DragonByte Tech |
02-06-2012 11:58 AM |
Originally Posted by jack-d
(Post 2296615)
I have searched and can not find an answer to why you have to refresh the page after hitting the thanks button to see the attachments. I have seen other questions about this but no answer. Is this supposed to auto-refresh.
There's an issue with auto-refreshing on 4.1.10 as they changed the way attachments work. It's currently in Alpha testing on one person's site, I will make a release when I'm sure he's not going to report back any issues :)
Originally Posted by RoG Aftermath
(Post 2296665)
Love this mod but something is happening to the images next to the thanks and likes buttons, anyone know how to fix? I am running 4.1.7 image is below
Try these instructions and see if they help, be sure to back up any template / CSS you change. If they don't help, then we're sadly unable to assist with this as this is not something that happens on a default skin.
This is most commonly the result of CSS settings, namely the background attribute of the .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a, .eventbit .eventfoot .eventcontrols a { CSS class, in postbit.css.
To fix it, please try the following steps:
Step 1) Remove all the contents of the postbit_control_background StyleVar.
Step 2) If that didn't fix it, please enter the postbit.css file and find the .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a, .eventbit .eventfoot .eventcontrols a { CSS class, and remove the background: definition.