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edenx 05-12-2008 04:19 PM


I have a style problem:
In Internet Explorer the "Collapse button" remains on one line not at the left side...

Anyone having the same problem?
How can I fix this?

See attached image.

burlesque 05-12-2008 07:03 PM

I've just upgraded and the side columns are showing where I have set them in the admin, however I have several pages which do not show side columns because they are not included in the list.

These are mostly pages which have been created by other mods, but version 2.0 worked on all pages. How do I get this feature back?!

Chadi 05-12-2008 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by karnevil (Post 1516247)
I had the same so unistalled the product from product manager and reinstalled the xml file. then it worked fine.

That did not fix it for me. Error still there.


Originally Posted by Baldilocks (Post 1517241)
Please learn people skills! I have done that already. Thank you. Next!!

Agreed. It obviously does not work for everyone here. Nothing shows up in the usergroup manager whatsoever.

megawelle 05-13-2008 08:35 AM

hi, somehow the conditionals don't work. if i use

<if condition="$show['guest']"></if>
in one of the templates, the block doesn't show up at all.

peterska2 05-13-2008 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by odyglo (Post 1516169)
I'm getting this same error in the options, though it isn't telling me anything useful. I've tried several times, have disabled all plug-ins and am using default 3.7 templates... still get the error and columns aren't showing up on any of the forum pages.

Does anyone know what the problem may be?

You haven't uploaded the files in the upload folder. Upload the files in the upload folder then reimport the product.


Originally Posted by karnevil (Post 1516247)
I had the same so unistalled the product from product manager and reinstalled the xml file. then it worked fine.

The files need to be uploaded before the product is imported.


Originally Posted by karnevil (Post 1516281)
I am however ending up with two left columns - identical except one is positioned higher than the other? any ideas?

Either use the manual edits setting or delete the old manual edits from your header and footer templates.


Originally Posted by Baldilocks (Post 1516568)
I can't get the columns to show up at all.. :( <sigh>

You need to enable them, set the permissions for who can view them, and set the pages that they are displayed on. You also need to add some contents. When you have done this you will see your columns.


Originally Posted by chadi (Post 1517555)
That did not fix it for me. Error still there.

Agreed. It obviously does not work for everyone here. Nothing shows up in the usergroup manager whatsoever.


This is clearly stated in the upgrade instructions, in the first post of this thread, in the post that was added when the update was released, and was stated in the notification of an update that was sent out to people that have marked this as installed. It is very important to read instructions and follow them exactly.

peterska2 05-13-2008 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by megawelle (Post 1518027)
hi, somehow the conditionals don't work. if i use in one of the templates, the block doesn't show up at all.

What condition are you trying to use and what is happening?


Originally Posted by edenx (Post 1517395)

I have a style problem:
In Internet Explorer the "Collapse button" remains on one line not at the left side...

Anyone having the same problem?
How can I fix this?

See attached image.

This could be something specific to IE. I'll look into it for possible fixing in 2.2


Originally Posted by chadi (Post 1515844)
I see absolutely nothing regarding USC on this in usergroup manager.



Originally Posted by odyglo (Post 1516169)
I'm getting this same error in the options, though it isn't telling me anything useful. I've tried several times, have disabled all plug-ins and am using default 3.7 templates... still get the error and columns aren't showing up on any of the forum pages.

Does anyone know what the problem may be?


peterska2 05-13-2008 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by slmoney (Post 1516197)
Upgraded..works fine...I just miss the option to have it show on ALL pages.

It's making a comeback in 2.2 - I sorta forgot about it in 2.1 :(


Originally Posted by karnevil (Post 1516281)
I am however ending up with two left columns - identical except one is positioned higher than the other? any ideas?

Either use the manual edit option in the settings, or use the automatic option and remove the old code added to the templates.


Originally Posted by Baldilocks (Post 1516467)
The .zip file is corrupt. At least its showing as empty when I try to extract aything.

Thats a problem with your firewall. Disable it then download the file again.


Originally Posted by chadi (Post 1515547)
I just installed this and I'm getting nothing at all showing up on the forum home.

I've done the following
- uploaded files
- imported xml (overwrite)
- enabled forum home right column / edit templates manual in vbulletin options
- manually edited forumhome template accordingly

Now, Out of the 20+ templates USC creates, I'm baffled which one to edit.

The manual edit shows "usc_right", yet not one of the USC templates shows this. I see usc_sidecolumn_right which already has pre-filled content.

You edit the templates called block_ as per the instructions.

peterska2 05-13-2008 10:13 AM

right then, I know this should be clear by now, but it appears that there is a lot of problems following instructions.

USC 2.1 has additional files. You need to upload the files first BEFORE importing the product

2.2 did have more features. Going off the number of people having problems following the instructions to upgrade to 2.1 this is now being scrapped. 2.2 is now going to be a bug fix release only.

The new features are going on indefinite hold and earmarked for 3.0 which will be created when I have time and released when instructions can be followed as it will be complex for the initial setup. As I have previously mentioned, USC has a life of its own and is evolving rapidly. The more it evolves the more complex it will become. If a relatively simple version is causing so much difficulty then version 3.0 is going to have to be rethought. This will not happen quickly as a lot of though needs to be put in to the plans for the future of it.

Chadi 05-13-2008 10:40 AM

Thanks Kerry. Finally got this working. However, one slight problem.

I cannot figure out where the line break is coming from. The column should be even with the rest of the forum, left side.

I added the below in the block 11 template, nothing else.


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I did the manual edits as well in forumhome. Could you explain where the extra break is coming from?

peterska2 05-13-2008 10:54 AM

bad html mate.

Your missing a </tr> after

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<a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/">Bible Gateway</a>

IE does funny things with bad html

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