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drupy 03-29-2009 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by hambil (Post 1779789)
Sounds like a bug in the upload button. Just use ftp until I can get a quick point release out.

The ftp upload/add is supposed to work that way.

There is no bug in the upload button. Mine works alright now. What I needed to do was to enable the uploaded item first from the dropdown box. After enabling it, then I can edit it if necessary. This is the same with every ftp-ed items. They must all be enabled first before they can function as they should. The strike-through will disappear as well and everything will look OK.

However, yes, I did the edit on the eggadmin.php as Saviour suggested, namely changing the path to images/misc/eggs/ instead of just images/misc/
There are two edits.

Thank you! Now 2.2.0 is just perfect!

halkum 03-29-2009 06:09 PM

Works great!

Saviour 03-29-2009 09:36 PM

Fresh install after removing previous version and I get this error when trying to create a new egg:

Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: Read error! in [path]/admincp/eggadmin.php on line 427

Give me a break...

hambil 03-29-2009 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Saviour (Post 1779973)
Fresh install after removing previous version and I get this error when trying to create a new egg:

Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: Read error! in [path]/admincp/eggadmin.php on line 427

Give me a break...


            $imgpath = DIR . '/' . $vbulletin->options['eggavatar_eggpath'] . $image['image'];
            list($imgw, $imgh, $imgt) = getimagesize($imgpath);

Not complicated. $vbulletin->options['eggavatar_eggpath'] is the path you set in the options. $image['image'] is the name of the file: e.g. egg.gif.

The only way for this to fail is if the path is wrong, or the image doesn't exist in the path. I am open to suggestion on how to make this simpler, but please everyone check your paths and images when you install before deciding that something is broken.

In fact, because I already do a check further up (added in last update) to make sure the directory is valid:

    if (!file_exists(DIR . '/' . $vbulletin->options['eggavatar_eggpath']))
      print_table_header($vbphrase['eggavatar_invalid_path'], 4);

Then the only way to get the error message you are getting is if an image in the database does not exist in that directory.

It's always possible I could be wrong, and there is an actual bug, so forgive my frustration, I've just been dealing with a lot of these image path issues that aren't real issues :p

hambil 03-29-2009 10:02 PM

Let me amend that by saying, the code should never return an ugly error is possible. So, it should report that the file is missing rather than 'blow up', so this is a bug of sorts, and I will continue to put in better checks for such things. But it's still just an image path/exists issue.

hambil 03-29-2009 10:26 PM

Okay, I found a bug with the upload images via the upload button (we kind of new that existed already) and I'm fixing it, plus adding some more error checking. Please, for the current version, only use the ftp method for adding images.

DobieGillis? 03-29-2009 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by hambil (Post 1780002)
Okay, I found a bug with the upload images via the upload button (we kind of new that existed already) and I'm fixing it, plus adding some more error checking. Please, for the current version, only use the ftp method for adding images.

Dude! I have yet to see a coder as interactive and concerned as you about your work. You should be applauded for your effort! Cheers hambil!

hambil 03-29-2009 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by DobieGillis? (Post 1780017)
Dude! I have yet to see a coder as interactive and concerned as you about your work. You should be applauded for your effort! Cheers hambil!

lol - thanks. I put up the new version with the fix btw.

TimberFloorAu 03-30-2009 12:10 AM

Have to agree, I struggle to fit everything in. So realise and appreciate your time and effort.

^5 mate

Drago912 03-30-2009 01:08 AM

After upgrading my members now say their avatars are all pixelated. I see everything fine but 5 members say they have this problem.......any ideas? Maybe an egg I added or something?

hambil 03-30-2009 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by Drago912 (Post 1780088)
After upgrading my members now say their avatars are all pixelated. I see everything fine but 5 members say they have this problem.......any ideas? Maybe an egg I added or something?

No idea, but if you can point me toward one of the offending avatars perhaps I can try and figure it out.

Drago912 03-30-2009 01:23 AM

Ya sure......my site is http://www.iliketoast.com

have a look around

hambil 03-30-2009 02:26 AM

Looks like you've got some rounded corners javascript running to round the avatar corners that is causing conflict in some cases.

drupy 03-30-2009 03:01 AM

I installed the newest update 2.2.1, not fresh install. Everything is perfect now.
I have tested it using both the Upload and FTP methods, and then used the uploaded and FTP-ed items to egg an avatar, and everything works as it should now. :up:

Upload method:
Now the Upload works perfectly. There is no need to enable the item first. There is no strike-through either. The item is ready to use.

FTP method:
We need to add the item first. The word "Throw" will show up with a strike-through. Then we should enable that item first via the dropdown box. After we enable it, the strike through will disappear. After that, we can edit the item and put our own wording, like "Throw Shoe" if the new item is a shoe.

Suggestion to everyone:
Before testing/using the mod, please check your image path in the Admin Panel/Egg Avatar/Options
If your image path is wrong, you will get an error.

To Hambil:
Maybe adding a readme.txt will help yourself from having to answer to us with wrong image paths, etc. It will save you from some frustation too. ;)

I like your mods, Hambil, especially when they are creative and playful. Thank you and keep up the good work! :up:

tecnozul 03-30-2009 03:26 AM

I install the Egg Avatar, lamentably my this post legacy very modified and the automatic configurations of the product it me does not capture them, podrias postear or to there happen to me a manual way of forming the postlegacy?

Sorry my bad inglish

lostguy 03-30-2009 05:47 AM

Okay im abit tired with So main Updates .

All i need to know do i need to DELETE EVERYTHING AGAIN AND AGAIN for new version out every 2 days ?

I prefer not too Delete ALL of them and reinstall new version...Can we just Overwrite the Files ?

Cause u didnt mention it on your New Upgrade .

Cause if i have to do like this for next 1 month i will go crazy !


drupy 03-30-2009 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by lostguy (Post 1780178)
Okay im abit tired with So main Updates .

All i need to know do i need to DELETE EVERYTHING AGAIN AND AGAIN for new version out every 2 days ?

I prefer not too Delete ALL of them and reinstall new version...Can we just Overwrite the Files ?

Cause u didnt mention it on your New Upgrade .

Cause if i have to do like this for next 1 month i will go crazy !


I just overwrite with 2.2.1.
It works.
What you need to do is just to make sure that your image path in the Options is set to images/misc/eggs/

I think Hambil said to uninstall and reinstall just to make sure everything will be allright, in case your database is corrupted.

Bulldog Stang 03-31-2009 05:59 AM

I just updated to the 2.2.1 version and now the icon next to the username has disappeared ...

EDIT .. Nevermind ... I am an idiot .. LOL .. I uninstalled and reinstalled and forgot to change the permission in the usergroups .. .

I had it set to charge 250 to wipe entire avatar, but now I can not see that option anymore and it is defaulted now to 0 to wipe entirely clean .. Where do I change that at ???

hambil 03-31-2009 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Bulldog Stang (Post 1780853)
I just updated to the 2.2.1 version and now the icon next to the username has disappeared ...

EDIT .. Nevermind ... I am an idiot .. LOL .. I uninstalled and reinstalled and forgot to change the permission in the usergroups .. .

I had it set to charge 250 to wipe entire avatar, but now I can not see that option anymore and it is defaulted now to 0 to wipe entirely clean .. Where do I change that at ???

You don't. It's calculated off the number of eggs on an avatar. So if you set the clean cost to 50 and there are 10 eggs it will be 500.

However, it doesn't take into account (in the display only) new eggs you've tossed since the last page refresh. This is a known bug involving some painful YUI stuff and will eventually get fixed. It still deducts properly from your credits, the display is just off until you do a page refresh.

DobieGillis? 03-31-2009 12:44 PM

I thought I was able to egg my own avatar before. Is that correct?

lostguy 03-31-2009 01:02 PM

need some care but not important but can correct next Update !

And The space got more on top the drop down menu seem got longer if i add more stuff to the list .

hambil 03-31-2009 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by DobieGillis? (Post 1781027)
I thought I was able to egg my own avatar before. Is that correct?

Not unless someone was bugged. Not being able to egg your own avatar has been there since version 1.

hambil 03-31-2009 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by lostguy (Post 1781041)
need some care but not important but can correct next Update !

And The space got more on top the drop down menu seem got longer if i add more stuff to the list .

I'm 98% sure that has been fixed. Check that you haven't customized any of the Egg Avatar templates, reupload the latest files, and reimport with overwrite. NO NEED to uninstall first.

DobieGillis? 03-31-2009 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by hambil (Post 1781056)
Not unless someone was bugged. Not being able to egg your own avatar has been there since version 1.

ha! Thanks Hambil. Have the latest version and it's working perfectly.

THE__DRIFTER 03-31-2009 08:04 PM

Cannot make this work. The error I get is "Could not find phrase 'eggavatar_invalid_path'."
I am sure it is path related but cannot seem to find where. I use VBadvanced portal on 3.8.1 and since the forum resides in the /forum directory I assume that is the problem. I can see the image fine but get that error when trying to use it. Any ideas?

hambil 03-31-2009 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by THE__DRIFTER (Post 1781297)
Cannot make this work. The error I get is "Could not find phrase 'eggavatar_invalid_path'."
I am sure it is path related but cannot seem to find where. I use VBadvanced portal on 3.8.1 and since the forum resides in the /forum directory I assume that is the problem. I can see the image fine but get that error when trying to use it. Any ideas?

Well, make sure you are installing the latest version of the mod, with overwrite. There should not be a missing phrase, that means something went wrong on the install. Let me double check that the phrase exists in the product xml in the current zip file... yup, it's in there.

If you want to send me some login info I can see if I can help.

THE__DRIFTER 03-31-2009 08:41 PM

I just uninstalled. I will try a fresh download and reinstall.

lostguy 03-31-2009 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by hambil (Post 1781059)
I'm 98% sure that has been fixed. Check that you haven't customized any of the Egg Avatar templates, reupload the latest files, and reimport with overwrite. NO NEED to uninstall first.

Nope got same problem ! When i install i did a NEW installation mean i delete everything and upload back .

So must be tiny error there..U can try add Throw Item and the space got bigger .


hambil 03-31-2009 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by lostguy (Post 1781328)
Nope got same problem ! When i install i did a NEW installation mean i delete everything and upload back .

So must be tiny error there..U can try add Throw Item and the space got bigger .


I'd be happy to take a look at it for you - just pm me some login details.

THE__DRIFTER 03-31-2009 09:20 PM

Well, after a reattempt to use a fresh install I still arrive at the same end result. Thanks for the attempt but I must leave this as uninstalled.

nascartr 04-01-2009 02:38 AM

Here's a suggestion from one of my members.


Originally Posted by Billy Kingsley (Post 114616)
It would be awesome if there were some way to keep stats...and show a leaderboard of who has thrown the most stuff, or who has thrown that particular item the most.

WEBDosser 04-01-2009 04:16 AM

this does not uninstall right.. once you remove it you cannot create new usergroups with out getting a database error..

it does not remove [tk] Egg Avatar Permissions

hambil 04-01-2009 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by WEBDosser (Post 1781542)
this does not uninstall right.. once you remove it you cannot create new usergroups with out getting a database error..

it does not remove [tk] Egg Avatar Permissions

Sure it does. I'm sorry you're having problems, but your facts are incorrect.

WEBDosser 04-01-2009 08:09 AM

i beg to differ.. try it for your self remove it and try to create a new usergroup

i have had the same problem with 2 different accounts.

it leave this in there..

and gives this mysql error:


### INSERT QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
INSERT INTO VB_usergroup
(`title`, `description`, `usertitle`, `opentag`, `closetag`, `passwordexpires`, `passwordhistory`, `ispublicgroup`, `canoverride`, `forumpermissions`, `genericpermissions`, `attachlimit`, `pmquota`, `pmpermissions`, `pmsendmax`, `pmthrottlequantity`, `calendarpermissions`, `wolpermissions`, `adminpermissions`, `genericpermissions2`, `genericoptions`, `profilepicmaxwidth`, `profilepicmaxheight`, `profilepicmaxsize`, `avatarmaxwidth`, `avatarmaxheight`, `avatarmaxsize`, `signaturepermissions`, `sigpicmaxwidth`, `sigpicmaxheight`, `sigpicmaxsize`, `sigmaxrawchars`, `sigmaxchars`, `sigmaxlines`, `sigmaxsizebbcode`, `sigmaximages`, `albumpermissions`, `albumpicmaxwidth`, `albumpicmaxheight`, `albumpicmaxsize`, `albummaxpics`, `albummaxsize`, `usercsspermissions`, `visitormessagepermissions`, `socialgrouppermissions`, `maximumsocialgroups`, `groupiconmaxsize`, `ecdownloadpermissions`, `ecexcludecatlist`, `ecdownloadsmaxuploadtotal`, `ecdownloadsmaxdailydl`, `ecdownloadsmaxdailyfiles`, `ecdownloaddelaygrp`, `classifieds`, `maxfeaturedads`, `maxboldads`, `maxphotosads`, `eggavatarpermissions`)
('23233', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', '651271', '2626563', '1000000', '0', '0', '5', '', '0', '1', '0', '0', '41', '100', '100', '25000', '50', '50', '20000', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '', '7', '', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '', '', '', '0');

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'eggavatarpermissions' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Wednesday, April 1st 2009 @ 10:04:27 AM
Error Date : Wednesday, April 1st 2009 @ 10:04:27 AM
Script : http://mine/admincp/usergroup.php?do=update
Referrer : http://mine/admincp/usergroup.php?do=add
IP Address : 0
Username : one
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.67-community

hambil 04-01-2009 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by WEBDosser (Post 1781622)
i beg to differ.. try it for your self remove it and try to create a new usergroup

i have had the same problem with 2 different accounts.

it leave this in there..

and gives this mysql error:

You are correct. My apologies. I'm not sure how that got missed. It's fixed now. Just reimport with overwrite and uninstall if you wish. It will fix the problem. Thank you.

powerful_rogue 04-01-2009 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by nascartr (Post 1781500)
Here's a suggestion from one of my members.

I second that, that would be really good also having a section in the stats column of the users profile.

Maybe an option of "Who has egged me" if a user clicks on their own avatar once its been egged. It seems a little hidden away at the bottom of the user CP.

hambil 04-01-2009 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by powerful_rogue (Post 1781737)
I second that, that would be really good also having a section in the stats column of the users profile.

Maybe an option of "Who has egged me" if a user clicks on their own avatar once its been egged. It seems a little hidden away at the bottom of the user CP.

I'm working on 2.5. It has a number of features. I'm going to go put them up in the first post now. I expect a release within a day or 2 or 3 at the most. :)

creative-friend 04-01-2009 05:08 PM

Hmm Nice...
i like it....

jaredwilli 04-01-2009 06:37 PM

this doesnt work for me. I dont see the icons for throwing stuff at people

edit: nevermind, i didnt set the permissions

Lahoria 04-01-2009 08:28 PM

I cant trow eggs I get this msg :

You dont have enough credits .

how do I give my self credits or get some of it

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