid]\" id=\"sofh1\" value=\"none\" tabindex=\"1\"" . iif($setting[\'value\'] == none, \' checked=\"checked\"\') . " />None</label><br />
<label for=\"sofh2\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"setting[$settingid]\" id=\"sofh2\" value=\"input\" tabindex=\"2\"" . iif($setting[\'value\'] == input, \' checked=\"checked\"\') . " />Input Box</label><br />
<label for=\"sofh3\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"setting[$settingid]\" id=\"sofh3\" value=\"textarea\" tabindex=\"3\"" . iif($setting[\'value\'] == textarea, \' checked=\"checked\"\') . " />Textarea</label><br />
$setting['shoutbox_shoutonforumhome']['displayorder'] = '24';

$setting['shoutbox_hierarchymode']['titlephrase'] = 'Hierarchy Mode?';
$setting['shoutbox_hierarchymode']['descphrase'] = 'If you set this to option #1, then users <b>can</b> edit other users with the same hierarchy rank (default). If you set it to option #2, then users <b>can not</b> edit users with the same hierarchy rank.';
$setting['shoutbox_hierarchymode']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_hierarchymode']['value'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_hierarchymode']['defaultvalue'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_hierarchymode']['optioncode'] = '<span class=\"smallfont\" style=\"white-space:nowrap\">
<label for=\"hierarchy1\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"setting[$settingid]\" id=\"hierarchy1\" value=\"1\" tabindex=\"1\"" . iif($setting[\'value\'] == 1, \' checked=\"checked\"\') . " />#1</label><br />
<label for=\"hierarchy2\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"setting[$settingid]\" id=\"hierarchy2\" value=\"2\" tabindex=\"2\"" . iif($setting[\'value\'] == 2, \' checked=\"checked\"\') . " />#2</label><br />
$setting['shoutbox_hierarchymode']['displayorder'] = '23';

$setting['shoutbox_allowshoutsperpage']['titlephrase'] = 'Allow Users to Specify Shouts Per Page?';
$setting['shoutbox_allowshoutsperpage']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to \'yes\' if you want to allow your users to specify an amount of shouts to display per page.';
$setting['shoutbox_allowshoutsperpage']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_allowshoutsperpage']['value'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_allowshoutsperpage']['defaultvalue'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_allowshoutsperpage']['optioncode'] = 'yesno';
$setting['shoutbox_allowshoutsperpage']['displayorder'] = '15';

$setting['shoutbox_allowhtml']['titlephrase'] = 'Allow HTML in Shouts?';
$setting['shoutbox_allowhtml']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to \'yes\' to allow users to post HTML in their shouts. <i>STRONGLY NOT RECOMMENDED!</i>';
$setting['shoutbox_allowhtml']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_allowhtml']['value'] = '0';
$setting['shoutbox_allowhtml']['defaultvalue'] = '0';
$setting['shoutbox_allowhtml']['optioncode'] = 'yesno';
$setting['shoutbox_allowhtml']['displayorder'] = '16';

$setting['shoutbox_allowbbcode']['titlephrase'] = 'Allow BBCode in Shouts?';
$setting['shoutbox_allowbbcode']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to \'yes\' to allow users to post BBCode in their shouts.';
$setting['shoutbox_allowbbcode']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_allowbbcode']['value'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_allowbbcode']['defaultvalue'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_allowbbcode']['optioncode'] = 'yesno';
$setting['shoutbox_allowbbcode']['displayorder'] = '17';

$setting['shoutbox_allowimage']['titlephrase'] = 'Allow [img] Code in Shouts?';
$setting['shoutbox_allowimage']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to \'yes\' to allow users to use the [img] BBCode in their shouts.';
$setting['shoutbox_allowimage']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_allowimage']['value'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_allowimage']['defaultvalue'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_allowimage']['optioncode'] = 'yesno';
$setting['shoutbox_allowimage']['displayorder'] = '18';

$setting['shoutbox_allowsmilies']['titlephrase'] = 'Allow Smilies in Shouts?';
$setting['shoutbox_allowsmilies']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to \'yes\' to allow users to post smilies in their shouts.';
$setting['shoutbox_allowsmilies']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_allowsmilies']['value'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_allowsmilies']['defaultvalue'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_allowsmilies']['optioncode'] = 'yesno';
$setting['shoutbox_allowsmilies']['displayorder'] = '19';

$setting['shoutbox_showsmiliebox']['titlephrase'] = 'Show Smilies Box?';
$setting['shoutbox_showsmiliebox']['descphrase'] = 'For some boards, either the width of the main table is small, or the smilies are large. If you fall under one of those cases, you may disable the displaying of the smilies box here.';
$setting['shoutbox_showsmiliebox']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_showsmiliebox']['value'] = '0';
$setting['shoutbox_showsmiliebox']['defaultvalue'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_showsmiliebox']['optioncode'] = 'yesno';
$setting['shoutbox_showsmiliebox']['displayorder'] = '20';

$setting['shoutbox_showstats']['titlephrase'] = 'Show Stats?';
$setting['shoutbox_showstats']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to \'yes\' will show stats - total shouts, shouts that day, shouts in the last 24 hours, and shouts by that user.';
$setting['shoutbox_showstats']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_showstats']['value'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_showstats']['defaultvalue'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_showstats']['optioncode'] = 'yesno';
$setting['shoutbox_showstats']['displayorder'] = '21';

$setting['shoutbox_enablehierarchy']['titlephrase'] = 'Enable Hierarchy Permissions?';
$setting['shoutbox_enablehierarchy']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to \'yes\' to enable hierarchy permission setup for edt/delete/hard-delete. For example, by default, admins can edit/delete/hard-delete all shouts, super mods can delete all except for admins, and mods can edit all but super mods and admins <b>if</b> they have the &quot;edit/delete/hard-delete others&quot; permission.';
$setting['shoutbox_enablehierarchy']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_enablehierarchy']['value'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_enablehierarchy']['defaultvalue'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_enablehierarchy']['optioncode'] = 'yesno';
$setting['shoutbox_enablehierarchy']['displayorder'] = '22';

$setting['shoutbox_numberoftopshouters']['titlephrase'] = 'Number of Top Shouters?';
$setting['shoutbox_numberoftopshouters']['descphrase'] = 'Set the number of top shouters to show in the shoutbox, if the option to show them is enabled.';
$setting['shoutbox_numberoftopshouters']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_numberoftopshouters']['value'] = '10';
$setting['shoutbox_numberoftopshouters']['defaultvalue'] = '10';
$setting['shoutbox_numberoftopshouters']['optioncode'] = '';
$setting['shoutbox_numberoftopshouters']['displayorder'] = '5';

$setting['shoutbox_forumhomeshouts']['titlephrase'] = 'Show Latest Shouts on Forum Home?';
$setting['shoutbox_forumhomeshouts']['descphrase'] = 'Setting this to \'yes\' will shout the lateast <i>x</i> shouts on forum home, where <i>x</i> is defined in the next setting.';
$setting['shoutbox_forumhomeshouts']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_forumhomeshouts']['value'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_forumhomeshouts']['defaultvalue'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_forumhomeshouts']['optioncode'] = 'yesno';
$setting['shoutbox_forumhomeshouts']['displayorder'] = '6';

$setting['shoutbox_numberofforumhomeshouts']['titlephrase'] = 'Number of Forum Home Shouts?';
$setting['shoutbox_numberofforumhomeshouts']['descphrase'] = 'Enter the number of shouts to be displayed on forumhome if the option is enabled.';
$setting['shoutbox_numberofforumhomeshouts']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_numberofforumhomeshouts']['value'] = '20';
$setting['shoutbox_numberofforumhomeshouts']['defaultvalue'] = '5';
$setting['shoutbox_numberofforumhomeshouts']['optioncode'] = '';
$setting['shoutbox_numberofforumhomeshouts']['displayorder'] = '7';

$setting['shoutbox_enableusernoview']['titlephrase'] = 'Enable User Shout Exclusion?';
$setting['shoutbox_enableusernoview']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to \'yes\' to enable members to view a shouts excluding a specific member\'s..';
$setting['shoutbox_enableusernoview']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_enableusernoview']['value'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_enableusernoview']['defaultvalue'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_enableusernoview']['optioncode'] = 'yesno';
$setting['shoutbox_enableusernoview']['displayorder'] = '8';

$setting['shoutbox_enableuserview']['titlephrase'] = 'Enable User Shout Viewing?';
$setting['shoutbox_enableuserview']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to \'yes\' to enable members to view a specific user\'s shouts.';
$setting['shoutbox_enableuserview']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_enableuserview']['value'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_enableuserview']['defaultvalue'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_enableuserview']['optioncode'] = 'yesno';
$setting['shoutbox_enableuserview']['displayorder'] = '9';

$setting['shoutbox_allowdatecutoff']['titlephrase'] = 'Allow Users to Choose Date Cutoff?';
$setting['shoutbox_allowdatecutoff']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to \'yes\' will allow users to specify an amount of days in which shouts from the last <i>x</i> (the number the user specifies) days are shown.';
$setting['shoutbox_allowdatecutoff']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_allowdatecutoff']['value'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_allowdatecutoff']['defaultvalue'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_allowdatecutoff']['optioncode'] = 'yesno';
$setting['shoutbox_allowdatecutoff']['displayorder'] = '10';

$setting['shoutbox_allowdatebegin']['titlephrase'] = 'Allow Users to Choose Begining Date?';
$setting['shoutbox_allowdatebegin']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to \'yes\' will allow users to specify an amount of days in which shouts posted at least <i>x</i> (the number the user specifies) days ago are shown.';
$setting['shoutbox_allowdatebegin']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_allowdatebegin']['value'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_allowdatebegin']['defaultvalue'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_allowdatebegin']['optioncode'] = 'yesno';
$setting['shoutbox_allowdatebegin']['displayorder'] = '11';

$setting['shoutbox_datecutoffdefault']['titlephrase'] = 'Default Date Cutoff?';
$setting['shoutbox_datecutoffdefault']['descphrase'] = 'Choose the default date cutoff <b>if</b> the option to allow users to chose a date cutoff is enabled.';
$setting['shoutbox_datecutoffdefault']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_datecutoffdefault']['value'] = '0';
$setting['shoutbox_datecutoffdefault']['defaultvalue'] = '0';
$setting['shoutbox_datecutoffdefault']['optioncode'] = '';
$setting['shoutbox_datecutoffdefault']['displayorder'] = '12';

$setting['shoutbox_datebegindefault']['titlephrase'] = 'Default Date Begining?';
$setting['shoutbox_datebegindefault']['descphrase'] = 'Choose the default date begining <b>if</b> the option to allow users to chose a date begining is enabled. <b>0 IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED!</b>';
$setting['shoutbox_datebegindefault']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_datebegindefault']['value'] = '0';
$setting['shoutbox_datebegindefault']['defaultvalue'] = '0';
$setting['shoutbox_datebegindefault']['optioncode'] = '';
$setting['shoutbox_datebegindefault']['displayorder'] = '13';

$setting['shoutbox_shoutsperpage']['titlephrase'] = 'Shouts Per Page';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutsperpage']['descphrase'] = 'How many shouts would you like to display per page by default in the shoutbox?';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutsperpage']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutsperpage']['value'] = '25';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutsperpage']['defaultvalue'] = '25';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutsperpage']['optioncode'] = '';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutsperpage']['displayorder'] = '14';

$setting['shoutbox_showtopshouters']['titlephrase'] = 'Show Top Shouters?';
$setting['shoutbox_showtopshouters']['descphrase'] = 'Selecting \'yes\' will the users with the top number of shouts.';
$setting['shoutbox_showtopshouters']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_showtopshouters']['value'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_showtopshouters']['defaultvalue'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_showtopshouters']['optioncode'] = 'yesno';
$setting['shoutbox_showtopshouters']['displayorder'] = '4';

$setting['shoutbox_closereason']['titlephrase'] = 'Close Reason';
$setting['shoutbox_closereason']['descphrase'] = 'Enter a reason for closing/disallowing new shouts here.';
$setting['shoutbox_closereason']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_closereason']['value'] = 'The shoutbox is closed.';
$setting['shoutbox_closereason']['defaultvalue'] = 'The shoutbox is closed.';
$setting['shoutbox_closereason']['optioncode'] = 'textarea';
$setting['shoutbox_closereason']['displayorder'] = '3';

$setting['shoutbox_allownewshouts']['titlephrase'] = 'Allow New Shouts?';
$setting['shoutbox_allownewshouts']['descphrase'] = 'Setting this to \'no\' will make the shoutbox viewable, but members will not be able to edit, delete, or hard delete their shouts, nor will they be able to post new ones.';
$setting['shoutbox_allownewshouts']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_allownewshouts']['value'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_allownewshouts']['defaultvalue'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_allownewshouts']['optioncode'] = 'yesno';
$setting['shoutbox_allownewshouts']['displayorder'] = '2';

$setting['shoutbox_open']['titlephrase'] = 'Shoutbox Active?';
$setting['shoutbox_open']['descphrase'] = 'If set to \'no\', only admins will be able to view the shoubtox until it is re-opened.';
$setting['shoutbox_open']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_open']['value'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_open']['defaultvalue'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_open']['optioncode'] = 'yesno';
$setting['shoutbox_open']['displayorder'] = '1';

$setting['shoutbox_maxunregshouts']['titlephrase'] = 'Maximum Times a Guest Can Shout?';
$setting['shoutbox_maxunregshouts']['descphrase'] = 'If you allow guests to shout, you can define this option to limit each guest to a certain amount of shouts before they are required to register to shout more. Set this to 0 to have no effect.';
$setting['shoutbox_maxunregshouts']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_maxunregshouts']['value'] = '0';
$setting['shoutbox_maxunregshouts']['defaultvalue'] = '0';
$setting['shoutbox_maxunregshouts']['optioncode'] = '';
$setting['shoutbox_maxunregshouts']['displayorder'] = '25';

$setting['shoutbox_shoutminchars']['titlephrase'] = 'Minimum Character Limit?';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutminchars']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to the minimum amount of characters you want to allow per shout. Set this to 0 to have no effect.';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutminchars']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutminchars']['value'] = '2';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutminchars']['defaultvalue'] = '5';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutminchars']['optioncode'] = '';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutminchars']['displayorder'] = '26';

$setting['shoutbox_shoutcharlimit']['titlephrase'] = 'Maximum Character Limit?';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutcharlimit']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to the maximum amount of characters you want to allow per shout. Set this to 0 to have no effect.';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutcharlimit']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutcharlimit']['value'] = '0';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutcharlimit']['defaultvalue'] = '0';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutcharlimit']['optioncode'] = '';
$setting['shoutbox_shoutcharlimit']['displayorder'] = '27';

$setting['shoutbox_iframe']['titlephrase'] = 'Use an iFrame on Forumhome?';
$setting['shoutbox_iframe']['descphrase'] = 'Setting this to yes will display an iFrame on forumhome instead of the normal &amp;lt;div&amp;gt;. This allows for auto-refreshing and other things but it also increases the total number of queries ran (since the iFrame also includes global.php and the rest of the vB back-end). ';
$setting['shoutbox_iframe']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_iframe']['value'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_iframe']['defaultvalue'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_iframe']['optioncode'] = 'yesno';
$setting['shoutbox_iframe']['displayorder'] = '28';

$setting['shoutbox_iframe_metarefresh']['titlephrase'] = 'Refresh iFrame Every x Seconds?';
$setting['shoutbox_iframe_metarefresh']['descphrase'] = 'Set this to the number of seconds between each automatic refresh of the iFrame on forumhome if you are using the iFrame.';
$setting['shoutbox_iframe_metarefresh']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_iframe_metarefresh']['value'] = '90';
$setting['shoutbox_iframe_metarefresh']['defaultvalue'] = '90';
$setting['shoutbox_iframe_metarefresh']['optioncode'] = '';
$setting['shoutbox_iframe_metarefresh']['displayorder'] = '29';

$setting['shoutbox_usestandardtextarea']['titlephrase'] = 'Use Standard Textarea?';
$setting['shoutbox_usestandardtextarea']['descphrase'] = 'Setting this to yes will display a standard textarea instead of the normal toolbar/WYSIWYG editor, since they may be too bulky for the shoutbox.';
$setting['shoutbox_usestandardtextarea']['grouptitle'] = 'shoutbox';
$setting['shoutbox_usestandardtextarea']['value'] = '0';
$setting['shoutbox_usestandardtextarea']['defaultvalue'] = '1';
$setting['shoutbox_usestandardtextarea']['optioncode'] = 'yesno';
$setting['shoutbox_usestandardtextarea']['displayorder'] = '30';


and this:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE vb3_language ADD `phrasegroup_shoutbox` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL
mysql error: Duplicate column name 'phrasegroup_shoutbox'

mysql error number: 1060

Date: Monday 13th of September 2004 09:08:17 PM
Script: http://www.punktek.com/forums/instal...=Shoutbox_Hack
Username: Trunks
IP Address:

alzibub 09-14-2004 05:56 PM

Any news on possible fixes, suggestions etc on the iframe issue I have got ?

Thanks and sorry for the hassle...

Link14716 09-15-2004 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by babolo
This has way to many errors It should be taken off

No it doesn't. It has a few errors that affect a minority of the users, and people keep reporting, as well as some MySQL errors that look either like I have a bad query, bad version detection, or it's just user error.

Link14716 09-15-2004 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Punktek.com
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE vb3_user SET uttpoints=uttpoints+.25 WHERE userid='1'
mysql error: Unknown column 'uttpoints' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Umm....*Confused* My shoutbox doesn't appear on forum home. I can type in forums/shoutbox.php and it'll take me to it. Once I'm there I can type in a shout but it gives me that error up there.

I tried re-installing and got this on the final install page:


and this:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE vb3_language ADD `phrasegroup_shoutbox` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL
mysql error: Duplicate column name 'phrasegroup_shoutbox'

mysql error number: 1060

Date: Monday 13th of September 2004 09:08:17 PM
Script: http://www.punktek.com/forums/instal...=Shoutbox_Hack
Username: Trunks
IP Address:

Don't post the entire settings.php file, put it in [code] next time, please. It looks like it is just missing the starting tag (<?php) which causes HTML output.

Link14716 09-15-2004 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by alzibub
Any news on possible fixes, suggestions etc on the iframe issue I have got ?

Thanks and sorry for the hassle...

Quote your original post or provide a link to it, or repost it. It's hard searching through all these posts to find one post on one particular issue.

Link14716 09-15-2004 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by RasMasta
It doesn't let me upgrade

The installer should autodetect whether or not you have 1.03 installed and will uograde instead of doing a fresh install, thus making that query not be ran, and not causing an error.

Link14716 09-15-2004 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Link14716
Second, to everyone getting those errors starting with "Warning: readdir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /htdocs/www/forum/install/hack_install.php on line 22". I need more information. Web server (probably apache) and version and PHP version. Otherwise it'll be hard for me to fix this since I cannot reproduce this error, and the functions used dates back to PHP3.

I'm still waiting for this information from people who have this error so I can investigate - which is kind of hard to do without knowing what causes the error or being able to reproduce it myself.

TruthElixirX 09-15-2004 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Link14716
Don't post the entire settings.php file, put it in [code] next time, please. It looks like it is just missing the starting tag (<?php) which causes HTML output.

Thanks and sorry.

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  • ./includes/class_bbcode_alt.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode.php
  • ./includes/functions_bigthree.php 

Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
  • init_startup_session_setup_start
  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
  • cache_permissions
  • fetch_threadinfo_query
  • fetch_threadinfo
  • fetch_foruminfo
  • style_fetch
  • cache_templates
  • global_start
  • parse_templates
  • global_setup_complete
  • printthread_start
  • pagenav_page
  • pagenav_complete
  • bbcode_fetch_tags
  • bbcode_create
  • bbcode_parse_start
  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • printthread_post
  • printthread_complete