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Gary King 01-18-2004 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
Now thats real odd indeed, all those contstants are definded well before they are used, do you have old version of PHP or PHP 5 beta which you tried to install on? I know there has been another report of this happening.

Thanks for the feedback too :)

PHP 4.2.3

NTLDR 01-18-2004 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Mukashi
One thing I wish were possible however. On our index page, when I enable the calender showing weekends, only it gets wider. It'd be helpful if all the boxes on the side it's on were widened when that option was selected. As it stands now, we're going to have to do it through template altering.

It should do this already in vBindex RC3, if the calendar is enabled it should make it wider and if the weekends are on it should get wider again.

chas_h 01-18-2004 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
I've not installed it, but you pretty much just add the HTML to the custom block along with your scrolling content by the looks of it.

Ok thanks, I'll give a try and let you guys know what happens.


Gary King 01-18-2004 08:37 PM

How can I make it so that if a usergroup is not allowed to view forums, they can still view the vBindex as if they had regular permissions? (So then news would be available, etc. because if I deny permission to all my forums to Guests, then they can't see news articles on vBIndex as well.)

NTLDR 01-18-2004 08:57 PM

I assume you have it set so guests can view the board, but not view threads, if so find:

PHP Code:

AND forumid NOT IN (".implode(',', $limitfids)."

And remove that line, this will remove all permissions for the news posts, so anyone will see any posts within the news forums.

Gary King 01-18-2004 09:16 PM

Okay thanks, you got me on the right track anyways, I'll have to modify a few things to make it work to my liking :)

RapCheck 01-19-2004 01:33 AM

is there any way to quickly update the smilie paths? if no what about disabling smilies in the shoutbox... I have almost 100 smilies and dont think I have the patience to go through and edit each one! Wonder why they didn't make it editable in the style section.

Anarchy 01-19-2004 01:44 AM

How do i include these within another template for example vbindex_header?


Originally Posted by Anarchy
Is it possible to place PHP code within the vbindex_header template?QUOTE]

Only phpinclude_start and phpinclude_end can contain PHP. In vBindex RC3 you can add templates for PHP code for the extra pages (vbindex_extra_php_X) however no other templates can contain raw PHP (excluding the <if> conditionals).

mitomcua 01-19-2004 02:30 AM

How do i install this hack to get rid of all the vbindex templates ?


gmarik 01-19-2004 07:27 AM

It would be good to have raw php in every template, because only the admin can access them - would it not be so?

NTLDR 01-19-2004 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by RapCheck
is there any way to quickly update the smilie paths? if no what about disabling smilies in the shoutbox... I have almost 100 smilies and dont think I have the patience to go through and edit each one! Wonder why they didn't make it editable in the style section.

You can do it with a query, however I'm not sure what it is. If they are all in a common folder then I'd just add a new replacement for each style to replace images/smilies with /forums/images/smilies for example.

Alternativly you can find in vbindex.php:

PHP Code:

$shout['shout'] = fetch_censored_text(parse_bbcode($shout['shout'])); 

And replace with:

PHP Code:

$shout['shout'] = parse_bbcode($shout['shout'], 00); 

NTLDR 01-19-2004 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Anarchy
How do i include these within another template for example vbindex_header?

You have to buffer the output and then add the variable to the template, IIRC the $php_output variable is already in the header template and there is an example of what to do in the phpinclude_start template.

Martin 01-19-2004 11:16 AM

I just installed it, and I was planning breaking the virginity of the How Do I forum, but it appears I'm not cleared to post.

I've been part of the vBulletin Team since we were begging John and James to rewrite it and release it as it's own program so we could get off UBB, so I would certainly hope I'm licensed... ;)

NTLDR 01-19-2004 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Martin
I've been part of the vBulletin Team since we were begging John and James to rewrite it and release it as it's own program so we could get off UBB, so I would certainly hope I'm licensed... ;)

:D You now have full access to all the vBindex forums.

Martin 01-19-2004 11:37 AM

you're gonna regret that ;)

Mukashi 01-19-2004 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
It should do this already in vBindex RC3, if the calendar is enabled it should make it wider and if the weekends are on it should get wider again.

Odd. I'm using RC3 Build 7, but it doesn't widen when the calender is enabled with weekends. It is widened when the calender is enabled though. What might be causing the glitch?

NTLDR 01-19-2004 11:52 AM

It seems to work fine on my site, I'd check your vbindex_side template and make sure it has the following in it:

HTML Code:

<!-- start side ($currentside) -->
<td width="<if condition="$vbindex['options'] & VBI_SHOWCALENDAR"><if condition="$vbindex['options'] & VBI_SHOWWEEKENDS">230"<else />170"</if><else />150"</if> style="vertical-align: top">
        <if condition="$currentside == 'left'">

        <if condition="$currentside == 'right'">
<!-- end side ($currentside) -->

The $vbindex['options'] <if> blocks are the important parts that adjust the width.

coolva 01-19-2004 01:51 PM

Whats the easiest way to un-install this mod?

Wolfy.2k 01-19-2004 03:37 PM

hey ndtlr, great mod, i have one question, when i upgraded my forums from vb2, i installed the forums in a new forum directory, i didnt at the time update in my general settings the new url, but when i got vbindex, the old url came up on the navbar alot, so i changed it to the new directory name hoping that wud fix the problem, unfourtunately that didnt help, and next to all of the calender etc, it has the url, which kinda screws up the whole page.

please help!!!


NTLDR 01-19-2004 03:41 PM

All the URLs in the templates are controled by the value you have entered in Help Admin CP -> vBulletin Options -> Site Name / URL / Contact Details -> Board URL. Check this value is correct, if the URLs are still wrong delete your browsers cache to make sure you get a fresh page.

Wolfy.2k 01-19-2004 03:46 PM

yeah i kno the value is correct and i have done what u said but still the same, next to user cp, calender, new posts, search and quick links my forum url is put jus after it ?

and also before the Forums text jus above the nav bar

not sure what to do lol

cheers for ur help

NTLDR 01-19-2004 03:52 PM

It seems you have problems with the navbar template, I think I must have mis-understood the question.

Replace your current navbar template with the one included in the zip file :)

Wolfy.2k 01-19-2004 03:53 PM

lol i think i caught u at a good time, will try now !


where do i upload it to lol sorry

Wolfy.2k 01-19-2004 04:19 PM

fixed thanks for ur help!!


is there anyway to keep some blocks up on all pages, even when browsing the forums, like how dark wizard has his site: http://www.dpclan.us/forums/, when i go on my forums the left hand sidebars disappear


i signed up to ur forums wit username: Wolf.2k plz make me licensed!

NTLDR 01-19-2004 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Wolfy.2k
is there anyway to keep some blocks up on all pages, even when browsing the forums?

Not currently, I may look into this in the future.

Wolfy.2k 01-19-2004 06:06 PM

how did Dark Wizard do it on his site, did he modify the code? shall i ask him?

chas_h 01-19-2004 07:09 PM

I am having trouble getting the .gif images that define the forum seperators to appear in my Vbindex homepage (the ones that have the gradient etc), all I see is the background colors. I notice that you were able to get yours to work at your Core forum homepage, is there some trick to changing the image paths or something? Or do I need to edit some templates?


NTLDR 01-19-2004 07:17 PM

You need to edit the table header and category CSS definitions in the style manager.

Gary King 01-19-2004 07:29 PM

For smilies path, maybe have something in the next release, where it will find out the /forum/ folder (I believe the user has to input his/her forum folder or something?) and then just append that to the beginning of the smilies path? :)

Chris M 01-19-2004 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Martin
you're gonna regret that ;)

I'm sorry - Who are you? Can you prove your licenced status?;):p


s10owners 01-19-2004 09:19 PM

All I'm seeing is a blank page when I go to my index...All of the settings are done, it was installed correctly, but I just see a blank page...anyone?

NTLDR 01-19-2004 09:20 PM

The installation didn't finish, goto vbiupgraded.php?step=7

chas_h 01-19-2004 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
You need to edit the table header and category CSS definitions in the style manager.

If I go to the Style manager and bring up the 'Main CSS' the correct paths are already in there for the table header and category strips, and it works fine in the Forum pages. That is why I was asking if there is another place to edit these for the Vbindex page? Please excuse me if I'm missing something here.


NTLDR 01-19-2004 09:51 PM

There should only be the one place where they are defined, see the attached screenshot, I'm not sure if you edited the right part or not. The bit highlighted in the red block need the URL to be changed to http://www.mydomain.com/forum/images or /forum/images for example.

wolfe 01-19-2004 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
[high]vBindex v3.0.0 RC3[/high]

I happy to announce the third release of vBindex for vBulletin 3 here at vBulletin.org and also the first Offical vB3 Hack here :D. This is the 7th release of vBindex for vB3 and there are few known problems currently. This release should work with both vB3 Gamma and vB3 RC1 & RC2.


The following are the features that are presently avalible in vBindex, those marked [high]*NEW*[/high] have been updated since vBindex 2.1 and those marked [high]*NEW*[/high] have been updated since Pre-RC2 was released and those marked [high]*NEW*[/high] have been added since RC2.
  • News:
    • News (taken from a specified news forum), with vBcode, Smilies and optional news posters avatar;
    • [high]*NEW*[/high] Improved avatar system for news posts;
    • [high]*NEW*[/high] Option to have sticky threads in the news forum sticky on vBindex;
  • Side Blocks:
    • Easy Administration:
      • [high]*NEW*[/high] All side blocks can be moved from within the ACP, no template edits needed!;
      • [high]*NEW*[/high] Custom blocks, add unlimited custom side blocks and control them all from the ACP;
      • [high]*NEW*[/high] Support for right, left and dual side blocks;
      • [high]*NEW*[/high] Each side block can be expanded/contracted just like the forums, QRB, post rules etc on the forum;
    • Latest Threads:
      • [high]*NEW*[/high] More functional and faster new threads and posts;
      • [high]*NEW*[/high] Link to first unread post if the user has not read the thread yet;
    • [high]*NEW*[/high] Online user list, with buddies and invisible users marked:
      • [high]*NEW*[/high] Option to show users online in the past 24 hours;
      • [high]*NEW*[/high] Online users block can be switched off;
    • Integrated Welcome Panel:
      • [high]*NEW*[/high] Option for detault avatar in the Welcome Box for members without an avatar and Guests;
    • Fully integrated Shoutbox:
      • [high]*NEW*[/high] Scrolling shoutbox option;
      • [high]*NEW*[/high] Allow users to delete own shouts if option is turned on;
      • [high]*NEW*[/high] Select which usergroups can delete any users shouts;
      • [high]*NEW*[/high] View all shouts, a full page shoutbox built it;
      • [high]*NEW*[/high] Option to show disabled postshout area to unregistred users;
      • [high]*NEW*[/high] Order shouts in either direction;
    • Poll, with the option to select a random poll from a given set of forums;
    • [high]*NEW*[/high] Calendar:
      • [high]*NEW*[/high] Links to events;
      • [high]*NEW*[/high] Option to show weekends and dynmically adjust the side bars to the correct size;
    • [high]*NEW*[/high] Todays birthdays;
  • Templates & Phrases:
    • [high]*NEW*[/high] Fully phrased, both the vBindex Options and the front end are 100% phrased;
    • [high]*NEW*[/high] 100% Valid XHTML 1.0 Templates.
    • [high]*NEW*[/high] Templates/Phrases installed during install/upgrade;
  • General:
    • [high]*NEW*[/high] Thread subscription icons for news and latest threads;
    • [high]*NEW*[/high] Global and user specific ignore list throughout all items;
    • Will work 100% outside of your forums directory;
    • Fully integrated into the Admin CP, change all options there!
    • Very easy to customize, just edit/add templates;
    • Capable of operating a multi-paged site; (Extra Page Tutorial)
    • [high]*NEW*[/high] Dynamic PHP Driven Extra Pages via Templates; (Extra Dynamic Page Tutorial)
    • [high]*NEW*[/high] Optimised code;
    • [high]*NEW*[/high] Use date/time option (Today/Yesterday and Detailed) specified in vB Options;
    • Only 5 queries with everything switched off, and still only 13 with all options turned on, thats 5 queries less than our nearest competitor!
    • [high]*NEW*[/high] Improved install, easy onscreen instructions that even new hacks should be able to follow and have vBindex working quicky;
    • [high]*NEW*[/high] Compatible with vBwar for vB3 when its released.


See the READ_ME_1ST.txt file include in the zip for more detailed install instructions and details of where to upload the files. Then point your browser at http://www.mydomain.com/forums/install/vbiupgrade.php.

If UPGRADING I recommend deleting all your old vBindex templates before upgrading as I've made changes to ensure you won't lose templates with future upgrades. The query bellow will delete all templates starting with vbindex.

[sql]DELETE FROM template WHERE title like ('vbindex%');[/sql]


The offical place for support is at Core Forums, please PM myself or hellsatan with your Core Forums username to become a licenced member with access to a wider range of information, addons and early released. Support will also be given in this thread.

vBindex is Copyright MMII - MMIV Winter Systems, you may not distribute in part or whole any portion of the source code (apart from in this thread or at Core Forums) or any file included in the zip (Unless you are posting a language translation of vbindex_phrases.xml in this thread or at Core Forums). Portions Copyright MM - MMIV Jelsoft Enterprises Limited. Both the Jelsoft vBulletin and the Winter Systems vBindex Copyright notice in the footer must stay in place for any page powered by vBindex.

[high]vBindex is *FREE*, please have the courtesy click install if you use this hack, thank you[/high] :)

NTLDR i messed up when i installed it how would i completely uninstall it to reinstall it ??? is there an uninstall script ?

NTLDR 01-19-2004 09:56 PM

You'll need to reverse all the queries found in the install files. I doubt you have messed it up enough to need to uninstall to re-install though. An uninstaller is planned for the final version.

wolfe 01-19-2004 09:57 PM

which upgrade files the install file it uses loads doen't it ?

NTLDR 01-19-2004 09:59 PM

vbiupgrade1.php, vbiupgrade2.php, vbiupgrade3.php and vbiupgraded.php and the files which perform all the changes.

wolfe 01-19-2004 10:07 PM

ok thanx alot i will change the quierys and reinstall also on a personal note this is an awesome portal but what new changes will be in the final release or future upgrades ?

chas_h 01-19-2004 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
There should only be the one place where they are defined, see the attached screenshot, I'm not sure if you edited the right part or not. The bit highlighted in the red block need the URL to be changed to http://www.mydomain.com/forum/images or /forum/images for example.

That's what I had edited when trying some different gradient .gif files, and they did appear properly at the Forum page but have never made it to the Vbindex page.
But just now I added the complete url (http://mydomain.com/forum/images/gradients/etc' and it is working fine. I was using the default 'images/gradients/__.gif'
Thanks for the help.


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