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Ghostsuit 09-10-2004 12:17 PM

Never know could be in the new version thats soon to be released, just have to wait and see :)

cosmin 09-10-2004 02:32 PM


post reference 1: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=304

post reference 2: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=313


i am having this same problem. i went through the install.php file and everythign was fine til i clicked on the default 'Main Sub-Category' link from /forumroot/article.php .... then it took me to the error message:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM article
                                                                WHERE categoryid=2 AND (articleuserid=31 OR open IN (0,1)) ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 2

mysql error number: 1064

...i uninstalled v3articles, and manually deleted all additions to the DB, and REINSTALLED, yet still the same issue :(

... any help?

blueuniverse 09-10-2004 04:35 PM

It would probs be best to wait for the new version.

Ghostsuit 09-10-2004 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by blueuniverse
It would probs be best to wait for the new version.

Thats what I'm doing...though it's so tempting :D

cosmin 09-10-2004 04:57 PM

i see.

i noticed at their website the new v3Articles forums... but it didnt give me access. wasnt sure if it is a paid hack. anyway. this thread is subscribed, will check back soon! :D

thanks for your input.

Ted S 09-10-2004 09:49 PM

I've spoken with John and while I am confident that vba will be a GREAT hack don't expect a ton of feature additions (although I'd be there are a few). Just plan for a solid, well working hack which is exactly what most of us need. Bells and whissles come down the road and for a free system I'm already amazed...

Neutral Singh 09-11-2004 08:16 AM

Thanks for this great mod... installation was with out even a single hitch but then I am having following problem in vBulletin 3.0.3 while runing article.php. Is this hack compatible with this version. ? Thanks in advance.


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM article
WHERE categoryid=2 AND (articleuserid=1 OR open IN (0,1)) ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 2

mysql error number: 1064

yowen 09-11-2004 10:51 AM

I have tried to create a word count for my articles, a word count that would show up under the rating, but I cant get it to work. Do any of you guys know of a way to get this done? I tried the search but couldnt find a way.

SamirDarji 09-11-2004 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by cosmin

post reference 1: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=304

post reference 2: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=313


i am having this same problem. i went through the install.php file and everythign was fine til i clicked on the default 'Main Sub-Category' link from /forumroot/article.php .... then it took me to the error message:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM article
                                                                WHERE categoryid=2 AND (articleuserid=31 OR open IN (0,1)) ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 2

mysql error number: 1064

...i uninstalled v3articles, and manually deleted all additions to the DB, and REINSTALLED, yet still the same issue :(

... any help?

Strange. I'm running it on 3.0.3 and the installer worked fine. What version of MySQL are you running?

Mickie D 09-11-2004 04:58 PM

i cant seem to find the 3.0.3 version has it been released yet ?

and is there a fix to the no image's if the new vb articles ahs not been released yet ?


lovevn 09-11-2004 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Giveit2u43
Thanks a lot for releasing this John..

as for why this is better than a forum, it`s a more structured layout... for searching, archiving purposes..

Wel, I have realized one thing. That is we can not use search funtion of the forum to search in the article. Does any one know the way to sovle this problem?

SamirDarji 09-11-2004 06:35 PM

I'm thinking that if there is a way to get the articles indexed similarly to threads and the search routine re-written to include article indexes, it might work. I'm thinking of a solution to the same lack-of-a-search problem for the calendar. But there is no quick solution to this issue and is one drawback to having this hack vs using a forum for article posts (which would be searchable).

nelto 09-12-2004 04:12 AM

Working on 3.0.3.
Me clicks install

Btw is this possible to integrate with VBA?
Like showing on the main page just like the thread system it has?
If so can some one please tell me how?

cosmin 09-13-2004 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by SamirDarji
Strange. I'm running it on 3.0.3 and the installer worked fine. What version of MySQL are you running?

currently the server is running: MYSQL Version 4.0.20-standard-log

..could that be the issue? seems like most people can install and it works fine... mine i installed and all works except for viewing the articles when i click on the SUB-CATEGORY :(

SamirDarji 09-13-2004 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by cosmin
currently the server is running: MYSQL Version 4.0.20-standard-log

..could that be the issue? seems like most people can install and it works fine... mine i installed and all works except for viewing the articles when i click on the SUB-CATEGORY :(

That's probably not it since I'm running 3.23.54-max-debug. But I have run into a problem with seeing my main forums with no one logged in on certain computers. It's weird.

My test setup runs off an external usb drive, so I can take it anywhere with me and work. Well, on my home 98se system as a server, the forums don't show up to someone not logged in, and they should. But on a win2k or xp system they show up fine. And it's the same stuff running off the same drive. I'm dumbfounded and pretty mad at the same time.

cosmin 09-13-2004 05:40 PM

thanks for your input and help SamirDarji,

our site is hosted on a server that runs LINUX. anyone else have any ideas why this error occurs?

has anyone else installed it on a LINUX server and had this mySQL issue?

SamirDarji 09-13-2004 11:45 PM

Since it was pointing to a problem with line 2 of articles.php, did you look at line 2 and see what might be going on?

rex_b 09-13-2004 11:57 PM

how can we add the stars to like the showthread lookalike part.

cosmin 09-14-2004 01:44 AM

for everyones FYI... i did this from the INSTALL notes ... and it now works.

Originally Posted by cosmin
2. Log into the Admin Control Panel.
Expand "vBulletin Options", and click on the "vBulletin Options" link.
Scroll to the bottom, click v3 Articles - click "Edit Settings".
Click on "Save".

Expand "Usergroups" on the left. Click "Usergroup Manager".
Edit the settings for any usergroup, and click "Update".

SamirDarji 09-14-2004 02:09 AM

I'm glad you found the problem. I'm surprised you could even see the main category. Did you do this when you initially installed or just now?

I intially had problems seeing my forums until I did that too, but I still have that goofy problem where I can't see them when running on the 98se server. I've even tried doing the save settings again with no luck.

Symbian.info 09-15-2004 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Mickie D
i cant seem to find the 3.0.3 version has it been released yet?
and is there a fix to the no image's if the new vb articles ahs not been released yet ?

Nope, i am also still waiting (long time :cheeky:) I hope that John find some time to release it...

spence2 09-15-2004 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by John
... there's going to be an update to this next week.


Originally Posted by spence2
That was posted on the 18th and today is the 27th; so, hopefully, that means any day now.


Originally Posted by John
It's done, I just haven't packaged it up yet.


Originally Posted by spence2
Does anyone have an idea what is delaying this release?

September 15th <2004> ... were you possibly just having a little "fun" with us, John?

TheMusicMan 09-16-2004 01:37 PM

I have an issue with <img> tags not parsing the html on the featured article page.

I have just started using the v3Articles on my www site, and currently have only a few articles on there. I have an article I want to feature that has an image in the first few lines. When I select 'Feature this article' - the display on the featuerd article page does not parse the <img> html code correctly, and the URL for the image shows up instead of the image itself.

I understand that this might have been a design decision to keep the featured article page small, neat and tidy - and a sensible decision too. However, is there a way to overide this setting and allow the <img> code to be parsed thus showing the image not the anchor...?

Here's the link > http://www.themouthpiece.com/vb/article.php


Milorad 09-16-2004 06:53 PM

I would like to display the author's profile picture instead of their avatar.

how would I go about that?

The Geek 09-16-2004 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Milorad
I would like to display the author's profile picture instead of their avatar.

how would I go about that?

Hope no one thinks im rocking the boat...

But I was interested in this mod until it struck me that you should be able to do virtually everything this mod does with a handful of template modifications couldnt you? You could simply insist on a particular forum using a particular style (one modified to this layout).
That way you could also get the search facility (the key reason I didnt install right away).

Like I said, correct me if I am wrong. I would be very interested in something like this... but it doesnt make sense for it to not come up in a search.

Thanks ;)

TheMusicMan 09-16-2004 10:32 PM

Can someone please advise me how to enable SuperModerator Moderation of submitted articles. I am trying to find out how the submission engine works when I choose Moderate Articles.
At the moment, the only usergroup who can actually see submitted articles is Admin and I cannot find a setting anywhere that allows me to have the usergroup SuperModerators as Moderators of submitted articles.

Can anyone offer some advice here please.

And... is there soon to be a support forum for v3Articles at the authors site?

Host Directory 09-17-2004 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by TheMusicMan
Can someone please advise me how to enable SuperModerator Moderation of submitted articles. I am trying to find out how the submission engine works when I choose Moderate Articles.
At the moment, the only usergroup who can actually see submitted articles is Admin and I cannot find a setting anywhere that allows me to have the usergroup SuperModerators as Moderators of submitted articles.

Can anyone offer some advice here please.

And... is there soon to be a support forum for v3Articles at the authors site?

You just goto your usergroups and your find the usergroup for super moderators.. click on go and then scroll down. Your see a list of options for articles, enable the features you want that usergroup to use.

TheMusicMan 09-17-2004 04:23 PM

...but I don't see any options for actually giving permission for that usergroup to actually Moderate the Articles... there's no option for that there!!!

See screenshot!

Any advice?

Host Directory 09-17-2004 04:26 PM

Yes there is, its under general permissions and above forum viewing permissions.

If you can see those permissions and not article permissions you have done something wrong when installing the hack.

TheMusicMan 09-17-2004 04:27 PM

Yes, I agree there is a section for Articles, but no entry for 'Moderate Articles' in that section... see previous screenshot uploaded after you posted!

Host Directory 09-17-2004 04:36 PM

But you have edit own and other articles - which is the same thing.

m0h2 09-17-2004 04:36 PM

Yes, there is no option for moderating the articles.

TheMusicMan 09-17-2004 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Host Directory
But you have edit own and other articles - which is the same thing.

Thanks for replying quickly here by the way... much appreciated

But my Super Moderators don't see the articles that have been added to the moderation queue... just admins...?? so they don't see any articles to edit!!!


Originally Posted by m0h2
Yes, there is no option for moderating the articles.

Surely this isn't correct?

If it is, how do you use the article system when you have loads of articles being submitted and the Moderators can't moderate??

VB-Fanatiker 09-17-2004 10:19 PM


this hack dont work with vB 3.0.0, right? Always error at line 2 in articles.php. :disappointed: But I need this hack, it's a great one! Anybody ideas? :rolleyes: At Johns side suport=0 ... :ermm:


Rich 09-18-2004 03:45 PM

I have just taken the time to read the entire thread. I can't say that i applaud the author of this hack for his "support" on this hack.
I am running 3.0.3. I too was having the same problem with the thumbs as everyone else was. John should have answered that question seeing as it effected everyone that ran 3.0.3. That made it a serious bug.
This hack is great. I think the concept behind it was great as well. However, the support that the author agreed to is poor. I won't be clicking install until something better comes along and doesn't carry any bugs.
I would like to thank arpy for repairing the thumbnail problem with 3.0.3. It worked great.

***** A fairly quick way to remove a featured post is to create a "test" post. Make that the featured post, and then delete it. Once it is deleted, the featured post box will no longer be visible.*****

MissKalunji 09-18-2004 04:53 PM

anyone still not intrested on a hack that displays the article on a none vb page?? :confused:

spence2 09-18-2004 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by iguanairs
I have just taken the time to read the entire thread. I can't say that i applaud the author of this hack for his "support" on this hack.
I am running 3.0.3. I too was having the same problem with the thumbs as everyone else was. John should have answered that question seeing as it effected everyone that ran 3.0.3. That made it a serious bug.
This hack is great. I think the concept behind it was great as well. However, the support that the author agreed to is poor. I won't be clicking install until something better comes along and doesn't carry any bugs.
I would like to thank arpy for repairing the thumbnail problem with 3.0.3. It worked great.

***** A fairly quick way to remove a featured post is to create a "test" post. Make that the featured post, and then delete it. Once it is deleted, the featured post box will no longer be visible.*****

I think your criticism is fair ... but, perhaps the most annoying thing is that John did take the time to post that he had updated the hack ... stated he would post his update here ... and then did not follow through.

SamirDarji 09-18-2004 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by iguanairs
I would like to thank arpy for repairing the thumbnail problem with 3.0.3. It worked great.

Where is this? I read through everything, but never found it. :(

welo 09-18-2004 10:52 PM

Here, right? (which then leads you here)

gfxhavenowner 09-19-2004 10:38 PM

Not sure if this has been answered yet, but will Google spider the articles?

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