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TygerTyger 10-30-2005 07:44 PM

Once again Andrew, thank you very much for your stellar support and effort on this Add. It's truly paid off spectacularly well.

I mentioned an issue before whereby renamed files (links.php) etc were still retaining their original names in the links page menus and so on. That seems to have been sorted out, except for the 'Administer' drop-down menu which still refers to local_links_admin after it's been renamed.

kadafi_alive 10-30-2005 08:13 PM

Hi Andrew,

At present, it only updates hit after someone downloads. Is there a way to add hitcount for streaming media?

Much thanks in advance


Vtec44 10-31-2005 04:26 AM


I modified the links_catbit & links_subcatbit, added an "If" statement so it changes the icon to a different color whenever a new item is added. I'm not sure if these have been implimented with the newer version, I'm still using v2.05. Here's a screen shoot, you're more than welcome to use it in the next versions :D Thanks for all the hardwork, I'm planning to use your mod extensively on my forum.

AndrewD 10-31-2005 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by benj
umm andew after looking deeper into 2.0.7 relised that your hit parade thing is cool but not what i ment when i PM'd you to clarifyi kinda ment

sort by hits

hits today
hits this week
hits this month

on a category basis

the hit parade is still cool tho

just thought id clarify that

cheers for all the hard work

OK - so that I'm clear - when people are looking at a category, you want them to be able to sort the list by 'total hits', 'hits today', 'hits this week' and 'hits this month'?

AndrewD 10-31-2005 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by Vtec44

I modified the links_catbit & links_subcatbit, added an "If" statement so it changes the icon to a different color whenever a new item is added. I'm not sure if these have been implimented with the newer version, I'm still using v2.05. Here's a screen shoot, you're more than welcome to use it in the next versions :D Thanks for all the hardwork, I'm planning to use your mod extensively on my forum.

Thanks - looks good - these will be included as of the second beta for 2.0.7.

AndrewD 10-31-2005 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by TygerTyger
Once again Andrew, thank you very much for your stellar support and effort on this Add. It's truly paid off spectacularly well.

I mentioned an issue before whereby renamed files (links.php) etc were still retaining their original names in the links page menus and so on. That seems to have been sorted out, except for the 'Administer' drop-down menu which still refers to local_links_admin after it's been renamed.

Correct - will fix in the second beta.

AndrewD 10-31-2005 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by kadafi_alive
Hi Andrew,

At present, it only updates hit after someone downloads. Is there a way to add hitcount for streaming media?

Much thanks in advance


Yes, in the second beta for 2.0.7. Thanks for pointing this out.

kadafi_alive 10-31-2005 06:31 AM


I have tried creating a linked subforum for one of the categories, but when i click the linked subforum, it gives me an error page:

I have checked the link and it was:


so obviously, it has omitted the "local_links" phrase


AndrewD 10-31-2005 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by kadafi_alive

I have tried creating a linked subforum for one of the categories, but when i click the linked subforum, it gives me an error page:

I have checked the link and it was:


so obviously, it has omitted the "local_links" phrase


Confirmed, will be fixed in second beta. You will have to delete and recreate the linked forum, or go into your main VB admin and manually edit the forum redirect to the correct url.

AndrewD 10-31-2005 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by benj
2.0.7 looks wkd to me one more small request maybe a "uploading please wait" when a file is being uploaded :D cheers

To be included in second beta.

I feared you wanted a progress meter - these are much harder to get working.

Benj 10-31-2005 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
To be included in second beta.

I feared you wanted a progress meter - these are much harder to get working.

hahha yeah i know how hard they are to get working... everyones struggling with them these days.

and yeah andew your post about sorting by hits is totally correct! cheeers :D


Dark_Wizard 10-31-2005 10:51 AM

I'm assuming this supports categories and if so does it support subcategories?

AndrewD 10-31-2005 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Dark_Wizard
I'm assuming this supports categories and if so does it support subcategories?


And you can put an entry in several categories at the same time...

TundraSoul 10-31-2005 07:34 PM

<i>Good job Andrew, I upgraded successfully.</i> I like the ability to edit the link date, and I'm looking forward to beta 2. I couldn't however get the SEO links to work. When I tried it, and clicked on the category link, I was simply taken back to the forums. Note, I'm using vB SEO, so that may have something to do with it.

My favorites from the wishlist: + Provide some form of keyword association
- perhaps linked to user profile

AndrewD 11-01-2005 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by TundraSoul
I couldn't get the SEO links to work. When I tried it, and clicked on the category link, I was simply taken back to the forums. Note, I'm using vB SEO, so that may have something to do with it.

Sorry to hear this. I don't know about VB SEO. Within Apache, these are the rules you need:


RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule local_links/links/(.+)/(.+) local_links.php?catid=$1&linkid=$2 [R]
RewriteRule local_links/links/(.+)      local_links.php?catid=$1 [R]
RewriteRule local_links/jump/(.+)/(.+)  local_links.php?action=jump&id=$1&catid=$2 [R]
RewriteRule local_links/jump/(.+)      local_links.php?action=jump&id=$1 [R]

TundraSoul 11-01-2005 05:50 AM

Thanks, I'll gve that a try.

Is it possible to improve the keyword searching? For instance currently if I search for 2000 Toyota Celica, it find every link with any of the words from my search. Instead I would rather find those links with all the words in my search. I think this is called search by phrase.

AndrewD 11-01-2005 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by TundraSoul
Thanks, I'll gve that a try.

Is it possible to improve the keyword searching? For instance currently if I search for 2000 Toyota Celica, it find every link with any of the words from my search. Instead I would rather find those links with all the words in my search. I think this is called search by phrase.

Put quotation marks around the string. By default, it looks separately for each word - perhaps this is wrong.

*Edited* Alternatively, change *match_using_like* to 1 in LDM's admin/settings page.

By default, LDM uses SQL's 'Boolean Mode' full text searches. This is powerful but has some idiosyncracies. Ditto the alternative SQL 'LIKE' matching.

bhxtyrant 11-01-2005 12:10 PM

Hey Andrew,I ave a quick question.I remember i asked you this a long time ago back when i was using the version of LDM for vBulliten 3.0

I just wanted to ask how to once again remove the "Trawled during scan /file path/" message which is automatically put in when files are added to LDM 2.0.5.Thansk as always!

AndrewD 11-01-2005 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
Hey Andrew,I ave a quick question.I remember i asked you this a long time ago back when i was using the version of LDM for vBulliten 3.0

I just wanted to ask how to once again remove the "Trawled during scan /file path/" message which is automatically put in when files are added to LDM 2.0.5.Thansk as always!

It's built using the template links_scantext - just edit that template to say whatever you want.

bhxtyrant 11-01-2005 01:37 PM

Hmm there doesnt seem to be a template called "links_scantext" i only see links_Admin_Scan_one,links_Admin_Scan_start,links_ Admin_Scan_end,links_Admin_Sca n_line.

AndrewD 11-01-2005 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
Hmm there doesnt seem to be a template called "links_scantext" i only see links_Admin_Scan_one,links_Admin_Scan_start,links_ Admin_Scan_end,links_Admin_Scan_line.

Sorry, forgot you were using 2.0.5. In 2.0.6, I modified how this phrase was built up to make it easier to change.

Either look for the phrase ll_trawled or edit local_links_admin.php and go to line 1517, which reads

list ($insert_status, $linkid) = insert_link ($vbulletin->userinfo['username'], $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'], $title, $key, '', $vbphrase['ll_trawled'].' '.$dir, $pcatid, $pforum, $statuscheck, $moderate, 0);
Its the sequence

$vbphrase['ll_trawled'].' '.$dir
that you need to change - be careful that you don't mess the commas

bhxtyrant 11-01-2005 02:19 PM

Thanks man :) i got it now.Guess i should upgrade to the newest version soon,I didn't upgrade yet mainly because i'm waiting for any possible bugs to be worked out and the upload feature isn't something i majorly need as i prefer adding things via FTP :) glad to hear these little things are becoming much easier to edit though.Ease of use is always a good thing.Keep up the awsome work.

AndrewD 11-01-2005 02:40 PM

* Edited* Beta 2 withdrawn - see main post for 2.0.7 RC

Here is the second beta for 2.0.7. It fixes/adds the main points discussed in the last two days:

+ Images in category bits, thanks to VTec44
+ 'Please wait' message displayed after add/edit link, thanks benj
+ 'Sort links by hits in last 30/7/1 days' added, ditto (ouch, was that sql painful...)

bugs fixed
> Admin drop-down menu correctly accesses renamed scripts
> Streamer records 'hits'
> Url in linked forum corrected

I hope there are no serious bugs - I'm going away this weekend and will be pretty busy for three weeks.

xeon 11-01-2005 05:06 PM

Per post #227 in this thread I would assume this works with older 3.0.x installations. Can someone confirm this? Very nice hack that I'd like to use.

AndrewD 11-01-2005 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by xeon
Per post #227 in this thread I would assume this works with older 3.0.x installations. Can someone confirm this? Very nice hack that I'd like to use.

There is a version for 3.0.x here - fully working, but I'd prefer not to spend time supporting it any longer ;)

The 3.5.0 version has had quite some additional features.

Benj 11-01-2005 08:29 PM


+ 'Sort links by hits in last 30/7/1 days' added, ditto (ouch, was that sql painful...)
andrew your the man! when i get 10 mins ill upload this to my test site thanks alot for your work. whats your paypal account man i wanna donate ( when i get payed :P )

fringehead 11-01-2005 09:36 PM

Thanks for the upgrade and the help Andrew!


Benj 11-01-2005 09:36 PM

o no not another request lol sorry any way i can call hits by 30/7/1 days via url like ?timespan=30 need this so i can link to a cat like

whats hot in catname today
what hot in catname this week
whats hot in catname this month

if you get me


AndrewD 11-02-2005 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by benj
o no not another request lol sorry any way i can call hits by 30/7/1 days via url like ?timespan=30 need this so i can link to a cat like

whats hot in catname today
what hot in catname this week
whats hot in catname this month

if you get me


/local_links.php?action=show&sort=30&catlist=1,2,3 for categories with catids 1,2 and 3
/local_links.php?action=show&sort=1&catlist=1 for catid 1
/local_links.php?action=show&sort=7 for all categories

You get the catids by hovering over the category url

Edited - if you have only one category of interest, then you can use instead

/local_links.php?sort=1&catid=1 [nb catid, not catlist and the action=show is omitted]

Then you will also get the proper category header displayed instead of a sort message.

robihot 11-02-2005 12:02 PM

First I have to say: Great extension!

I could install 2.0.7 and beside one problem, it is working fine.

- The resized image (thumbnail) is not displayed even with GD2 installed (no problems in VB3.5.0 with thumbs)

Any idea? Thanks for your help.


Change: Problem occurs only with GIF. JPG is working fine :-))

EasyTarget 11-02-2005 03:22 PM

I thought I read something about where you added the option to make the links_linkbit page act as a link to a more in depth file description and download page. I might have just been interpretating something wrong though.
(i'm using the latest beta).

if it can't do that yet, I think it'd be nice to add that option to the administer settings page where you can choose the category selection and linkbit templates. if that option is already in there, I probably just haven't figured out how to use it yet as I haven't really gone through the readme yet.. so disregard if that's the case :p

AndrewD 11-02-2005 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by EasyTarget
I thought I read something about where you added the option to make the links_linkbit page act as a link to a more in depth file description and download page. I might have just been interpretating something wrong though.
(i'm using the latest beta).

if it can't do that yet, I think it'd be nice to add that option to the administer settings page where you can choose the category selection and linkbit templates. if that option is already in there, I probably just haven't figured out how to use it yet as I haven't really gone through the readme yet.. so disregard if that's the case :p

Thanks - no the option isn't there yet - I half wrote the code on a plane to Berlin then decided to try a different approach - bear with me a while longer as I thinnk it's a good idea.

AndrewD 11-02-2005 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by robihot
First I have to say: Great extension!

I could install 2.0.7 and beside one problem, it is working fine.

- The resized image (thumbnail) is not displayed even with GD2 installed (no problems in VB3.5.0 with thumbs)

Any idea? Thanks for your help.


Change: Problem occurs only with GIF. JPG is working fine :-))

I'm at a bit of a loss - can you give me more information on how you are identifying the images - url, etc?. Attached is a screenshot showing a jpg and two gifs - the first gif is coming from my local machine and the second is coming from a remote web site.

Benj 11-02-2005 04:39 PM

how do you add images like that to tracks ??? looks cool andrew

AndrewD 11-02-2005 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by benj
how do you add images like that to tracks ??? looks cool andrew

admin page -> set link_imagesize =100 or so, then add link form gains a new field for the url of an image that will be resized to 100 pixels on largest dimension. Only works if your server has the gd2 lib installed.

Another way is simply to put [img] bbcodes into the link desciption

robihot 11-02-2005 06:41 PM

Hello Andrew,

I tried both, URL and direct path. In both cases the Thumbnail is not displayed/resized if GIF format. Stranghe is, JPG and PNG is working fine (they are located in the same directory).

No clue why this happens...

AndrewD 11-02-2005 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by robihot
Hello Andrew,

I tried both, URL and direct path. In both cases the Thumbnail is not displayed/resized if GIF format. Stranghe is, JPG and PNG is working fine (they are located in the same directory).

No clue why this happens...

Maybe you can email me one of your gifs. Then I can see if the problem is your end or mine. - ad_rodin at noos.fr

AndrewD 11-02-2005 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by EasyTarget
I thought I read something about where you added the option to make the links_linkbit page act as a link to a more in depth file description and download page. I might have just been interpretating something wrong though.
(i'm using the latest beta).

if it can't do that yet, I think it'd be nice to add that option to the administer settings page where you can choose the category selection and linkbit templates. if that option is already in there, I probably just haven't figured out how to use it yet as I haven't really gone through the readme yet.. so disregard if that's the case :p

I'm not sure that I really like the look yet, but perhaps you can try this variant on the link_listbit template and let me know if that's what you are wanting to achieve. Bear in mind that with the links collapsed by default, you are relying on your users enabling javascript.

welo 11-02-2005 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by robihot
I tried both, URL and direct path. In both cases the Thumbnail is not displayed/resized if GIF format. Stranghe is, JPG and PNG is working fine (they are located in the same directory).

Since your physical location isn't displayed, this is only speculation here ... although, it occurs to me the GIF patent hasn't yet expired in all countries. If you (or your server or host) is in a country where this is still the case, the box might not be setup to allow GD-manipulated GIFs. I recall awhile back when the whole GIF patent expiry was taking place, this was an issue of concern with the open source photo galleries.

Just a thought.

robihot 11-02-2005 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by welo
Since your physical location isn't displayed, this is only speculation here ... although, it occurs to me the GIF patent hasn't yet expired in all countries. If you (or your server or host) is in a country where this is still the case, the box might not be setup to allow GD-manipulated GIFs. I recall awhile back when the whole GIF patent expiry was taking place, this was an issue of concern with the open source photo galleries.

Just a thought.

Hmmm... My location is Switzerland. But can it be that within VB (as Thumbs if attched to a post) it's working but not in DLM?

I assume, VB is also using GD2 to create the Thumbnail. And the GIF is realy a normal GIF.

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