peterska2 |
01-21-2007 11:14 PM |
Originally Posted by hIBEES
(Post 1162569)
BD error here
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.4:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT t.threadid, t.title, t.lastpost, t.forumid,, t.replycount, t.postusername, t.postuserid, t.lastposter, t.dateline, t.views, t.visible, t.firstpostid, f.title AS forumtitle, post.pagetext AS preview
FROM forum f
INNER JOIN thread t ON t.forumid = f.forumid
LEFT OUTER JOIN post AS post ON post.postid = t.firstpostid WHERE t.forumid = 0 AND visible = 1
ORDER BY dateline DESC
MySQL Error : Column: 'visible' in where clause is ambiguous
now my install varies a bit different in the fact that I want to use this as a site map would you believe
I already have phpportal installed in the rootand and am happy with it ...
I need a site map for my forum so was thinkin of using this to add info etc to any new sections we might have on our site and explain to user what's what :)
I renamed it to sitemap.php and get that error
Does this NEED to be a portal install in the root then ?
[high]* hIBEES is confused and goes to study instructions lol[/high]
You haven't put a forumid in the vBOptions for it.
It can be installed in either the root or the forums directory, but you still need to follow the entire instructions.
Originally Posted by bigr5026
(Post 1162601)
im havingthe same issue as the person above
See solution above.
Originally Posted by Pierre-Yves
(Post 1162739)
For this problem, replace line 62 and 116 in portal.php
Line 62
Line 116
The code has not changed since the earlier versions. The only change is to the queries to fix the problem with moderated threads being displayed.
Originally Posted by bigr5026
(Post 1162811)
still wont work
No, it won't because the fix posted by Pierre-Yves isn't needed.
Originally Posted by JamieLee2k
(Post 1163686)
I am getting the same database error as hIBEES
MySQL Error : Column 'visible' in where clause is ambiguous
Check your vBOptions are set right for it.
Originally Posted by hIBEES
(Post 1162965)
Sort off worked lol
As soon as I change the forum ID and have a forum ID in the " Forum ID
Specify the second (optional) forumid where you want your news to come from. " section I get the error again...
Working just now thou so thanks :D :up:
Make sure that your forumid numbers are correct.
Originally Posted by JamieLee2k
(Post 1163692)
So I used the fix from Pierre Yves and a few things need sorting, Since it's took the header from the forums things have changed, the header now doesn't show the images and the shoutbox isn't working properly, it just says loading all the time.
This is because the fix posted is not required. Please replace your file with the copy attached.