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divided_by_fear 11-22-2005 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by christianb
As you can see at the top of this thread (or any page within this thread) - this hack is NOT supported. Which means that we fend for ourselves or don't use the hack at all. Not to sound harsh, but that's the truth. I don't like it any more than anyone else does. But what can you do?

Edit: Also, I seriously doubt this hack will move past the beta stage, let alone 3.5.0.

lol yeah you hit the nail on the head.... what i think is funny to is the coder must have known its messed up... he or she dont even run it on there own site so thats how you know this hack aint working to well.... but ill use it for now till something better comes out

Telegon80 11-22-2005 10:19 PM

i guess i wont be installing then.

Rich 11-22-2005 10:53 PM


I will say this again. I am running FOUR 3.5 sites and they ALL have this installed. The only thing I needed to change was the spelling of vBulletin to vbulletin in the includes/xml file. ALL of them went flawless once that was done. Where exactly is everyone encountering issues with this modification?

2 of my installs were on 3.5.1 and 2 were on 3.5.0. I have also done 3 other installs for users and haven't had an issue with any of them.

divided_by_fear 11-22-2005 10:59 PM

what every one is encountering is the fact that this mod dont work... thats the bottom line it dont import the members to sql when they donate... no need to get mad im sure they seen that fix a few times... but the mod simply dont work... you have to add the people to the donations manually it dont import them to sql... i have tried this with a few coders on here and they all get the same thing it dont import the donor... thats the bottom line... it is a nice mod dont get me wrong but when you see that the coder dont even run his own mod on his site then you know something is wrong...

Rich 11-22-2005 11:18 PM


Thats funny because whenever someone on MY sites donate, they are added to the list and they get the donor button automagically.

You may want to recheck what it is you are doing. Mine works fine. (On ALL of my sites.)

divided_by_fear 11-22-2005 11:20 PM

well lol i know alot of people that it dont work on or work for... even if you try to manually goto the ppverify.php your self you get a sql error... so how can paypal report that it was a donation when the file gives a sql error?

Rich 11-22-2005 11:27 PM


I don't get a sql error when i go to my ppverify page. I get a solid white screen.



divided_by_fear 11-22-2005 11:30 PM

i bet you dont get a sql error lol


I may have moved this page, or you may be trying to access things you shouldn't be! Anyway you slice it though, whatever it is you were looking for is not here! :P

that was this page http://www.herpcenter.com/ppverify.com

on this page http://www.herphabitats.com/ppverify.php

There seems to have been a problem with the Herp Habitats database.
Please try again by clicking the Refresh button in your web browser.

An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, whom you can also contact if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

and on this page


Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to www.paypal.com:80 in /ppverify.php on line 98

Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /ppverify.php on line 156

Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /ppverify.php on line 157

Warning: fgets(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /ppverify.php on line 158

Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /ppverify.php on line 157

Warning: fgets(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /ppverify.php on line 158

Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /ppverify.php on line 157

Warning: fgets(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /ppverify.php on line 158

Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /ppverify.php on line 157

Warning: fgets(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /ppverify.php on line 158

Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /ppverify.php on line 157

Warning: fgets(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /ppverify.php on line 158

Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /ppverify.php on line 157

Warning: fgets(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /ppverify.php on line 158

Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /ppverify.php on line 157

Warning: fgets(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /ppverify.php on line 158

Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /ppverify.php on line 157

Warning: fgets(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /ppverify.php on line 158

seems to me you get more then errors

divided_by_fear 11-22-2005 11:31 PM

so how are you going to say you dont get errors?

Rich 11-22-2005 11:37 PM


In all seriousness, I wouldn't have posted any of those links if they weren't working. lol I just transfered servers earlier this week. I never bothered to see if they were still running properly as they were prior to the move. lol

I will have an updated version for everyone to download shortly now that I see that mine aren't working any longer. lmao (I am not the author for this. I just do my own repairs as needed and capable.)

divided_by_fear 11-22-2005 11:42 PM

its cool i just wish the author would fix it... maybe you can get it working im hoping so... its something to do with how it imports the donor to sql i know that much....

Rich 11-22-2005 11:49 PM


I will see if I can have a functioning version by tomorrow but I make no guarantees. I try to fix all of my own stuff when it breaks, but I am still an amateur compared to all of the good coders on the site. lol

divided_by_fear 11-22-2005 11:51 PM

yeah its just sad that the coder who made this just stopped supporting it... if you look on his site he dont use it so thats how you know something was up... i have tried writing him but he dont support it no more i guess

Jenta 11-23-2005 12:06 AM

Been working perfect for me on 3.5.0 and 3.5.1. I did convert it to a full and proper product so that it would stop losing the settings on upgrades. Might post it here one day.

divided_by_fear 11-23-2005 12:17 AM

yeah that would be nice... but i dont look forward to it by your reply

ManagerJosh 11-24-2005 09:34 AM

Just out of curosity Cloud, but when do you expect to release the next version of this awesome hack so it allows us to move members from one usergroup to another? :)

cbr929rrerion 11-24-2005 11:15 PM

ok.. Can some one help me with this.. I want to add the buttons for the amounts and stuff and I have no sub menue in acp, I have one unde vbulletin where we put in the email address etc, but how do I set up the buttons and stiff for the amounts to donate?


cbr929rrerion 11-25-2005 12:23 AM

changing the B to b in the xml fixed it for me..

Snake 11-25-2005 02:00 PM

OK I have installed the hack but I can't view the ACP navigations links at the left? Is it beacuse I've got too many links?

DS MrSinister 11-25-2005 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by Aftermath
OK I have installed the hack but I can't view the ACP navigations links at the left? Is it beacuse I've got too many links?

this will fix your admincp problem.


Snake 11-25-2005 02:50 PM

Thank you.

cbr929rrerion 11-25-2005 04:04 PM

I need help with this.. If I leave the dollar amout blank so the user can fill it in it says the amout has to be larger than 0, but the insturctions say it will let the user fill in the amount, any way to fix it so the one who donates can put the $ value in a box and hit the donate button?

or how can I make it work like it suppose to.. lol

cbr929rrerion 11-25-2005 04:21 PM

oh and yeah.. where it inserts the donated image in the member info and postbit and stuff really messed up my templates too.. Guess it works best on clean versions of VB with no other hacks.. I edited it and put it where I wanted it.. I think it looks pretty good on my board now...

Rich 11-25-2005 06:37 PM


I haven't had time to play with this. As I stated, my sites are in the process of being moved to my new servers. (VERY time consuming.) Each of my sites are heavily modified, so I have to edit each site as it is moved.

Jenta, I would be very interested in having this as a product if you would be kind enough to release it. If you prefer to not offer this to the public, would you be kind enough to shoot me a PM?

MusicMan 11-25-2005 06:45 PM

Edit: Since the author of this hack seems to be horrible at coding, and horrible at fixing bugs and offering support, I'm just going to uninstall this and hope it didn't screw up my install of 3.5.1 permanently. No need posting what the problem is if the guy is too lazy to fix his own work.

cbr929rrerion 11-25-2005 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Mith
Yeah, theres a bit of a problem with the auto install routine, it tries to ammend the modifyoptions template for you, but unfortunately, messes it up a bit.

To add it in yourself in modifyoptions template


                                  <td><label for="cb_invisible"><input type="checkbox" name="options[invisible]" value="1" id="cb_invisible" $checked[invisible] />$vbphrase[use_invisible_mode]</label><input type="hidden" name="set_options[invisible]" value="1" /></td>

add under:

<!-- DONATIONS -->
<fieldset class="fieldset">
        <legend><label for="cb_showdonor">My Donor Status</label></legend>
        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="$stylevar[formspacer]" border="0" width="100%">
                <td>Shall We Show Your Donor Status To The Public?</td>
                <td><label for="cb_showdonor"><input type="checkbox" name="showdonor" value="1" id="cb_showdonor" $checked[showdonor] />Show My Donor Status To The Public</label></td>

That will give users the option back to display their donor status or not.

Hope that helps.

the thing that was causing my problem there is it was adding an extra entry of...

<if condition="$show['reputationoption']">

I deleted it and the error went away...

ready for next set of problems...

Chief Corn 11-25-2005 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by MusicMan
Edit: Since the author of this hack seems to be horrible at coding, and horrible at fixing bugs and offering support, I'm just going to uninstall this and hope it didn't screw up my install of 3.5.1 permanently. No need posting what the problem is if the guy is too lazy to fix his own work.

158 people have the hack installed. so it must work. you can't say he's a horrible coder just because it doesn't work for you. it states that the mod is unsupported so you installed it at your own risk.

cbr929rrerion 11-25-2005 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Chief Corn
158 people have the hack installed. so it must work. you can't say he's a horrible coder just because it doesn't work for you. it states that the mod is unsupported so you installed it at your own risk.

The hack does work.. I have 3.5 Gold and vbcmps 2.0 and it works, yes you have to modify some code, yes it would be nice if the author would fix the known issues. I have got it to work on my site with various code repairs and changes.

There is currently only 1 problem I can not fix and that is leaving the donation amout blank so the person can choose an amount, it works but when you click it you get an error..

Christian has the same error on his site.. love to have a fix for that so the user can enter what ever amount they desire.. but have not found the fix yet..

SO YES.. it works in 3.5 but be prepared to edit some code and templates.

DS MrSinister 11-25-2005 10:56 PM

lol did you try to making the button amount 0.00 or leaving it blank.? so your members can enter the amount in.

cbr929rrerion 11-25-2005 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by DS MrSinister
lol did you try to making the button amount 0.00 or leaving it blank.? so your members can enter the amount in.

I sure did.. no luck.. the button appears, all seems ok, but click it and you get an error saying amount must be greater than 0.00


Check it out..

DS MrSinister 11-26-2005 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by cbr929rrerion
I sure did.. no luck.. the button appears, all seems ok, but click it and you get an error saying amount must be greater than 0.00


Check it out..

Check out mine


cbr929rrerion 11-26-2005 12:39 AM

Please enter an amount greater than zero.

error there too

DS MrSinister 11-26-2005 01:16 AM

where are you getting this error. your site page or paypal page.

When you click on mine donation button it will take you to paypal site then you have to enter the dollar amount you want to donate like 1.00 etc. and enter your pass and click continue.

should not give you a error..

cbr929rrerion 11-26-2005 01:24 AM

I get an error on the paypal page..

Let me set up a button and see if you go to paypal to eneter the amount..

Gimme 30 seconds

DS MrSinister 11-26-2005 02:13 AM

just tested it seems to work fine for me.

cbr929rrerion 11-26-2005 04:29 AM

OK.. well after watching the devils rejects.. cool movie.. I did some thesting.. Cleared my history, cleared my oreo's, etc..

Works fine..

So it appears oreo based.. so guys and gals.. if ya get this error when you leave the dollar amount blank, and click it and the paypal site gives an error to enter an amount greater than 0.00.. its an oreo (cookie) deal.. your users probably will not have this problem but since we test everything we usually do...

Thank you MrSinister for all your help.. You Rock...

Grant you this is not your Code but you are slowly adopting it.. lol all 32 pages...

DS MrSinister 11-26-2005 04:47 AM


only if i was a coder.

Flow Fusion 11-26-2005 07:45 AM


SCRIPT3R 11-26-2005 06:09 PM

ok, i've been screwing with this now for a while. i FINALLY got everything to work correctly except for a few things. the vBadvanced Module Percent Bar is not affected. nor are any "Top Donors" displayed inside the module, although we've had donations. any suggestions?

DS MrSinister 11-26-2005 06:58 PM

are you using these templates. adv_portal_donate, adv_portal_donate_goals, adv_portal_donate_goals_user

go here make sure u have all the templates added


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