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Xyphen 01-02-2003 10:05 PM

Strider Xero, the idea is very nice, i think bitsys should do it. But he will need images of all those characters -_-, magician and stuff, at least i think so.. lol

If you want some rpg charcter images, or item images, I have the perfect site for them, just ask me.

xxskullxx 01-02-2003 11:05 PM

I have one problem.

No matter which way I have it set (power level by post or battle) when I try to start a new battle it tells me to 'Please enter a valid password' no matter what I put in.

Any idea's would be appreciated.

BTW This is a new install. Also this is a great hack, I had version 57 running fine on my test board.

Xyphen 01-02-2003 11:44 PM

ok, Another suggestion Bitsys..

The suggestion is, that the level should not be powered up by posting, it should be powered up by battles, that way, when new members signup, they don't have to worry about posting 10,000 posts to beat the strongest.. There should be a option. Increase level by battles, or posts, or both!
I think that would be a nice addon..

xxskullxx 01-03-2003 12:02 AM

That option already exists.

Strider Xero 01-03-2003 05:56 AM

AViO, it already exists, lol. Look under your Battle Options. It was because I chose option that I ran into database errors. Fortunately, Bitsys included the helpfile and it told me exactly what to do if I wanted to increase a Members level from battles instead of posts.

AViO, try this. Go to the Battle Options Menu, and have "Calculate user levels based on post count" set to "No"?

Once done, open up the help documents. Go to Battle->Admin->Options

and you should be set

PSI|Dr-X 01-03-2003 09:20 AM

Bytsis when is the full version comming i hope very soon :)

VeoMorphine 01-03-2003 03:57 PM


Originally posted by AViO 07
ok, Another suggestion Bitsys..

The suggestion is, that the level should not be powered up by posting, it should be powered up by battles, that way, when new members signup, they don't have to worry about posting 10,000 posts to beat the strongest.. There should be a option. Increase level by battles, or posts, or both!
I think that would be a nice addon..

Bothwould be perfect. i REALLY wish we had both(b/c right now there is really no movovation except money to battle which isnt much.)

xxskullxx 01-03-2003 04:11 PM

You mean for both posting and battling count? As of now it works one way or the other. I think it's be pretty tough to make them both count, but I'm sure someone can come up with a way.

Mrpolish 01-03-2003 06:10 PM

I have a suggestins Bitsys:
When users refer others to your site they should be paid fold for that or at least there should be an option for doing that and also a field in Admincp to set how much the users will get per refferal.
I dont know if thats going to be i the final ver. but it would be better when the stats would be updated automatically not manually.

Mijae 01-03-2003 07:15 PM

I got an error according to one of my users:

Both players waged $200 but after the battle none of them got the money, and they both lost $200. Also, seems like members loose all their money after they update their stats.

Mijae 01-03-2003 08:11 PM

not sure if its supposed to do this, but I can use heal.php DURING a battle.

Mijae 01-03-2003 08:14 PM

A simple request:

How can I add the level, class, in battle, etc for my forumhome template?

Strider Xero 01-03-2003 10:29 PM

Bitsys, for some reason on my test board a member's full stats shows as follows:

Class: Assassin
Race: Orc
Alignment: Evil
RPG Gender: Male
Attack: 0
Magic Attack: 0
Speed: 0
Defense: 0
Magic Defense: 0
Evade: 0

I'm using the default numbers for magic attack, speed, etc. Also, the level isnt showing up in the postbit for some reason. And lastly, the guy thats battling me gets an error when he tries to attack. He has yet to post the error. I will post the error once he gives it to me. Until then, what could the other stuff be caused by?

SpyGuy007 01-04-2003 12:17 AM


Originally posted by v0id
A simple request:

How can I add the level, class, in battle, etc for my forumhome template?

Yes, this would be an excellent add-on for my "Account Information" sidebar on my forumhome.

I beleive it's a simple database query to add onto index.php, but I don't want to give the wrong instructions. I'll try it out and see if I get the right query and I'll post it here, but I bet Bitsys will beat me to it. ;)

Bitsys 01-04-2003 12:32 PM

Hey Guys! I got really sick on Thursday, and this is the first time I have been one my computer since then, so I am back as long as I don't get sick again.


Originally posted by Strider Xero
Hey bitsys thanks a bunch, it worked!! =)


Forgive me if someone has already mentioned these, but I think it's a pretty reasonable and logical suggestion. Bitsys, do you plan on making different levels of classes?? For example, say a new nember chooses his Class as a normal Wizard. Once he/she reaches level 10, he/she will be automatically Re-classed as a Magician. Once he/she reaches level 20, again the user will re-classed to "Mage". When the user reaches 30, they become a Summoner, and so on and so on. Is this feature planned for future releases??

Also, I noticed on some boards, once a user chooses an alignment, element, race and class, it becomes permament. As in they will not be able to change any of it with that username--unless of course the feature I mentioned above was implemented, and only their class would change. Do you plan on making this feature in future releases??

Suggestion1: I believe that was in the original class hack. The problem I had with it in this hack is that for each class, you would have to assign a post count and a Name for that level of the class. This seemed like a ton of work, plus, it would have been hard to implement in the postbit stuff as well as battle. I am still looking into it though.

Suggestion2: It has been suggested before, and I am still thinking about it.

xxskullxx (first post):
Assuming you are still having that problem, what do you have your battle options screen set to?

It would be out sooner if I hadn't gotten sick and if I didn't have tomorrow booked solid.

Strider Xero explained how do to that 2 posts above you. If you do want that feature, then you can no longer have levels based on post count. However, if you still wnat levels based on post count, then I can make it so that only the winner of the battle gets experience when the results of the battle are posted to a forum.

The referral idea sounds easy enough.

The problem with updating stats automatically is that every time you made a post, it would have to run through the update stats code. I am not sure that this is what everyone wants, since that would add quite a few queries each time a user posts.

How did the battle end?

They should not be losing money when they update their stats. In fact, the update stats code does not even touch the user's money. There must be something else causing the members to lose money.

v0id (second post):
Nope, its not supposed to do that. I will look into it.

v0id (third post):
Open up "Member Profile Add-on.txt" that was included in the .zip file. Copy the appropriate code into index.php above the point where the forumhome template is called.

In the code you just pasted, find:
PHP Code:


and replace it with
PHP Code:


You should now be able to use all of the variables that are listed at thebottom of "Member Profile Add-on.txt" in your forumhome template.

Strider Xero:
What are your Battle Options set to?

Mijae 01-04-2003 02:16 PM

I found another bug/error:

When you enter ' in a battle's name it will cause a mySQL error and the battle cant go through.

Bitsys 01-04-2003 03:37 PM


Originally posted by v0id
I found another bug/error:

When you enter ' in a battle's name it will cause a mySQL error and the battle cant go through.

Thanks. It will be fixed in the next version.

Strider Xero 01-04-2003 06:53 PM

Edit Battle Options
Name of the field used to store a user's RPG name - field6

Battle Hack is on. - Yes

Maximum number of battles - 0

Battles are private. - No

Refresh time to automaticaly refresh battles (in seconds). - 60

Last activity time for pruning battles - 604800

Post battle results. - Yes

Power Level Options
Do you want a user's power level calculated by and based on their post count? - No

Power level modifier
This controls how fast user's gain levels based on their post count. - 3

Name of the field used to store a user's level. - field7

Experience Options
Give experience to users for participating in battles based on the number of turns. - Yes

Amount of experience to give per turn in battle. - 10

Give experience to users for participating in battles based on the winner of the battle. - Yes

Amount of experience to give per win in battle. - 10

Name of the field used to store a user's experience - field8

PSI|Dr-X 01-04-2003 07:06 PM

Hey i found a bug i think

If i do the Do you want a user's power level calculated by and based on their post count? - No

then there is a mysql error

Bitsys 01-04-2003 07:18 PM

Strider Xero:
Make sure that you have created two user profile fields, one to store the user's level, and another to store the user's experience. Then, make sure that you and your opponent have those fields filled in appropriately. You can do this in the admin cp by viewing a user's profile in the admin cp.

I think I will change the whole experience/level system. Here is how the new system will work, let me know what you think:

Two new fields will be created in the user table. One will be called experience, the other will be called level. Any time a user posts, they will gain experience (if the admin chooses that option). That experience will add to their total experience (can be greater than 100). In order to calculate the user's level, I will use the same formula that is currently used for the user's post count. So, a user with 63,000 experience will have a level based on what you set the power level modifier to. If you set the modifier to 5, then with 63,000 experience, the user may only have a level of 27, but with a modifier of 1, the user may have a level of 2,000. The remainder of experience above the level will be used to calculate the user's progress towards gaining another level. This system will be better for the following reasons:
  • People who want to use the post count to determine experience can still do so.
  • People who want to give experience based on battle AND post count can do so.
  • People who want to be able to manually change the user's experience/level and make it PERMANENT will be able to do so.
  • I can still make it retroactive based on post count.
  • Users can still gain experience based on battles even if the admin chooses not to post the results of the battle to a forum

This will simplify the battle options menu greatly. If I were to implement this system, there would be much fewer database errors since there is no need to iunput the correct name of the user profile field. Also, Admins could switch between systems at any point in time, without worrying about users losing levels and experience.

Let me know what you think or if you need a little more explanation. Overall, I think this would be for the better if I changed it around a little bit.

WAIT! I just had another idea. Instead of making two new fields, I only need one - the experience field. Assuming that you would want to use the formula, I could make it so that everything is based off of experience, and the level is automatically calculated from that. Whenever you wanted to reward a user, you could give him/her a specific amount of experience. The higher the user's level, the more experience they would need to get to the next level.

So, how about that?

Dribbles 01-04-2003 07:50 PM

Does anyone have this installed on a forum that I can check out? thnx :)

mr e 01-04-2003 08:11 PM

bitsys, the new idea sounds great :D

xxskullxx 01-04-2003 09:41 PM

I fixed it by rehacking it all, I must have messed up somewhere, but for the life of me I can't find where. I even used file compare and there are no differences.....

I noticed you say to raise the power level modifier to make it harder to gain posts, well for some reason mine works the other way....

At 1 it takes 3 posts to get 1% exp on average. (Where I needed to set it btw because of over zealous users ;))

Also no matter what I tried I could not get the exp to work with battles only. I have the correct fields put in the battle options. I've tried on my localhost and online several times with 2.2.6 - 2.2.9 and it won't work for me on any of them. I never had a problem with your last version, so I'm kinda stumped.

Anyhow, this is a great hack bitsys. I love it and so do my users.
(yes, I'm one of the idiots with it on a live board).

Bitsys 01-04-2003 09:50 PM


Originally posted by xxskullxx
I fixed it by rehacking it all, I must have messed up somewhere, but for the life of me I can't find where. I even used file compare and there are no differences.....

I noticed you say to raise the power level modifier to make it harder to gain posts, well for some reason mine works the other way....

At 1 it takes 3 posts to get 1% exp on average. (Where I needed to set it btw because of over zealous users ;))

Also no matter what I tried I could not get the exp to work with battles only. I have the correct fields put in the battle options. I've tried on my localhost and online several times with 2.2.6 - 2.2.9 and it won't work for me on any of them. I never had a problem with your last version, so I'm kinda stumped.

Anyhow, this is a great hack bitsys. I love it and so do my users.
(yes, I'm one of the idiots with it on a live board).

Well, since I am going to change everything over to the new idea, I wouldn't worry about the battle problems you are currently having. Wait until the next release. It is going to have plenty of goodies.

xxskullxx 01-04-2003 09:54 PM

Good to hear. :) I'll be waiting.

Will I be able to upgrade?

[high]* xxskullxx crosses fingers

Once again, great hack!

Bitsys 01-04-2003 10:00 PM


Originally posted by xxskullxx
Will I be able to upgrade?

Yeah, I am still practicing my upgrades, so the next version will be upgradeable.

Xyphen 01-04-2003 11:27 PM

Idea: In Items, when creating a personal itemshop, will it be possible to have sub categories for itemshop categories. If I make a itemshop for a specific group, then I need to make all types of items, but how can without creating a million categories, do you get it? Sub Item Categories. Also RPG Clans, that would be so hot. Like a clan creator, with your own personal items, logo, and other stuff. Im not sure if this has been asked, but it sounds cool to me. So bitsey if your into it, lemme kno. Also, why do all the items have to be generic? can i change that?

Bitsys 01-04-2003 11:36 PM


Originally posted by AViO 07
Idea: In Items, when creating a personal itemshop, will it be possible to have sub categories for itemshop categories. If I make a itemshop for a specific group, then I need to make all types of items, but how can without creating a million categories, do you get it? Sub Item Categories. Also RPG Clans, that would be so hot. Like a clan creator, with your own personal items, logo, and other stuff. Im not sure if this has been asked, but it sounds cool to me. So bitsey if your into it, lemme kno. Also, why do all the items have to be generic? can i change that?
Due to the original database strucutre from which my itemshop is based off of, it is not practical to make sub-categories.

Clans have been suggested, but are not at the top of my list right now.

You can change an item's type by going to the "Edit Item Type" menu in the admin cp. If you only see one column, then you must add more RPG Types before you can assign items to mulitple types. After you create this RPG Type, you must put RPG Classes underneath it at the "Edit Classes" Menu in the admin cp.

SpyGuy007 01-05-2003 02:19 AM

I think a little change to the itemshop is in store for another reason. For item types, two options are One-Handed and Two-Handed Weapons. However, you have to set up two different categories to sell both types. I think it would be better to be able to sell both types in one store, so a user keeps to just one weapon slot. The same goes for accessories, spells, etc. Instead of having things that must be in their own individual store for things that do + to HP, MA, PP, etc., they should all go in one store together.

I don't know if this is just a minor change or a huge alteration, but I think it would make the store more streamlined.

Bitsys 01-05-2003 02:45 AM


Originally posted by SpyGuy007
I think a little change to the itemshop is in store for another reason. For item types, two options are One-Handed and Two-Handed Weapons. However, you have to set up two different categories to sell both types. I think it would be better to be able to sell both types in one store, so a user keeps to just one weapon slot. The same goes for accessories, spells, etc. Instead of having things that must be in their own individual store for things that do + to HP, MA, PP, etc., they should all go in one store together.

I don't know if this is just a minor change or a huge alteration, but I think it would make the store more streamlined.

Currently, two-handed and one-handed weapons do the same thing in battle.

The reason I made it so that all items in one category do the same thing in battle is so that you don't have to specify what each individual item does. That seemes tedious. It was also not a part of the original itemshop design. What you are talking about sounds more like an inventory system. Or, a system in which the user must select which items they want to use while in battle, right?

I am not sure about what you meant on the "+ to HP, MA, PP" stuff, but you can put + to HP and/or + to MA potions under the same category.

An inventory system and/or battle weapon selection system would add another level to the complexity of the current system. As such, I don't think it constitutes enough merit for change, but I am always open towards more opinions.

ULTIMATESSJ 01-05-2003 01:42 PM

well i tried out the hack, no problems at all with it, great hack, glad that someone finally took their time to release such a great hack

/me clicks install

Xyphen 01-05-2003 04:30 PM

/me clicked install long time ago..

Bitsys, when is the next upgrade coming out and with what features?

Xyphen 01-05-2003 04:54 PM

Here are some rules I used a long time ago. They seem to fit well into the RPG, although a few rules need to be tweaked.
Spike made most of the rules. I made some parts and helped him adjust the rules. Tell me what you think of it.

RPG rules

*Name: Your Chara's name...
*Age: Your chara's age... [ min. 15 / max. 999 (elves are adult at 150, orcs and humans die at 100) ]
*Race: Humans / Elves / Orcs / Undead
Clothing: Your clothes
Home: describe your home
Preferred Job: Tell us your preferred Job
Abbilities: Give us 3 abilities, like flying
Talents: give us 2 talents like foreign languages
Preferred Weapon: like it sez
Background Info: A bit background info about your character
Allies: your friends
Enemies: your enemies

-mods have to read the entire profile, and consider everything before approving, things like time and clothing have to compare?

-if profile is complete reply like this:


+1000 gil. (donate, or give in admin cp.)

The experience you get per level
level 1, per training max. 40%
level 2, per training max. 33%
level 3, per training max. 20%
level 4, per training max. 17%
level 5, per training max. 15%
level 6, per training max. 12%
level 7, per training max. 9%
level 8, per training max. 7%
level 9, per training max. 4%

the strength you get per level

level 1 - 5
level 2 - 10
level 3 - 18
level 4 - 25
level 5 - 35
level 6 - max. 50
level 7 - max. 70
level 8 - max. 95
level 9 - max. 125
level 10 - maximum 175 damage


-Undead(/?) can only post between 8 in the evening and 8 in the morning

-They get a maximum of 20% experience.

Level 1:

human - 5
elf - 5
orc ? 7,5
undead - 10
human / elf - 5
human / orc ? 7,5
human / undead - 10
elf / orc ? 7,5
elf / undead - 7,5
orc / undead ? 12,5


-The contestants decide the place where their battle takes place.

(Wasteland, Valley, Forest, Grass, Rocks, etc.)

-They also decide how many post in total.


Battle in a Valley with a river, and 10 posts in total.


Gollakh looked up, and he saw his opponent appear in front of a rock formation, then they both drawed their swords, and they started circling around eachother. Suddenly, Gollakh?s opponent unleased a loud warscream, and charged Gollakh. Gollakh succeeded in dodging the attack, and turned around quickly.



-Winner is decided by a mod, directly at the end of a battle, you can?t battle longer than half an hour, and don?t post anywhere else than in the battle at that time.

-Winner is the one who is stronger, or the one who plays the most fair. (letting himself get hurt sometimes).

-XP upgrade: Loser's strength divided by winner's strength and that times 50
(don?t know if that formula works?)


-Have to post a minimum of 250 words (400 is better), and must describe a part of his journey, training, adventures.

General Rules

-Don?t post in other persons training threads, don?t post in admins threads, don?t post in battle threads you don?t take part in.

-you need to go to the metropolis before you can train, in the metropolis are translocators, white bubbles of magic which can sent you to Eldor and The plains. you need to write a story that you go through the translocators first.

-If you want to got to Volcano Island, you need to go to the harbor, but Volcano Island is closed right now, I'll delete all posts in it, because you're not up to those monsters, and I need to write rules for them.

-Clans cost 2500

-ranks are


-Each day the incomes of the clanmembers are put with the clans money, and the general pays you an income that fits you, sometimes more than you earned, but sometimes less.

-Clans vs. Clans, people choose their strongest, and fight against eachother, people choose their second strongest, and they fight against eachother, etc.

-Mass Fights, Each contestant posts at his turn, and they can do and fight anyone they want from their opponents.

-Ko, is max, damage, delivered by a person who is 2 times stronger than you.

-Bills should be payed to the mods. (from the inn, and pub.)

-Your signature should look like:

Race: RACE
Age: AGE
Allies: 'your allies'
Enemies: 'you enemies'
Strength: ?
Exp: ?

-If you option to choose as ability, mug, or pickpocket, you can steal money from people, you write a story that you walk into someone, and that you steal a maximum of 50 points/gil (points are now called GIL!!. you cannot steal from people who have less than 100, if people carry more than thousand money, you can steal 100 gil, and so on.

Tutorial On Clans


1. Intro
1.1 How to set up a clan
1.2 Making rules to a clan
1.3 Joining a clan

2 Using a clan


1. Intro
As you've probably read somewhere this RPG makes use of clans. Clans mean that a group of people who are playing here, joined each other to have more power in forfilling their common goal. They are also asssociated with fighting crews, well they actually are

1.1 How to set up a clan?
You can easily set up a clan by posting in the right forum with a thread title that you want a clan, it'll cost you 2500 points. It's usefull to have a clan banner [88x15 pixels] so members can put it in their signatures.

1.2 Making rules to a clan
If you're a clan owner you can make rules to your clan, like only elves'll be accepted, or you need level 5 in strenght etc. Just make a new thread called rules and it's done...

Role Playing Game F.A.Q.

This is a brief F.A.Q. to the RPG. More info will be added he as soon as some people ask me more.

What's gil ?
-GIL is the money that'll be use in the RPG.

What can you use gil for?
-You can buy Items in the Itemshop.

How many items can i buy?
-7 Items, but you can sell them again and buy something else.

Will there always be enough items to buy?
-That viariates, if all people will buy the same items the Itemshop can say that there aren't any items in stock anymore.

How can I join a clan ?
-Just read the Clan rules and post somewhere in their clan forum where it's allowed to register.

Can I make my own clan?
-Yes, read the Clan tutorial for more infomation.

Can I make 2 clans?
-No, you're not allowed to make 2 clans.

How many people can join my clan ?
-At this time you're allowed to have 7 clan members including yourself.

How do you know i'm in a clan?
-You registered yourself and you have to put in on top of your signature.

How will the fights go ?
-Read the special tutorial about it.

Can there be clanwars?
-Yes, there can be.

Were will clanwars be hold?
-In the special forums for it; The Pit

How can i get Allies?
-Yes, just PM someone that plays the RPG as well and ask it, you have to had a meeting with the person in a training or a pub or so!

How can i get enemys?
-Just people you don't like and play the RPG can be your enemies.

How should I register?
-Just post in the register forum, and make a new thread titled: [your name] Registration or something like that.

Do I have to register for the RPG ?
-Yes you do.

Why is it a RPG ?
-Because you're playing a role from a character.

Suggestion made at OtakuOnline by the members

mr e 01-05-2003 06:02 PM

im pretty sure that the next release will have elemental damage counted in, i dunno what else it'll have

mr e 01-05-2003 06:06 PM

5. you should make it that when a person has his own item shop, they can attach pictures to there items that'll be displayed like all other items

Xyphen 01-05-2003 06:23 PM


Originally posted by mr e
5. you should make it that when a person has his own item shop, they can attach pictures to there items that'll be displayed like all other items
Ya, also there should be a restriction for the size for the images, like no bigger then 17x17 or whatever..

ULTIMATESSJ 01-05-2003 09:14 PM

lol i hope the next release has some good changes to it, also would anyone happen to know where i can get some dbz gifs for this RPG, since i'm making mine into a dbz rpg

Mijae 01-05-2003 10:01 PM

hrm, some of my members get half of the interest that they should get, and the rest dont get any :P

I dont know what can be wrong.

PSI|Dr-X 01-06-2003 01:50 PM

Hehe ultimate ssj im too on making a dbz rpg system of it but im waiting to the full version i already had coded a time the whole vincent 3.0 class hack to rpg

and im working on the dbz items too on itemshop and maybe attacks too

Xyphen 01-06-2003 07:24 PM

Bitsys, I got probs, -_-.. I was battling with a friend, cuz he was having probs, so i went to edit Item types, I changed them all to Generic, and i tried to change them back, but it doesn't work.. and everything says

Your Item is for a different class. Please sell it.

except for fists and ++++, please help, what do I do?

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  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • printthread_post
  • printthread_complete