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Nelson58 08-06-2013 03:13 PM

The kinks have been fixed and it works very nicely! I bought the PRO version for our site!

aic1978 08-08-2013 04:22 AM

seems this DBTech-Addons got a good support^^

so i may ask what i?m doing wrong... i?m not able to run vbdownloads by using vbcredits (both mod version 2.1.0)


DragonByte Tech 08-10-2013 02:57 PM

Sorry, I don't understand what you're asking.


DragonByte Tech 08-10-2013 03:07 PM

<font size="3">vBDownloads v2.1.0 Patch Level 1</font>
Change: The Downloads II importer will now print output on the page when importing downloads & files.
Fix: The Downloads II importer will now more reliably import downloads from users that no longer exist
Fix: The Downloads II importer will now deal with link-only downloads better
Fix: The Downloads II importer will no longer print PHP warning messages if the physical source file has been deleted
Fix: Increased reliability of uploads for users who are not logged in with "Remember Me" and upload large files or leave the page for extended periods of time
Fix: Users who have been deleted / imported downloads from missing users should no longer see their downloads disappear from the various areas of vBDownloads


Eruantien 08-10-2013 04:22 PM

This might be a common issue, so I apologize. But, I am getting the following error in the settings, and the mod does not work.

Under path to downloads I get the following. I have a directory setup, but this is showing.
"You did not enter a valid value for this setting."

aic1978 08-10-2013 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2438179)
Sorry, I don't understand what you're asking.


my idea:

download file a for 100credits

download file b for 500credits

it seems to not work that way issn?t it? :erm:

webspider 08-15-2013 03:23 PM

Any plans to integrate the Post/Thanks mod into this?

sticky 08-19-2013 10:43 PM

Is there a way to see who rated a file?

fjeans1 08-24-2013 03:16 PM

how we can change the navigation bar button from "vbdownloads" to our own prefer name ?
and is there a way to shown vbdownloads Statistics(recent file ,top download etc) on the forum home as well ?

DragonByte Tech 08-24-2013 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by webspider (Post 2439014)
Any plans to integrate the Post/Thanks mod into this?

We currently have no plans to integrate APTL into this mod but that could change in the future :)


Originally Posted by sticky (Post 2439844)
Is there a way to see who rated a file?

Not at this time.


Originally Posted by fjeans1 (Post 2440745)
how we can change the navigation bar button from "vbdownloads" to our own prefer name ?

If you're using vB 4.2 you can use the Navigation Manager :)

Originally Posted by fjeans1 (Post 2440745)
and is there a way to shown vbdownloads Statistics(recent file ,top download etc) on the forum home as well ?

Unfortunately not, no :(


DragonByte Tech 08-24-2013 06:06 PM

vBDownloads v2.1.1

vB Optimise Integration
  • Support for vB Optimise to cache the Member Profile tab


buyinflatables 08-29-2013 03:36 AM


I downloaded and installed this along with the vBCredits mod. They both work fine individually. How do I make them work together as mentioned:


Why vBDownloads?
Whilst looking for a new product idea, we felt that there was a need for a fully-supported downloads database in vBulletin. vBDownloads is the result of this. vBDownloads contains many interesting features such as multi-file downloads, password-protected downloads, integration with vBCreditsII and vBShout and many more exciting and innovative features!

I checked all the settings for both and dont see how to make them work together so that the vBDownload is an action option in vBCredits.

Please advise.


buyinflatables 08-30-2013 02:51 PM

I just found out that the vBcredit does not intergrate with vBDownloads... even though the it states that it does in the mod description! Just earned a bad rating by me!! :mad:

DragonByte Tech 08-30-2013 03:09 PM

v2 does not feature vBCredits integration yet.

I will amend the description while we work on re-implementing this feature.


SeanE 09-15-2013 03:45 AM

Hi -

My site still uses Andrew's Links & Downloads - and I'm looking to to move us to a supported hack - and yours seems quite good (and oddly enough you guys are from Scotland just like his was - what's up with that??)...

So - the question I have is: Are you going to be coming out with a v.5 version of this hack for the v Bulletin v.5 product anytime soon (like within a year)? I ask as we're in the v.4 product now, and are looking at the near future.


Nelson58 09-16-2013 01:00 AM

I bought the Pro Version because Jelle no longer supports or updates his version, which was quite good. The staff had some suggestions for upgrades, which I will pass on here:

(1)Thumbnails are alocated space down the left edge of the files listing screens. There are none, so a forest of place holders greets the viewer of any folder. Also, if there is any way in which to add a thumbnail photo I haven't been able to locate it. But in any case, I see no benefit to photos of what are mostly manuals and charts. One might argue that a photograph of the machine that the manual covers might be useful but (a) someone with a scanned manual to upload isn't likely to have a decent photograph of the equipment that the manual covers. And (b) the image will be so small that at best one might be able to tell whether the image is of some sort of lathe or of some sort of mill, etc. So delete the thumbnails. It will save a lot of white space and reduce search time.

(2) The files appear in seemingly random order. I now know that they are not in the order that the files were added. Because some of the missing Clausing manuals are now on the first page. So I'm clueless as to what the sorting function is. But they should be sorted in some variant of alpha-numeric order as the old system was. So that if someone (like me) takes the time to go through and rationalize the titles, finding the manual on a specific machine (or confirming that it is not present) is simple and straightforward. Further, the entry titles should not necessarily be the actual file names. To do so eliminates use of most punctuation symbols, which can be quite useful in titles. The same statements generally apply to the Folder and Sub-folder names. They should sort alpha-numerically.

bzcomputers 09-16-2013 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by Nelson58 (Post 2445891)

(2) The files appear in seemingly random order. I now know that they are not in the order that the files were added. Because some of the missing Clausing manuals are now on the first page. So I'm clueless as to what the sorting function is. But they should be sorted in some variant of alpha-numeric order as the old system was. So that if someone (like me) takes the time to go through and rationalize the titles, finding the manual on a specific machine (or confirming that it is not present) is simple and straightforward. Further, the entry titles should not necessarily be the actual file names. To do so eliminates use of most punctuation symbols, which can be quite useful in titles. The same statements generally apply to the Folder and Sub-folder names. They should sort alpha-numerically.

The sorting problem was something I brought up as an issue months ago. I have the pro version and they immediately worked with me to add a better sorting function. The pro version I know now has numerical/alphabetical sorting of uploads. Not sure if/when this will be added to the lite version but if you want the option right now the Pro version does have it.

As for the naming of files currently you still need to rename the files to something as descriptive as possible no option for "File Titles" at this time.

For the folder/subfolders these are sorted through the admin settings under "Category Management" just like you would sort your vB forums. Which is much better than being forced to sort alphabetically - you have full control of the exact order this way.

Nelson58 09-16-2013 03:47 AM

Thanks a lot bz! I bought the Pro version a while back. If I still have upgrade ability, I will do so.

BTW (off topic) I see you run a cruise site. I once worked with Paul Motter on Cruisemates when he was in NYC.

DragonByte Tech 10-11-2013 09:47 PM


Hotfix: PHP 5.4 Compatibility fixes

This does not guarantee the mod is error free on PHP 5.4, but it will take care of the reported errors. Thank you all for your reports :)


Tim Wheatley 10-11-2013 11:42 PM

Hi folks,

I am currently using DownloadsII. I actually missed this mod, if I had known, I'd probably have used this first. Anyway... I want to be able to create a simple list of the latest downloads:
Download name - Date - Download link that I can format (don't care if I have to hardcode it), that I want to put onto the header of my vB forum. Can this mod do that, or would the author work with me to make it happen?

Go to there, click 'show/hide more' link to see what I want.

DragonByte Tech 10-13-2013 07:27 PM

There's no official support for this, but on our site we have a form for submitting custom work requests. It's in the rotating header (I don't believe vB.org rules allow us to directly link to this page as it contains promotional language).


Tim Wheatley 10-17-2013 09:44 PM

Thanks. Another question (main reason why I chose dII). Possible to stop users uploading, and just make them link to external dl sites?

Tim Wheatley 10-18-2013 08:14 PM

Nevermind, I see in the description now. :)

Wajow-community 10-21-2013 02:40 PM

howe to set mp3?

Tim Wheatley 10-21-2013 09:41 PM

DBT, just wanted to come back and say this seems to work great. Thanks for your work on this. I'll be trying to get together funding for Pro (we lose money on ads, etc, and running the forum) just for support (at this time I don't see us needing the Pro features).

SGoogle 10-25-2013 07:58 AM

How to add Sidebar block: Top downloads go to Sidebar Block in Forum

Thank you

pmcpa 10-31-2013 12:02 AM

Just installed, how do you change the page title? It should be reading my site name, instead all it reads is vBDownloads. I have changed the tab name in navigation manager, but the page title remains.

VB 4.2.1

DragonByte Tech 11-01-2013 12:49 PM

vBDownloads is the name of the mod, it's not intended to read your site name by default.

You can change the wording of the mod by editing the phrases.


Dam13n 11-11-2013 05:12 AM

Before I install this I want to know if it's possible for a certain usergroup to view a certain download category but not download from it.


bzcomputers 11-11-2013 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Dam13n (Post 2459873)
Before I install this I want to know if it's possible for a certain usergroup to view a certain download category but not download from it.


Yes. Each category has separate permissions per usergroup for: "Can View", "Can Download" and "Can Upload".

DragonByte Tech 11-11-2013 02:04 PM

vBDownloads v2.1.2
Fix: Filenames with UTF-8 characters should now display properly in the download listings


fholbert 11-14-2013 01:47 AM

vBDownloads Lite appeared to install fine.
~ System Status: Online
~ Path to Downloads - Error, can you give me an example?
~ Navigation Manager, Active. No tab in forum.

DragonByte Tech 11-17-2013 01:16 PM

This has been handled @ our site :)


DragonByte Tech 11-19-2013 10:32 PM

vBDownloads v2.1.3
Feature: It is now possible to download large files without needing to up the PHP Memory Limit


Guru Samrat 11-20-2013 11:35 AM

is ok

DragonByte Tech 11-20-2013 01:42 PM

That vB version is too old. Please upgrade to a more modern version of vBulletin 4.


DragonByte Tech 12-11-2013 06:51 PM

vBDownloads v2.2.0

New Features Added

DragonByte SEO Support
  • Supports DragonByte SEO URL generation
  • The following URL formats are supported
    • vBDownloads Main Page
    • Category
    • Category (Paged)
    • Download
    • Download (Paged)
    • File
    • Screenshot
    • Thumbnail
    • Favourites
    • ModCP

Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
  • Browsing a top-level category would display an invalid breadcrumb
  • Removed a defunct checkbox from the upload interface


DragonByte Tech 12-31-2013 02:00 PM

vBDownloads v2.2.0 Patch Level 1
Fix: "Downloads" in the DBSEO Sitemap should now be generated correctly
Fix: The DBSEO Sitemap generation notification email should now contain the correct phrases for Download URLs and Category URLs


Nelson58 12-31-2013 03:56 PM

We installed this PRO version on our site: www.hobby-machinist.com.

I installed all the files we had to be imported in /hobbymac/vbdownloads


1. We made categories, and began importing files into the categories.
The program does not sort or alphabetize the categories or files. Any way to do that? Would make browsing much easier.

2. The program is making a thumbnail image, and it is black. This is undesirable. How can we fix this? I would ideally like to change the default "No Image" to something nicer as I did with the category images. But how, and how to remove the blacked out images?

3. Is there any way for the system to remove duplicates without doing it manually?

4. This is from one of my moderators:

"In any case, I think, if I understand what New Files and Existing Files mean, that I just finished moving all of the files that you have uploaded out of New Files and either to where they belong or into Unknown or Delete Que. I have started looking at the files in Unknown trying to determine where they belong, This is going to be a much slower process than moving them in there was as you can only do one at a time and you have to download it in order to see what it is. I discovered what one group of GIF's and one group of JPG;s are and created sub-folders under Unknown into which to consolidate them. "

Is he correct, or is there something we are missing? Thanks,

The Hobby-Machinist.com - The Friendly Machinist Forum?

bzcomputers 12-31-2013 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Nelson58 (Post 2471585)

1. We made categories, and began importing files into the categories.
The program does not sort or alphabetize the categories or files. Any way to do that? Would make browsing much easier.

Under Category Management there is a column called display order, then a button at the bottom to save.

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