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imk 06-12-2009 09:37 PM

is it possible to have them feed onto forumhome? or index, like the facebook updates?

forexforum 06-21-2009 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by code707 (Post 1803079)
Hi, I installed this but my problem is, it doesnt 'edit' the status. the link is there but its not doing anything

problem fixed.


SamirDarji 07-09-2009 04:48 PM

Anyone tried it on 3.8.3?

Oyobiia 07-12-2009 02:26 PM

I have problems with this, when users click edit the drop down menu for the username shows up :/

DonHouston 07-12-2009 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by imk (Post 1828606)
is it possible to have them feed onto forumhome? or index, like the facebook updates?

i'd like to know this as well since i have a perfect spot where they could update it in my header which would also allow me to eliminate he "edit" int he post bit and profile :)

Majidm 07-14-2009 03:46 AM

Hi, nice mod.

Why are these functions in att_include.php?


class AttilitusImage{
function vbimghost_imgtype ($val){
    $types = array(
      1 => '.GIF',
      2 => '.JPG',
      3 => '.PNG',
      4 => '.SWF',
      5 => '.PSD',
      6 => '.BMP',
      7 => '.TIFF',
      8 => '.TIFF',
      9 => '.JPC',
      10 => '.JP2',
      11 => '.JPX',
      12 => '.JB2',
      13 => '.SWC',
      14 => '.IFF',
      15 => '.WBMP',
      16 => '.XBM'
  if ($val > 16 )
          return  false;
          return strtolower($types[$val]);

function resize($filename,$imagew,$imageh){
                if(!$dime = getimagesize($filepath)){
                    eval(standard_error("Not an Image"));
        switch ($fileext){
            case (".gif"):
                    $srcImg = imagecreatefromgif($filepath);
                    $colortrans = imagecolortransparent($srcImg);
                    $thumbImg = imagecreate($imagew, $imageh);
            case (".jpg"):
            case (".jpeg"):
                    $srcImg = imagecreatefromjpeg($filepath);
                    if (function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')){
                        $thumbImg = imagecreatetruecolor($imagew,$imageh);
                        $thumbImg = imagecreate($imagew,$imageh);
            case (".png"):
                    $srcImg = imagecreatefrompng($filepath);
                    if (function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')){
                        $thumbImg = imagecreatetruecolor($imagew,$imageh);
                        $thumbImg = imagecreate($imagew,$imageh);
                    return false;
    return true;

function upload($file,$filename,$directory,$maxw,$maxh){
            $upfilename = str_replace("'","",$file['name']);
            $upfilesize = ($file['size']/1024);
            $upfiletype = $file['type'];
            $upfiletname = $file['tmp_name'];
            $upfileerro = $file['error'];
            $fileext =trim(strtolower(strrchr($upfilename, '.')));
            //fix for getimagesize errors
            $tmpname = "tmp_".uniqid($userid).$fileext;
            if(move_uploaded_file($upfiletname, $directory."/".$tmpname)){
                $upfiletname = $directory."/".$tmpname;
            if ($upfilename!="")
                if(!$dime = getimagesize($upfiletname)){
                    eval(standard_error("Not an Image"));
                if (!$dime){
                    eval(standard_error("Error image size not defined"));   
                $fileext = $this->vbimghost_imgtype($dime[2]);
                if(! in_array($fileext,$AllowedExtensions)){
                    eval(standard_error("Image extension is not allowed."));   
                //If Width or Height are off resize.
                if($dime[0] > $maxw)
                }else if($dime[1] > $maxh){
                @copy($upfiletname, $directory."/".$filename.$fileext);
                //remove temp file


Pcwolfx? 07-15-2009 10:39 AM

not support another charcters.

Itchy Nips 07-15-2009 07:23 PM

nice mod! voted and installed. Kudos to the coder!

just a note:
I modified it a little to fit and look a little nicer on my forum. If anyone is interested:

I commented out the:
$post[username] ... so it does not display the username before the status. I felt it was sorta redundant since it gets displayed right under the user's name anyway.

I also added:
<br><hr> ... after the EDIT link so it displays a little bar right under the status. This breaks up the status and the rest of the 'stuff' that appears on the left (ie. the avatar, post count, etc..)


Originally Posted by SamirDarji (Post 1845879)
Anyone tried it on 3.8.3?

it worked for me on 3.8.3

SamirDarji 07-15-2009 08:06 PM

Thank you for the confirmation on 3.8.3. :)

I didn't see the little bar between the status and username when I looked at your site as a guest.

ArcadeSyndicate 07-16-2009 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by imk (Post 1828606)
is it possible to have them feed onto forumhome? or index, like the facebook updates?

that is exactly what i am looking for too.

Guest20210415 07-23-2009 10:09 AM

Installed and working since months.

But since I moved our forum to root I get following javascript error after clicking on "edit".

The necessary data ist not available.
Line: 4
Character: 1
Code: 0
URI: vbstatus/headerjavascript.js

... but I get the edit popup (not using inline) and the status is being updated. Strange!

Can anybody help me please?

Thanks in advance.

suman.khan 07-31-2009 05:55 AM

thanks a lot its working like charm in my vB 3.8.3

Guest20210415 07-31-2009 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by RolandCP (Post 1854070)
Installed and working since months.

But since I moved our forum to root I get following javascript error after clicking on "edit".

The necessary data ist not available.
Line: 4
Character: 1
Code: 0
URI: vbstatus/headerjavascript.js

... but I get the edit popup (not using inline) and the status is being updated. Strange!

Can anybody help me please?

Thanks in advance.

Sorry for repost but any ideas on my problem?

Levi75 08-05-2009 09:52 AM

what about characters like é,í,á,ó,ú and many others? it displays wrong!!

Taragon 08-05-2009 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Levi75 (Post 1861745)
what about characters like ?,?,?,?,? and many others? it displays wrong!!

A couple of pages back

PinkDaisy 08-06-2009 10:26 AM

Is there a way to have like a section for 'all status updates'. I think Invision does this, at least I've seen it on one board.

desi-boy 08-08-2009 06:51 AM

is it working with 3.8

suman.khan 08-09-2009 08:00 AM

is any way to update via mobile device...
gr8 work... thanks

DeanLag 08-11-2009 01:21 AM

Love the MOD.
Just a suggestion, you should have it automatically focus on "Edit" once you press edit, so when someone is done editting his status, he can just hit enter and it updates. It should just be one line coding right?

sdfaheem 08-11-2009 03:57 PM

Is this working on 3.8, coz i am not able to use the edit function in postbit legacy
I have made all modifications and rechecked it, but still its not working!

DeanLag 08-11-2009 06:22 PM

Yes it works on 3.8.3.
Did you modify postbit_legacy or only postbit template? Cause its a pretty straight forward MOD. Took me like 2 mins to install.

nomoreturn 08-16-2009 04:52 PM

Works in 3.8.4 too . I have a question how can we change status text size and color ?

webgroup 08-19-2009 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by mindhunter77 (Post 1766611)
Just a heads up for vBSEO users:

You must add the vbstatus folder to your exception list in the vBSEO control panel or this will not work.

I use vbseo and I did not had to do that, it worked fine,


Originally Posted by masons_mum (Post 1725214)
have you any idea why this wont work with the facebook connect mod? I have tried and tried but the pop up box to edit the status just wont work, it says error on page, the error being it doesnt support this method or property. It works fine when i disable the facebook connect mod, but my members would like both?

I use facebook connect, and this mod works perfectly with it. np at all


Originally Posted by Forgott3n (Post 1723046)
We're having trouble with the AJAX with our Fibe template for 3.7.3 PL1

We get the edit box open, but once clicking away it doesn't save. I suspect javascript conflicts...

The address is www.avrilbandaids.com/forums/

I'm having a similar problem.

Does any one here is having problems posting quick(ajax) messages in user profiles?(visitors messages)

I can post quick messages in the rest of the forum, but in the users profiles the ajax loading image keeps rolling and rolling forever.

habilonline 08-19-2009 08:49 AM

Thank u .. its very cool hack ;)

webgroup 08-19-2009 08:39 PM

CPU is getting crushed with this mod.

MissKalunji 08-31-2009 10:24 PM

Is there an archive too? as in they can view the LAST status?

Attilitus 08-31-2009 11:56 PM


CPU is getting crushed with this mod.
That is strange. I am not sure why that would happen, unless users are updating their status frequently enough to cause an effect. However, since it has been so long since I have looked at this modification, it is possible there is a reason that I am forgetting. Just by taking another look at the plugins this modification uses, it seems like the only possible "problem plugin" would be the plugin in the postbit_display_start which, sloppily, globalizes the $vbulletin variable in order to access an option field. However, I somehow doubt that could really be the difference between running smoothly and killing your CPU.

Also, it is on my to-do list to produce a 3.8 version of this modification. The only real changes being the use of a Javascript framework to ensure better charset and browser compatibility, and the addition of a small latest updates module to be optionally displayed on the forum home.

Finally, I should thank everyone who has helped support the many questions regarding template edits, and to those who have provided patches that allow different charsets to use the modification. The various vague Javascript issues, as well as the charset problems should be greatly diminished in the next version.


SamirDarji 09-01-2009 02:14 PM

Great to hear that this mod continues to live on. It's a small touch, but one that users love!

infnity8x3 09-01-2009 06:38 PM

I'm having trouble getting the Italic < em > tag out of the postbit and memberinfo templates. If I remove it I can no longer edit the status. I have been able to use these tags < strong > < code > ect in its place but they look funny to. How has every one else done this. BTW im useing inline staus update and VB 3.8.4

Wheezy 09-02-2009 08:05 PM

This is great; thanks!

/me clicks install.

alfaowner 09-03-2009 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Attilitus (Post 1877495)
Also, it is on my to-do list to produce a 3.8 version of this modification.

If you do Tim, Id happily contribute to Paypal, especially if it can display updates from members on your friend list on a page somewhere. :)

alfaowner 09-04-2009 01:17 AM

Shame it doesnt use the swear filters :(

SamirDarji 09-04-2009 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by alfaowner (Post 1879368)
Shame it doesnt use the swear filters :(

Does it not put the askteriks like it normally would?

infnity8x3 09-05-2009 04:48 AM

Well I still can't figure out my problem. And I noticed that if a user has not set a status, the default status will not show up in the member info section of a pm. Only what you set to show before the actual status will. In my case it's "Status: ".

I would love to see that get fixed, the unknown location thing, the version updated to 3.8.4, the word wrap fixed (it just puts a space in there on my site not a line break), more text formatting and positioning options.

Also I wanna thank all the members that added fixes and template edits here using them I heavily moded this mod And think I got it in a position that I don't think is going to get any better with out a version update.

And of course thanks to the mod author. For making this hack.

Frank Sinatra 09-09-2009 04:47 PM

thankss nice mod, works fine here

Tom Kagan 09-16-2009 03:10 PM

A nice hack.

However ...

This plugin does not use vbulletin's standard popup and ajax javascript code, instead preferring to use it's own homespun versions. Additionally, the HTML is not standard compliant. Also, the php written also seems to use its own way of cleaning the input parameters.

I'm not too comfortable with the "upload" functionality for pictures either, though it seems to be a code remnant.

Digital Jedi 09-16-2009 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Tom Kagan (Post 1885785)
A nice hack.

However ...

This plugin does not use vbulletin's standard popup and ajax javascript code, instead preferring to use it's own homespun versions. Additionally, the HTML is not standard compliant. Also, the php written also seems to use its own way of cleaning the input parameters.

I'm not too comfortable with the "upload" functionality for pictures either, though it seems to be a code remnant.

I don't know of any modification that uses vB default AJAX code. I wouldn't think it be possible to do so without modifying the code.

devlin2010 09-17-2009 04:59 PM

I have a problem, installed the hack, worked for a bit and then i couldn't edit the status anymore, i reinstalled it and the problem still persists.
Could anyone help?

joyboy2001 09-20-2009 10:40 PM

This is horrible for SEO !!

NokStar 09-21-2009 09:33 AM

hay how about having a log of their status messages in their profile.
Then it will be like twitter in your own forum

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