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Steve Machol 11-28-2001 11:30 PM

I wasn't able to find it. I'll look again. Thanks!

Steve Machol 11-28-2001 11:35 PM

Found it! I was searching for online when I should have been looking for online.php. Works now. Thanks again!

Hooper 11-29-2001 12:27 AM


I ran the uninstall script and unhacked. I verified the tables have indeed been removed from the database. I haven't found anything in the db that resembles vbstats and am confident that the uninstall was a complete success. No need for the table information.

Thank You,
Have a good week.

FWC 11-29-2001 01:50 AM


Originally posted by smachol
Found it! I was searching for online when I should have been looking for online.php. Works now. Thanks again!
It's a great trick. I've used the same method to make my signature editor and attachment search programs show up right in Who's Online. A nice little bonus, Bane!! :D

Steve Machol 11-29-2001 01:57 AM

I've also modified online.php for my Chat Room, Optical Help Wanted Page and Donations Page. I thought I had it right for vBStats but I had made a slight mistake.

JTMON 11-29-2001 02:00 AM

Hey Steve,

What kind of chat software are you running? Am looking into this.

trilOByte 11-29-2001 02:16 AM


Originally posted by Hooper
<snip>....This hack has been around since 2.03 from what I see here. Am I correct?.....<snip>

<snip>....Just a hack that needs work before being displayed as a FULL RELEASE. This should be in the beta hack forum.....<snip>


You should go see Bill Gates with that one ;)

Steve Machol 11-29-2001 02:18 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by JTMON
Hey Steve,

What kind of chat software are you running? Am looking into this.

Meta 11-29-2001 08:30 AM

Thank you for the hack, Bane!

Easy to install ... working well ... well done!

patvdv 12-01-2001 05:03 AM

Hey Bane,

I just noticed today (1st of Dec) that the Monthly postings stats do not roll over. It seems like they keep being added from November. Any ideas what might be the cause?

FWC 12-01-2001 06:35 AM


Originally posted by patvdv
Hey Bane,

I just noticed today (1st of Dec) that the Monthly postings stats do not roll over. It seems like they keep being added from November. Any ideas what might be the cause?

If you are referring to the top posters for the last month, it should be dynamic based on the last 30 days. I don't think it does or should reset with the first of a month.

patvdv 12-01-2001 10:22 AM


Yes I am referring to that. If that would be the case, I'd say the titel should be changed from 'Last Month' to 'Last 30 days'. Maybe an option for a next release to allow the choice between true monthly based and xx days interval based.

Bane 12-01-2001 04:33 PM

Good Point Pat. And the wording is misleading. I wrote this suggestion down in my todo list. Thanks

mvigod 12-03-2001 02:47 PM

First let me say that vstats is an awesome hack. Good Job!

Now I have 2 questions of which I apologize if they were addressed in this thread already. I'm asking them because it takes me between 2 minutes to 5 minutes to pull up each page in vbulletin.org or vbulletin.com. The sites are EXTREMELY SLOW for me. I'm on a cable modem too. Anyone else have these speed issues. It's unbearably painfully slow. Is it just me?

My 1st question on vbstats is the date field on the setup file where it says date statistics begin. What does this field do if you change it? Also, what is the format? My default entry after install says 952001. What is that number?

Second question is with the exclusion URL. I listed my domain (in the form of domain.com) in the exclusion list but it keeps coming up in the referrer list. How do I keep it from coming up and excluding? I thought adding it to the url list would work?

Thanks and again, awesome job.

Prezident 12-03-2001 02:55 PM

This is a cool hack, I like the things it does. It would be cool if it would also track hits to the forums from not only countries, but states also, so I could get an idea of what states were visiting the forum.

Also, I know a couple people have asked about the performance hit this hack causes. Well I have found it to be significant. The tracking system causes a 20% - 40% CPU spike whenever a page is loaded. Just a brief one, but a spike nontheless. I am running my server from a P3-700 with 256 RAM.

People who are paying web hosts to run their forums and their servers may not be too concerned with this, but others who are running it locally might think twice.

So, besides the change in CPU demand, this hack is pretty cool.

Nice work, and thanks to you Bane.

-=dm=- 12-03-2001 09:47 PM

Thanx Bane it working fine:)

btw how do I uninstall it?

thanx in advance


-=dm=- 12-04-2001 03:10 AM

can someone please tell me why it not showing any Countries
(Visitor Countries (0) )

is it possible to see vbstats on who is online section?

thanx in advance:)


FWC 12-04-2001 03:41 AM


Originally posted by -=dm=-
is it possible to see vbstats on who is online section?dm
You can do it manually, but Firefly released this wonderful hadk for adding Who's Online locations:


-=dm=- 12-04-2001 03:49 AM


You can do it manually, but Firefly released this wonderful hadk for adding Who's Online locations:

but this one from FireFly is for the cp right?

how can I do it manually?

i want one like Bane have on he?s "Viewing Talk Loud Network Statistics"

FWC 12-04-2001 04:24 AM

In online.php add
PHP Code:

// vbStats 
case 'vbstats'
$userinfo[where] = "Viewing <a href='vbstats.php?action=stats&s=$session[sessionhash]'>Statistics</a>"
// vbStats End 

right before
PHP Code:

    case 'spider':
$userinfo[where] = "Search Engine Spider";

PHP Code:

// vbStats 
case $forumprefix.'vbstats.php'
$userinfo[activity] = 'vbstats'
// vbStats End 

right before
PHP Code:

  case '/robots.txt':
$userinfo[activity] = 'spider';
$userinfo[activity] = 'unknown';

Add whatever words you want after "Viewing and before the <a href in the first code to change what it says.

-=dm=- 12-04-2001 04:26 AM

thanx man:)

I have also just installed the one from the link and I cant get it to work:(

ok I?ll this one now:)


-=dm=- 12-04-2001 04:50 AM

Thanx it works:):):)

can u please also help me with the other one, I dont know what Im doing wrong, I did exactly what FireFly wrote in the post and uploaded both files.
I cant see the whois online option in the admin cp.


FWC 12-04-2001 05:47 AM


Originally posted by -=dm=-
can u please also help me with the other one, I dont know what Im doing wrong, I did exactly what FireFly wrote in the post and uploaded both files.
I cant see the whois online option in the admin cp.


I haven't installed Chen's hack yet because I already added all my links manually. I am going to install it the next time I need ot add one. It's cool. :)

mvigod 12-04-2001 01:03 PM

I have everything working ok but the referring sites is still showing my site as the top referrar and counting hits from it. I checked the database tables and my site is in the exclude table so why is it still showing up? Is anyone else having this problem?

Also, in the setup control panel for vbstats what does the date starting field do if you change it and what date format does it take? Mine says 952001???


-=dm=- 12-04-2001 05:41 PM

I have the same problem and also countries does only show UK nothing else:(

can someone please help?

Bane 12-06-2001 06:48 AM


Originally posted by mvigod
I have everything working ok but the referring sites is still showing my site as the top referrar and counting hits from it. I checked the database tables and my site is in the exclude table so why is it still showing up? Is anyone else having this problem?

Also, in the setup control panel for vbstats what does the date starting field do if you change it and what date format does it take? Mine says 952001???


Is your site listed as yoursite.com or www.yoursite.com? make sure its yoursite.com with no www. or anything like that. And what is coming up in the list?

The date can be any format, it makes no difference, it is only used to display tracking since > so this should be the date you began tracking.

Im really not sure why it wouldnt track countries. That seems to be a unique problem. Perhaps your server?

-=dm=- 12-06-2001 10:31 PM

hmm strange
it dont work for me:(
everything else are working fine.

I have problems with:

Referring Sites and Countries

please is there someone who can help me out.

thanx in advance


Amasov 12-07-2001 04:38 AM

What kind of problems do you have with it ?

(*geee* sorry, i did'nt read the post before... )

So, just give us a link to your forum and we will see, what we can do....

-=dm=- 12-07-2001 07:47 AM

btw this statstic thingy are showing alot of fake info.
I like the hack and I like the whole style of it. but for me it look like something , which should only be added for fun its not any seriuse stuff, and Bane why is Denmark flag not showing on u r Visitor Countries page, I see u have my site on u r Link Queue, so urs are also not working correct, u have even newer version of they vBstat hack.

sorry if Im wrong, but I have playid with that vbstatic 2 days and with no luck.

but its still one of the cools hacks:)



Bane 12-08-2001 10:44 AM

dm - there is a known problem with the country detection. Im going to use a new scheme if I can ever get time to work on it.

Symbian.info 12-09-2001 06:06 PM

I wil get
Unknown Location: /forum/vbstats.php?&action=stats&s=
With who is online...

floleb7 12-09-2001 06:14 PM

do you have www.yourforum.com/forum and forum.yourforum.com for visitor ?

FWC 12-09-2001 06:19 PM


Originally posted by Symbian.info
I wil get
Unknown Location: /forum/vbstats.php?&action=stats&s=
With who is online...

You can fix this manually in online.php. There are instructions somewhere in this thread. I would recommend installing this hack:


It makes it really easy to add new locations to Who's Online.

Symbian.info 12-09-2001 06:24 PM


Originally posted by FWC
You can fix this manually in online.php. There are instructions somewhere in this thread. I would recommend installing this hack:


It makes it really easy to add new locations to Who's Online.

Already installed, but is still the same problem.. Maybe because our forum is in Dutch?

Butt a like Vbstat it very mutch..!

floleb7: our url is: www.symbian.info/forum

DarkReaper 12-10-2001 02:11 AM



It shows the top 3 posters as being sartophiketle, MasterEvilAce, and Smithboy, but here it has it in a different order. To see post counts on the member list edit the html code and search for "2475" - you can clearly see that there's a different reported post count between the 2.

sartophiketle has 2475 posts on the top 15 posters list in member.php, but in vbstats.php he has 2103...??

Also, for the last 30 days...it could be right, but most likely isn't...800 posts in 30 days? Um..yea.

The Realist 12-10-2001 10:04 AM

I have 2 problems.

1) I am running version 2.2.1 and in admin/index.php I cannot find:

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" id="navtable">
<?php maketableheader("Stats & Logs"); ?>

BUT I can find something similar to:
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" id="navtable">

So I placed the requiered txt above that "IS THIS CORRECT" OR WERE SHOULD I PLACE IT"

Also I am getting the following errors when wiewing the "View Public Statistics" in CP.

Warning: Division by zero in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/skytronic-forums.com/httpdocs/vbstats.php on line 159

Warning: Division by zero in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/skytronic-forums.com/httpdocs/vbstats.php on line 165

Warning: Division by zero in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/skytronic-forums.com/httpdocs/vbstats.php on line 162

Warning: Division by zero in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/skytronic-forums.com/httpdocs/vbstats.php on line 186

Warning: Division by zero in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/skytronic-forums.com/httpdocs/vbstats.php on line 148

Warning: Division by zero in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/skytronic-forums.com/httpdocs/vbstats.php on line 139

Warning: Division by zero in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/skytronic-forums.com/httpdocs/vbstats.php on line 145

Warning: Division by zero in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/skytronic-forums.com/httpdocs/vbstats.php on line 142

Warning: Division by zero in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/skytronic-forums.com/httpdocs/vbstats.php on line 136

Warning: Division by zero in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/skytronic-forums.com/httpdocs/vbstats.php on line 151

Warning: Division by zero in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/skytronic-forums.com/httpdocs/vbstats.php on line 154

Any help please?

Brian :confused:

KuraFire 12-10-2001 12:25 PM

Okay, I'm still reading this thread but here's a suggestion in advance:

Bane, how about adding [Stats home] at the bottom nav so that people don't have to click the Statistics link in "$bbtitle > Statistics > .... " anymore to get to the main page of the Statistics? :)

I really miss that "home" link down there. :)

Also, I would like to know how to remove all parts about Referrals in this hack. I don't use the referral system on my board so it'd be pretty useless to have the "Top Referrer" listed - can this be edited out easily?

And to FWC: Would you please tell me how you have the whole Statistics block coded into your Forum Home page? I'm talking about the block that starts with a link to the vbstats.php and ends with "Hottest thread this week" - I would LOVE to have that overview on my forum home as well, please tell me how to code this in there. I'd be very grateful :)

Furthermore: I'm waiting until I read that there is a fully detailed zipfile with instructions and Everything all sorted together, for vbulletin 2.2.1 - meaning I won't have to search through this Very long thread all over again to find out how to make this work on vbulletin 2.2.1, from a clean install (haven't installed this hack ever, so far). It'd be great if you, Bane, could make a new decent and complete overview again in your next release. I think MANY people would be very grateful if everything would be put in a clear and complete overview again, it would prevent users from REPEATEDLY asking the same questions and reporting the same issues.

Maybe you ought to close this thread and start a new one with your next release, have a clear overview there and everything?

KuraFire 12-10-2001 12:42 PM


Originally posted by Bane
I appreciate that bro :) And believe me I have seen the totals, they astound me :p I think it has a lot more to do with the hack than me though. A lot of people are statistic hounds like me I guess.
Yup. I'm a stat.hound as well, that's why I like this hack so much. However, I think in all fairness that having to sift through several hundred posts just to find one or two posts that describe how to make it work for 2.2.0 and 2.2.1 isn't something you should EXPECT from the users. That's a LOT of work, especially since most of this thread is repetitive, i.e. person A going "I have this and this error" and then one or more people answering how to fix it, and that goes on for most of the entire thread. It's very easy to lose focus when reading such things, and then you miss the one or two posts that have the added instructions for 2.2.x and you get upset because you can't find it.

What I think is a good idea, is to just add those instructions to the attachment in the first post if you haven't already. If you have, I apologize and will just continue reading this insanely long thread. :)

Btw: I think it's absolutely great that you're doing this Bane, you've been an excellent hacker in both creating and supporting everyone with this, very admirable. You might not have as many hacks as FireFly or so, I know of only one hack that is better than this one, and that's a tiny, very easy hack of two lines only that prevents signatures from being shown by default for a second time in a thread.

I'll shut up again till I have more to add. *continues reading after the Hooper incident ;)*

KuraFire 12-10-2001 12:53 PM

I should stay out of this, I know, but I just can't resist:


Originally posted by Hooper
BTW, you are not talking to a kid here. You are talking to a NATTS certified computer technician with a degree and 15 years in the field. You are also talking to someone who knows html and the fundamentals of Web Dev.
15 years of coding experience with HTML and what not, and you still don't know how to spell "apologize" (pending on the case, this could also be "apologise" of course) ?

Sorry, but I've had several debates on INA with people who think spelling has nothing to do with intelligence, and that people who attack others on their lousy spelling capabilities are 'losing the debate' but that's just a load of crap. If someone is truly intelligent and arrogant enough to BOAST about their intelligence, the least they could do is spell their posts properly, in order to be at least a BIT believable.


By Hooper again
It's fine when you get posts on how nice your hack is by the kids. But when you get someone that does know what they are talking about, try to not treat them like they are out of line.
We're not condescending at ALL here, are we now? Earth to Hooper: just because YOU have 15 years of experience (not in spelling, though ;)) doesn't mean that EVERYBODY else here is a kid and has no valuable opinion or input.
I think the only reason people responded to you as if you were "out of line" is because of your arrogant, cocky and condescending attitude that is very inappropriate on a forum like this. Bane is offering his services for free, everybody else here is offering their help and support for free. The least you could do is be CIVIL towards people when you complain.

There, ranted out, and I tried to keep it as short as possible. I'll continue reading again, lol :D

KuraFire 12-10-2001 01:00 PM


Originally posted by trilOByte

You should go see Bill Gates with that one ;)

LOL, good one! GG_OWNED @ Hooper ^_^

Bane et al: Adding the Stats page to the Forum Jump, that would require only ONE template (per style) to be changed, am I correct? Cos that'd be quite nice, to have the Statistics listed in the Forum Jump menu :)

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