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I'm assuming it's not happening on all posts right?
My guess is that for whatever reason, it couldn't find the date in the article header. Before the nntppostingdate column was introduced the script used to put the date straight into the dateline column. This dateline value was checked and set to the current date if null. This extra error checking seems to have been forgotten this time. However, it doesn't explain why there are some articles coming through that the script can't parse. I've not actually seen it happen on my setup, so my guess is it's specific to a newserver and not an article. I did see it now and again when I was using Newsfeeds.com as a provider. Let me know if you find anything out. :) |
I've just had another thought about this. The only other thing different between instalations that would affect the date is the version of the Date::Parse module. I use the str2time function from this module to parse the date and convert it into unix time.
There is a similar version number incompatibility with the DBI module and the 'mysql_insertid' function. In the older version, the function was returning null. I was pulling my hair out for weeks over this one as only captnroger had the problem. Then just last week, eric figured it out when he encountered the problem. |
I think... I found it.
The problem was not posts coming from usenet, it's on the local end when I replied to or started a new thread. What I did was add what I think is missing nntpdateline updates: newthread.php Code:
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO post (postid,threadid, ..snipped.. ,iconid,visible,nntpdateline) VALUES (NULL,'$threadid',' ..snipped... ,'$iconid','1','".time()."')"); Code:
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO post (postid,threadid,title, ...snipped... ,iconid,visible,nntpdateline,inreplyto) VALUES (NULL,'$threadid','".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($title))."', ....snipped...,'$iconid','$visible','".time()."','$inreplyto')"); |
You're right. I was just about to say it's in the instructions as a necessary code change, but I just went and checked and it's not there. That's exactly what I have on my setup though, so I guess I forgot to put it in the instructions. ooops :o
I intend to put up another little release tomorrow to include gilbys fix so I'll fix the instructions at the same time. I've also got another little option that allows you to reduce the font size of quotes. I think it makes the posts easier to read. I've put it on dbforums.com already so you can see what I mean. |
The quote option sounds great. :)
One other tiny problem you may want to fix is in newnews.pl When doing a history pull and all articles on a run are not available last msg: counter does not increment and has to be updated by hand. Also, it would be nice if when there are no messages in a group that the program would skip checking orphans and jump right to the next group. With a lot of groups I think that little diddy would speed things a bit. Don't want to load you down again Paul, I just thought you might want to know about these being that you are updating again so soon. Cheers! -Larry |
I am getting this problem
I hope to get all these fixes done today and a new release out. If not today, definately tomorrow. |
While I was validating the output HTML I found that signatures from usenet messages can have invalid characters like (&, and high ASCII chars). htmlentities() action needed?
Also, I would like to see a nl2br in usenet signatures. Oh-oh I think I hooked a big one! I knew something wasn't quite right with... function update_last_active_thread because I have one thread title that displays B& amp;W Album. Looking into it further I think I see what is happening. In function update_last_active_thread you are using addslashes(htmlspecialchars($lastactivethread)) Unfortunately htmlspecialchars is not needed because vB has already preformed special character conversion and stores it converted in the DB. This caused me to look further and I found that newnews.pl saves the thread title to the DB without processing for special characters. That would be OK if vB did it that way too. Paul, tell me I'm wrong... please! If I'm not wrong this means a total purge of all usenet posts and new history pull. This is not that big of a deal for me because I don't have many posting users. Although the news feed I use is terribly slow. :( God I love this stuff! :D Cheers! -Larry |
The download link disappeared. In fact, so did the site. Could be down for maintenance but I'd love to get hold of this hack and implement on my system.
The site could be a bit dodgy over the next few days as I've just updated the DNS and moved it to a new server. Keep trying and you should get it... if I've set up all the redirects correctly :(
I've been there before. :) |
I just talked with fastforward tonight and he is working on an update that should be ready tomorrow or the next day.
You can disregard my posts above about finding a big error, I wasn't really in sharp mode when I posted those. There will be no need to do a new history pull with the updated version. The posts that are affected by the above problem will cycle out of the database quickly enough to not be a bother. slinky, your gonna love this hack. :D Cheers! -Larry |
Shezz, I think the three of us should play the LOTTO today. Check out the post time on the last three posts. :)
O.k. what numbers are we picking? :) |
It seems that now I'm being directed to the right site as expats.com is up (nice work). Problem is that it seems that there is no download directory and with bad addresses I get redirected to the home page. |
slinky, I feel your anticipation. Here's a gift to help tide you over until Paul finishes the update. This will give you a leg up by giving you time to get all the perl modules talking to newnews.pl. You don't have to worry about doing things twice, the new version should drop in with just a few minor changes. Just don't come crying to me if I'm wrong. ;)
This is version 2.0 for vB 2.0 final. http://www.makeitsimple.com/download.php Cheers! -Larry PS: I'm playing 3,6,9 tomorrow. :) |
This release fixes a few bugs and adds one new option.
Wow... just looking at the cp impressed me! But nuts.... I'm getting a lot of errors trying to install the modules. :( Tried to find some of the through CPAN.org and was having a tough time.... any ideas?
cpan> install DBI Running make for T/TI/TIMB/DBI-1.15.tar.gz Unwrapped into directory yes/build/TIMB000 CPAN.pm: Going to build T/TI/TIMB/DBI-1.15.tar.gz Couldn't chdir yes/build/TIMB000: No such file or directory at (eval 26) line 42 19 ====================================== cpan>install Bundle::MySQL Can't install Bundle::MySQL, don't have an associated bundle file. :-( at (eval 26) line 1806 =============================== cpan> install Text::Autoformat cpan> install Date::Parse cpan> install Email::Find cpan> install URI::Find cpan> install MIME::WordDecoder cpan> install HTML::Entities yields these errors: Running make for D/DC/DCONWAY/Text-Autoformat-1.04.tar.gz yes/sources/authors/id/D/DC/DCONWAY/Text-Autoformat-1.04.tar.gz: No such file or directory Checksum mismatch for distribution file. Please investigate. Distribution id = D/DC/DCONWAY/Text-Autoformat-1.04.tar.gz CALLED_FOR Text::Autoformat CONTAINSMODS Text::Autoformat CPAN_USERID DCONWAY (Damian Conway <damian@conway.org>) MD5_STATUS localfile yes/sources/authors/id/D/DC/DCONWAY/Text-Autoformat-1.04.tar.gz I'd recommend removing yes/sources/authors/id/D/DC/DCONWAY/Text-Autoformat-1.04.tar.gz. It seems to be a bogus file. Maybe you have configured your `urllist' with a bad URL. Please check this array with `o conf urllist', and retry. Fetching with LWP: ftp://ftp.perl.org/pub/CPAN/authors/...NWAY/CHECKSUMS yes/sources/authors/id/D/DC/DCONWAY/Text-Autoformat-1.04.tar.gz: No such file or directory Checksum mismatch for distribution file. Please investigate. Distribution id = D/DC/DCONWAY/Text-Autoformat-1.04.tar.gz CALLED_FOR Text::Autoformat CONTAINSMODS Text::Autoformat CPAN_USERID DCONWAY (Damian Conway <damian@conway.org>) MD5_STATUS localfile yes/sources/authors/id/D/DC/DCONWAY/Text-Autoformat-1.04.tar.gz I'd recommend removing yes/sources/authors/id/D/DC/DCONWAY/Text-Autoformat-1.04.tar.gz. It seems to be a bogus file. Maybe you have configured your `urllist' with a bad URL. Please check this array with `o conf urllist', and retry. sh: yes/sources/authors/id/D/DC/DCONWAY/Text-Autoformat-1.04.tar.gz: No such fil e or directory Could not open >yes/build/DCONWAY000/Makefile.PL at (eval 26) line 4219 ============================= |
I've never seen errors like that slinky :(
What version of Perl do you have and what platform? You might have better luck installing them using the traditional method. |
Not sure which version of perl but I went to CPAN to find the modules to install and not all of them are there. Here are the ones that are either not installed or that I couldn't find.
Bundle::mysql could be one of several different bundles. Date::Parse isn't listed. MIME::Decoder isn't listed HTML::Entities isn't listed. |
Here's the links:
Bundle::mysql (part of the Msql-Mysql-modules bundle) Date::Parse (part of the TimeDate bundle) MIME::Decoder (part of the MIME-tools bundle HTML::Entities (part of the HTML-Parser bundle) There's a good chance that these particular four are already installed on your system. They are very common. |
You're a saint... :) I booted it up and realize that MIME::WordDecoder isn't installed. After searching all over the place I found out that it is part of the MIME-tools package, FYI... I'm going to try to install them now... :)
I see you're using the vBPortal Slinky. It looks good! I must have a closer look at that when I find time. That's a nice domain name too! No doubt you have plenty of offers for it :)
Almost there... some of the problems I've encountered could be that I'm using a virtual host and I've had to install the modules into another directory /usr/thelaw/perl/ which I created. The only error I'm getting now upon install and make are: Warning: I could not locate your pod2man program. Please make sure, your pod2man program is in your PATH before you execute 'make' Getting closer.... |
MMmm, an scripts "that" check wich modules your need for this hack..! no...yes...to much work :rolleyes: carrillo |
Please Can Help Me ??
I found this error when i try use newnews.pl to import newsgroup into my forum but it so many error like this .. :D Code:
DBD::mysql::db do failed: Duplicate entry 'from:' for key 2 [for statement ``SELECT wordid FROM word WHERE title = '??''']) at newnews.pl line 628. |
I've seen a few other posts with similar errors (not related to this hack). I believe the advice given was to empty the word and searchindex tables and reindex. you could also try just deleting that particular record 'where title = '¡»'.
If you don't want to either of the above, you can simply turn off usenet post indexing for one batch run using the usenet control panel. |
and Thank you very much.. :D I will do this ..
and 2. Question. Sometime I try use newnews.pl to get some newgroups posts but I have try many newsgroups , but why some group I just can not import any news into forum, But I am sure this newsgroup have many posts ?? would you can access newgroup "tw.bbc.comp.linux" or "tw.bbs.comp.hardware" ?? this two chinese newsgroups have many posts everyday . But I just can not import any things ?? |
Well finally got this installed again and wow, looking brilliant
http://www.ascifi.com/forums2/forumd...hp?forumid=980 couple of things: i) the merge into new thead for lost posts didn't work and gave this error; Code:
2. Doing "new threads" instead gives this error: Code:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/ascifi/www/forums2/admin/usenet.php on line 399 3. News server which one? I need: i) cheapish, less than $15 per month ii) no speed restriction, restriction done on monthly bandwidth iii) does NOT post a footer. This is why i am leaving newsfeeds iv) decent selection of newsgoups, ie need to be able to check first v) and preferably uses a 3rd party credit card processor. I don't want to be easily liable for any spam muck ups that someone might attempt to do and get charged $150 an hour "clean up". They wouldn't be able to do this if they use paysystems/instabill which is one of the reasons i like newsfeeds. Any suggestions? |
oh yeah, are you planning on finishing of a "vb2.0 final template set for newsgroups"? would be very cool ;)
The merge into lost threads and all other functions within that option need updating. I made a lot of table structure changes without changing this function. It was low on my priority list as I don't use it :) I willl get it fixed though. As for a news feed, I switched to onlynews.com from newsfeeds. They are very fast and have no speed restriction, but the retention is pretty crap (4-5 days) and the number groups is quite low. I'm looking for another one myself. Let me know if you find one. mobilebbs, There are several reasons why posts may not get imported. 1) You haven't corrrectly mapped the local forum to the usenet group. 2) The article numbers have somehow got out of synch. (try resetting the numbers to zero for those groups) 3) you are pulling historical posts and have autopurge turned on and set too low. This will cause old posts to be immediately deleted after being imported. 4) The articles are all getting rejected for spam (unlikely) |
Thank for your replys.. :D |
For some reason I get a little messed up html code with quoted replies in version 20010528.
Here's what i mean: <br> User <name@email.dom> wrote in message<br> <a href="http://news:somerefnum@somenewserv.dom" target="_blank">news:somerefnum@somnewserv.dom</a>...<br> <font size="1"> <i><font color="blue<br>">> Which obviously produces a nasty color far from blue. I don't quite know how to locate the bug... |
All set to yes, wrap 90, quote 1, West Europan-Latin1
finding a news server is a nightmare, an incredibly disorganized and unprofessional looking sector incredibly annoying.
Anyway, realised that spamkiller.newsfeeds does not in fact add any signature so i am going to use that. Paul, why did you switch from newsfeeds? is there something i should know about? i guess that for us retention does not matter as we are mirroring everything anyway apart from the initial pull of posts which will be less? is that correct? finally, sorry to nag, are you going to do your template in v2.0 style. There were a lot of updates to the templates i think ): |
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