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CThiessen 08-31-2009 01:17 PM

Hi thanks for that great mod.

But I do have two issues.
The version “address?language=en” is working fine.
But if I try to use “/en/address” it is nor working.

The links I do have are wrong. /en/forum/… instead of „/forum/en/…“
I do have:
.htaccess with the modifications in the /forum/ directory

I put in “/forum” at the Forum directory section, but it look like that is totally ignored what I put in there.

And a little one:
“ar” means Arabic but the flag is from Argentina


Dr.LoVe 08-31-2009 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1874861)
I don't know what you mean - it is reversed. Even scroll bar is on left side. It works fine :)

Note that browser is responsible for reversing - mod just give a hint that it should be done. Opera supports it - which browser are you using?

Maybe , but i don't use Opera

i'll install it on my VB and also i'll tell you


CThiessen 09-01-2009 06:43 AM

Good morning,
some News from Google:

Today, we're excited to announce that we've added nine new languages to Google Translate: Afrikaans, Belarusian, Icelandic, Irish, Macedonian, Malay, Swahili, Welsh and Yiddish. That means that Google Translate now supports 51 languages and 2550 language pairs ? including all 23 official EU languages.

imported_silkroad 09-02-2009 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by CThiessen (Post 1877610)
Good morning, .... some News from Google:

It might be better if Google Translate would use the ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 standard for country codes when possible.

For example, Google uses "JA" for Japanese, but the country code for Japan is actually "JP". Google uses "SV" for Swedish, but the ISO standard for Sweden is "SE" (SV is El Salvador) . Google uses "DA" for Danish, but the ISO standard for Denmark is "DK" etc.

I tried to comment about this on the official Google blog, but they (Google) don't permit comments. I realize that the 2 digit country codes do not map directly to languages, but the way Google does it does not make any sense to me, especially for country/language pairs such as Japan/Japanese, Denmark/Danish, Sweden/Swedish, etc.


NLP-er 09-02-2009 09:46 AM

Sorry guys - I'm very busy this and next week.

I will read each post and PM when I will find time, answer all the questions and give support where it will be still needed.

Right now I just have to take care about own issues :)

Sp32 09-02-2009 05:32 PM

all forums are coming up empty, no links are being shown and no threads on forumhome are coming up, I uninstalled vbseo and error still occured, really want this mod :(

CThiessen 09-02-2009 06:47 PM

did you set your Forum Forum language?
If not this is a reason why the pages are empty.


NLP-er 09-03-2009 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by LoveStream (Post 1876905)

I notice that I set the latest version but this conflict with photopost.

I didn't see the code of photopost what is the reason.

Here, I got the error message from the photopost header. I use the same template in the gallery with forum.

HTML Code:

Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings in /home/hosting_users/wavero/www/gallery/index.php on line 187

I quoted the portion of error from index.php and marked with red color.
PHP Code:

    if ( $Globals['undercat'] == "yes" ) {
// Lets get the Recent Comments
$numcompal = ($Globals['numcompal'] + 5);
$queryz ppmysql_query("SELECT c.username,c.userid,c.cat,c.photo,c.comment,p.bigimage,p.cat,p.storecat,p.userid,p.width,p.height
{$Globals['pp_db_prefix']}comments c
                                  LEFT JOIN 
{$Globals['pp_db_prefix']}photos p ON p.id=c.photo
                                  WHERE comment != '' ORDER BY c.date DESC LIMIT 
$numfound 0;
        while ( list(
$cache['comments']['username'][$numfound], $cache['comments']['userid'][$numfound], $cache['comments']['cat'][$numfound], $cache['comments']['lcphoto'][$numfound], $comcomment$thumbimg$thumbcat$storecat$thumbuid$thumbw$thumbh ) = mysql_fetch_row($queryz)) {
            if ( 
$storecat != $thumbcat $storecat;
// Clean up html conversions
$comcomment un_htmlspecialchars($comcomment);        
// Strip out BB codes
/* --------------- this error line ---------------            
            $find[] = '#\[.*/
?\]#siU';  $replace[] = '';
--------------------------------------------------------------- end of error line */            

$comcomment preg_replace($find$replace$comcomment);

$cache['comments']['cat'][$numfound] = $thumbcat;
$cache['comments']['comment'][$numfound] = ( strlen($comcomment) > 100 substr($comcomment,0,100)."..." $comcomment );
$cache['comments']['thumblink'][$numfound] = get_imagethumb$thumbimg$thumbcat$thumbuid101$thumbw$thumbh );
// Rotated? We need unrotated...
if ( $Globals['rotatel'] > || $Globals['rotatep'] > )
$cache['comments']['thumblink'][$numfound] = str_replace("/thumbs/""/mini/"$cache['comments']['thumblink'][$numfound]);

            if ( 
$Globals['spider'] == "yes" $cache['comments']['link'][$numfound] = "{$Globals['maindir']}/showphoto.php/photo/{$cache['comments']['lcphoto'][$numfound]}/cat/{$cache['comments']['cat'][$numfound]}";
$cache['comments']['link'][$numfound] = "{$Globals['maindir']}/showphoto.php?photo={$cache['comments']['lcphoto'][$numfound]}&cat={$cache['comments']['cat'][$numfound]}";

            if ( 
$numfound == $Globals['numcompal'] ) break;


Hi :) For me this error line have no sense ;) Also cannot imagine how my mod can influence this behaviour, because there are just constant values added to some internal variables. Are you sure that this is the line? Are you sure that this mod causes conflict (dissable it and check does problem still egsists)?

NLP-er 09-03-2009 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by CThiessen (Post 1877162)
Hi thanks for that great mod.

But I do have two issues.
The version “address?language=en” is working fine.
But if I try to use “/en/address” it is nor working.

The links I do have are wrong. /en/forum/… instead of „/forum/en/…“
I do have:
.htaccess with the modifications in the /forum/ directory

I put in “/forum” at the Forum directory section, but it look like that is totally ignored what I put in there.

And a little one:
“ar” means Arabic but the flag is from Argentina


Hi thanks for note :)

Setting /forum at the forum directory makes not SEO links working for you :)

SEO links are not tested on forums with directory in URL. I'm still wayting for someone who will set me test forum with vbSEO and directory in URL, or give me access to exicting one. Till then I have no possibility to test it.

So if you want this functionality working for you give me place to implement it. If you don't need it, then case is closed :)

About flags - I know there are also some other wrong flags - It will be corrected in next relese :)

NLP-er 09-03-2009 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by Dr.LoVe (Post 1877297)
Maybe , but i don't use Opera

i'll install it on my VB and also i'll tell you


I just checked it also on IE8, Mozilla Firefox and Chrome - everywhere works fine. What kind of browser are you using:confused:

NLP-er 09-03-2009 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by CThiessen (Post 1877610)
Good morning,
some News from Google:



Great thanks :D I will add it in next release :D

NLP-er 09-03-2009 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1878267)
It might be better if Google Translate would use the ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 standard for country codes when possible.

For example, Google uses "JA" for Japanese, but the country code for Japan is actually "JP". Google uses "SV" for Swedish, but the ISO standard for Sweden is "SE" (SV is El Salvador) . Google uses "DA" for Danish, but the ISO standard for Denmark is "DK" etc.

I tried to comment about this on the official Google blog, but they (Google) don't permit comments. I realize that the 2 digit country codes do not map directly to languages, but the way Google does it does not make any sense to me, especially for country/language pairs such as Japan/Japanese, Denmark/Danish, Sweden/Swedish, etc.


Country code and language code are 2 different things. Many countries don't have it's own native language. Ie. Canada speaks french and english. Also there lot of languages than don't have it's own countries (some are dead, or used only in provinces). So again we have 2 different standards for language codes and for countries codes. Are you still sure google doesn't follow standards?

NLP-er 09-03-2009 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by Sp32 (Post 1878514)
all forums are coming up empty, no links are being shown and no threads on forumhome are coming up, I uninstalled vbseo and error still occured, really want this mod :(

PM me link to your forum and also configuration details for this mod on your forum. I will gladly help you :)

NLP-er 09-03-2009 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by CThiessen (Post 1878555)
did you set your Forum Forum language?
If not this is a reason why the pages are empty.


Seems like very good advice - configure mod as is described in installation procedure ;)

Live would be so much easier if people just read manuals :D:D:D

Thanks for helping when I'm busy - respect :):up:

Also added this in FAQ - as I remember somebody else also was asking about this, even with screen shots.

CThiessen 09-03-2009 08:54 AM

In the Moment I am changing from Photopost Pro to Photopst Gallery.

Pro: No Errors but translation simply not working
Gallery: Translation is working fine. (Need to Copy the Flags to the Gallery Folder)

http://Brasil-Web.de/fotos/ (Pro)
http://Brasil-Web.de/Brasilien-Fotos/ (Gallery)


Sp32 09-03-2009 09:19 AM

Managed to get it working - Forgot to do admincp settings T_T

Cheers for the awesome mod :-)

mortezax 09-03-2009 11:19 AM

Veryyy Thank you for Persian Language

NLP-er 09-03-2009 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by TurkeySub (Post 1875105)
HI Guys,

Found a bug/issue:

If you go directly to a page (http://www.gamerslifeline.com/news-a...-expo-pax.html) and then click the translate images, it will refresh back to English.

If you go to the forum root, index.php, then change language and go back to the page, it will be fine.

Maybe an issue with the VBSEO version of the product?

I'm working on new version and wanted to work on your issue, but when I'm going to your link and click translate image, then everything is ok - page is translated...

NLP-er 09-03-2009 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by CThiessen (Post 1878901)
In the Moment I am changing from Photopost Pro to Photopst Gallery.

Pro: No Errors but translation simply not working
Gallery: Translation is working fine. (Need to Copy the Flags to the Gallery Folder)

http://Brasil-Web.de/fotos/ (Pro)
http://Brasil-Web.de/Brasilien-Fotos/ (Gallery)


So wee have solution ;)

About first link - need access to be able to help :)

NLP-er 09-03-2009 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by mortezax (Post 1878948)
Veryyy Thank you for Persian Language

You are welcome. Veryyy Thank you for nomination, voting and clicking mark as installed :)

NLP-er 09-03-2009 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Sp32 (Post 1878914)
Managed to get it working - Forgot to do admincp settings T_T

Cheers for the awesome mod :-)

Great :) Have fun :D

rkm140 09-03-2009 01:49 PM

Is this an auto translator or is there a way to give the user the choice of which language he/she wants to view the page in?

CThiessen 09-03-2009 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1878991)
So wee have solution ;)

About first link - need access to be able to help :)

i think the first one will never work with this Mod.
The "pro" is a "stand alone" software with vBulletin Integration.
The "Gallery" is a vBulletin Add on.

So the translation is working with the following Add-ons.In the Glossary the Links shown in Post for Cross linking are rewritten. In that case the tracking is not working, you are going back to main Language.
But if you use the Glossary and it is well filled, this is very content relevant - and now content in many languages.

Greetings Christian

NLP-er 09-03-2009 03:15 PM


- 9 new translation languages added!
- Redirect to user language functionality - configurable (disabled, forced, after asking user does he want to be redirected).
- Fixed bug for SEO links with forums acting like directories by id.
- Corrected several flags

UPDATE note: if you use SEO links you must change .htaccess file according to description in first post. If you changed any vbseo.php rules – un-change those.

NLP-er 09-03-2009 03:32 PM

About 2.1.0 - if you are using vbSEO sitemap generator - rememer to made update there if you want to have new languages in your sitemap. See first post with FAQ for details :)

NLP-er 09-03-2009 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by rkm140 (Post 1878998)
Is this an auto translator or is there a way to give the user the choice of which language he/she wants to view the page in?

User have choise by clicking translation flag :)

NLP-er 09-03-2009 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by CThiessen (Post 1879042)
i think the first one will never work with this Mod.
The "pro" is a "stand alone" software with vBulletin Integration.
The "Gallery" is a vBulletin Add on.

So the translation is working with the following Add-ons.In the Glossary the Links shown in Post for Cross linking are rewritten. In that case the tracking is not working, you are going back to main Language.
But if you use the Glossary and it is well filled, this is very content relevant - and now content in many languages.

Greetings Christian

My mod works with vB :) all about this ;) Good that you have Photopost vBGallery :)

Not fully understood issue with glosary. So tracking is working there or not? What mades URL rewrite there? To what format? Tell me how I can see this issue on your forum?

CThiessen 09-03-2009 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1879065)
Not fully understood issue with glosary. So tracking is working there or not? What mades URL rewrite there? To what format? Tell me how I can see this issue on your forum?

For all native Links inside the Glossary traking is working.
The Glossary add Links to every word in a Post that is equal to the Title of an Article.

so here somebody write the Word "Natal" this is linkt to the Artikel "Natal".
Link in the Post:

goes to:

Link in Post:

goes to:

This crosslinking is done by a Java Script.
I think the script is written by Andreas the Admin from VBorg Germany.

All this links are: rel="nofollow" so this should be no problem for crawlers.

Th Links are created ever in the same manner: "/tag/Word", i think to not slow down the page.
the Word "Amazonas" is linked and tracking is working, because there are 2 Articles for "Amazonas", the River and the State.

In the first example is only one Articel and, and i think, something in the Gallery software is pointing the Article direct and not the Tag.


rkm140 09-03-2009 05:11 PM

Is there any way to make language selection and option on sign up?

LoveStream 09-03-2009 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1878862)
Hi :) For me this error line have no sense ;) Also cannot imagine how my mod can influence this behaviour, because there are just constant values added to some internal variables. Are you sure that this is the line? Are you sure that this mod causes conflict (dissable it and check does problem still egsists)?

Thank you GOOD coder, ;)

That my error caused by array[] in index.php of photopost. I temporarily fixed to be $replace[] = ''; to $replace = '';. So this time no behavior to halt process loading gallery but I'm not sure what exactly was wrong.

Other previous issue that I posted in my case, there is conflict with other module and plugins that I installed already Tab.Home using YUI. I disabled it have to need to be chosen one.

In your latest 2.1.0 I found that Malay Flags are not shown when I optioned it. Does it only mine?

Have a good day, and I have plan to try your other cute Auto Threads Tags Creators ASAP.


NLP-er 09-03-2009 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by CThiessen (Post 1879070)
For all native Links inside the Glossary traking is working.
The Glossary add Links to every word in a Post that is equal to the Title of an Article.

so here somebody write the Word "Natal" this is linkt to the Artikel "Natal".
Link in the Post:

goes to:

Link in Post:

goes to:

This crosslinking is done by a Java Script.
I think the script is written by Andreas the Admin from VBorg Germany.

All this links are: rel="nofollow" so this should be no problem for crawlers.

Th Links are created ever in the same manner: "/tag/Word", i think to not slow down the page.
the Word "Amazonas" is linked and tracking is working, because there are 2 Articles for "Amazonas", the River and the State.

In the first example is only one Articel and, and i think, something in the Gallery software is pointing the Article direct and not the Tag.



Now I see it and anderstood what you mean. My mod works fine - links are ok, but after going there page is redirected and mod which makes redirection just ignore attributes, to tracking is lost. Same situation like for new posts.

Unfortunatelly this redirection is completly out of this mod controll and I cannot handle this. I will put it in TODO list - maybe storing info in cookie can made another redirect - to rich URL but with language... It seems like good idea :) I will examine it on my own forum for new posts - if it will work on this it will work also here. But already I see some issues with recognition of such redirect and manual forum walking... Well - I will think about it and find some stroke of genius solution :D ;)

NLP-er 09-03-2009 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by rkm140 (Post 1879099)
Is there any way to make language selection and option on sign up?

In 3.0.0. :) Also with posiblility to write posts in different languages :D

And those are my plans for 3.0.0
- Make in vB real world wide community without language barriers
- Possibility to write posts in different languages (automatically translated to forum language, remembering original text, refreshing translation for better quality, etc.)
- Language selection as option on sign up
- SEO translation links for forums without vbSEO

NLP-er 09-03-2009 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by LoveStream (Post 1879197)
Thank you GOOD coder, ;)

That my error caused by array[] in index.php of photopost. I temporarily fixed to be $replace[] = ''; to $replace = '';. So this time no behavior to halt process loading gallery but I'm not sure what exactly was wrong.

Other previous issue that I posted in my case, there is conflict with other module and plugins that I installed already Tab.Home using YUI. I disabled it have to need to be chosen one.

In your latest 2.1.0 I found that Malay Flags are not shown when I optioned it. Does it only mine?

Have a good day, and I have plan to try your other cute Auto Threads Tags Creators ASAP.


Malay works on my side. Are you sure you turned on flag? Mybe you only turned on cache... Do you mean that it is not generated at all, or image is broken?

Manoel J?nior 09-03-2009 11:50 PM

Not showing the images. I informed the procedure, but without success.

Can you help?

yahoooh 09-03-2009 11:57 PM

new feature requist :
rss for multilanguage
translate text in user cp :
like google translate with ajax depend on google in user cp

yahoooh 09-03-2009 11:59 PM

also :
if i use cache i think tables that store all translated text will be big in size that will decrease performance

what about to make tables for each language as seprated and this will help i think

Dr.LoVe 09-04-2009 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1878870)
I just checked it also on IE8, Mozilla Firefox and Chrome - everywhere works fine. What kind of browser are you using:confused:

I use Mozilla Firefox ( Linux Mint )

I don't know , Maybe i should install it on my VB and tell you what's will gonna hapeen

If it's gonna Reverse page or not !


NLP-er 09-04-2009 04:11 AM


Now mod supports translation tracking even when redirection by some mod occures - this includes getting of issue for new posts :)

Every time when some mod will made redirection just ignoring translation, my mod will made another redirect to freshest url, but with language settings. Also because local anchors are not send to server (i.e. #something) - those are lost during 2nd redirection. But it is displayed appropriate page in appropriate translation - just have to scroll manually to #something place :)

Also new configuration param was added for this functionality - translation cookie time to live. It is by default set to 1 second and it should be enough for everyone, since it is only for automatic redirection which are instant (page can load longer, but this is after redirection was already send). So if you see that sometimes id donesn't work - just make time higher. Just not to high, cause in this time it is not possible to come back to original language by changing URL in browser (but clicking in forum default language flag clears cookie and allows to come back). As I wrote cookie lives 1 second, so no user should be fast enough to go to translated page, see what is there, change manually URL in browser and pres enter ;) So be calm - I was already thinking about this - it is good solution :)

NLP-er 09-04-2009 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by Manoel J?nior (Post 1879315)
Not showing the images. I informed the procedure, but without success.

Can you help?

Give me your forum URL and tell where did you copy images folder?

NLP-er 09-04-2009 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by yahoooh (Post 1879320)
new feature requist :
rss for multilanguage
translate text in user cp :
like google translate with ajax depend on google in user cp

Rss added in TODO.

"translate text in user cp" - describe me more.

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