Thanks again for this extremly useful mod! working like a charm on 3.03.
We have a separate photo gallery that our members upload to and I need to use this a lot to post links and details on behalf of members who upload pics and don't get around to writing about their pics in the forums.
Also very handy for moving posts from a now defunct yahoogroup, and changing the timestamp and username.
And great for re-ordering posts in linear threads.
I need to try it for re- ordering stickies.
One drawback is that I can only make these changes during an edit, which means that I first need to submit the post in my username, ( with a comment - "posted on behalf of xxxusername") then I edit username, remove the comment, and all is roses.
I could post/prepare the message in a private forum, then move it over, but this way it doesn't seem to activate as a new post unless I reply to the post.
(This has to do with moving posts/threads from forum to forum, nothing to do with this mod)
I can't imagine it would be possible with this mod to change the username before posting, and it's fine because I am able to get the task done.