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rjerina 10-07-2004 06:10 PM


<rss version="2.0">
<title>PCWorld.com - Latest News Stories</title>
<description>Latest news stories from PCWorld.com</description>
it is rss 2.0 they just decided not to do pubdate. maybe if this script didnt rely on times so much.

the script shouldnt be doing this by times anyways. what if two rss feeds come out at the exact same time? it ignores one or both? it should just compare the titles or urls.

rjerina 10-07-2004 06:15 PM

i may just scrap this thing and do this all in perl and just insert it right into the database, this is rediculous.

58sniper 10-08-2004 12:55 AM

It needs a timestamp so that it can tell if it was released since the last time it checked. Sure, the script could query the database and see if it's already there, but why introduce more overhead? It really frosts me when RSS feeds DON'T contain that data. It doesn't really cost more to have a more complete feed. And RSS clients can do so much more with the extra data.

Slapyo 10-09-2004 09:46 PM

it relies on times and titles. because yahoo will release the same article 40 minutes later and obviously you don't want 2 of the same post. but it needs the time because a compliant rss feed would have pubDate in it. try the article bot in the vBulletin Integration forum. i am not sure exactly how that bot works.

rex_b 10-10-2004 10:49 PM

when I run the task nothing happens.. just says


Slapyo 10-11-2004 11:24 PM

that's all it should say. there is no output in the scheduled task manager besides that. threads should be created in your forum.

Sooner95 10-15-2004 02:01 PM

ah ha,, I am guessing that the other RRS news feed thread is dead and this one has the updates? lol

got me confused, I installed the other one..i should be ok tho, correct? can i reinstall this one over it and continue? thx

Sooner95 10-15-2004 10:53 PM

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: build_new_post() in /home/bulldog/public_html/forum/includes/RSS/rss_update.php on line 110

Ok, i get this... what am I missing?

Sooner95 10-15-2004 11:01 PM

nevermind, I used the OLD rss_update.php file and it works LOL

Slapyo 10-16-2004 06:41 AM

this rss news feed is a continuation of the other one in this forum.

Sooner95 10-19-2004 06:31 PM

figured that out,, hehe Great hack BTw!

had a quick question..tho might have been asked in the 30 pages of this thread lol

Anyways to keep the rss posts from appearing in the new posts search/count ?

Sooner95 10-19-2004 06:52 PM

nevermind, found it


kctalker 10-23-2004 06:36 AM

I am getting duplicate posts, only one has the article, the other is blank. I am using the current version just installed tonight.

Is there any fix for this or what other information do you need from me? Thanks!

kctalker 10-23-2004 09:39 AM

Actually, it is happening to all my posts since installing this hack. Please help!

My site is http://www.kctalk.com and everything is totally jacked up now. How do I remove the changes from the db?

Slapyo 10-26-2004 03:27 AM

just follow the instructions and do them in reverse and the opposite of what they say.

abaum 10-27-2004 08:38 AM

So that rss 2.0 functions, I took over the code of rsuplido -> https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=354. However thereby <description> is not taken over. Mine rss looks in such a way:
PHP Code:

CDATASouleage Site]]> 
img src="http://cgnetworks.com/newsimages/2004_10/2004_10_26_soul70.jpg" align="left" class="left" hspace="2" vspace="0" width="70" height="70" /> 
CDATAText...  ]]> 
pubDate>Tue26 Oct 2004 07:38:00 +0000</pubDate

Can help their me?

Excuses please my bad English!

Thank you Andreas

Slapyo 10-30-2004 04:22 PM

just looking at the code briefly it looks like rsuplido's code only affects the title.

so, take a look at the section of code for the description and it might be a copy/paste replacement then you just change the <title> to <description> and it might work. i'm not sure, but it might work.

abaum 10-31-2004 06:57 AM

PHP Code:

if(preg_match_all("|<description><img (.+) /><\!\[CDATA\[(.+)\]\]></description>|iUs",$itemData,$match,PREG_SET_ORDER))
$desc $match[0][1];
$this->CHANNELS[$channelID]['ITEMS'][$itemID]['DESCRIPTION'] = "$desc";
            } else {
$desc $match[0][1];
$this->CHANNELS[$channelID]['ITEMS'][$itemID]['DESCRIPTION'] = "$desc";
                } else {
$this->CHANNELS[$channelID]['ITEMS'][$itemID]['DESCRIPTION'] = "";

Functioned unfortunately also not. Only the title is picked out. The variable $rss_description remains empty.


WizardX 11-08-2004 02:45 PM

Is this all compatible with new 5.0.1 release? Cause I get the following error:

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in /usr/sites/isptalk.nl/web/includes/init.php on line 517

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/sites/isptalk.nl/web/includes/sessions.php on line 270

Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /usr/sites/isptalk.nl/web/includes/init.php
Line: 517


Thanks in advance.

deepdark 11-12-2004 10:55 PM

PHP Version 4.3.9
Scheduled Task Manager :DONE
RSS News Feed Manager:BOT DONE

but no posts do i need to make any other change i mean where i need to define the RSS adresess?

any help please???

wattieuk 11-18-2004 02:49 PM

ive installed the mod and the first scheduled rss post works fine, but it doesn't post subsequent messages, despite the feeds being updated. Anyone else got this problem?

wattieuk 11-18-2004 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by wattieuk
ive installed the mod and the first scheduled rss post works fine, but it doesn't post subsequent messages, despite the feeds being updated. Anyone else got this problem?

Weird. I found this post (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....6&postcount=59) and uploaded the attached file. Works fine now!

Floris 11-19-2004 06:22 AM

Any way I can limit this to just x entries - so I don't get 25 new threads each time to spam up the getdaily or getnew search?

dorkus 12-01-2004 12:38 PM

With this script, if it doesn't have the pubdate field, it won't work.

I'm trying to get the slashdot feed to work, and it worked the initial time, but it won't post anymore due to their feeds not having pubdate fields.

dorkus 12-01-2004 01:28 PM

For those interested in the slashdot feed, and are using this hack, I found an address that converts the slashdot feed to rss 2.0 and uses the pubdate field.


bishop93 12-13-2004 04:56 PM

Here I thought this one would work when the other RSS mod didn't since this one seems actually promising with all the glowing reviews. But, I get this return from the cron job:


Warning: main(./global.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/rss.php on line 2

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/rss.php on line 2


Thanks in advance.

bishop93 12-14-2004 01:16 PM

Nevermind. One of our devs got this to work. I have no idea how. But it seemed to be something about the cron setup wrong. It is, as I said, a most excellent mod.

bishop93 12-15-2004 03:12 AM

Okay. I was wrong. Sorta. It's read and inserted once. I know that the feed has been updated once since then, but it's not updating the forum.


bishop93 12-15-2004 09:50 PM

Does anyone have answers to these questions? Such functionality is brilliant option to my operations, at least, but I can see why these would be necessary to others.

mikehawk 12-16-2004 02:58 AM

Hey guys, I'm a hardcore noob:


Warning: main(./includes/cron/rss.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/.gambia/realopin/realopinion.com/realboards/admincp/cronadmin.php on line 56

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required './includes/cron/rss.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/.gambia/realopin/realopinion.com/realboards/admincp/cronadmin.php on line 56

What do I do? This happened when I ran the task.

mikehawk 12-16-2004 05:13 AM

Ok I changed the path in the task manager to rss.php in my main directory.. it wasn't in cron.

But now I get this error:


Parse error: parse error, unexpected ':' in /home/.gambia/realopin/realopinion.com/realboards/includes/functions_newpost.php on line 190

What could be wrong? Please help. :nervous:

mikehawk 12-16-2004 06:17 AM

Well its posts the updates now.. i hope it doesn't stop posting like some of the members on this board have experienced... :ermm: Its awesome though, great hack!

mikehawk 12-18-2004 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by mikehawk
Well its posts the updates now.. i hope it doesn't stop posting like some of the members on this board have experienced... :ermm: Its awesome though, great hack!

Ok well my problem is this:

It updates when I manually run the task with one user, but it will only update again if I change the bot id to another user. It doesn't update again when the bot id is the same. What could be the problem? I have to use another users id everytime I want to update the feed.

CtrlAltDel 01-02-2005 03:24 PM

yeah im having the same problem

thing ran the initial time, and made the threads, now every subsiquent run of the script doesnt generate squat


CtrlAltDel 01-02-2005 04:09 PM

ah pubdate...well this sucks
time to try and figure out a way around this one

wattieuk 01-03-2005 10:03 AM

I had the 'not updating' problem but if you look back one page to this message:
I say how it was sorted out - works fine now.

jshafer817 01-09-2005 05:34 PM

I had this hack installed but I uninstalled it hoping that another hack could pull off what I wanted to do.
I am trying to read an rss feed thats been encoded in utf-8
Is this possible for me to do???

Thanks for your time! I could have never gotten this far without all of yaulls help.

H2k 02-02-2005 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by mirdin
You'll have to ask your host to upgrade to a more recent version of PHP.

Or if you follow the link to the php function I posted before, it shows this code:

PHP Code:

// For users prior to PHP 4.3.0 you may do this:
function unhtmlentities($string
$trans_tbl get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
$trans_tbl array_flip($trans_tbl);

$c unhtmlentities($a);

$c// I'll "walk" the <b>dog</b> now


If upgrading PHP is not possible for you then you could try to replace the html_entity_decode function using this example.

By the way, has anyone managed to fix the double post issues? I have these issues with both yahoo and bbc feeds.

Why when i run it some time i get this error

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/myuser/public_html/includes/functions_databuild.php on line 480

Neutral Singh 02-15-2005 04:16 AM

Gr8 Hack !! Just installed version 1.26 ... I have some issues...

1. When I first ran the cron job manually to test and refreshed the forumpage. it automatically logged me in as that bot member whose id i had used to add the new bot.

2. Then it did not show up the forums at all... i mean on going to index page it only showed headings --> Forums - Last Post - Threads - posts, but no forum was showing. I had to delete the bot all together to show the forums on index page.

3. Strangly, in all this hick ups, the rss feed was succesfully entered as new threads but with one more issue... the following is what is showing up... The thing in bold below is spoiling the show.

Daily Times,&nbsp;Pakistan&nbsp;- 8 hours ago... sculptures were prominent in reminding the people of their colonial past; the sculpture of Alfred Woolner, the vice chancellor of the Punjab University (1928 ...

I wonder what is the problem...

Please guide


fpouk 02-20-2005 05:29 PM

I was trying to install this mod for the RSS Feed for my forums..
I was running the install script that came with it... then it got to where it was adding data into my thread table and it just hung up...
I was like okay no problem... i will just go to phpmyadmin and do a repair on my thread table.. Well when i opened up phpmyadmin and went into my forums DB i notice that my thread table say's 0 Rows now.. when i click on the table it doesnt show anything.. it's just blank?

Well i tried to repair the table anyways but it just times out or something. It will get to about the 6th bar on my browser and just quit.

any help will be appreciated...

oh yeah... i cant access my forums or admin cp now because i get a internal server error

it's been giving me this internal server error ever since that install script crashed on me.


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