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dartho 08-07-2010 09:06 PM

When you create a new thread, you can choose to add a vBookie event similar to how you create a poll.

FReeSTER 08-08-2010 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by dartho (Post 2080635)
When you create a new thread, you can choose to add a vBookie event similar to how you create a poll.

thank you mate very much, it helped

TitanJeff 08-13-2010 11:51 AM

Anyone recognize the following error?

"Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/xxxxx/public_html/xxxxx/includes/init.php on line 55"

And it repeats on a number of other lines. Then it ends with...

"Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/xxxx/public_html/xxxx/includes/class_core.php on line 2552

dartho 08-13-2010 10:49 PM

when/where do you get these errors? Also, what versions of vBookie, PHP and vBulletin. You did not download vBookie from here, so I can not see the version

TitanJeff 08-13-2010 10:59 PM

This was the older vBookie version. It was an issue where I had to recompile apache and php and all went back to normal.

Krusty1231 08-15-2010 07:36 PM

Nice - thank you for this.

TitanJeff 08-16-2010 12:59 PM

Quick question:

If a player bets $50 on a game, is that $50 removed from their account at the time of the bet or after it is settled? Reason I ask is I set the odds for a game at 1:1 and the stats say that I won $50.

What I am wanting is for someone to win $50 if they bet $50.

dartho 08-16-2010 09:58 PM

if a player bets $50, taht $50 is removed immediately.

if the odds are 1:1, and the player wins, his original stake of $50 is returned, plus they get $50 in winnnings

razorflowers 08-20-2010 08:07 PM

A bookie doesn't work like that :)

Stake * odds = winnings return, not stake + (stake*odds) = winning return

I use the vbexperience plugin and the stake is always count x2, as i mention, for a winning bet.

For example :

A member has 13 points for participation
He makes a winning bet : 8 points @ 4.00 = 32 points and another loosing one 2 points @ 2.00

Why this member has a total of 42 points ?

dartho 08-20-2010 09:18 PM

Yes - a bookie does work like that. You get you stake back if you win + returns. You lose your stake if you lose.

By your logic, if the odds are 1:2 and the user makes a 100 stake and wins, he will only get back 50 meaning he actually loses 50

fly 08-20-2010 09:25 PM

Technically it's missing the vig. Most bookies charge one...

razorflowers 08-20-2010 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by dartho (Post 2087069)
Yes - a bookie does work like that. You get you stake back if you win + returns. You lose your stake if you lose.

By your logic, if the odds are 1:2 and the user makes a 100 stake and wins, he will only get back 50 meaning he actually loses 50

When you bet on a real bookie, you will have a 150 bankroll after this bet, it's the logic yes, not stake + (stake*odds).

I think the problem comes with the fact vbexperience and vbookie work separately.
On the vbexperience ranking page, we have a total points column (for vbexperience) and a various points column (for vbookie)
For a winning bet, stake is refunded in the vbexprience column and (stake*odds) is added in the various points column.

I'm the webmaster of a community betting website in france and my members dont understand why vbookie works differently than a real bookie.

Hope you will understand my poor english ^^

dartho 08-20-2010 10:11 PM

Yes - I am having trouble working out what you are trying to tell me.

vbookie: you bet 100, if you win, your 100 is returned and you win stake * odds. Where is the problem in this?

I do not use vbexperience and do not know what you mean by ranking page. Is it vbexperience that you are having issues with?

I could add in a vigorish I guess if there was a call for it...

razorflowers 08-20-2010 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by dartho (Post 2087095)

vbookie: you bet 100, if you win, your 100 is returned and you win stake * odds. Where is the problem in this?

That's the problem in a real bookie you can't win your stake + (stake*odds) on a bet.

You bet 100 at 1/2 you cant have 250 in your bankroll, only 150..

Its (stake*odds) - 1 = your winnings or (stake*odds)-stake

Is it better ?

Maybe you are right when you say its a possible problem with vbexperience, cause the amount is right with vbookie, but stake is refunded always on vbexperience too...

dartho 08-20-2010 11:57 PM

Yes - sounds like a vbexperience issue.

DS MrSinister 08-21-2010 01:30 AM


Idea for your next release sir..

something like a Separate Sticky and Normal mod options. but entitled it Open and Closed or completed events.

razorflowers 08-21-2010 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by dartho (Post 2087143)
Yes - sounds like a vbexperience issue.

In vbookie pack :

I want to remove the refunded stake for a winning bet. My problem is just for winning bet. Can i change a line code in php files, where ?

I mean put that : (stake*odds)-stake = winning bet

Thanks for your help and patience :)

dartho 08-21-2010 08:28 AM

Untested, but you could probably comment out line 1110 in vbookie.php which should read:


$amount_to_pay = $amount_won + $bet['bet_amount_placed'];// stake back

razorflowers 08-21-2010 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by dartho (Post 2087275)
Untested, but you could probably comment out line 1110 in vbookie.php which should read:


$amount_to_pay = $amount_won + $bet['bet_amount_placed'];// stake back

Thanks a lot man, now it's ok :)

Krusty1231 08-21-2010 07:13 PM

So to make sure I have my stakes right.

1 to 1 odds pays you your stake back plus your bet. Example - I bet 100 - I win 100 so I get 200 back right?

2 to 1 odds pays you your stake back plus your bet. Example - I bet 100 - I win 200 so I get 300 back right?

Or am I wrong?

Thanks for any reply.

dartho 08-21-2010 09:18 PM

@Krusty - correct.

Edrondol 08-21-2010 10:39 PM

1 to 1 means you double your money? Huh?

I have to agree with razorflowers - that's wrong. 1 to 1 means you bet 100 and win you get your 100 back and no more. 2 to 1 means that you bet 100 you get 200 if you win. Total.

Is there any way other than odds manipulation that we can get this corrected?

FReeSTER 08-22-2010 03:39 AM

Im sorry to ask this dumb question but Im new to betting. lol

How do you make the odds?
Because I settled to 7/10 and is only paying .70 of a dollar

How can I make it for the winners to make double of what they bet.


dartho 08-22-2010 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by Edrondol (Post 2087559)
1 to 1 means you double your money? Huh?

I have to agree with razorflowers - that's wrong. 1 to 1 means you bet 100 and win you get your 100 back and no more. 2 to 1 means that you bet 100 you get 200 if you win. Total.

Is there any way other than odds manipulation that we can get this corrected?

This method is correct, you're just thinking about it all wrong. The original 100 stake is always yours unless you lose the bet, it is simply being held as assurance that you can meets you bets. You are risking 100 in order to possibly win 100.

The way odds work - think of 1 to 1 as meaning in order win 1, you must risk 1. 2 to 1 measn in oder to win 2, you must risk 2.

The bet you had at 7 to 10 meant in order to win 7, you must risk 10, that is why it paid 0.7 on 1.

For double, you would use odds of 2 to 1 - say for the toss of a coin.

Is this clear?

Krusty1231 08-22-2010 06:39 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by dartho (Post 2087659)
Is this clear?

Perfectly. Thank you for the reply. Here is a screen of what I did - I wanted something simple that non betters could easily play along.

dartho 08-22-2010 07:30 AM

Good stuff . Although you're probably being generous with your odds, but we're not talking real cash here anyway.

When I put books up, I often check with real online bookies for a guide to what odds to use

FReeSTER 08-22-2010 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by dartho (Post 2087659)
This method is correct, you're just thinking about it all wrong. The original 100 stake is always yours unless you lose the bet, it is simply being held as assurance that you can meets you bets. You are risking 100 in order to possibly win 100.

The way odds work - think of 1 to 1 as meaning in order win 1, you must risk 1. 2 to 1 measn in oder to win 2, you must risk 2.

The bet you had at 7 to 10 meant in order to win 7, you must risk 10, that is why it paid 0.7 on 1.

For double, you would use odds of 2 to 1 - say for the toss of a coin.

Is this clear?

Yes my friend and thank you very much, this mod is great and is bringing lots of fun to my board.

Thanks you,

mcyates 08-23-2010 02:25 PM


Is there a way to show the top 5 or top 10 vcash earners in a block or as a list on a custom vbulletin page!!

Thanks in advance.

dartho 08-24-2010 05:14 AM

something like:
PHP Code:

$result $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT username AS user, vbookie_cash AS cash FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "user ORDER BY cash DESC LIMIT 5");
if (
$result) while ($bit $db->fetch_array($result)) 
$bit['user'] ." has " $bit['cash'] . " vCash";

should do it. Just change the 5 to a 10 in Limit for more

Edrondol 08-24-2010 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by dartho (Post 2087659)
This method is correct, you're just thinking about it all wrong. The original 100 stake is always yours unless you lose the bet, it is simply being held as assurance that you can meets you bets. You are risking 100 in order to possibly win 100.

The way odds work - think of 1 to 1 as meaning in order win 1, you must risk 1. 2 to 1 measn in oder to win 2, you must risk 2.

The bet you had at 7 to 10 meant in order to win 7, you must risk 10, that is why it paid 0.7 on 1.

For double, you would use odds of 2 to 1 - say for the toss of a coin.

Is this clear?

I understood what you said the first time but didn't think that was right. So I went to a bunch of different bookie sites...and man am I wrong! If you bet $100 on 3-1 odds and you win you get back $400 ($300 in winnings plus your original stake of $100). I've been betting for YEARS and have never gotten this right!

So thanks for the clarification, for putting up with my utter wrongness and for a great mod!

bruneiguru 08-30-2010 12:25 PM

Hi there, I'm trying to upload the upload folder to my forum but am getting the following message :

XML Error: not well-formed (invalid token) at Line 1

Any ideas? I'm a complete noob :) Also, its vb 4.04. Thanks

dartho 08-30-2010 01:09 PM

Step 3. in teh instructions should be done ia teh Product Manager (AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> [Add/Import Product] -> Browse to the XML, and then click 'Import' button

bruneiguru 08-31-2010 05:26 AM

OK thanks I'll give it a try now

bruneiguru 08-31-2010 06:03 AM

OK I uploaded the files to my server home directory and extracted the files. Then did the xml through vb cpanel as described.

The button is now showing on the forum tabs but is a broken link. What have I missed please? The link to site is www.bruneiguru.com any help much appreciated

dartho 08-31-2010 07:08 AM

Where did you upload vbookie.php to? If you uploaded teh zip to your home, chances are teh files are in your home directory and not your web directory.

Try unzipping to a temp local directory, and then upload to the root of your web space (httpdocs / public_html or some such thing) - same place you uploaded your vBulletin files to

bruneiguru 08-31-2010 09:21 AM

Still no good :( Re-uploaded all files to /public_html

The folders are showing and the plugins are all active in the vb admin panel but the link is dead. I've gone to general options and vbookie is active there too. Only thing I can't find is user permissions to edit.

Completely stuck now. I must be missing some simple step

dartho 08-31-2010 11:03 AM

Hi Bruneiguru. You are not meant to upload teh "upload" folder itself, you should upload the contents of it to /public_html (http://bruneiguru.com/upload/vbookie.php exists on your server, but it should be http://bruneiguru.com/upload/vbookie.php)

bruneiguru 08-31-2010 12:22 PM

Hi dartho, thanks very much for your help today. Been a great help. I think its a step beyond me for the time being. I'm with urljet so I'm just firing a support ticket off to them to see if they can rejig the files. I think you're spot-on though, I did just wholesale upload the complete file.

Thanks again for your help, Its much appreciated. Will let you know the outcome

Selene 09-06-2010 01:09 AM

awesome! installed, fav and nominated! thankyou very much.

Selene 09-06-2010 02:02 AM

Fixed, I downloaded 4.0.6 instead of 4.0.9

Now few questions.

1) I know that by default each member will have 500 of vcash. So it is up to them how they use the 500. Is that the only way they can play?

I mean lets say I have a forum with 30,000 members and I open a vbookie event.

Now lets say 10 of those members use their max vcash which is 500.

And next day they want to place another new bet, but they will be on 0?

How do I tackle this. If they are on 0 and I manually give them vcash from settings, will it not be unfair for the other members?.

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