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slipkot 03-28-2009 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1778577)
Yes, you must have enabled Gift's. Now you should be able to gift someone a purchased item.

Ok thanks! I found it! But when i try to donate points to someone via the ACP sometimes user points never increase or decreased...

odln018 03-28-2009 04:30 PM

Can VBExperience do something like this?

My users are interested in having a custom icon placed under their post information. Something similar to this:


Can this be done via VBExperience? If not, is anyone aware of a method where this can be done?

mrconfus3d 03-29-2009 04:16 AM

The bars dont show up for me. Any suggestions?

slipkot 03-29-2009 12:33 PM

Have you upload the level folder, in the folder misc of your image's style?

mrconfus3d 03-29-2009 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by slipkot (Post 1779666)
Have you upload the level folder, in the folder misc of your image's style?

Yup, i have uploaded the level folder and placed it in my misc folder under images.

Crystal Shards 03-29-2009 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by mrconfus3d (Post 1779837)
Yup, i have uploaded the level folder and placed it in my misc folder under images.

You have to make sure you do that for every style. So if forums/styles/blahblah is where your style is, you have to upload it to that directory, not just forums/images/misc/etc.

Also, any news on the gifts thing? I know you're busy and everything but my users are a bit anxious to get to giving.

Bexter 03-29-2009 06:24 PM

Right click over the text and view image, to see where it's trying to find the image. The first time I did it that happened even though it was uploaded as it said it was, the actual location it was pointing to was different.

Is it possible to "buy" V3 arcade plays? - Im looking to limit the number of arcade plays to 10 a day, but am hoping there's a way they can buy extra plays?

Phalynx 03-31-2009 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by Budget101 (Post 1778680)
How (or is it even possible) to make each category within the shop display it's own Icon? Currently they all show a folder icon. I'd like all 8 to each have their own. Any ideas? Thank you

No, you cannot assign custom images to categories. But you could edit the category template and do an conditional with an img tag.


Originally Posted by slipkot (Post 1778842)
Ok thanks! I found it! But when i try to donate points to someone via the ACP sometimes user points never increase or decreased...

Correct, will be fixed in next version. Until then, you will need to do a recount.


Originally Posted by odln018 (Post 1779063)
Can VBExperience do something like this?

My users are interested in having a custom icon placed under their post information. Something similar to this:


Can this be done via VBExperience? If not, is anyone aware of a method where this can be done?

Yes. Create an item in the shop with that image. Users can buy the item, it is then displayed below the ranks (if enabled)


Originally Posted by Bexter (Post 1779879)
Is it possible to "buy" V3 arcade plays? - Im looking to limit the number of arcade plays to 10 a day, but am hoping there's a way they can buy extra plays?

Currently not. Maybe ask the original author of V3A?

BigDog56 03-31-2009 09:32 PM

I tried it again, the activity lever was still not working correctly. I followed the steps to uninstall and now every time someone tries to post they get this...
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.2:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE ravensfo_user SET xperience_done=0 WHERE userid='2';

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'xperience_done' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Tuesday, March 31st 2009 @ 05:29:31 PM
Error Date : Tuesday, March 31st 2009 @ 05:29:31 PM
Script : http://ravensforums.com/forums/newre...treply&t=19839
Referrer : http://ravensforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19839
IP Address :
Username : Jeff
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.30

Phalynx 04-01-2009 06:02 AM

Uninstall the product.

BigDog56 04-01-2009 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1781583)
Uninstall the product.

I did, that is when I got the error. I reinstalled it, but disabled it for the time being.

Phalynx 04-01-2009 01:45 PM

Will be fixed in 3.8.3

gamerfu 04-01-2009 08:26 PM

How can we setup buying ibProArcade plays/credits from our store? :erm:

If not, it would be a feature request. :cool: *please* :)

Also, I liked vBExperience... Anyways, still my favorite modification. :cool:

[ADD]: Since I have updated to 3.8.1 and 3.8.2 I have noticed over the course of these two updates. My posts do not update nor redirect/refresh to the next post. It seems to just hangs and load, until I hit the back button or click somewhere else on the forum.

If I disable this modification this problem seems to go away.

Have any ideas? :confused:

Phalynx 04-02-2009 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by gamerfu (Post 1781972)
How can we setup buying ibProArcade plays/credits from our store? :erm:

If not, it would be a feature request. :cool: *please* :)

Also, I liked vBExperience... Anyways, still my favorite modification. :cool:

Uhm, this has to be done in an external modification. I don't know Arcade enough for this...


Originally Posted by gamerfu (Post 1781972)
[ADD]: Since I have updated to 3.8.1 and 3.8.2 I have noticed over the course of these two updates. My posts do not update nor redirect/refresh to the next post. It seems to just hangs and load, until I hit the back button or click somewhere else on the forum.

If I disable this modification this problem seems to go away.

Have any ideas? :confused:

I heard of this problem already, will try to fix it for next version.

slipkot 04-02-2009 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1780866)

Correct, will be fixed in next version. Until then, you will need to do a recount.

OK thanks!

TruVB 04-02-2009 09:01 PM

Is it possible to just have points in the postbit.

have it just show up as..

Points: 12,345

crazlunatic 04-03-2009 02:29 PM

Does anyone know how to use the shop? I'm creating items but what's the point of them if they don't do anything? Is it just for show?

I have a few questions about this plugin. Does it have the ability to:

1)Have items in the shop that may include increased permissions like decrease the flood level limit, being able to view a specific forum, or increased PM box quota

2) Promote usergroup from buying in the shop or auto. I enabled it but can't find it anywhere

3) Deduct points when double-posting or download an attachment

4) Give other users points/experience


SEW810 04-03-2009 03:58 PM

Yeah, they are just for show, just like HI5 gifts lol. It would be great if we could do that crazylunatic.


Is there any way to do this?: (adding that line at postbit for showing bought items)

obmob 04-03-2009 05:06 PM

Will this work with the regular promotions of vbulletin?

I mean, if i have already set 10+ promotions based on number of posts, is it possible to use the existing with vbExp?

Hmm... hope i'm clear :???:

SEW810 04-04-2009 04:09 AM

Its me again

I've got a "beer" in my store.
Some user gave it to me as a gift.
Then I bought the same item to be given away.

The problem is. I can't give away my purchased item. I know gifts can't be given away.. but I paid for one and I can't do it.

YopY 04-04-2009 02:53 PM

We're considering this addon for our forums, but I have a few questions:

How difficult would it be to check if a user owns a certain item bought in the shop? Say a user wants to buy the right to alter his username's color, could one check in a template if the user has that particular item?

Is it possible to give multiple people the same award? Say I want to give everyone who donated a 'Donator' award, how would that be done / is that possible? From what I see right now, only the person with the largest amount of points in a certain category / the sum of several categories gets the award - although I've only tried it out on my local system, mind.

A similar question on items, am I seeing it right that people can spend a certain amount of points from a certain category on items? So if a user has a certain amount of Activity points, he can spend those on Activity items? Dunno if I'm wording that right.

Any documentation on the various extras / addons?

tehviruss 04-04-2009 10:03 PM

I'm sorry, but I can't seem to understand how to use the Promotion system? I'd like for the secondary usergroup of a "Registered User" to change according to level. How do I access this feature?

phreak79 04-05-2009 12:29 PM

Does anyone have any idea why my bars aren't appearing?


The medals appear ok but I have no bars. Everything else about it seems to be working perfectly except that.

In the bars config I have things setup as 'display on postbit'; hidebars in postbit:no; show bar text:yes; position in postbit:postbit_user_info_left (although I've tried them all)

And nothing. Any ideas?

realdx 04-05-2009 04:41 PM

Lovely, just one question, can users sell files in the forum shop? I mean, I do scans of stickers for a vintage toy, upload the .rar file to the shop and price them. then another user pass by, pay the price and download the file? thank you for your work!

Phalynx 04-07-2009 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by TruVB (Post 1782682)
Is it possible to just have points in the postbit.

have it just show up as..

Points: 12,345

Yes, by editing the xperience_gfx template


Originally Posted by crazlunatic (Post 1783079)
Does anyone know how to use the shop? I'm creating items but what's the point of them if they don't do anything? Is it just for show?

Yesno. Just show, but in combination with eMail Confirmation it can be used to sell real things.


Originally Posted by crazlunatic (Post 1783079)
1)Have items in the shop that may include increased permissions like decrease the flood level limit, being able to view a specific forum, or increased PM box quota

No, but at my to do list.


Originally Posted by crazlunatic (Post 1783079)
2) Promote usergroup from buying in the shop or auto. I enabled it but can't find it anywhere

You need to edit level xml, see readme_levels.txt


Originally Posted by crazlunatic (Post 1783079)
3) Deduct points when double-posting or download an attachment

Yes, by writing a plugin.


Originally Posted by crazlunatic (Post 1783079)
4) Give other users points/experience



Originally Posted by SEW810 (Post 1783117)

Is there any way to do this?: (adding that line at postbit for showing bought items)

Yes, check your Shop settings in AdminCP


Originally Posted by obmob (Post 1783157)
Will this work with the regular promotions of vbulletin?

I mean, if i have already set 10+ promotions based on number of posts, is it possible to use the existing with vbExp?

Hmm... hope i'm clear :???:

No, it has it's own system.


Originally Posted by SEW810 (Post 1783494)
Its me again

I've got a "beer" in my store.
Some user gave it to me as a gift.
Then I bought the same item to be given away.

The problem is. I can't give away my purchased item. I know gifts can't be given away.. but I paid for one and I can't do it.

That is a known issue.

Phalynx 04-07-2009 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Pehchaan (Post 1783657)

I'm also facing this (complete uninstall) problem.

Waiting for fix version, Please let me know when it will be available?


I *hope* this week.


Originally Posted by YopY (Post 1783704)
How difficult would it be to check if a user owns a certain item bought in the shop? Say a user wants to buy the right to alter his username's color, could one check in a template if the user has that particular item?

The items are stored in a db-table, also they appear in the profile and if configured, in the postbit.


Originally Posted by YopY (Post 1783704)
Is it possible to give multiple people the same award? Say I want to give everyone who donated a 'Donator' award, how would that be done / is that possible? From what I see right now, only the person with the largest amount of points in a certain category / the sum of several categories gets the award - although I've only tried it out on my local system, mind.

Yes. It must be a custom assigned award.
Calculations for awards can also be automated via CDP (Plugin Interface)


Originally Posted by YopY (Post 1783704)
A similar question on items, am I seeing it right that people can spend a certain amount of points from a certain category on items? So if a user has a certain amount of Activity points, he can spend those on Activity items? Dunno if I'm wording that right.

You can freely define which point storage will be used for buying a particular item.


Originally Posted by YopY (Post 1783704)
Any documentation on the various extras / addons?

Right now only smaller descriptions in the header of the xml files.


Originally Posted by tehviruss (Post 1783989)
I'm sorry, but I can't seem to understand how to use the Promotion system? I'd like for the secondary usergroup of a "Registered User" to change according to level. How do I access this feature?

Instructions can be found in readme_levels.txt


Originally Posted by phreak79 (Post 1784240)
Does anyone have any idea why my bars aren't appearing?


The medals appear ok but I have no bars. Everything else about it seems to be working perfectly except that.

In the bars config I have things setup as 'display on postbit'; hidebars in postbit:no; show bar text:yes; position in postbit:postbit_user_info_left (although I've tried them all)

And nothing. Any ideas?

You need to have the template hooks in your postbit template. Check in the original vBulletin templates.


Originally Posted by realdx (Post 1784395)
Lovely, just one question, can users sell files in the forum shop? I mean, I do scans of stickers for a vintage toy, upload the .rar file to the shop and price them. then another user pass by, pay the price and download the file? thank you for your work!

Yes, in combination with the eMail confirmation.

Theater 04-07-2009 01:37 PM

For large forums is there a better way to update past user info activity? I just installed this mod (love the idea btw), and when I was updating the counter in my AdminCP it timed out and gave me a SQL error stating it lost connection.

Phalynx 04-07-2009 01:53 PM

In Maintenance, decrease the amount of users from 250 to 100.

Abrupt 04-08-2009 12:00 PM

For some reason my levels are stuck at level even when having 2k points?

Phalynx 04-08-2009 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Abrupt (Post 1786505)
For some reason my levels are stuck at level even when having 2k points?

To get support, you will need to click "Mark as Installed".

Abrupt 04-08-2009 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1786557)
To get support, you will need to click "Mark as Installed".

Sorry, done. :-)

Theater 04-08-2009 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1785746)
In Maintenance, decrease the amount of users from 250 to 100.

Thank you, that worked for me. :) It took about 45 minutes with 70k members for reference btw.

Phalynx 04-08-2009 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Abrupt (Post 1786505)
For some reason my levels are stuck at level even when having 2k points?

It seems you have an level xml file that is too large for you. Which one did you imported?
Try to take a smaller one. Always do a recount after importing a new level xml.


Originally Posted by Theater (Post 1786563)
Thank you, that worked for me. :) It took about 45 minutes with 70k members for reference btw.

This depends on the machine the forum resides :)
Thanks for info.

Abrupt 04-08-2009 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1786567)
It seems you have an level xml file that is too large for you. Which one did you imported?
Try to take a smaller one. Always do a recount after importing a new level xml.

This depends on the machine the forum resides :)
Thanks for info.

So simply import the step 1 xml file and then where do I find this recount action at? Or do I need to reinstall?

Phalynx 04-08-2009 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Abrupt (Post 1786579)
So simply import the step 1 xml file and then where do I find this recount action at? Or do I need to reinstall?

Instructions on levels are stored in "readme_levels.txt". Recount can be found in AdminCP, Maintenance, Update Counters.

Abrupt 04-08-2009 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1786589)
Instructions on levels are stored in "readme_levels.txt". Recount can be found in AdminCP, Maintenance, Update Counters.

Thanks! Worked great. I have the two imported modules on vbadvanced and when clicking on a top user I am redirected to
and it 404'son me.

Phalynx 04-08-2009 02:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Abrupt (Post 1786602)
Thanks! Worked great. I have the two imported modules on vbadvanced and when clicking on a top user I am redirected to
and it 404'son me.

Uhm, that's right. Will correct this for next version.

Can you please import the module attached and see if it's fixed?

Abrupt 04-08-2009 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1786615)
Uhm, that's right. Will correct this for next version.

Thanks. :-) Also in the readme it says I can customize awards, but I cannot seem to find where this area is located at.

Phalynx 04-08-2009 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Abrupt (Post 1786616)
Thanks. :-) Also in the readme it says I can customize awards, but I cannot seem to find where this area is located at.

Did you noticed my edit with the fix above?

You can manage awards in AdminCP, vBExperience, Manage Awards....

Abrupt 04-08-2009 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1786620)
Did you noticed my edit with the fix above?

You can manage awards in AdminCP, vBExperience, Manage Awards....

I just noticed it. I will try it out. And sorry about the other question. It was not obvious to me where it was located on my admincp. I had to look down farther and did not see it mentioned in the readme. Thanks. :-) Great support. That fixed the problem. Thanks again!

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