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dai-kun 09-06-2009 07:57 AM

Even with the file replaced in your attachment above, still

HTML Code:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [path]/includes/adminfunctions.php:279) in [path]/includes/functions.php on line 3103

chick 09-06-2009 10:52 AM

SH will you be updating this 1.08 for the 'paid for version'??? I don't want to try this latest file because I paid for the unbranded, what should I do?

silveryhat 09-06-2009 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by chick (Post 1880506)
SH will you be updating this 1.08 for the 'paid for version'??? I don't want to try this latest file because I paid for the unbranded, what should I do?

This file alone will not affect the unbranded version ;) , you can give it a try as well


Originally Posted by dai-kun (Post 1880467)
Even with the file replaced in your attachment above, still

HTML Code:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [path]/includes/adminfunctions.php:279) in [path]/includes/functions.php on line 3103

I have contacted DnP for his solution :)

dai-kun 09-07-2009 03:45 AM

How you change the phrases... like Top 5 Newest Songs to something else (Top 5 Newest Media)

nomoreturn 09-07-2009 03:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)
player not showinup i submit a youtube video after installation and when i try to play palyer not showing up help to fix this thanks ( image aatched )

dai-kun 09-07-2009 04:04 PM

Make sure you enter the url of the site...

"http://youtube.com/v/youtube-video-id" and not just the "youtube-video-id".
It asks for the url to be input, not video id if you read.

JohnBee 09-08-2009 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by nomoreturn@hotm (Post 1881156)
player not showinup i submit a youtube video after installation and when i try to play palyer not showing up help to fix this thanks ( image aatched )

Same here!

No Youtube video playback
tbh this MOD seems to have a number of issues but the youtube one is a good place to start :)

Okay I found it.

WAY TO SCATTER the instructions all over the web!
It would be nice if you could include the installation instructions in the install file rather than have people clicking around other sites for clues on configuring the mod(not cool).

And what's with asking to CHMOD 777 forum root?

JohnBee 09-08-2009 02:50 AM



? Flood Protection Activated SESSION has been terminated.
You have reached the maximum penalty times therefore this session is blocked from access.
Nice touch. To bad it will lock out admins from the configuration panel.
Question now is... how many clicks will it take to figure out how to reverse this hmmm?

How about an uninstaller that actually removes the data tables?
Can you do that at least?

silveryhat 09-08-2009 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by JohnBee (Post 1881404)

Nice touch. To bad it will lock out admins from the configuration panel.
Question now is... how many clicks will it take to figure out how to reverse this hmmm?

How about an uninstaller that actually removes the data tables?
Can you do that at least?

Settings for the anti flood can be found under Configurations. You can close the current browser and restart it for a new session if you have not known that.
Also, please notice the installer has uninstall link that completely removes the database.


Originally Posted by JohnBee (Post 1881396)
Same here!

No Youtube video playback
tbh this MOD seems to have a number of issues but the youtube one is a good place to start :)

Okay I found it.

WAY TO SCATTER the instructions all over the web!
It would be nice if you could include the installation instructions in the install file rather than have people clicking around other sites for clues on configuring the mod(not cool).

Hold your judgment until you have learn its 200+ settings and 30+ features. Help is always available if you need ;)Instant! Guide : Embedding Clip from Online Video Sharing Services

About tuts and guides, sadly my college just starts and I have less time to put down any instruction..


Originally Posted by nomoreturn@hotm (Post 1881156)
player not showinup i submit a youtube video after installation and when i try to play palyer not showing up help to fix this thanks ( image aatched )

Same as the link above, this should help you get familiar with the MOD Instant! Guide : Embedding Clip from Online Video Sharing Services :)


Originally Posted by dai-kun (Post 1880880)
How you change the phrases... like Top 5 Newest Songs to something else (Top 5 Newest Media)

It will be included in future version

JohnBee 09-08-2009 05:30 AM

Hold your judgment until you have learn its 200+ settings and 30+ features. Help is always available if you need ;)Instant! Guide : Embedding Clip from Online Video Sharing Services

About tuts and guides, sadly my college just starts and I have less time to put down any instruction..

Thanks for the response.
Sorry about the mood, it has been a long and tedious night.
I sorted it out sifting through the settings.

It would be nice if...
1. The settings were categorized.
2. The admin side of media entry /management worked
3. The media upload fields could be modified ex: remove artist field entry etc etc.
4. The Media Playlist container could be removed(for video gallery only use)
5. There were templates instead of .php files to edit and/or modify look and feel.
6. The .php file was called media rather than music(being picky) :)

And a few other things that escape my mind atm.

chick 09-08-2009 11:43 PM

This works flawlessly just follow the instructions and take your time. I bought 2 unbranded versions and I am very pleased!!!!!

Search the music.php and musicajax.php file to change some wording.....

only miss wordings I find is contact the Staffs. It should NOT be worded that way, it should say, contact a Staff Member. (there is no such word as Staffs)

Support is great, this is an incredible script. My members have ftp upload rights (via another script I have) and they can insert any video or audio, music, media they like which they uploaded, or opt to insert outside media.

Will vote MOTM.

Awesome script.

silveryhat 09-09-2009 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by JohnBee (Post 1881444)
Thanks for the response.
Sorry about the mood, it has been a long and tedious night.
I sorted it out sifting through the settings.

It would be nice if...
1. The settings were categorized.
2. The admin side of media entry /management worked
3. The media upload fields could be modified ex: remove artist field entry etc etc.
4. The Media Playlist container could be removed(for video gallery only use)
5. There were templates instead of .php files to edit and/or modify look and feel.
6. The .php file was called media rather than music(being picky) :)

And a few other things that escape my mind atm.

Thanks alot for the ideas. Every update I try to pack as much requested feature as possible from the feedback of many webmasters but time is the only limit :) The MOD is just about 2 months old and I know there is still much thing to improve and some change to be made. Let's see what I can do upon your feedback
1. Yes I have this on schedule
2. If you mean the Media management of the musicbox under AdminCP section, unfortunately I am not the coder for any part in admincp. Media Management is a plugin contributed by TeknoSounds, and he did a great job of putting it together. There might be bug somewhere and should you contact him if it is urgent.
3. This seems like an interesting idea, but I need to think of the result or any conflict as well as database corrupt upon missing data or an incorrect configuration (such as adding a field, then remove it while the old media file still have that field it will generate database error for example).
4. I'll add an option to turn off Playlist feature completely ;)
5. Templates were used back in early version but they were dropped since it makes the upgrade becomes difficult, and slow down the ajax respond under certain circumstances.
6. I don't understand this one ..


Originally Posted by chick (Post 1881827)
This works flawlessly just follow the instructions and take your time. I bought 2 unbranded versions and I am very pleased!!!!!

Search the music.php and musicajax.php file to change some wording.....

only miss wordings I find is contact the Staffs. It should NOT be worded that way, it should say, contact a Staff Member. (there is no such word as Staffs)

Support is great, this is an incredible script. My members have ftp upload rights (via another script I have) and they can insert any video or audio, music, media they like which they uploaded, or opt to insert outside media.

Will vote MOTM.

Awesome script.

:) I appreciate your time to give such nice compliment. I have in mind of a plugin that works like a Media Uploader & Manager for members but it won't come anytime soon, since I have less free time during this period of the year. Anyway if you have any problems or question, let me know.

chick 09-10-2009 11:56 AM

You are very welcome.

My only suggestion is instead of music.php it should be a full scale mediabox as media.php or mediabox.php with areas for....




The admin panel is fine!!!

matthewhotdude 09-10-2009 12:24 PM

One suggestion. A PM to be sent to admin when a new song is added, or when someone reports a broken link

chick 09-12-2009 08:53 PM

media.php or mediabox.php is my request :)

silveryhat 09-14-2009 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by matthewhotdude (Post 1882526)
One suggestion. A PM to be sent to admin when a new song is added, or when someone reports a broken link

I'll include this feature in future ;)


Originally Posted by chick (Post 1883819)
media.php or mediabox.php is my request :)

I'm not quite sure if this can be done because it's more of a personal interest , in general the public version should stay as is. Else I may make it possible to change the filename as an option. It may take a while though.

lordnara 09-18-2009 07:49 AM

thanks ! installed .. so far so good :D

silveryhat 09-18-2009 11:09 PM

:) most of the time there will not be any big issue, or only a configuration that has not been set to fit personal interest. Let me know if you come across any questions

Khalid-B 09-19-2009 05:21 AM

1 Attachment(s)

i need code for this part that is showing thumbs for List of 20 media ,,
can you please tell me ?

Thank you

silveryhat 09-19-2009 02:08 PM

What do you mean ? What code you looking for?

matthewhotdude 09-19-2009 02:21 PM

I really do love this mod, But i'm the only one who uses it lol

silveryhat 09-19-2009 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by matthewhotdude (Post 1887526)
I really do love this mod, But i'm the only one who uses it lol

Thanks mate :) , it'll take a while. It's that I haven't got a chance to write down any detail instruction to help everyone fully explores all the great and unique features of the musicbox. But a quick google search will returns hundreds

DsmNikki 09-20-2009 06:01 AM

i need to know how do i get my music to play? what url do i input in the configurations?

i need a example please!

silveryhat 09-20-2009 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by DsmNikki (Post 1887893)
i need to know how do i get my music to play? what url do i input in the configurations?

i need a example please!

Depend on what type of media you might want to insert into the musicbox
If it comes an online video sharing site such as youtube, dailymotion, hulu, etc...you would use the instant! guide in the post page to embed those clips to the musicbox. A good starting tutorial is Instant! Guide : Embedding Clip from Online Video Sharing Services

If it is an audio (mp3, wma), video (wmv, mov, avi, etc..) or flv media, you should put the direct url to the file in the url box of the post page. Example : http://www.silveryhat.com/store/A little love.mp3

Xencored 09-23-2009 08:49 PM

Hmm after about a few months of running this alot members where saying it takes so long to add media. So this is just somefeed back for you realy

ive gone back to Video remix for the time beening see if they stop pm`ing me :D
None the less i love this mod:D

Sador 09-23-2009 10:53 PM

Just installed this on a test server. It looks very v?ry awesome. I'm actually impressed with just how good it looks.

It works very good as well. Had little troubles installing the addon (feared installing it a bit because of the warning, but it was actually kinda easy) and an AJAX installer is quite a nice feature.

Just a few small comments and questions, hope you might be able to answer them.

In the installer, the instructions are the same as they are on this forum. That's a good thing, but it also says to first upload the files and go to the install link. (while obviously you already did that to read that message in the first place). Doesn't matter, just a small detail.

I was wondering, is it possible to just upload any mp3 file from your computer, or might that get possible in the future? I do understand the issues (users uploading large file sizes and so on) but with the right restrictions this might be a useful feature.

Also, is it possible, or will there be plans to add a function for members to suggest a new category / artist and so on, so admins can look at it and decide whether or not they want it to be added? As stated before, it's probably not that smart to let members be able to add artists on their own, but if they can do a suggestion and the admin can approve or disapprove that might make it a lot easier to get a large amount of artists and songs. :)

It's probably due to my own overlooking, but where can you add something to your playlist?

And finally, after importing the who's online plugin, nothing seems to happen. Is there something I'm supposed to do after that? I can't find it anywhere in any of the options or configurations.

Thanks for any answers you can give me, and thanks again for this great mod.

silveryhat 09-26-2009 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Sador (Post 1889668)
Just installed this on a test server. It looks very v?ry awesome. I'm actually impressed with just how good it looks.

It works very good as well. Had little troubles installing the addon (feared installing it a bit because of the warning, but it was actually kinda easy) and an AJAX installer is quite a nice feature.

Just a few small comments and questions, hope you might be able to answer them.

In the installer, the instructions are the same as they are on this forum. That's a good thing, but it also says to first upload the files and go to the install link. (while obviously you already did that to read that message in the first place). Doesn't matter, just a small detail.

I was wondering, is it possible to just upload any mp3 file from your computer, or might that get possible in the future? I do understand the issues (users uploading large file sizes and so on) but with the right restrictions this might be a useful feature.

Also, is it possible, or will there be plans to add a function for members to suggest a new category / artist and so on, so admins can look at it and decide whether or not they want it to be added? As stated before, it's probably not that smart to let members be able to add artists on their own, but if they can do a suggestion and the admin can approve or disapprove that might make it a lot easier to get a large amount of artists and songs. :)

It's probably due to my own overlooking, but where can you add something to your playlist?

And finally, after importing the who's online plugin, nothing seems to happen. Is there something I'm supposed to do after that? I can't find it anywhere in any of the options or configurations.

Thanks for any answers you can give me, and thanks again for this great mod.

Thank you for the positive feedback :)

About the installer, I did not have much time to edit all the user front-end information, it was pretty much a copy and paste from the original introduction ^^.

- About user file uploader, a member who's using the musicbox has come up with a great addon that you may want to take a look at Upload directly from music box

- I think when it's about suggestion for new artist / album, it's best to use the forum instead. Too many options possibly slows down the musicbox and confuse the users.

- The plugin is just a simple script to show user location on WOL of the forum ;)


Originally Posted by Animemike (Post 1889630)
Hmm after about a few months of running this alot members where saying it takes so long to add media. So this is just somefeed back for you realy

ive gone back to Video remix for the time beening see if they stop pm`ing me :D
None the less i love this mod:D

I don't know in which way it could take long to add the media since all it asks for are just Media name, URL and Category as the requirements :erm:

grafbyte 09-26-2009 05:26 AM


im install dis bat my admin folder ist xxxx not admincp

before the installation I renamed admincp to xxxx and uploud to ftp

im see dis


Thank you for installing DnP Instant! Musicbox!
It looks like you have successfully set up the database for the musicbox, however the data is empty.

but im have nothing dis Go to AdminCP > DnP Musicbox

can you help me :)

silveryhat 09-26-2009 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by grafbyte (Post 1890712)

im install dis bat my admin folder ist xxxx not admincp

before the installation I renamed admincp to xxxx and uploud to ftp

im see dis

but im have nothing dis Go to AdminCP > DnP Musicbox

can you help me :)

Simply copy from musicbox package upload > admincp > dnpmusicbox_setting.php to your xxxx folder. :)

grafbyte 09-26-2009 09:56 AM

:) its workt :)

NICE . thx

logoz2008 09-26-2009 10:24 AM


need help with a few things:

how do I remove the "foreign singers" and "english singers" blocks/ titles I just want it to list all singers under Singers Database?

the media player (windows media player) for audio/mp3 comes on the left side in player window, how do i change that to top since i have no need for anything on the left side. what i mean i want one colomn and remove the left?

is there a way to change the position of blocks i.e. which comes first comment blocks, singers list category etc. on main page?


Sador 09-26-2009 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by silveryhat (Post 1890702)
Thank you for the positive feedback :)

About the installer, I did not have much time to edit all the user front-end information, it was pretty much a copy and paste from the original introduction ^^.

- About user file uploader, a member who's using the musicbox has come up with a great addon that you may want to take a look at Upload directly from music box

- I think when it's about suggestion for new artist / album, it's best to use the forum instead. Too many options possibly slows down the musicbox and confuse the users.

- The plugin is just a simple script to show user location on WOL of the forum ;)

You're welcome. :)

- Hehe okay.

- Checked the link, but the site seems to be offline right now. I'll try again later.

Edit: just tried again and installed. Seems to work very well. Thanks for the suggestion, I like it.

- Maybe you're right. Just would have been useful to get suggestions the same way broken links are shown. The user fills in the form, it's viewable for admins from the admin quick panel, where you can either approve the suggestion, edit a bit, or just delete it. That way you don't have to do the extra step of adding it manually in the admin CP. Ah well. :)

- Ah okay. Thanks.

Thanks for the information. I'm still wondering about where you can add things to the playlist though, could you perhaps tell me that as well?

silveryhat 09-27-2009 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by logoz2008 (Post 1890770)

need help with a few things:

how do I remove the "foreign singers" and "english singers" blocks/ titles I just want it to list all singers under Singers Database?

the media player (windows media player) for audio/mp3 comes on the left side in player window, how do i change that to top since i have no need for anything on the left side. what i mean i want one colomn and remove the left?

is there a way to change the position of blocks i.e. which comes first comment blocks, singers list category etc. on main page?


- All of your requests are more about personal interests and require deeper modification to the musicbox, it may cause issues. If you are familiar with manual code editing then I'll show you how it could be done. But note that if you upgrade to newer version, the change may be overwritten.


Originally Posted by Sador (Post 1890771)
Thanks for the information. I'm still wondering about where you can add things to the playlist though, could you perhaps tell me that as well?

The icon in front of the media name :)

Xencored 09-27-2009 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by silveryhat (Post 1890702)
I don't know in which way it could take long to add the media since all it asks for are just Media name, URL and Category as the requirements :erm:

Well the Other video button has a load button just add the URL click and boom its all done and added tags, title , etc...

the lazy way they like lol:erm:

logoz2008 09-29-2009 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by silveryhat (Post 1891345)
- All of your requests are more about personal interests and require deeper modification to the musicbox, it may cause issues. If you are familiar with manual code editing then I'll show you how it could be done. But note that if you upgrade to newer version, the change may be overwritten.

Thanks, I got it done. :- )

Great Mod indeed thank you. I just needed for audio and not the video etc. stuff.

logoz2008 10-05-2009 02:55 AM


I need help with a few things.

1. When playing all media in an album, the page loads with the player and the list of media but nothing happens. This is audio media so it loads Windows Media Player, with the list of songs on the right/above in yellow text but no thing plays.

2. Playlist, I can create a playlist and share it, but I dont see the playlist button anywhere ngheplaylist.gif on main page. I can view shared playlists, and once I click on a playlist it shows the individual tracks but is there a way to play the whole playlist? Right now the way it works I have to click on an individual track within the list to play one after the other. It doesn't load the next song.

I have resetted all settings and modifications, this is a fresh install.

silveryhat 10-06-2009 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by logoz2008 (Post 1894967)

I need help with a few things.

1. When playing all media in an album, the page loads with the player and the list of media but nothing happens. This is audio media so it loads Windows Media Player, with the list of songs on the right/above in yellow text but no thing plays.

2. Playlist, I can create a playlist and share it, but I dont see the playlist button anywhere ngheplaylist.gif on main page. I can view shared playlists, and once I click on a playlist it shows the individual tracks but is there a way to play the whole playlist? Right now the way it works I have to click on an individual track within the list to play one after the other. It doesn't load the next song.

I have resetted all settings and modifications, this is a fresh install.

1. In some case, the playlist cannot be generated because tmp folder is not writable or does not exist :) , try to CHMOD it to 777
2. I have remove the autoplay feature for playlist in v1.0.7 because it still has some bugs due to flash media cannot be played.


Originally Posted by Animemike (Post 1891351)
Well the Other video button has a load button just add the URL click and boom its all done and added tags, title , etc...

the lazy way they like lol:erm:

I see, that sounds cool. I may come up with something similar later :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by logoz2008 (Post 1892325)
Thanks, I got it done. :- )

Great Mod indeed thank you. I just needed for audio and not the video etc. stuff.

This option will be included in future version ;)

logoz2008 10-06-2009 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by silveryhat (Post 1895681)
1. In some case, the playlist cannot be generated because tmp folder is not writable or does not exist :) , try to CHMOD it to 777

Okay I got it working but I don't know if it the best way to go about it.

The issue was that the playlist was calling on: $row[url]

The songs are using local Url. So $row[url] calls only upon half portion of the full url in the playlist: /artist/song_number.mp3

Local url is defined as : site/forum/music/media

So when it was loading it was calling on site/forum/artist/song_number.mp3 (missing the the /music/media part after the forum/)

When playing all the songs in album, it wouldn't work unless it is complete url: site/forum/music/media/artist/song_number.mp3

I defined "".$dnpOptions['local_url_path']."$row[url]\" in musicajax.php which works, but I dont know if its best way because if anyone opened the .asx file in editor they can see where the songs are stored.

Plus if you add external media it will call the local url path + the external link in $row[url].

I hope I made sense lOl

p.s. music.php loc is at site/forum/music.php

Lift for Life 10-07-2009 01:15 AM

This is an amazing feature. I was a bit hesitant at first but decided to give it a try and am absolutely blown with the look, feel and functionality of this add on. Am just getting started with loading media and want to add more content before adding it to the main skin but test thus far greatly exceed expectation.



silveryhat 10-08-2009 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by logoz2008 (Post 1895869)
Okay I got it working but I don't know if it the best way to go about it.

The issue was that the playlist was calling on: $row[url]

The songs are using local Url. So $row[url] calls only upon half portion of the full url in the playlist: /artist/song_number.mp3

Local url is defined as : site/forum/music/media

So when it was loading it was calling on site/forum/artist/song_number.mp3 (missing the the /music/media part after the forum/)

When playing all the songs in album, it wouldn't work unless it is complete url: site/forum/music/media/artist/song_number.mp3

I defined "".$dnpOptions['local_url_path']."$row[url]\" in musicajax.php which works, but I dont know if its best way because if anyone opened the .asx file in editor they can see where the songs are stored.

Plus if you add external media it will call the local url path + the external link in $row[url].

I hope I made sense lOl

p.s. music.php loc is at site/forum/music.php

I see what you mean and it could possibly be a bug. The auto play all audio is an old plugin by DnP and I will upgrade it myself in next version ;)


Originally Posted by Lift for Life (Post 1895922)
This is an amazing feature. I was a bit hesitant at first but decided to give it a try and am absolutely blown with the look, feel and functionality of this add on. Am just getting started with loading media and want to add more content before adding it to the main skin but test thus far greatly exceed expectation.



Thanks for the positive feedback , should I bring all compliments to the first post for good impression :rolleyes:

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