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anushkumarb 04-23-2011 08:59 PM

Installed, nominated, rated 5.:up::up::up:

victorvu 04-23-2011 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by masterross (Post 1988336)
Go to your style chose "Add New Template", Title "vsa_donate_navbar_link".

<vb:if condition="$vboptions['selectednavtab'] == 'donate'">
<li class="selected">
    <a class="navtab" href="misc.php?do=donate{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}">{vb:rawphrase cybpaypal_donate}</a>
<vb:else />
    <li><a class="navtab" href="misc.php?do=donate{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}">{vb:rawphrase cybpaypal_donate}</a></li>


After this go to "Plugins & Products/Add New Plugin"
In Product select "VSa - PayPal Donate"
In Hook Location "process_templates_complete"
In Title "VSa - PayPal Donate - NAVBAR"
In Execution Order: 5
In Plugin PHP Code:
PHP Code:

if ($vbulletin->options['vsapaypal_show_link'])
    if (
$_REQUEST['do'] == 'donate')
$vbulletin->options['selectednavtab'] = 'donate';
$template_hook['navtab_middle'] .= vB_Template::create('vsa_donate_navbar_link')->render();

Plugin is Active : Yes


I could follow the above but the Donate button is placed right after the Forum, right in the middle of the navbar, instead of at the end. Is there anyway that I can move the "donate" button at the end?



basilrath 04-24-2011 08:49 AM

Simply change the codeline to "end"

PHP Code:


JohnGR 04-24-2011 01:28 PM


is there a Moneybookers donate mod like that ?


Welshy2008 04-24-2011 02:11 PM


I have installed this mod (along with several others) on my forum.

Could you tell if this mod changes anything on my forums database please?

The reason that I ask is that I have tried to set up "Paid Subcriptions" on my forum and the Paypal option has disapppeared.

I backed my forum up, and installed a fresh install on there - the Pyapl option was then showing.

AdminCP -> Paid Subscriptions -> Payment API Manager.

I have tried re-uploading all files and folders, with no images - I have even deleted the non essential XML files from my includes/xml folder. I made a new style with no parent style - cleared my cache, fored a refresh etc. But still the Paypal doesn't show. :(

I even uninstalled this mod to check, but it still didn't appear. (don'ty know if this mod has made changes to my database though).

I am not saying it is this mod, but merely asking you if it is?

I would appreciate your input, before I have to uninstalling each mod, one by one to try and find it. :(

Many Thanks.

PS. If this mod is the reason, could you tell me how I could do it so that I could do both side by side please?

I love this mod and want to continue using it and use the vB's Paid Subcritions too. :)

Valter 04-25-2011 01:28 PM

This mod uses it's own database table to log user activities.

It has no any connections with vB's built in payment manager.

david fernandez 04-25-2011 08:26 PM

When someone donates it shows up on paypal as a transaction as if they are buying an item... Does anyone else have this problem?

How do we make it not only say donation on the website which it does, thats not the problem

but when someone donates on paypal it shows up as quantity ANY HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED.


XiTCLUB 04-25-2011 09:13 PM


josephu 04-25-2011 10:55 PM

Im getting "XML Error: not well-formed (invalid token) at Line 1" anyone no why?

rajubd 04-26-2011 05:46 PM

why there is no alertpay system? please add it...

Welshy2008 04-26-2011 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Valter (Post 2188457)
This mod uses it's own database table to log user activities.

It has no any connections with vB's built in payment manager.

Thank you for your confirmation Valter, I shall look at the other mods that I have.

dustoff99 04-29-2011 11:28 PM

My Donation Bar is not reseting, I have it set to the default 27. Today is the 29th and still showing the previous donations. Any ideas?

dustoff99 05-01-2011 12:49 PM

Changed it to the 1st the other day and it reset today, odd....

respect007 05-04-2011 01:26 PM

I can not get the "Goal bar" underneath the nav to show up. I had ads displayed there thinking that was the problem. I removed them, but still nothing. Any suggestions?

GrabMyWrist 05-05-2011 03:41 PM

I added the following for my users to allow them to donate $25.00 for a period of 12 months.

Upon testing the mod, I noticed that Paypal saw the transaction as $25.00 for 12 months, recurring for 12 years.

I modified the mod to fix this issue by removing the following code from the XML.


                                $vsapp_get_amount = explode('|', $vbulletin->GPC['amount']);
                                $vsapp_ppurl = 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick-subscriptions';
                                $vsapp_ppurl .= '&a3='.$vsapp_get_amount[0];
                                $vsapp_ppurl .= '&p3='.$vsapp_get_amount[1];
                                $vsapp_ppurl .= '&t3=M';
                                $vsapp_ppurl .= '&no_note=1';
                                $vsapp_ppurl .= '&sra=1';
                                $vsapp_ppurl .= '&src=1';
REMOVE THIS  -------->          $vsapp_ppurl .= '&srt='.$vsapp_get_amount[1];

brotaoski 05-08-2011 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by ShogunLord (Post 1989487)
Installed , again Thank You for ALL of Your Mods both past and present...

One little blip I would like to cure though...

As you can see from below pic , a white line for the box is spoiling the appearence. How can I cure this please..?


Looked though all 31 pages to find a cure for the white lines on a dark theme. This issue was posted feb 2010... how has no one been able to address it since??? D: Its the only thing keeping me from using this mod.

fwulfers 05-09-2011 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by john h (Post 2187555)
It seems that PayPal do not like the word "Donate" being used for any transactions unless you are a registered charity or non-profit organisation.

PayPal have limited my account because I used this mod on my website. I now have to provide them with proof that I am a registered charity or non-profit organisation or I have to refund all donations.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue with Paypal? I would like to use mod but don't want Paypal to limit my account.

tareqbd 05-15-2011 02:50 PM

Installed! thanks much.

GreyGhost 05-16-2011 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by fwulfers (Post 2193491)
Is anyone else experiencing this issue with Paypal? I would like to use mod but don't want Paypal to limit my account.


Originally Posted by john h (Post 2187555)
It seems that PayPal do not like the word "Donate" being used for any transactions unless you are a registered charity or non-profit organisation.

PayPal have limited my account because I used this mod on my website. I now have to provide them with proof that I am a registered charity or non-profit organisation or I have to refund all donations.

Yup, the Australian Government has begun enforcing anti-money laundering / anti-terrorist financing laws, seems they've cracked down on PayPal to get proper identification, particularly from anyone receiving "Donations".

I believe PayPal are currently upgrading their system/s and as users that receive donations get moved to the newer system they get flagged as a charity/non-profit organization and are requested to supply proof of ID etc. etc.

I spent a week of emailing and 2 hours on the phone with PayPal last week getting my business account sorted out with them.


Dave_The_Don 05-25-2011 04:01 PM

how can i place this above the `whats going on?` on the forum homepage rather than have it below the NavBar

am on 3.1.3 btw

thanks in advance

Clement7 06-01-2011 07:10 AM

Thanks for this amazing mod Valter.

When I installed it, the donation bar seems to be embedded within the forum table body.
I want it to stand on its own in between the navbar and before the forum body starts. What do I do for that? Could you pls help me with that? Thanks in advance. Bless your heart.
God Bless :)

SuperTaz 06-05-2011 03:24 AM

Thank you. Installed.

Merenguista 06-05-2011 08:24 AM

I'm looking for it but in UFT-8 encoding ??? thank's for help ..

maryx 06-06-2011 01:19 AM

This mod is great! Two questions --

1) Where do I go to edit the message that the donor gets immediately after the donation?
This is the message --

Dear ----,

Thank you very much for your support.
We will update your status as soon as we confirm your donation. Please be patient.

Click here to go to Forums home...

Best Regards,
Forum Staff

2) How to I get the Donate link onto the CMS (Home) page?


msoms 06-07-2011 06:41 PM

Wonderful! MAny thanks for such a great donation system.

Jonm 06-08-2011 07:16 AM

installed and working fine....

although might have had an issue.

A member donated last night but the payment came through twice after they only clicked once???

might be worth a check...

SteveLV702 06-09-2011 10:57 PM

we got this installed and while people can donate we are unable to confirm their payment so the bar never gets updated.... cannot find anywhere to confirm and get a PM that says

Donate system has been used by Registered on 31-05-11, 17:49.

You should check this donation and update it's status on PayPal Donation listing page.

but when you click on the Paypal Donation listing page it takes us to misc.php?do=donlist which just list all our smilies..

n00bl3t 07-01-2011 07:02 PM

Ah I can't seem to find the answer in the 32 pages unless I have bad eye sight ><

Can anyone help with this:

I want to add custom fields the user has to fill out at the donation page where they choose the amount from the drop down field. Like above would be simple questions like (I'm running a Gaming Community) Steam ID: and Email: they need to fill out before they donate. Anyone know how to do this?

Along with that stated above; I want to have it show the Steam ID the user has entered on the "Donation List"

Please help and thanks!

appsfinder 07-02-2011 12:46 AM

hi thanks for mod. but how do i move donate bar to under whats going on thanks.

n00bl3t 07-03-2011 11:53 PM

Would really love this mod if my previous question could be answered.

masterross 07-04-2011 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by n00bl3t (Post 2216418)
Would really love this mod if my previous question could be answered.

You need to hire a coder for this custom work.

Jonm 07-04-2011 08:11 AM

only thing I have found with this is that it sets the donation up as a reacuring payment

Arie 07-05-2011 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Jonm (Post 2216548)
only thing I have found with this is that it sets the donation up as a reacuring payment

OK, this is what I did to get around this.

In the XML file change


$vsapp_ppurl .= '&sra=1';
$vsapp_ppurl .= '&src=1';



$vsapp_ppurl .= '&sra=0';
$vsapp_ppurl .= '&src=0';

And delete

$vsapp_ppurl .= '&srt='.$vsapp_get_amount[1];
Since I offer yearly subscriptions, I also changed

$vsapp_ppurl .= '&t3=M';

$vsapp_ppurl .= '&t3=Y';
It seems to be working, but I haven't had anyone make a payment yet. I'm still in the process of doing a test upgrade + customization of my 3.8.7 forum, which will probably take quite a while before I'm ready for the plunge.

Reimport product & select Allow Overwrite.

Rahstyles 07-06-2011 02:25 AM

How in the world do you set this mod under the vsa chatbox mod! it always stays on the top

xSaber 07-06-2011 03:07 AM

just wondering why im not getting emails when someone uses the donation mod, staff are supposed to get a notification when someone does?

dustoff99 07-09-2011 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by xSaber (Post 2217277)
just wondering why im not getting emails when someone uses the donation mod, staff are supposed to get a notification when someone does?

I had to enable PM to users (PM sender ID) under PM Reports in Options to get my email. (I get an email when I receive a PM).

qubed 07-10-2011 06:45 PM

Arie - Thanks for the xml edit. My biggest issue also was that this was recurring which was a nuisance and headache for everyone on my board. Hopefully your edits are a fix. If you find any future edits that might help out, please post them as I will be checking back religiously. For now, cheers for the work you have done.

BadgerDog 07-10-2011 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by Jonm (Post 2216548)
only thing I have found with this is that it sets the donation up as a reacuring payment

I've been running this for a year with lots of donations via PayPal and I've never had any that were set up as recurring donations .... just one time only ... :confused:


Jokermixer 07-14-2011 11:18 AM


Biggles 07-14-2011 11:58 AM

Thanks a million ... I will use this to try to recover some of the cost of switching to vB4Suite. Excellent hack!


Biggles :)

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