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iojam 10-28-2008 07:54 AM


if you have anything defined in Add-ons list, you should remove that.
Your sitemap URL is http://marketersspaceforum.com/sitemap_index.xml.gz and it will be accessible when you will generate sitemap.

mmurtha 10-28-2008 04:43 PM

Hi iojam,

That took care of the problem. ;)

Thanks a bunch!

apn3a 10-29-2008 05:03 AM

is there any way for this script to create a sitemap of my entire website and not only just the forums? i already have vbseo installed in my forum. the rest of my site is another php script for classifieds that has its own SEO and its dynamic. i would like these links to be included in the sitemap of vbseo. im not a php coder to create an addon

zfrank1 10-29-2008 08:29 AM

I?ve the following problem.
Sitemap-generation stops after creating sitemap_index.xml.gz

here the log:


[SECTION START] showthread archived [4,004.9Kb mem used] [1,205s (+3s)]
[create sitemap file] filename: sitemap_231.xml.gz, number of urls: 20000 [4,032.4Kb mem used] [1,208s (+2s)]
[create sitemap in text format] part #232 [4,032.3Kb mem used] [1,208s (+0s)]
[create sitemap file] filename: sitemap_232.xml.gz, number of urls: 20000 [4,032.9Kb mem used] [1,211s (+4s)]
[create sitemap in text format] part #233 [4,032.9Kb mem used] [1,211s (+0s)]
[create sitemap file] filename: sitemap_233.xml.gz, number of urls: 20000 [4,033.1Kb mem used] [1,216s (+4s)]
[create sitemap in text format] part #234 [4,033.1Kb mem used] [1,216s (+0s)]
[create sitemap file] filename: sitemap_234.xml.gz, number of urls: 20000 [4,033.9Kb mem used] [1,219s (+3s)]
[create sitemap in text format] part #235 [4,033.9Kb mem used] [1,219s (+0s)]
[create sitemap file] filename: sitemap_235.xml.gz, number of urls: 20000 [4,034.3Kb mem used] [1,223s (+4s)]
[create sitemap in text format] part #236 [4,034.2Kb mem used] [1,223s (+0s)]
[create sitemap file] filename: sitemap_236.xml.gz, number of urls: 20000 [4,035.4Kb mem used] [1,226s (+3s)]
[create sitemap in text format] part #237 [4,035.4Kb mem used] [1,226s (+0s)]
[create sitemap file] filename: sitemap_237.xml.gz, number of urls: 1163 [4,011.1Kb mem used] [1,227s (+1s)]
[create sitemap in text format] part #238 [4,011.0Kb mem used] [1,227s (+0s)]
[create sitemap index] filename: sitemap_index.xml.gz, number of sitemaps: 237 [4,072.3Kb mem used] [1,227s (+0s)]

if I run again



[SECTION START] showthread archived [4,009.6Kb mem used] [1,964s (+737s)]
[create sitemap file] filename: sitemap_238.xml.gz, number of urls: 148 [4,011.9Kb mem used] [1,964s (+0s)]
[create sitemap in text format] part #239 [4,011.9Kb mem used] [1,964s (+0s)]
[create sitemap index] filename: sitemap_index.xml.gz, number of sitemaps: 238 [4,073.8Kb mem used] [1,964s (+0s)]

and again


[SECTION START] showthread archived [4,010.3Kb mem used] [2,013s (+49s)]
[create sitemap file] filename: sitemap_239.xml.gz, number of urls: 148 [4,012.6Kb mem used] [2,013s (+0s)]
[create sitemap in text format] part #240 [4,012.6Kb mem used] [2,013s (+0s)]
[create sitemap index] filename: sitemap_index.xml.gz, number of sitemaps: 239 [4,075.7Kb mem used] [2,013s (+0s)]

where is the problem?

intospain 10-29-2008 08:32 AM

thanks, will buy vbseo soon for my new forum, can't believe how much it has gone up in price in 2 years!

iojam 10-29-2008 01:41 PM


vBSEO Sitemap Generator only includes vBulletin URLs in sitemap + URLs created by add-ons. You can also manually add more links in "extra-urls.txt" file and they will be automatically included in sitemap too.


Try to remove all files from data/ folder, disable "Text sitemap" option and regenerate sitemap.


you are welcome, btw vBSEO price was never changed since the first day of it's official release (more than 3 years ago).

maleficarum 10-29-2008 02:24 PM

Installed and working a treat, thanks :up:

zfrank1 10-29-2008 02:27 PM


I disabled "Text sitemap" and now it is working.


webmaster74 10-29-2008 03:49 PM

did not know there was an upgrade to version 2.0......... thank you

webmaster74 10-29-2008 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by hotwheels (Post 1646460)
I figured out the problem. I have been running the program for several years and my sitemap.gz files were to large to run anymore, therefore it was showing the above error.

What i did to fix this was:

Went to my server, and then to my /forums/vbseo_sitemap/data
I then deleted all of the sitemaps.gz files and the urltext.gz file.
I went back to my admincp and reran the sitemaps, and it worked like a charm.

If anyone needs help on this particular promblem, just pm me or repost here and i will make a much more thorough post about fixing the problem.

doug (hotwheels of insanemustangs.com)

thank you for sharing.

Skierpetros 10-29-2008 06:22 PM

if i install it what i will win?>

mmurtha 10-29-2008 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Skierpetros (Post 1655521)
if i install it what i will win?>

Hi Skierpetros,

Umm .. I don't hink you win anything, but you will gain traffic and vistors to your site because Google and Yahoo will index your site and pages. :D

Rajdeep 10-30-2008 08:44 AM


I need help..
When i try to Run Sitemap Generator..

Its gives me error -
[SECTION START] member [7,008.1Kb mem used] [140,019s (+139,869s)]
[SECTION START] polls [7,180.1Kb mem used] [140,090s (+71s)]
Database Error Database error
The Mastidl database has encountered a problem.
Please try the following:

* Load the page again by clicking the Refresh button in your web browser.
* Open the www.sitename.com home page, then try to open another page.
* Click the Back button to try another link.

The www.sitename.com forum technical staff have been notified of the error, though you may contact them if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Please tell me what to do?


Rajdeep 10-30-2008 08:48 AM

I just checked my mail about Database error -

Database error in vBulletin 3.7.3:

Invalid SQL:

FROM vb_thread AS thread
WHERE forumid = 3
AND visible = 1
AND pollid > 0;

MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number : 2006
Request Date : Thursday, October 30th 2008 @ 02:32:50 AM
Error Date : Thursday, October 30th 2008 @ 02:34:01 AM
Script : http://www.sitename.com/vbseo_sitemap/vbseo_sitemap.php
Referrer :
IP Address : 59.164.X.XX
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :

Please i need help


Originally Posted by Rajdeep (Post 1655851)

I need help..
When i try to Run Sitemap Generator..

Its gives me error -
[SECTION START] member [7,008.1Kb mem used] [140,019s (+139,869s)]
[SECTION START] polls [7,180.1Kb mem used] [140,090s (+71s)]
Database Error Database error
The Mastidl database has encountered a problem.
Please try the following:

* Load the page again by clicking the Refresh button in your web browser.
* Open the www.sitename.com home page, then try to open another page.
* Click the Back button to try another link.

The www.sitename.com forum technical staff have been notified of the error, though you may contact them if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Please tell me what to do?


car20 10-30-2008 01:51 PM

thanks so much .
why i cant access to
i login with my password that entered at admincp but Login failed
please help .

Rajdeep 10-31-2008 07:58 AM

You need to set password for it....

Go to admincp ---> Vbseo ---> Vbseo Sitemap Settings... and set your password



Originally Posted by car20 (Post 1655993)
thanks so much .
why i cant access to
i login with my password that entered at admincp but Login failed
please help .

mohammad23 10-31-2008 07:59 AM

i have this masage in vb seo sitmap report

PHP Code:

Warning: include(/home/bokoni/public_html/forum/global.html) [function.include]: failed to open streamNo such file or directory in /home/bokoni/public_html/forum/vbseo_sitemap/index.php on line 31

: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/bokoni/public_html/forum/global.html' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php'in /home/bokoni/public_html/forum/vbseo_sitemap/index.php on line 31

: include(/home/bokoni/public_html/forum/includes/config.html) [function.include]: failed to open streamNo such file or directory in /home/bokoni/public_html/forum/vbseo_sitemap/index.php on line 34

: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/bokoni/public_html/forum/includes/config.html' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php'in /home/bokoni/public_html/forum/vbseo_sitemap/index.php on line 34

array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/bokoni/public_html/forum/vbseo_sitemap/vbseo_sitemap_functions.php on line 50

Rajdeep 10-31-2008 08:27 AM

CHMOD 777 the 'forum-root/vbseo_sitemap/data/' folder and files in it..


Originally Posted by mohammad23 (Post 1656477)
i have this masage in vb seo sitmap report

PHP Code:

Warning: include(/home/bokoni/public_html/forum/global.html) [function.include]: failed to open streamNo such file or directory in /home/bokoni/public_html/forum/vbseo_sitemap/index.php on line 31

: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/bokoni/public_html/forum/global.html' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php'in /home/bokoni/public_html/forum/vbseo_sitemap/index.php on line 31

: include(/home/bokoni/public_html/forum/includes/config.html) [function.include]: failed to open streamNo such file or directory in /home/bokoni/public_html/forum/vbseo_sitemap/index.php on line 34

: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/bokoni/public_html/forum/includes/config.html' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php'in /home/bokoni/public_html/forum/vbseo_sitemap/index.php on line 34

array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/bokoni/public_html/forum/vbseo_sitemap/vbseo_sitemap_functions.php on line 50

car20 10-31-2008 10:18 AM

when i Run Sitemap Generator page " The page cannot be displayed "
is appeared .
i set vbseo_sitemap folder permision to 755
data folder and all off file in it to 777
also when i set vBSEO Sitemap Interface Access Password in admincp
i cant access in becuse login Failed ( but i can enter a password CAREFUL )
please help me

(if i set password field blank i access to http://www.my-site.com/forum/vbseo_sitemap/index.php )

LoRdGd 11-01-2008 03:36 PM

Is any possibility to remove all Sitemap Downloads Logs with a short time?
I have 120 pages with logs, and i want to remove it, but it will take a lot of time and clicks :/

iojam 11-02-2008 07:52 PM


please check your server's error log to see if there are any details.


you can simply remove data/downloads.dat file.

car20 11-03-2008 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by iojam (Post 1658088)

please check your server's error log to see if there are any details.

I checked log error file No error about this .

Rajdeep 11-03-2008 04:32 PM

Please somebody help me..



Originally Posted by Rajdeep (Post 1655858)
I just checked my mail about Database error -

Database error in vBulletin 3.7.3:

Invalid SQL:

FROM vb_thread AS thread
WHERE forumid = 3
AND visible = 1
AND pollid > 0;

MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number : 2006
Request Date : Thursday, October 30th 2008 @ 02:32:50 AM
Error Date : Thursday, October 30th 2008 @ 02:34:01 AM
Script : http://www.sitename.com/vbseo_sitemap/vbseo_sitemap.php
Referrer :
IP Address : 59.164.X.XX
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :

Please i need help

Shazz 11-03-2008 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Rajdeep (Post 1658690)
Please somebody help me..


MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Host problem?

Deviant K1 11-03-2008 07:11 PM



Rajdeep 11-03-2008 07:31 PM

but site is working fine.. and i m able to create sitemaps on my other forums, hosted on same server...

Please someone help me



Originally Posted by Shazz (Post 1658775)
MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Host problem?

dragoncub 11-04-2008 01:34 AM

Installed. Thanks

realmr 11-04-2008 07:35 AM

can we give the sitemap location to google directly to the data folder rather than the forum folder ?

tribedude 11-04-2008 04:57 PM

I have installed this 2.2 on my 3.5x board and while I can see the sitemap created in my control panel (and it actually exists on my server too), when google tries to download it they get a 404.

Also, when i first log into the vbseo button from control panel it asks me for a password. Is this maybe why the google bot can't access it? It needs to use a password as well?

Finally, it is supposed to email me when a Sitemap is generated, but I haven't received an email from my server about it in the 4 days its been installed, even though it seems to be creating the sitemaps.


iojam 11-04-2008 06:24 PM


try to increase wait_timeout setting in MySQL configuration.


no, you should submit sitemap in your forums folder.

iojam 11-04-2008 06:26 PM


make sure that you created .htaccess file as described in installation instructions.

Rajdeep 11-04-2008 06:59 PM

Thanks for replying, can you tell me were i find this option...



Originally Posted by iojam (Post 1659517)

try to increase wait_timeout setting in MySQL configuration.


no, you should submit sitemap in your forums folder.

iojam 11-04-2008 07:09 PM

It's defined in my.ini file on your server, you might need ot contact your hosting support for that.

Danial_Faster 11-05-2008 03:38 PM

I have forgget password.
What i do?

tribedude 11-05-2008 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by iojam (Post 1659518)

make sure that you created .htaccess file as described in installation instructions.

the .htaccess file was created as the instruction indicated. i logged into my google sitemanager utility and see that although a sitemap file was created by vbseo that google can download, all the URLS it contains are 404s

Our board is huge with 4 million posts and while I understand this product has to split that into files containing less than 50k URLS per file. It created the master Sitemap file as board/vbseo_sitemap/data/sitemap_index.xml.gz which is excellent , but all the suburls in that file are listed as being in a wrong directory: /board/sitemap_3.xml.gz

How can I fix this so vbseo actually gives suburls that actually point to the files?

realmr 11-06-2008 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by Danial_Faster (Post 1659964)
I have forgget password.
What i do?

you can get your password from vbsitemap settings in vbseo admincp

tribedude 11-06-2008 10:47 PM

maybe i should uninstall this and try re-installing it.

how do i uninstall it completely?

chapsrulez 11-07-2008 08:33 PM

installed on 3.7.0 with vbadvanced and TfSEO
and works great.
no errors found

Great hack.

ReQueM 11-08-2008 09:45 AM

thanks :)

ATVTorture 11-08-2008 05:30 PM

I have a folder under my forums folder for for a product called ReviewPost. ReviewPost resides in a folder called reviewpost. When vbSEO runs, it doesn't get any URLs from the reviewpost folder. Is this something I can tell it to query somehow? If so, how would I do it?


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