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midnz 09-30-2010 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by ThatEbayGuy (Post 2105220)
How exactly do the Elo points work for ladders? I have a guy who is 1-0 with 1036 points and a guy who is 4-0 with 1016 points. I honestly have no idea what's going on with it. If it's relevant, I changed my K-Value from 50 to 100 before any games were played.

Also I'm using this for Madden 11 so does the score affect it? Because we get games like 56-21 or even more of a blow out.

Oh and finally, would you be willing to help come up with a new algorithm for determining Elo rating? I'd be willing to make a donation.


ELO Rating System - Explained

The ELO Rating System has been around for decades. It was originally used for rating chess players but is portable to other games and fits in well with web games. Here's what it does:
  • ELO is used to rate players based on skill level. It is generally used for two player games like chess but can be modified.
  • A new player is assigned a default rating, say 1200.
  • Two players compete and end with one of three results: player 1 wins, player 2 wins, players 1 & 2 tie.
  • The two player's ratings are fed into an algorithm along with the end state of the game and a new rating for each player is returned.
If two players both rated 1200 played and player 1 wins then player 1 will have a rating of about 1205 and player 2 will be 1195. What makes ELO so cool is what happens over time. Players that win a lot end up with higher ratings. But the higher rated player starts to see diminishing returns for defeating low ranked players. So in order for a high ranked player to increase his rank, he must defeat other higher ranked players. If a high ranked player loses to a low ranked player, he loses much more of his rating then he'd gain if he won the match. Over time the game players will end up being rated based on their skill level rather than other factors.

ThatEbayGuy 09-30-2010 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by midnz (Post 2105238)
ELO Rating System - Explained

The ELO Rating System has been around for decades. It was originally used for rating chess players but is portable to other games and fits in well with web games. Here's what it does:
  • ELO is used to rate players based on skill level. It is generally used for two player games like chess but can be modified.
  • A new player is assigned a default rating, say 1200.
  • Two players compete and end with one of three results: player 1 wins, player 2 wins, players 1 & 2 tie.
  • The two player's ratings are fed into an algorithm along with the end state of the game and a new rating for each player is returned.
If two players both rated 1200 played and player 1 wins then player 1 will have a rating of about 1205 and player 2 will be 1195. What makes ELO so cool is what happens over time. Players that win a lot end up with higher ratings. But the higher rated player starts to see diminishing returns for defeating low ranked players. So in order for a high ranked player to increase his rank, he must defeat other higher ranked players. If a high ranked player loses to a low ranked player, he loses much more of his rating then he'd gain if he won the match. Over time the game players will end up being rated based on their skill level rather than other factors.

That's what I was thinking but at the same time I don't think someone who is 4-1 should be at the bottom of the ladder. And that's what is going on right now. Is there any way I can tweak the system? I was digging in the ladder file but I have no experience in javascript. I like the idea of Elo, but I don't like that a 4-1 player can be behind someone who is 0-3 and my site members don't like it either.

bananalive 10-02-2010 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by ThatEbayGuy (Post 2105220)
How exactly do the Elo points work for ladders? I have a guy who is 1-0 with 1036 points and a guy who is 4-0 with 1016 points. I honestly have no idea what's going on with it. If it's relevant, I changed my K-Value from 50 to 100 before any games were played.

Also I'm using this for Madden 11 so does the score affect it? Because we get games like 56-21 or even more of a blow out.

Oh and finally, would you be willing to help come up with a new algorithm for determining Elo rating? I'd be willing to make a donation.


Elo rating is also based on who they play:

When players draw their scores, become closer together.

When player of higher rank wins, winner elo rating increases only little bit.

When player of lower rank wins, winner elo rating increases more.

bananalive 10-02-2010 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by singsign (Post 2104663)
How can I make the team logos bigger on the page?

On the team page?

Edit competitions.php

Go to lines 1609-1624:
PHP Code:

$size getimagesize($teamlogo);
        if (
$size[1] > 80 OR $size[0] > 80) {
            if (
$size[1] > $size[0]) {
$ratio $size[1]/80;
                if (
$ratio != 0) {
$size[1] = $size[1]/$ratio;
$size[0] = $size[0]/$ratio;
            } else {
$ratio $size[0]/80;
                if (
$ratio != 0) {
$size[1] = $size[1]/$ratio;
$size[0] = $size[0]/$ratio;

Replace with
PHP Code:

$size getimagesize($teamlogo);
        if (
$size[1] > 120 OR $size[0] > 120) {
            if (
$size[1] > $size[0]) {
$ratio $size[1]/120;
                if (
$ratio != 0) {
$size[1] = $size[1]/$ratio;
$size[0] = $size[0]/$ratio;
            } else {
$ratio $size[0]/120;
                if (
$ratio != 0) {
$size[1] = $size[1]/$ratio;
$size[0] = $size[0]/$ratio;

bananalive 10-02-2010 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by owning_y0u (Post 2104549)
is it correct that this only mod is using the primaryuser group to copy the rights??

as i have a friend that is additional in the Admin group but cant enter the competions mod, while i can and i'm in the primary admin group.

Currently all other groups are blocked to view it

This product uses vBulletin Usergroup Permissions, so it should also take into account secondary usergroup permissions.

bananalive 10-02-2010 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by SB Staff (Post 2104421)
I downloaded this and testing the tourney feature. I setup the tourney - but no where for the teams to report the match results for their round? Can you point me where they are to report tourney match results at please?

Tournament moderators submit the results.

bananalive 10-02-2010 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by way2xtreme (Post 2103588)
Hi, I have 2 questions:

1, How do you update a match in the single elimination chart from tournament admin?

2, Can you put the score result in single elimination chart?


1. Use the arrows, to progress players to next round, use cross to regress wrongly progressed players.

2. No.

bananalive 10-02-2010 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by champendk (Post 2102689)
Donation of 50$ made ... But would have anyway just didnt know where :-)

Keep up the good work and ill donate some more

Thanks a lot

bananalive 10-02-2010 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by champendk (Post 2103669)

i dont know what went wrong but when i start a tournament i cant find where to report scores? the arrows is on duble elimination tournament but not on the single...


champendk 10-02-2010 04:25 PM


Is it posible to change tournaments so that scores are reported by users... It very high ón the wish list

IR15H 10-03-2010 11:21 AM

Hi, had a quick check of the last few pages and don't think this has been reported before;

I'm getting a DB error when trying to view "free agents" on v4.2.3b with vB 4.0.7.

Database error in vBulletin 4.0.7:

Invalid SQL:

FROM vb_tmnt_teams
WHERE teamid IN ();

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 3
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Sunday, October 3rd 2010 @ 08:16:29 AM
Error Date : Sunday, October 3rd 2010 @ 08:16:29 AM
Script : http://localhost/forum/competitions....freeagent&id=1
Referrer : http://localhost/forum/competitions.php?do=freeagents
IP Address :
Username : Dan
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.33-community-log
Other than that looking pretty nice!

WingnutWN 10-04-2010 12:18 AM

Nice, suggestion for a future update - when creating the team, can you have it send out PM's to all the players you want?

bananalive 10-04-2010 11:07 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by IR15H (Post 2106295)
Hi, had a quick check of the last few pages and don't think this has been reported before;

I'm getting a DB error when trying to view "free agents" on v4.2.3b with vB 4.0.7.

Other than that looking pretty nice!

Upload attached file to forum directory, fix will be included in future releases

bananalive 10-04-2010 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by champendk (Post 2105946)

Is it posible to change tournaments so that scores are reported by users... It very high ?n the wish list

It is something i am looking into.

FireflyP2C 10-04-2010 08:43 PM

One important thing we have found missing is the ability for admins to delete challenges. Admins should be able to view all challenges and amend them as they see fit.

Also both teams should be allowed to delete accepted challenges if they both agree. Admins should also have these priviledges.

bananalive 10-04-2010 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by FireflyP2C (Post 2106813)
One important thing we have found missing is the ability for admins to delete challenges. Admins should be able to view all challenges and amend them as they see fit.

Also both teams should be allowed to delete accepted challenges if they both agree. Admins should also have these priviledges.

Admins can currently view all challenges. As of v4.2.4 admins will be able to delete challenges.

FireflyP2C 10-04-2010 09:52 PM

Ok thanks.

champendk 10-04-2010 10:46 PM


One more very impotent thing is to be able to set a certain time for when 2 teams can do a rematch. Normaly its set for 24 hours to secure that no one cheats. If this is not added people can play 10 times a day against a "fake" team to reach the playoff/final or whatever...

Add the abillity to add a date on top/bottom of each round in the tournement bracket. This could indicate when a match should be played within, if you dont want a one day tournament.

See link for example:


FireflyP2C 10-05-2010 09:41 AM

Ok running a beta ladder to get feedback from our users. This is what we have so far.

Ticket system. A button to send a PM to a certain staff of staff members responsible for that ladder. Possibily linked to the dispute feature.

Eligibility icon. Players should have to wait 24 hours before being able to play in a match.

Admin lock team. Ability to lock a team so no other player can join. This is to prevent ringers.

Admin delete challenges.

Players delete accepted challenges if both team leader confirm.

FireflyP2C 10-05-2010 09:46 AM

On a side nite, as Admin I cant view any challenges other than those regarding my own team. Any else having this problem?

ti07shadow 10-06-2010 10:08 PM

umm how do I advance teams on the team tournament bracket? and dont say click the arrow. WHAT ARROW!?!?!?

And yes I gave myself all Permissions for my group including moderation permissions


champendk 10-07-2010 04:55 AM

Upload the file from the post above, where he answer the same question :-)


FireflyP2C 10-07-2010 02:43 PM

Found a small bug.

When i goto a ladder through the different catergories I get this


where the Rules link displayed correctly

but if I click ladder list i get this


where the Rules link displays as text instead of a link

Any ideas how to fix this?

bananalive 10-07-2010 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by FireflyP2C (Post 2107715)
Found a small bug.

When i goto a ladder through the different catergories I get this


where the Rules link displayed correctly

but if I click ladder list i get this


where the Rules link displays as text instead of a link

Any ideas how to fix this?

There was a bug with the category description, displaying a ladder description instead (fixed in next version).

All links (and all other bb code) gets removed from ladders description on ladders list so that it stays tidy.

bananalive 10-07-2010 07:19 PM

In next version (beta released tomorrow) new challenges will have date/time field, which links into timezones.

Team profile pages will have a new tab for upcoming challenges.

A new limit on challenging same player in same ladder is being introduced. Setting controlled in admincp options.

You can also change how ladders are ranked in admincp options.

For tournaments losing player can now report their lose, progressing their opponent to next round. (Single elimination tournaments only)

There will also some other minor changes/fixes.

FireflyP2C 10-07-2010 08:03 PM

Sounds great. Keep up the amazing work.

ti07shadow 10-07-2010 08:16 PM

i get this error when clicking a username in the hall of fame

Fatal error: Class 'vBCms_Route_List' not found in /home/utournam/public_html/vbulletin/member.php on line 567

champendk 10-07-2010 10:02 PM

Thats F.... sweet

I guess i have to donate ones more.

Mad probs ;-)

bananalive 10-08-2010 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by ti07shadow (Post 2107842)
i get this error when clicking a username in the hall of fame

Fatal error: Class 'vBCms_Route_List' not found in /home/utournam/public_html/vbulletin/member.php on line 567

Not sure what causing that. Hopefully it will be fixed from changing link format.

owning_y0u 10-08-2010 09:00 PM

getting a DB error


atabase error in vBulletin 4.0.7:

Invalid SQL:

                        SELECT *
                        FROM NCe_tmnt_teams
                        WHERE teamid IN ();

MySQL Error  : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 3
Error Number  : 1064
Request Date  : Friday, October 8th 2010 @ 11:54:50 PM
Error Date    : Friday, October 8th 2010 @ 11:54:50 PM
Script        : http://next-century.eu/competitions.php?do=freeagent&id=17
Referrer      : http://next-century.eu/competitions.php?do=freeagents
IP Address    : xx.xx.xx.xx
Username      : Owning
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.90

ThatEbayGuy 10-10-2010 02:10 AM

Is there any way you could help me tweak the Elo rating? I have a guy who is 4-1 on the bottom of the ladder and that makes no sense to me.

The_Rascal 10-10-2010 01:01 PM

I get this error when clicking on the competitions navbar button

Internal Server Error

Mismatch between target GID (100) and GID (527) of file "/***/*****/***********/public_html/forums/competitions.php"
Is this something to do with my host?

We are running 4.07

bananalive 10-10-2010 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by owning_y0u (Post 2108258)
getting a DB error


atabase error in vBulletin 4.0.7:

Invalid SQL:

                        SELECT *
                        FROM NCe_tmnt_teams
                        WHERE teamid IN ();

MySQL Error  : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 3
Error Number  : 1064
Request Date  : Friday, October 8th 2010 @ 11:54:50 PM
Error Date    : Friday, October 8th 2010 @ 11:54:50 PM
Script        : http://next-century.eu/competitions.php?do=freeagent&id=17
Referrer      : http://next-century.eu/competitions.php?do=freeagents
IP Address    : xx.xx.xx.xx
Username      : Owning
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.90

Have you uploaded the latest competitions.php allowing over-write?

bananalive 10-10-2010 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by ThatEbayGuy (Post 2108580)
Is there any way you could help me tweak the Elo rating? I have a guy who is 4-1 on the bottom of the ladder and that makes no sense to me.

You would need to change one of these equations in ladders.php...
PHP Code:

$p_f 1/(10^($dr*sqrt($k)/2000)+1); 

PHP Code:

$newrank_u $rank_u 4*sqrt($k)*(1-$p_f

If you've got any improvements i'll happily add them.

bananalive 10-10-2010 01:25 PM

For those who have edited tmnt_bracket template to include extra user details in tournament brackets (and are finding bracket lines to be incomplete) this is now fixed for next version.

SB Staff 10-11-2010 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2108711)
You would need to change one of these equations in ladders.php...
PHP Code:

$p_f 1/(10^($dr*sqrt($k)/2000)+1); 

PHP Code:

$newrank_u $rank_u 4*sqrt($k)*(1-$p_f

If you've got any improvements i'll happily add them.

I have seen 2 basic methods for scoring.

1) SIMPLE METHOD - So much for Win and so much for Loss. We use this. 100 XP pts for Win and -33 for Loss. Regardless of team rank it is the same.

2) COMPELX METHOD - where the scoring is effected by rank. A higher rank team losses more XP points to a loss to a lower rank team and a Higher rank team wins fewer points for a win over a lower ranked team. The theory is to keep the higher ranked teams playing more higher ranked teams and not the lower ranked teams just to stay on the top of the ladder. However, the down side is the higher ranked team will not want to play a lower ranked team due to more points lost if they lose. I believe this system or something similiar is used by ladder sites.

In either method developed, would be wonderful if in the admin section each team can choose which system they want to use or can change the point values themselves. We used to set the point values on the table format (method 2) so no matter what method the result was still 100 pts for Win and -33 for loss. Just to keep it simple.

Just in case you are interested - here is some more info. on the #2 complex system:


If you play a team that has the same "Level" number as you, the winner increases XP by 100 points and the loser decreases XP by 100 points.

If the level of difference is 1, there is a check for who has more points. If the winners points is greater then the losers, the winner gets 90 and loser loses 90 but if the losers xp points is greater then the winner xp points. The winner gets 120 and the loser losses 110.

If the level of difference is 2, there is a check for who has more points. If the winners points is greater then the losers, the winner gets 80 and loser loses 80 but if the losers xp points is greater then the winner xp points. The winner gets 140 and the loser losses 120.

If the level of difference is 3, there is a check for who has more points. If the winners points is greater then the losers, the winner gets 70 and loser loses 70 but if the losers xp points is greater then the winner xp points. The winner gets 160 and the loser losses 130.

If the level of difference is 4, there is a check for who has more points. If the winners points is greater then the losers, the winner gets 60 and loser loses 60 but if the losers xp points is greater then the winner xp points. The winner gets 175 and the loser losses 140.

If the level of difference is 5, there is a check for who has more points. If the winners points is greater then the losers, the winner gets 50 and loser loses 50 but if the losers xp points is greater then the winner xp points. The winner gets 190 and the loser losses 150.

If the level of difference is 6, there is a check for who has more points. If the winners points is greater then the losers, the winner gets 40 and loser loses 40 but if the losers xp points is greater then the winner xp points. The winner gets 205 and the loser losses 160.

If the level of difference is 7, there is a check for who has more points. If the winners points is greater then the losers, the winner gets 30 and loser loses 30 but if the losers xp points is greater then the winner xp points. The winner gets 215 and the loser losses 170.

If the level of difference is 8, there is a check for who has more points. If the winners points is greater then the losers, the winner gets 20 and loser loses 20 but if the losers xp points is greater then the winner xp points. The winner gets 215 and the loser losses 170.

If the level of difference is 9, there is a check for who has more points. If the winners points is greater then the losers, the winner gets 10 and loser loses 10 but if the losers xp points is greater then the winner xp points. The winner gets 215 and the loser losses 170.

If the level of difference is 10, there is a check for who has more points. If the winners points is greater then the losers, the winner gets 5 and loser loses 5 but if the losers xp points is greater then the winner xp points. The winner gets 215 and the loser losses 170.

Bananalive - I will send you a PM with some more info. that may be useful on system 2 just in case you are interested in it.

champendk 10-11-2010 09:20 PM

Nice one SB...

oooh em geee 10-12-2010 02:58 AM

I can't seem to find the dispute button for a challenge, and I get a database error when I create a Ladder for Players.

vBulletin 4.0.6
Tournament Plugin 4.2.4

InfoAddict 10-12-2010 10:46 AM

I can't change a players points back to 0? Any idea why?

oooh em geee 10-13-2010 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by oooh em geee (Post 2109330)
I can't seem to find the dispute button for a challenge, and I get a database error when I create a Ladder for Players.

vBulletin 4.0.6
Tournament Plugin 4.2.4

I figured out why I got a database error. It shows the database error after turning the: "Join User Tables to User Profile Tables" on.

- Also I can only dispute matches in a Ladder with players. In the team Ladder there is no dispute option.

- The submit a lose button is also only available in a tournament with players. Its not there in a tournament with teams.

- The screenshot of proof field is only available in player Ladders, and not in team Ladders for some reason.

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