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sv1cec 12-29-2004 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by Fibe
Something has gone wrong or i missed something.

I had Zero Tolerance warning hack 1.5. So I only followed the instructions from WarningSystemInstallationInstructions.txt and the upgrade_warn.php file ran without any error now though:
  • In admincp I have 2 tabs: Warning Systems and the old warning Options.
  • Clicking on "View Warning Logs" results in: Could not find phrase 'no_warnings_found'.
  • "View Banned users" results in:
  • And finally when clicking on "view warnings" inside someones posts I get an empty white screen.

So did i miss anything? or just messed up hardcore and should retry ?

You haven't add the 'reason' column in the userban table.

The query is in the install_warn.php file, so I do not understand why it didn't get created.

Run this query manually:

ALTER TABLE `".TABLE_PREFIX."userban` add `reason` mediumtext

One more thing, after you run the upgrade_warn.php script, did you do all the mods that are described?


sv1cec 12-29-2004 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by Torqued

I had v1.3 installed. I ran the uninstaller, and removed the file changes manually. When trying to run the installer for 3.0, I'm getting the following:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/mydomain/public_html/forums/admincp/install_warn.php on line 285

edited to add:

I think I fixed it:

I found this in the install_warn.php file:

and changed it to this:

It looks like the $DB_site->query(" was missing. After making that change, the install_warn.php completed successfully. Just have to do the file/template edits now.

Thanks for spotting this, you are right.

sv1cec 12-29-2004 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by skinny
I want to install this tonight, from fresh. Can we have confirmation that the files are correct in he latest zip. Having mod_warn outside the modcp folder seems wrong.

Strange, it looks as if the zipper screwed something up. In my directory structure, the mod_warn.php is in the modcp directory. Functions_warn.php is in the includes etc. I also have the kill_bans.php file in the includes/cron directory and I noticed it does not exist in the zip I uploaded.

I uploaded a new zip file, which should be OK, please let me know if it is.


sv1cec 12-29-2004 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Torqued
A question for those using this hack:

What sorts of things are you guys setting up warnings for?

There is a picture in the thumbnails, the last one I think, which shows my warning types. You can start there, and move along.


sv1cec 12-29-2004 06:05 AM

On Wednesday December 29th, at GMT 12:15, I just uploaded a new zip file, with the updated upgrade_warn.php, the file used to upgrade from Zero Tolerance's ver. 1.5 hack to the latest version of AWS.

It should upgrade ZT's hack directly to the specs of AWS V.3.0.

Let me know if you have any problems.

Fibe 12-29-2004 12:06 PM

Ok I managed to fix a few things, but it seems that not all phrases were installed and not all tables were added to database.

I tried uninstall and using install_warn.php and upgrade_warn.php
but both give me errors like:

Does not excist

Which means I am unable to install the phrases. So what i'd like to know is what i should manually remove from the database. So I can actually finish the scripts.

Once that ahs been done I run install_warn ? or upgrade_warn? Or both...

Thanks !

sv1cec 12-29-2004 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Fibe
Ok I managed to fix a few things, but it seems that not all phrases were installed and not all tables were added to database.

I tried uninstall and using install_warn.php and upgrade_warn.php
but both give me errors like:

Does not excist

Which means I am unable to install the phrases. So what i'd like to know is what i should manually remove from the database. So I can actually finish the scripts.

Once that ahs been done I run install_warn ? or upgrade_warn? Or both...

Thanks !

Run uninstaller.php from the latest zip file (download it again). Then run install_warn.php, that should do everything for you.


Fibe 12-29-2004 02:10 PM

Ok managed to fix it. I removed the wrong table. Readded it and now all seems to work fine!

Thanks for all your help and now I can finally enjoy this AMAZING hack.

Thanks again.

sv1cec 12-29-2004 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Fibe
Ok managed to fix it. I removed the wrong table. Readded it and now all seems to work fine!

Thanks for all your help and now I can finally enjoy this AMAZING hack.

Thanks again.

I was checking the install script just in case I 've screwed something up, and I just came back to answer. Glad you made it.


TRStealth 12-29-2004 04:36 PM

Any idea why I'm getting my error?


Originally Posted by Stealth
I keep getting this error when I try to run the query to update from 2.5 -> 3.0

An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1103
error desc: Incorrect table name '".TABLE_PREFIX."warning_options'

sv1cec 12-29-2004 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by TRStealth
Any idea why I'm getting my error?

Are you using a table prefix? If not, try running the query without the ".TABLE_PREFIX." part.

Acido 12-29-2004 09:18 PM


My only problem, is that the variable $_POST[comment] is not working. Both email and PM, are sent wiht a empty space for the moderator commentslike this:

The admin/moderator who warned you, entered this comment:

(nothing here)

May you help?

skinny 12-30-2004 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
I uploaded a new zip file, which should be OK, please let me know if it is.

Yes, the zip seems to have maintained its dir structure. Thanks, I can get to work on installing now.

skinny 12-30-2004 04:25 AM

Installed very smoothly indeed. Now, I'm going to sit back and watch the bans flood in :) Thankyou for a great add-on.

sv1cec 12-30-2004 07:05 AM

Ooops, good one Acido, thanks for catching that. I forgot to copy an <if> thingy.

Please download the zip again, and upload the Warn.php file and the include/functions_warning.php file to your server.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

sv1cec 12-30-2004 07:15 AM

One word of caution please, if you allow me.

If you do use the automatic warning functions of this hack, make sure that you set up everything properly. For example, use your common sense when setting up your censorship options. Words have to be selected very carefully, or else expect complains from your users who get warned for calling another member by his name (like the short name for Richard).

Also, if you use the Automatic Warning for PMs, please understand that each PM which is caught containing censored words, is kept in a log, which you can see. This may be in violation of your user's privacy, since a PM is a private message from one member to another. You may receive complains about it.

Don't shoot the pianist for the above!


jluerken 12-30-2004 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
One word of caution please, if you allow me.

If you do use the automatic warning functions of this hack, make sure that you set up everything properly. For example, use your common sense when setting up your censorship options. Words have to be selected very carefully, or else expect complains from your users who get warned for calling another member by his name (like the short name for Richard).

Also, if you use the Automatic Warning for PMs, please understand that each PM which is caught containing censored words, is kept in a log, which you can see. This may be in violation of your user's privacy, since a PM is a private message from one member to another. You may receive complains about it.

Don't shoot the pianist for the above!


Hi Sv1cec,

I updated to v. 3.0.1 but two functions are not working for me now:
- automatically issued warnings for posts which contain censored words
- automatically issued warnings for private messages which contain censored words

I entered censored words but If I use them in a post I will never get warned.
I created a normal 'registered user' testaccount to test this.

Can you give a helping hand?

sv1cec 12-30-2004 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by jluerken
Hi Sv1cec,

I updated to v. 3.0.1 but two functions are not working for me now:
- automatically issued warnings for posts which contain censored words
- automatically issued warnings for private messages which contain censored words

I entered censored words but If I use them in a post I will never get warned.
I created a normal 'registered user' testaccount to test this.

Can you give a helping hand?

I sure can.

First of all, from which version did you upgrade to 3.0.1? Have you installed V.3.0 first? Did the automatic warning worked with that version?

The automatic warning was first implemented in version 2.0. If you have installed that version, and followed all the upgrades, you shouldn't have a problem.

Make sure that you have the proper code changed in the files newreply.php, newthread.php and private.php. Also, please make sure you have done the appropriate changes in includes/functions_newpost.php.

Let me have that info, and we'll make it work for you.


jluerken 12-30-2004 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
I sure can.

First of all, from which version did you upgrade to 3.0.1? Have you installed V.3.0 first? Did the automatic warning worked with that version?

The automatic warning was first implemented in version 2.0. If you have installed that version, and followed all the upgrades, you shouldn't have a problem.

Make sure that you have the proper code changed in the files newreply.php, newthread.php and private.php. Also, please make sure you have done the appropriate changes in includes/functions_newpost.php.

Let me have that info, and we'll make it work for you.


I upgraded from version 3.0 and no the automatic warning if a user uses a censored word was never working for me.

I'll recheck the changed in newreply.php, newthread.php, private.php and includes/functions_newpost.php and will then come back to you.

Viol8or 12-30-2004 07:15 PM

Hey, sv1cec
thanks for the solution on the colour for warning levels. I'll update the system and try your scripts this weekend. I'll let you know how it went!
Have a good end of the year and see you all next year!!!!

nubian 12-30-2004 07:35 PM

if i go into admincp > warning logs > complete removal
i get this:
The requested URL /forums/admincp/admin_warn.php was not found on this server.
my admincp directory is not named admincp
it's named something else.

how can i fix this?
btw this is a lovely mod.
thank you so much

nubian 12-30-2004 07:43 PM


when i go into admincp > view banned users
and click on the "No users are banned from MyForum.com Forums - To ban a user, click here
i get a blank white page.
but if i were to go to admincp > users > ban users
it will come up just fine.
any idea?

T3MEDIA 12-30-2004 09:01 PM

I am looking for some one to install this for me Please PM so we can make arangements.

sv1cec 12-30-2004 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by nubian
if i go into admincp > warning logs > complete removal
i get this:
The requested URL /forums/admincp/admin_warn.php was not found on this server.
my admincp directory is not named admincp
it's named something else.

how can i fix this?
btw this is a lovely mod.
thank you so much

I guess I should fix it, by using the appropriate parameter, I'll try to find it tomorrow. In the mean time, you can always go into the admin_warn.php file and find the following line:

PHP Code:

$cy="<a href='{$vboptions[bburl]}/admincp/admin_warn.php?act=completeremove&id={$warn[wid]}&userid={$warn[warned_userid_v]}&uname={$warn[warned_username_v]}&wname={$warn[warn_name]}&postid={$warn[warned_post]}&orderstring={$order}'>Complete Removal</a>"

Replace the admincp in the path with whatever your admincp directory is.

As for the link, at the No users were banned etc., there shouldn't be a link there. Please find this code in admincp/admin_warn.php:

PHP Code:


replace it with:

PHP Code:

        print_cp_message('No users were banned from these forums.'"admin_warn.php?$session[sessionurl]?act=viewbannedusers"7); 

The reason I do not want that link there, is because in AWS, you are not suppose to ban users. Banning inside AWS is the result of warnings accumulated in a users account. AWS manages the warnings and the ban comes as a by-product, associated with the warnings. If you want to ban a user outside AWS, use the other link you suggested.


sv1cec 12-30-2004 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by nubian
if i go into admincp > warning logs > complete removal
i get this:
The requested URL /forums/admincp/admin_warn.php was not found on this server.
my admincp directory is not named admincp
it's named something else.

how can i fix this?
btw this is a lovely mod.
thank you so much

The problem you had with the Complete Removal should be now resolved, in the admin_warn.php file included in the 3.0.2 zip file. Please let me know if it works.


nubian 12-31-2004 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
The problem you had with the Complete Removal should be now resolved, in the admin_warn.php file included in the 3.0.2 zip file. Please let me know if it works.


was i only suppose to simply upgrade to 3.0.2 and not do what you said in your second to last post?
i upgraded to 3.0.2 and uploaded the new admin_warn.php and now i got this when i try the complete removal error:

The requested URL /forums/admincontrolpanelnamehere/admincontrolpanelnamehere/admin_warn.php was not found on this server.

it displays the admincp twice

sv1cec 12-31-2004 01:16 AM

Either you upgrade the admin_warn.php included in the 3.0.2 release or you do the change I wrote to you before. Not both.


nubian 12-31-2004 01:21 AM

i didn't do both at all.
i upgrade.
i got that double admincp directory thng i posted prior to this.

sv1cec 12-31-2004 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by nubian
i didn't do both at all.
i upgrade.
i got that double admincp directory thng i posted prior to this.

What does it shows you if you click on the link which has the warned user name? Does it come up with the proper page for that user?

nubian 12-31-2004 02:08 AM

when i clicked on the "View Warned Users " link, that page comes up just fine.

sv1cec 12-31-2004 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by nubian
when i clicked on the "View Warned Users " link, that page comes up just fine.

OK, open your admin_warn.php file and find the two lines which start with :

$x="<a href='


$cy="<a href='

Copy these lines from your file, here so that I can see what's going on. The two should be pointing to the same directory, only the first one has the forums URL in the front, which is redundant.


nubian 12-31-2004 02:51 AM

PHP Code:

$x="<a href='{$vboptions[bburl]}/$admincpdir/user.php?$session[sessionurl]do=edit&userid={$warn[warned_userid_v]}'>{$warn[warned_userid_v]}

PHP Code:

$cy="<a href='$admincpdir/admin_warn.php?act=completeremove&id={$warn[wid]}&userid={$warn[warned_userid_v]}&uname={$warn[warned_username_v]}&wname={$warn[warn_name]}&postid={$warn[warned_post]}&orderstring={$order}'>Complete Removal"

sv1cec 12-31-2004 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by nubian
PHP Code:

$x="<a href='{$vboptions[bburl]}/$admincpdir/user.php?$session[sessionurl]do=edit&userid={$warn[warned_userid_v]}'>{$warn[warned_userid_v]}

PHP Code:

$cy="<a href='$admincpdir/admin_warn.php?act=completeremove&id={$warn[wid]}&userid={$warn[warned_userid_v]}&uname={$warn[warned_username_v]}&wname={$warn[warn_name]}&postid={$warn[warned_post]}&orderstring={$order}'>Complete Removal"

Darn if I understand why this happens, but here is your solution:

Change those two lines with the lines below:

PHP Code:

$x="<a href='/$admincpdir/user.php?$session[sessionurl]do=edit&amp;userid={$warn[warned_userid_v]}'>{$warn[warned_userid_v]}<br><b>{$warn['warned_username_v']}</b>"


PHP Code:

$cy="<a href='/$admincpdir/admin_warn.php?act=completeremove&id={$warn[wid]}&userid={$warn[warned_userid_v]}&uname={$warn[warned_username_v]}&wname={$warn[warn_name]}&postid={$warn[warned_post]}&orderstring={$order}'>Complete Removal</a>"

If there is no / in front of $admincpdir or no bburl, it uses the admincp directory twice!!! Go figure!

Sorry for that, I'll change it in the install file.

nubian 12-31-2004 04:30 AM

i'm getting this now:

Not Found

The requested URL /admincontrolpanelnamehere/admin_warn.php was not found on this server.

funny thing is that admin_warn.php does exist in that that directory :ermm:

sv1cec 12-31-2004 04:51 AM

That is crazy!!!

OK, convert both lines to:

PHP Code:

$x="<a href='{$vboptions[bburl]}/$admincpdir/user.php?$session[sessionurl]do=edit&amp;userid={$warn[warned_userid_v]}'>{$warn[warned_userid_v]}<br><b>{$warn['warned_username_v']}</a></b>"


PHP Code:

 $cy="<a href='{$vboptions[bburl]}/$admincpdir/admin_warn.php?act=completeremove&id={$warn[wid]}&userid={$warn[warned_userid_v]}&uname={$warn[warned_username_v]}&wname={$warn[warn_name]}&postid={$warn[warned_post]}&orderstring={$order}'>Complete Removal</a>"

Let's see if that works.

nubian 12-31-2004 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
That is crazy!!!

OK, convert both lines to:

PHP Code:

 $x="<a href='{$vboptions[bburl]}/$admincpdir/user.php?$session[sessionurl]do=edit&amp;userid={$warn[warned_userid_v]}'>{$warn[warned_userid_v]}<br><b>{$warn['warned_username_v']}</a></b>"


PHP Code:

 $cy="<a href='{$vboptions[bburl]}/$admincpdir/admin_warn.php?act=completeremove&id={$warn[wid]}&userid={$warn[warned_userid_v]}&uname={$warn[warned_username_v]}&wname={$warn[warn_name]}&postid={$warn[warned_post]}&orderstring={$order}'>Complete Removal</a>"

Let's see if that works.

i'm smiling so you know what that means! ;)

sv1cec 12-31-2004 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by nubian
i'm smiling so you know what that means! ;)

Glad you made it. I would be happier if I knew why it was not working in the other two ways, but anyway.

Happy New Year and Happy Warnings

nubian 01-01-2005 12:02 AM

when i tried going running the 3.0.2 on my REAL LIVE forum i got this error when running the install_warn.php

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE `vb3_userban`
add `reason` mediumtext;
mysql error: Duplicate column name 'reason'

mysql error number: 1060

bahawolf 01-01-2005 07:23 AM

How would I go about that if the user doesn't have any warning points, it'd appear as "0" for the value because a div in my postbit is being unused when their not warned and it looks bad.

nubian 01-01-2005 07:54 AM

something is wrong with your 3.0.2 install_warn.php file.
it won't do what it's suppose to do.
instead i've reloaded my db and used the install_warn.php from 2.3.5 and it altered what it was suppose to alter in the db.

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